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Subject: 1987-1988 The Unforgiven

Written By: Busco on 3/15/1999 at 10:32 p.m.

I am in search of information on a band the had a self titled tape out in about 1987 or 1988 - The Unforgiven. They were a rock/country band and one of the songs on the tape was CHEYENNE. Any help here?

Subject: Re: 1987-1988 The Unforgiven

Written By: david M. Candland on 3/16/1999 at 8:09 p.m.

> I am in search of information on a band the had a self titled tape out in
> about 1987 or 1988 - The Unforgiven. They were a rock/country band and one
> of the songs on the tape was CHEYENNE. Any help here?

I've seen their album a couple of times in used record stores but not recently. I even saw one that was autographed by them. Other bands in that era that were similar are The Men They Couldn't Hang and The Lonesome Romeos - bands that kind of dressed like they came out of a CLint Eastwood western. I'll see if I can find the album soon and let you know.
