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Subject: Dogs in Space
Michael Hutchence played a drugged out singer in the 80's movie "Dogs in Space."
I want to buy it, but it is very difficult to find. Also, it came out in the days that pre-recorded movies cost $100. The list price never went down. Anytime I've found the movie for purchase, it costs $80.
Any suggestions on where I can find it cheaper than this??
Subject: Re: Dogs in Space
The movie, as I forgot to mention, is in great condition. If you aren't located in the US, I can give you the URL's to about 20 sites, all of which belong to people I know and they can make you a copy in the format you need. A dear named Carol made mine for me, but there are postings on Neil's and Markus's sites, which I can give you the URL's to in an e-mail, since I don't have them handy at the moment.
Please, let me know..you have to see this great movie, and if you already have, you must see it again. Poor Michael had to leave us, or we could have seen him in the 3 or 4 movies he had lined up for recent releases!
Love, Lindsay
Subject: Re: Dogs in Space-I HAVE IT!
Yes, my dear Hutch played Sammy No Brains...Being the definitive collector of Michael Hutchence and INXS stuff, I own this underground movie made by Richard Lowenstein.
I could make you a copy and mail it, if you are located in the US for no cost except the price of a tape and reccording, mailing..etc.I don't look to make money off of Michael, but I can do the whole thing for 5 bucks, which is how much
I paid to get it made for me. E-mail me at tygerlily_19@yahoo.com and we can discuss it for sure! Michael was and is my inspiration, as most of the people on this board can tell you, especially Dan, so we can talk about him on and on and on..
Love, Lindsay