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Subject: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok.....You guys seem pretty cool, so I'll start. Here I am back in 1984-85. Pure 80's style (Dont Laugh)
1. Fingerless Leather Glove
2. High Tops
3. Black Hat
4. Jeans/ Sport coat
5. Black Jelly Bracelets on right wrist
6. Straw in mouth
Location: Old Train Yard
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You crack me up! thats priceless!
I'll see if I can russle up a dreadful pic of me from '86/'87 tonite! :)
I'm thinking of one with a perm on top, muslin pirate shirt, and a cowboy shoe-string tie! (YEE-HAW)!
I'll see what I can find, "pardner"! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I didn't laugh at all; that's a really kewl pic, Rubix! :) You look like the perfect example of an 80s teen boy in your picture. I think I'm going to have to scan some pictures of me from back in the day, but I'll probably be too frightened to post them! ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Okay I'll play :) Here's mine.....Spandex pants, sequined suit jacket, no shirt, undone high-tops, and if you look closely you can see the bangles on my wrist...sheesh...what was I thinkin'?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Your photo is definitely screaming the 80s there, Jonman!!! What was the name of your band? :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Your photo is definitely screaming the 80s there, Jonman!!! What was the name of your band? :)
End Quote
I think that pic was taken when I played with Feedback...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, Jonman.
Mine would be Crimped hair, jeans and tshirts. I was a metalhead so I didn't have much style. I still don't have much style. Thats just me! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
ok, i'll bite too!
leather baggies(black with tiny pinstripes and cuffed at the bottom), a white silk shirt with collar, a black leather tie ,black ankle high boots and the sides of my hair were shaved over the ear and poofy on top. and of course i had all matching jewelry. optional black pleather jacket. i loved that look!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
This is my look from the 80s! Brightly colored crinoline/petticoat skirts worn with a wide belt and crop top or bustier or leotard/bodysuit... Dont laugh cuz I still dress like this for 80s nights at clubs when I go out! "Just Say" Julie Brown and designer Betsey Johnson, as well as Cyndi Lauper and Madonna loved this stuff!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL Jon is killing me..! Thats so 80's. It looks like a Mix of 'Quiet Riot' and 'Bon Jovi'.
Come on gang.......Post some pics.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL Jon is killing me..! Thats so 80's. It looks like a Mix of 'Quiet Riot' and 'Bon Jovi'.End Quote
That's exactly the look I was going for! LMAO....I wanted Jon Bon Jovi's hair but I just couldn't grow that so I went for Carlos Cavazo's "do".....
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Excellent pic, Jonman! If I still had a fun pic like that one, I'd post it!!! Unfortunately, all I have at hand is a highschool portrait - Me with my hair feathered in the front, brushed back, fluff kept intact with hairspray and long in the back. Pretty boring.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Unfortunately, all I have at hand is a highschool portrait - Me with my hair feathered in the front, brushed back, fluff kept intact with hairspray and long in the back. Pretty boring.
End Quote
So where is it and why can't we see it? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I was a total Prepster in the 80s; Lime green Izod shirt with the collar pulled up, Duck Head khakis, leather topsiders and Argyle socks... yikes!!! I shudder to think... ??? ??? ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
1984, 16, job at Rave at the local mall, black, sleeveless mini-dress with sides cut out, white lace ankle length leggings, black Ciao high top leather flat boots, silver link chain belt, one flat silver crucifix earring, one large silver star earring, hair moussed out, black lace bow headband, black Rayban Wayfarer sunglasses, black rubber bracelets (about 50 per arm), one black rubber bracelet around my left ankle (my best friend and I made that up as some cool Madonna thing to do) :-*......Incidentally, didn't go over too well at my suburban high school...I'd do it all over again, though. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
My look in the 80s was big hair, blonde at times and i usually wore jeans and a nice shirt. Nothing fancy. I got some pics. :)
Acutally, I still dress that way! ::) LOL
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
My best ever party outfit was one where no photos were taken :-[ Late 82.
