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Subject: Who sang this song?

Written By: Oops on 9/27/1998 at 9:47 a.m.

I was listening to PrimeStar Channel 319 last nite (the cyberchannel that plays nothing but '80's songs, 24/7, with NO commercial interruptions) and they played a song that I can't remember who sang. The lyrics went:

"Don't put another dime in the Juke Box, coz I don't want to hear that song no more..."

It was a girl singing, (probably a teen), and it had a New Wave beat. Sort of like "Valley Girl", but I don't think it was Moon Unit Zappa. Anybody have any clues as to whom it could be???

Thanx in advance.

Subject: Re: Who sang this song?

Written By: Retroraider on 9/27/1998 at 7:31 p.m.

: I was listening to PrimeStar Channel 319 last nite (the cyberchannel that plays nothing but '80's songs, 24/7, with NO commercial interruptions) and they played a song that I can't remember who sang. The lyrics went:

: "Don't put another dime in the Juke Box, coz I don't want to hear that song no more..."

: It was a girl singing, (probably a teen), and it had a New Wave beat. Sort of like "Valley Girl", but I don't think it was Moon Unit Zappa. Anybody have any clues as to whom it could be???

: Thanx in advance.

Your song is called "Jukebox (Don't Put Another Dime)" and it's by The Flirts. Great tune, one of my favorites. You can find it, in case you might be looking, on the Rhino release Music from the Motion Picture Valley Girl Volume one.