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Subject: Help! this is doing my head in!

Written By: madpop on 06/16/03 at 01:36 a.m.

Right guys i need your help!

When i was little i used to play with these little figures, they were about 1-2 inches high, they had yellow space suits and a clear domed helmet which could be taken on or off. They were all in different poses and had bits of metal on their feet so they could actually stand up without falling over!

I cannot think for the life of me what they were called...any ideas???

They were around in the early 80's i would say....I think they had space ships which you could fit in these little spacemen and the shape of there feet with the metal bits on would allow you to fit them in different scenarios.

Im only 27, i dont want to be grey or bald yet! so please help!
