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Subject: Animated movie that appeared on NIGHT FLIGHT?

Written By: Tim Brown on 01/01/04 at 07:52 a.m.

Does anyone remember the animated movie that appeared on Night Flight during the mid-80's?
It was dark and gloomy looking, and I remember it had to do with a guy who , I think, had been a slave...and he had to go through this underground city, or had to enter the city via a sewer system?
My brother thought it was the Bakshi/Frazetta film "Fire & Ice", but from what I've seen of that movie, I don't think it's the same film...."Fire & Ice" looks a bit too colorful.

The Movie I'm thinking of used mostly dark colors for the background....it was kind of depressing looking.

I have no Idea what it was called, or really what it was about....that was during the days when I smoked pot... I hate admitting it, but it's true...I was an unhappy and stoned teen of the early 80's. :-[

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!


Subject: Re: Animated movie that appeared on NIGHT FLIGHT?

Written By: clok1966 on 01/05/04 at 06:42 p.m.

they played "Fantastic Planet" several time... very strange movie..

Humans where like 6 inches tall and aliens had taken the earth over...think the humans where called gnoms (not gnomes)... it wasnt very dark that I remeber..but it was very dreary...
