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Subject: Things that Rocked in the Eighties But Suck Now

Written By: Alf on 9/29/1998 at 6:07 p.m.

This is my completely arbitrary list of things that were really great during the Eighties, but Totally Suck during the '90's:

MTV: No commentary needed on this one... everyone would have to agree...

Music: Well, this one goes without saying, too...

Saturday Night Live: Hans and Franz, Toonces the Driving Cat and the Church Lady make mincemeat out of the Molly Shannon/Catholic schoolgirl skits and the two dancing dudes at the Roxbury...

Cartoons: We had the Smurfs and the Snorks, and Superfriends... and what do we have today??? The Rug Rats???

Soap Operas: The '80's were the heyday of soaps: Luke and Laura, Hope and Bo... these couples are still together on their respective soaps today, but there will never be another ratings bonanza like Luke and Laura's Wedding...

The Royal Family: In the '80's, they represented everything good about royalty and the British... today, they are nothing but sour-faced dinousaurs. The death of Diana was most certainly the death knell for the Windsors as well...

TV Sitcoms: The Cosby Show, Cheers, The Golden Girls, Family Ties, Growing Pains, Night Court, Alf... ahh... remember when family time meant gathering around the TV set and watching one of the above shows??? What would you gather around to watch today??? Two Guys A Girl and A Pizza??? Yeah, right!!!

Championship Tennis: Okay, maybe this sounds strange... but I miss the days when Andre Agassi had hair, and Chris Everett Lloyd and Martina Navratilova had the ultimate tennis rivalry.

Okay... that is the end of my list... if anyone has any other suggestions.. post them here...