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Subject: Mad Movies (with the LA Connection)

Written By: PopUp on 9/26/1998 at 8:27 a.m.

Does anybody else remember this show on Nickelodeon, circa '85? It was clips from old movies that had been dubbed with ridiculous sentences, and it was hilarious! My sister and I would sit around watching this show, laughing our heads off!!!

Subject: Re: Mad Movies (with the LA Connection)

Written By: Dan Nero on 9/26/1998 at 8:35 a.m.

: Does anybody else remember this show on Nickelodeon, circa '85? It was clips from old movies that had been dubbed with ridiculous sentences, and it was hilarious! My sister and I would sit around watching this show, laughing our heads off!!!

Yeah I do. I remember this one with Shirley Temple and she had a doll and the doll was possessed. It was one of the funniest things I remember ever being on TV.