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Subject: I'm dying to see this movie again, but I don't know what it is. HELP!!!!!!

Written By: Heather Lynn on 10/6/1998 at 8:29 a.m.

Could someone please help me find the name of this movie so that I can locate it and get a copy of it?
The story goes like this: a trapper came out of the wilderness to trade his furs to buy a woman but he was too late and he missed the women auction at this settlement town. He went to the mercantile because the owners owed him money and the woman of the mercantile store wouldn't part with her gold so she gave him her servant girl "Evie". "Evie" is a mute. "Evie" tries to make a home in the trappers crude log cabin and she helps him with his traps. Eventually the trapper got attacked by a pack of wolves and "Evie" had to amputate his leg. "Evie" ended up running back to the settlement town to end up marrying a town boy but then she saw furs and animal heads in the mercantile and she ran off to live with the trapper again. PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME! OR REFER ME TO A SIGHT THAT CAN. THANKS TO ALL THAT CAN HELP ME!