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Subject: hall and oates

Written By: roger smith on 9/22/1998 at 7:54 p.m.

does hall and oates have a complete and i mean
complete hits package from the 80's 'till now.
does anybody know...?

Subject: Re: hall and oates

Written By: Steve Hargrave on 9/23/1998 at 7:33 p.m.

: does hall and oates have a complete and i mean
: complete hits package from the 80's 'till now.
: does anybody know...?

I have seen a Swedish import double-disc for sale at Circuit City stores for about $24. This was a 1997 release containing 18 songs on each disc, including every known hit to present and also some of their more obscure songs.

Subject: Re: hall and oates

Written By: ChuckyG on 9/23/1998 at 12:36 p.m.

: does hall and oates have a complete and i mean
: complete hits package from the 80's 'till now.
: does anybody know...?

I have seen some greatest hits CDs, though they aren't easy to find. How complete do you want? Everything from the 70s to present? or just their most popular stuff from the 70s and 80s? Try cdnow.com

Subject: Re: hall and oates

Written By: Diane on 9/23/1998 at 4:44 p.m.

: I have seen some greatest hits CDs, though they aren't easy to find. How complete do you want? Everything from the 70s to present? or just their most popular stuff from the 70s and 80s? Try cdnow.com

If he wants more of the early-'70s to early-'80s stuff (up to "Adult Education"/"Say It Isn't So"), then he'd be best served with "Rock n' Soul Part I". From "Method of Modern Love" onward or a complete encompassing, I do not know.

I would recommend "Rock n' Soul Part I", though. VERY highly. Includes the most excellent "Kiss on My List" and "Say It Isn't So", as well as "Maneater", "One on One", "You Make My Dreams", etc., etc., etc. LOVE IT!

Diane, who doesn't just listen to Duran Duran (despite popular consensus *giggle*)