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Subject: 40 years old!

Written By: mickey woods on 9/22/1998 at 7:34 p.m.

now that the "gloved one" and the material girl have
reached 40 years old, i think it's time to ponder about
the significance of turning middle age. I think it's
great that they turned 40 and being the talented people
they are, I know they will contribute to the music
world even more. Speaking of talented, isn't AFKAP
turning 40 soon. Just some thoughts....hey all you
prince, madonna and jackson fans, what are some of you

Subject: Re: 40 years old!

Written By: Dan Nero on 9/23/1998 at 9:53 a.m.

: now that the "gloved one" and the material girl have
: reached 40 years old, i think it's time to ponder about
: the significance of turning middle age. I think it's
: great that they turned 40 and being the talented people
: they are, I know they will contribute to the music
: world even more. Speaking of talented, isn't AFKAP
: turning 40 soon. Just some thoughts....hey all you
: prince, madonna and jackson fans, what are some of you
: thoughts?

Hmmm let's see,
Supposedly with age comes wisdom but in the case of these 3 well here are my thoughts.

Madonna: Well I guess the saying learn from your mistakes is her new motto. I have an evil streak when it comes to her right now. With her new found "spirituality" she totally has discredited any of her past music (even though it generated millions of dollars for her.) I think I read a quote of hers, "if I have to sing like a virgin one more time I will die." Well Madonna some of us liked that song and by singing that song it has allowed you to afford the luxury of being able to get to where you are today. I'm sorry I didn't know my musical taste was that bad but according to you it must suck.

Michael Jackson: How do I word this...
I loved Michael in his Off the wall, Thriller years, in fact I remember spending the night out for tickets to see him on the Victory tour. I had on a tuxedo shirt, a red bow tie, high water pants, and a sequined glove (yes, i was that big of a fan.) At this point he seemed so down to earth and you just wanted to get to know him. Well yet another one that not only fame but his lack of touch with reality has ruined. He should have taken a tip from Janet and stopped the Plastic surgery before it goes too far. In my opinion, (strictly my opinion) he needs to get a new dance step and his old nose back!

AFKAP: Ahhh, well, yet another one of my Idols in the 80's. I was lucky enough to see him twice on the Purple Rain tour.
Musically he is still incredible, still doing his music for himself and I think is a genius.
On the downside, I saw him do a pre-tour show in Columbus, Ohio and it was basically 2 1/2 hours of music I had never heard and 1/2 hour of a medley of his good stuff. I for one hate medley's but realize if your catalog of music goes on forever you have to do 1 or 2. Come on, 1/2 hour of music that i knew and loved...Let's just say I won't spend 50 bucks to see The Royal One again but just because I won't spend the money I do continue to listen to him.

Well, I babbled and it was a big negative but you asked and I felt it my duty to be honest.

Have a good day,