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Subject: Does anyone remember these toys from the 1980's

Written By: raabta01 on 02/19/04 at 07:21 a.m.

???Can anyone help me out?  I am trying to remember the names of two of the toys I used to play with as a kid.
The first is from the early 80's.  They were toy robots that were the same size and shape as soda cans.  Each one opened up and had different tools and abilities and such.  Like He-Man's they each came with a comic about their adventures.  They also made some vehicles for them too.
The second toy is from the late 80's and might be a micromachine spin-off line.  It consisted of two different armies made up of die-cast, micromachine sized tanks, trucks, etc. and larger vehicles (that usually could hold or carry the die-casts).  I remember that the larger toys were always land based (like aircraft carriers on wheels) and if they were ever life sized would have been enormous.  
Please let me know if anyone remembers these!