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Subject: Freaks and Geeks DVD Due Out April 6

Written By: troyhigh87 on 02/19/04 at 03:43 p.m.

Even though "Freaks and Geeks" wasn't on in the 80's, it was set in Michigan in 1980, so I thought you all might want to know that the DVD box set of the entire season is coming out on April 6.  I went to high school in Michigan in the 80's, and the show really captured what high school and/or middle school was like for me.  If you didn't see it while it was on NBC or ABC Family, I think anyone who loves the 80's would want to check it out.  It's available for preorder now at all the usual retail websites, and there's also a limited edition 8-disc set that's available only through the official website for the show (http://www.freaksandgeeks.com).  The music alone will take you back to the 80's (including the theme song -- "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett).

Subject: Re: Freaks and Geeks DVD Due Out April 6

Written By: Tbullsr on 02/19/04 at 04:25 p.m.

Great news! I loved that show. I can't believe they cancelled it. It was awesome. I'll buy this.


Subject: Re: Freaks and Geeks DVD Due Out April 6

Written By: troyhigh87 on 02/19/04 at 06:42 p.m.

You won't be sorry!  I've seen some of the extra's that are going on the DVD's and they are amazing.  There are actually 29 full-episode-length commentaries on 18 episodes -- at least one commentary per episode, and sometimes 2!  And every actor in the cast did at least one commentary track (and some did much more).  I would have been happy just to have all 18 episodes on DVD, but it's also going to have a lot of great extra's.  The limited edition also comes with an 80-page yearbook that's designed to look like an authentic high school yearbook from the 80's.

Subject: Re: Freaks and Geeks DVD Due Out April 6

Written By: Race_Bannon on 02/19/04 at 10:10 p.m.

That was a very cruely-honest funny show.  The young actor that played the kid with the thick glasses was amazing.  I gradutated '84, and I knew a few of those guys.