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Subject: 80s Anti-drug Commercial

Written By: Kris Jones on 01/13/03 at 03:55 p.m.

Does anyone remember an anti-drug commercial done by Partnership for a Drug Free America that has a doctor getting ready for surgery. The patient is lying on a table with a light shining down on him. He is sweating and pleaing with the doctor, who just snorted some cocaine, that he has tonsilitis. The deranged, drug-crazed doctor insists he had appendicitis and proceeded with the surgery. This was hilarous, yet very frightening.

Subject: Re: 80s Anti-drug Commercial

Written By: green_troll on 01/13/03 at 06:15 p.m.

I don't remember that one. The only ones that I remember right now are the eggs in the frying pan one, and the one where the dad asks his son where he got the bag of pot and the kid said "I got it from you dad" ;D

Subject: Re: 80s Anti-drug Commercial

Written By: jamminoldies on 01/13/03 at 06:20 p.m.

Or How about:

"This is your brain".
"This is your brain on drugs".
"Any Questions"??


Subject: Re: 80s Anti-drug Commercial

Written By: NitroOFR on 01/13/03 at 10:36 p.m.

Does anyone remember an anti-drug commercial done by Partnership for a Drug Free America that has a doctor getting ready for surgery. The patient is lying on a table with a light shining down on him. He is sweating and pleaing with the doctor, who just snorted some cocaine, that he has tonsilitis. The deranged, drug-crazed doctor insists he had appendicitis and proceeded with the surgery. This was hilarous, yet very frightening.
End Quote

Yes, I do remember this commercial, vaguely though.

Subject: Re: 80s Anti-drug Commercial

Written By: NewRomantic on 01/14/03 at 07:45 a.m.

I don't remember that one. The only ones that I remember right now are the eggs in the frying pan one, and the one where the dad asks his son where he got the bag of pot and the kid said "I got it from you dad" ;D
End Quote

They just ran the one with the dad and son on VH1's "I Love the 80's" show a few weeks back. It was a riot then and it's even funnier now.