But I remember it vividly.
Hair: Kinda Billy Idol / Annie Lennox. Blonde and spiked on top and short and black at the back.
Makeup: Hot Blue eyeliner, four shades of purple eyeshadow, way too much rouge, very pink lips, lined with black eyeliner !
Outfit: Black short sleeve leotard (long before bodysuits were invented !!). Over it I wore hot pink bibbed overalls, they were tucked into black (with silver glittery thread thru them) legwarmers. Also wore the obligatory black lace fingerless gloves.
Shoes: Black 4 inch spike heeled pixie boots.
None of my friends had camera's back them - an expensive luxury. Shame.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You have instantly become my idol! Black lip liner in '82? I kneel at the altar of you.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Man, I wish I could see some of these pics.. It would be gggreat!
MANNIXGIRL sounds like a hottie for sure. OOps! let me use a totally 80's term. I bet she was TOUGH!
Term of the day
1. Lets Book= Time to leave or leave quickly. Other forms of term. (He, she Booked, I dont know about ya'll but I'm Book'n. )
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok.. I don't have an 80s pic anywhere of me handy.. so here's the picture from Entrepeneur Magazine, about my 90s site..
and just for the record... I had to borrow the flanel shirt (I despise them >:() and the Furby was on loan too.. the NIN t-shirt though is mine.. and pure 80s.. (Pretty Hate Machine album cover, 1989).. just imagine having to pose for an hour in the cafeteria of a busy building for this thing, with two professional photographers.. still brings a smile to my face.. :D
I was gonna use it in one of those online personals ads, just to see what kind of response I would get.. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks, Chucky, I have always wondered what you look like. It's nice to be able to put a face to the posts. The furby is a bit weird, though. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks, Chucky, I have always wondered what you look like. It's nice to be able to put a face to the posts. The furby is a bit weird, though. ;)
End Quote
despite all the effort which went into the picture, I ended up looking a little more goofy than usual.. and my nose appears bigger than normal too for some reason... I'm gonna hafta look for some 80s pictures.. I was quite geeky/preppy...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Term of the day End Quote
I tried out an old '80s expression w/ my gf a couple weeks ago. :) We grew up on opposite ends of the country, and I was telling her this story from my teen years in the late '80s, about this road trip a friend and I had made, and how we basically ended up in "BFE". She knew instantly what the letters meant, and laughed so hard, since she hadn't heard the term in so long! Guess it wasn't just a "west coast" expression, LOL! And if you don't know what those letters stand for, I guess you really didn't grow up in the '80s... ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Awwww thanks Langdon and Rubix ! I thought I was being pretty "way out" lining the lips in black !
I just realised - I cant pass up describing what my friend wore on the same night.
She was a tall freckly girl with waistlength red hair. (before Nicole Kidman made it cool !).
Hair: was braided into like a million little braids - she wanted to look like Bo Derek - but after we sat there and tied each and every one with the teeniest ribbons in a rainbow of colours - it was more Boy George !
Makeup: Blue eyeliner, YELLOW eyeshadow !!! :o
Outfit: Yellow bikini top, yellow lycra tights, pale blue kinda bolero top that tied up under her boobs, matching blue skirt that was more like a small hankerchief tied in a knot on one hip.
Shoes: White boot rollerskates with red wheels !
I am sure there must have also been legwarmers in there somewhere - but I am drawing a blank. Ohhhhhh for a photo !
