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Subject: Need help planing 80's Surprise B-Day Party

Written By: Sheryl on 11/02/02 at 07:45 a.m.

I'm trying to plan an 80's surprise birthday party for my sister. She's turning 30 and I thought taking her back in time would cheer her up.  ;D  And I have only a couple of weeks  :-/

Does anyone have any idea's....decorations, games, party favors, food, music, ideas what so ever, etc............

All replies are greatly appreciated  :)

Subject: Re: Need help planing 80's Surprise B-Day Party

Written By: itgirl on 11/02/02 at 07:55 a.m.

Play Trivial Pursuit.  In fact, there's a new Trivial Pursuit out on the last part of the 20th century, buy that one, or find an old version.  We all played that.  And Pictionary.

Music should be easy.  80s music is big.  If you need ideas or can't buy/download music, just turn on your computer and stream one of the 80s radio stations from live365.com (there's one from this board--if you click the right links it'll bring you right to it).  That way you have good and BAD songs.

You can always watch either 80s movies (The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, The Sure Thing, Better Off Dead, Just One of the Guys) or watch a movie that takes place then (The Wedding Singer).  Or 80s tv shows like Family Ties or The Cosby Show.

Give Rubik's Cubes out as party favors.  Decorate with Op Art (I hear the black and white checked Vans are available now).  See if Swatch still makes watches that smell (they had peppermint, banana ans strawberry).  Give out scratch and sniff stickers....go wild.

Great gift idea: last year I bought my husband an Atari 2600 and an assortment of games.  We have a PS2 and a GameCube, but sometimes it's fun to play Pong in 4 bit.  You can pick one up for ~$25 (check eBay or Internet sites for sales or used game stores).