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Subject: Need help...for my best friend

Written By: Diane on 9/28/1998 at 3:20 p.m.

I need some help with some questions my non-online best friend asked me to pose here, since she needs answers:

1. Where can one find the '80s releases by the Blue Nile? I found some information about them, but can only find their '96 release being sold online. Can anyone help?
2. She (my b.f.) played for me a song that had a line that went "Berlin to Bomber's bay". It sounds kinda like a mix of U2 and the Cult, IMO. I was trying to figure the artist and song title out, but to no avail. Does anyone know?
3. Does anyone know who performed the song "Fantasy Girl"? She mentions that song as being one of her favorites, and would like to know who performs it.

I have others she asked, but I forgot. Ooops. Well, I'll post them up as I can remember them. Thanks for any help you can give!



Subject: Re: Need help...for my best friend

Written By: ChuckyG on 9/28/1998 at 10:13 p.m.

: I need some help with some questions my non-online best friend asked me to pose here, since she needs answers:

: 1. Where can one find the '80s releases by the Blue Nile? I found some information about them, but can only find their '96 release being sold online. Can anyone help?
: 2. She (my b.f.) played for me a song that had a line that went "Berlin to Bomber's bay". It sounds kinda like a mix of U2 and the Cult, IMO. I was trying to figure the artist and song title out, but to no avail. Does anyone know?
: 3. Does anyone know who performed the song "Fantasy Girl"? She mentions that song as being one of her favorites, and would like to know who performs it.

You can find all kinds of vinyl with Blue Nile at www.gemm.com, they also have some of the CDs, but it depends on which you want, they might be imports only. It seems that a lot of stuff that isn't being reissued here, is getting issued overseas.. definately the case with Bill Nelson's old band, Be Bop Deluxe...

Subject: Re: Need help...for my best friend

Written By: Steve Hargrave on 9/28/1998 at 7:15 p.m.

: I need some help with some questions my non-online best friend asked me to pose here, since she needs answers:

: 1. Where can one find the '80s releases by the Blue Nile? I found some information about them, but can only find their '96 release being sold online. Can anyone help?
: 2. She (my b.f.) played for me a song that had a line that went "Berlin to Bomber's bay". It sounds kinda like a mix of U2 and the Cult, IMO. I was trying to figure the artist and song title out, but to no avail. Does anyone know?
: 3. Does anyone know who performed the song "Fantasy Girl"? She mentions that song as being one of her favorites, and would like to know who performs it.

: I have others she asked, but I forgot. Ooops. Well, I'll post them up as I can remember them. Thanks for any help you can give!

: Thanks.

: Diane

Diane -

Sorry that I can't help yu on the first 2 qestions, but "Fantasy Girl" was sung by .38 Special.

Subject: Re: Need help...for my best friend

Written By: Eden on 10/1/1998 at 2:09 p.m.

hey diane! i don't know about the first two but i know that johnny o had a song called fantasy girl...i remember it was a dance song...almost like freestyle...