Ohhh I and I forgot the best bit of my own outfit - I had these huge PINK earrings - on one ear was a piggies face and on the other ear was a piggies butt !!!!! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
The furby is a bit weird, though. ;)
End Quote
Actually, it kinda reminded me of a Gremlin! Hee, hee. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Chucky, you look just like I thought you would! Except for the growth on your shoulder...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What's wrong with Furbies? I have one!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I remember when women wore catsuits as business outfits. And they looked at you like some kind of pervert when you took a peek at the window ;)
And how's this for running gear? Long Johns and shorts. :-[
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Alright, this is in the late 80's (high school), long after both my fluorescent and pastel stages. I used to absolutely love these multi-layered minis; and you have to dig the ruffles atop the lace sleeves. Why did I grow out my big bangs before high school though?? :-*
(I can't seem to get the URL to work if you access it as a link, but it does if you actually type it into the browser. Who knows?! So if you want to see the pic, you may have to work for it!)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Geocities doesn't allow you to paste images or link directly to images on a messageboard. To view Darla's rockin' outfit, copy the url and paste on a new browser window...
Nice pic, Darla...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great picture Mystery Woman. I have to admit, I had you pictured totally different. At least in my mind you had dark hair. :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great picture Mystery Woman. I have to admit, I had you pictured totally different. At least in my mind you had dark hair. :D
End Quote
I pictured her with dark hair too.
Before I post my pix; tell me, what do all ya'll think I look like? I'm curious to see who gives the closest description.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm really new here, so I doubt anyone cares what I looked like in the 80's, but anyway....
I avoided cameras like the plague, so there's no pic available. My favorite "look" that I wore in 1988 or so was;
A black hobble skirt, black fishnets (I played hell getting ahold of any in the conservative midwest), Morbid Angel t-shirt, five inch stilettos, diamond stud earrings, a choker, imitation bard-wire bracelets.
As you can tell, I was one of the early black/death metal chicks circa 1984 (age 11) to 1989 (age 16). My dad was always into the heavier music, so I picked it up early on and became a drummer in 1985 or so.
I still dig that kind of music, though I have learned to like other music as well.
But, I digress. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Alright, this is in the late 80's (high school), long after both my fluorescent and pastel stages. I used to absolutely love these multi-layered minis; and you have to dig the ruffles atop the lace sleeves. Why did I grow out my big bangs before high school though?? :-*
(I can't seem to get the URL to work if you access it as a link, but it does if you actually type it into the browser. Who knows?! So if you want to see the pic, you may have to work for it!)
End Quote
OMG!! Where have you been all my life?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Wow, Darla, that is an awesome pic of you and so very 80s!!! :) Thanks for posting it!!! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great picture Mystery Woman. I have to admit, I had you pictured totally different. At least in my mind you had dark hair. :D
End Quote
That's what I had thought, too! :o Nice picture, Darla!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Before I post my pix; tell me, what do all ya'll think I look like? I'm curious to see who gives the closest description.
End Quote
I'll take a guess. You're 5'6" with medium-length dark, wavy hair and brown eyes. Am I close? ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'll take a guess. You're 5'6" with medium-length dark, wavy hair and brown eyes. Am I close? ???
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
It seems strange that everyone pictured me with dark hair. Especially since when I meet people over the phone, they usually expect me to be blonde. Must be the giggle! :D
Enlighten us, Jonman... do I sound different on the phone than I seem on the board? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
It seems strange that everyone pictured me with dark hair. Especially since when I meet people over the phone, they usually expect me to be blonde. Must be the giggle! :D
Enlighten us, Jonman... do I sound different on the phone than I seem on the board? ;)
End Quote
Yes and No.
How's that for an answer? Heheee :P
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Guess I need to get out one of my prom pixs from my jr. prom in 88...I had this real cool mini formal and everyone said I looked like a saloon girl in it. Only I wore my hair up in a french braid so no BIG HAIR in the photo!! :o
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great picture, Mystery Woman. :)
I am not even going to ask what you all think I look like! ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
End Quote
Oh, I don't know. I thought you were blonde - I always imagine the midwest and southern Anglo-people as blond, blue eyed, and tall (and I such a Liliputian). Mystery Woman has taken all the mystery out of her - she's pretty, so it's a mystery worth knowing. But out with it, I say. You all read like the photogenic types. I saw Chucky's photo and I thought it could be made into a sort of poster about a TV programme about a guy's timetraveling adventures into the 80s with his sidekick Furby that only he can see (think Quantum Leap mixed in with Back To The Future meets Monty Python). And Jonman, dude - now I know I wouldn't want anyone seeing this grease-monkey: who could compete with that?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Okay...here she is....the one and only cs! I am posting this pic with her permission as I have an active server and she doesn't LOL Oh my that sounds bad LMAO.....
