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Subject: Skinny Puppy

Written By: piper on 03/10/04 at 08:16 p.m.

Dont know if there are any Skinny Puppy fans out there. I listened to alot of industrial music in the late 80s ,and I had the opportunity to see 2 of their concerts in Dallas. Both were at small venues. Besides being one of the loudist concerts I been to; It was also the most bizarre stage shows that I had ever seen. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen one of their shows? I think you are a little freaked out when you leave the show. I must have enjoyed it, because I went back to another show a few years after the first one.

Piper :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ??? ??? ??? ???

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: BigDaddy on 03/11/04 at 08:01 a.m.

Loved Skinny Puppy. They definitely had their very unique take on the whole Industrial movement.

I truely regret that I never went to a show as some of my friends went to a few and contest it was one of the most interesting shows they've seen.

I don't own any of their CDs but I still bust out my cassttes every once and a while.

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/11/04 at 09:21 a.m.

Loved Skinny Puppy. They definitely had their very unique take on the whole Industrial movement.

I truely regret that I never went to a show as some of my friends went to a few and contest it was one of the most interesting shows they've seen.

I don't own any of their CDs but I still bust out my cassttes every once and a while.
End Quote

I'm a big Skinny Puppy fan for their most excellent electronic sounds and textures. �Mr. Cevin Key is a genius! �I love his Download records, the Doubting Thomasside project, and the discs he's released as Cevin Key. �High sales of Skinny Puppyrecords bankrolled my favorite 'Puppy-affiliated project, The Tear Garden,which is members of 'Puppy, and my favorite band The Legendary Pink Dots.
I know they were heavily into animal rights and showed the gruesome results of vivisection, and other cruel experiments on monitors at their shows. �A friend of mine was at a Vancouver, BC, concert where they were showing FAKE snuff movies on the screens. �Never mind that they were fake, the cops nicked them after the show!
I never got to see 'Puppy myself. :(
I do like some of the lyrics, but I'm not big on the Ogre side of 'Puppy. �I thought the distorted voice was over emphasized and redundant. �On the other hand, if 'Puppy didn't have the punk/metal crossover appeal, they wouldn't have sold so many records, and wouldn't have been able to do all the other projects I liked more than 'Puppy itself.
Cevin Key released a CD last fall, THE DRAGON EXPERIENCE, which I cannot recommend enough! �This was material recorded originally in the early 'Puppy days with producer Ken Marshall. �Key and Marshall retrieved it from the vaults, refurbished it, and released it after 20 years. �The electronics are more organic and psychedelic than what you hear on 'Puppy records.
My favorite Skinny Puppy album is

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: krakboi on 03/13/04 at 09:48 p.m.

I have a couple Tear Garden cds.  I like it, but it is a lot different than the Skinny Puppy stuff.

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: atari2600boy on 03/14/04 at 09:40 a.m.

i've been a fan since the 'bites' album. i love industrial and the whole EBM movement. there is some concert footage on the two double CDs 'brap'. thats all i ever saw of them. has skinny puppy ever released a music video?

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: piper on 03/14/04 at 10:21 a.m.

I had never seen a Skinny Puppy video until last year. I could not believe that I saw it on Vh1 Classics request hour. It was the video for Dig It. It was a really cool video shot it black and white. I was able to request the same video and see it one other time. It was just kind of funny to see a video for Olivia Newton John just before Skinny Puppy!

Piper :o :o :o :o :)

Subject: Re: Skinny Puppy

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/14/04 at 01:40 p.m.

I have a couple Tear Garden cds. �I like it, but it is a lot different than the Skinny Puppy stuff.
End Quote

The influence of Edward Ka Spel and LPD is more than half of the group The Tear Garden.  My favorite TG album The Last Man To Fly is a perfect blend of the best of BOTH bands.