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Subject: My home page...
Since I am creating one big web site and it is taking forever, I created a page through talkcity till then.
It is dedicated to all my faves, is simple, and has a pretty sexy pic of Michael Hutchence at the top, so check it out!
Also, my chat room at talkcity is still running!
Subject: Re: My home page...
: Since I am creating one big web site and it is taking forever, I created a page through talkcity till then.
: It is dedicated to all my faves, is simple, and has a pretty sexy pic of Michael Hutchence at the top, so check it out!
: Also, my chat room at talkcity is still running!
Hey there,
I don't know if you have access to a scanner or not but if not I would be more than happy to help you out. If not and you see an article you would like to add just let me know. By the way there is a small clip in this month's Rolling Stones magazine with Boy George. Let me know if you have seen it.
Another thing, I read my last posting and it sounded rude when I read it again so I apologize if it came across that way. I like the preview of your site and can't wait to see what your "new home" is going to look like.
Take care Girl George. You must be busy in school cuz I miss your postings on the usual basis.
Subject: Re: My home page...
Dan, I have a scanner right here, but wait till my big site before I put lots of pics...My new one only can hold so many pics and stuff! I am signing you up to help me, big bro!
How are things going with you? So far, 90 people have visited my page, and I have a new Beatles one too that has been visited frequently. E-mail me soon cause I miss you Dan!
I have been so busy for school and stuff, but I will always take time out for you!
Thanks for replying!
Subject: Re: My home page...
: Since I am creating one big web site and it is taking forever, I created a page through talkcity till then.
: It is dedicated to all my faves, is simple, and has a pretty sexy pic of Michael Hutchence at the top, so check it out!
: Also, my chat room at talkcity is still running!
Lindsay, I really liked your web site... It's great...
Subject: Re: My home page...
: Since I am creating one big web site and it is taking forever, I created a page through talkcity till then.
: It is dedicated to all my faves, is simple, and has a pretty sexy pic of Michael Hutchence at the top, so check it out!
: Also, my chat room at talkcity is still running!
My little Sis is getting all grown up now. ;) You know I had to go and see your site off to a good start. Good luck and welcome to the never ending task of updating (right ChuckyG).