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Subject: Mystery movie--please try to answer!

Written By: 80sGirl on 01/24/04 at 08:24 p.m.

I have suddenly been hit with a memory of a movie from the mid-80s...it was about some kids who went through a mirror, and on the other side was a magical land. I remember the little girl saying something about how the ground felt very soft. It was all pink when they first entered. I remember their little "guide" was cute and cuddly and I think had a little bit of curly hair. I think they had diapers, but I am not sure. In fact, I think some resteraunt chain made dolls of these. They came in blue or pink, I believe. I remember my brothers and I had several of them. Anyway, in the movie there was a wicked witch who didn't want to grow old/ugly, and at the end was reaching for a magical apple or something, her arm was caught and she died.

Man! I was in kindergarten when I saw this on video, so I don't remember everything. I would like to know the title and maybe even see it again. Thanks!

Subject: Re: Mystery movie--please try to answer!

Written By: Jem on 01/24/04 at 08:53 p.m.

I used to have this movie!  I was hit with this memory a few days ago and was somehow able to find out what it was.  THe little creatures were the Hug a Bunch.  Their floors were all pillows I think...Somewhere on the internet you''ll be able to find a summary of what the movie is about and what the little girl's name is.  I think they went looking for berries...and didn't the witch turn into a statue at some point?  Anyway, I hope I helped!


Subject: Thanks, Jem

Written By: 80sGirl on 01/25/04 at 09:57 a.m.

Thanks! I love your name. It's truly outrageous! LOL

Subject: Re: Mystery movie--please try to answer!

Written By: Scatman22 on 02/21/04 at 08:28 a.m.

Since I have a thing for finding missing songs and movies AND helping out donzels in distress, here it goes.

The movie is called The Hugga Bunch, from 1985... the little girl is called Gennie James. She goes through the mirror to find her grandmother, who is the only one who knows (!!) how to hug.

And here, you can buy the movie... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000F46V/imdb-adbox/102-1144201-8255338

I guess it helps.

a buncha hugs.
