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Subject: 80's Charms

Written By: IneedToyHELP on 06/28/03 at 10:44 a.m.

I was at a Garage Sale today, and I picked up a bag of Charms from the 80's. I remember having them when I was a kid. You know those plastic ones, with the little bells. Anyways, I loved these as a kid and Don't remember what they were called. Can anyone help me out?


my email is: becca@laundromatic.net

Subject: Re: 80's Charms

Written By: Digitales on 06/28/03 at 04:28 p.m.

hey girl! someone else asked the same a little while ago.
Ebay is the best place to find! A while ago there was 2 lovely plastic charms, with all kind of cute stuff (toothbrush, skate, frying pan, guitar etc) with neon colors. The price varies a lot, so may not be as cheap as in garage sales:


the search category for these items is "charms & charms bracelets", type 'plastic' or 80's , it works well.


i hope this helps... good luck! :-*

I was at a Garage Sale today, and I picked up a bag of Charms from the 80's. I remember having them when I was a kid. You know those plastic ones, with the little bells. Anyways, I loved these as a kid and Don't remember what they were called. Can anyone help me out?


my email is: becca@laundromatic.net
End Quote

Subject: Re: 80's Charms

Written By: Digitales on 06/28/03 at 04:30 p.m.

ooops.. sorry. I should have read your msg properly.
I guess it's just called 80's charms no? wedding bells?
lol, i'm sorry. Apologies... :o