This is a pic of her and her brother from 1985....enjoy!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I owe jonman big time! Personally I liked the other picture I sent to him, in the one with my brother (above) I've got one cheek/thigh pushed up against the car so it looks like my butt is hanging out. Real attractive, huh. In the other picture I sent to jonman I have big hair.
At any rate, now all ya'll know what I look like - not the most glamourous picture, like Darla's is in her nice outfit.
Thanks again jonman. I owe you one or 2 or 3 or 4!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, cs!!! I love your Police tee shirt!!! You look just like the Kentucky girls I grew up with back in the day!!! Thanks for posting the pic, Jonman!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, cs!!! I love your Police tee shirt!!! You look just like the Kentucky girls I grew up with back in the day!!! Thanks for posting the pic, Jonman!!! ;D
End Quote
Hey! You changed your name.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey! You changed your name.
End Quote
Yeah, I got bored with my ol' SN!!!
I don't have any pictures of myself in the 80s scanned for the time being, but I have some fairly recent pics of myself at various exotic locales throughout the world posted at the below link: (this link is to another 80s-related forum, so I hope I'm not being gauche by posting it, Chucky!)...
I have my old Junior Prom pic somewhere and I'll try to post it if I can find it!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OK - this is pretty scarey and I have never shared it before - this is my only big hair photo - and even worse - it is combined with my hot pink era - any photos before and after this one are my Billy Idol hair cut !
18th birthday - 1986.
:-[ man I can even believe I am going to put this on the net ! :-[ :-[ :-[
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
This is where we miss out in the U.K :'( we don't have yearbooks or proms I really wish we did,they seem to be such a source of memories.(good and bad!!)I could do with something like that if only to remember the names of everyone who was in my class!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Kewl pic of you, BM Girl!!! BTW, whenever I saw your SN, I kept thinking, 'where do I know that name?', then I read your tag line and it made sense! Uncanny X-Men!!! I had an Aussie penpal back in the 80s (Janelle in Brisbane, Qld.) and she was a huge fan of the X-men. She sent me a few 45 singles, including "The Party", which I still have!!! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Oh, I don't know. I thought you were blonde - I always imagine the midwest and southern Anglo-people as blond, blue eyed, and tall (and I such a Liliputian). Mystery Woman has taken all the mystery out of her - she's pretty, so it's a mystery worth knowing. But out with it, I say. You all read like the photogenic types. I saw Chucky's photo and I thought it could be made into a sort of poster about a TV programme about a guy's timetraveling adventures into the 80s with his sidekick Furby that only he can see (think Quantum Leap mixed in with Back To The Future meets Monty Python). And Jonman, dude - now I know I wouldn't want anyone seeing this grease-monkey: who could compete with that?
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
that's funny! ;D It's not even a very good picture of me.. I thought it made my nose look big due to the angle for some reason.. I should post my yearbook picture.. it's only one of five times I've worn a suit in my life.. I didn't even wear one for my last job interview... (black t-shirt and blue jeans, always a classic look IMHO)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Yeah, I got bored with my ol' SN!!!
I don't have any pictures of myself in the 80s scanned for the time being, but I have some fairly recent pics of myself at various exotic locales throughout the world posted at the below link: (this link is to another 80s-related forum, so I hope I'm not being gauche by posting it, Chucky!)...
I have my old Junior Prom pic somewhere and I'll try to post it if I can find it!!! ;D
End Quote
Not bad, not bad at all. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL! Uncanny!
I LOVE the era of people wearing coloured stockings with white "Minnie Mouse" heels! :) What a scream!
Im not sure if I'm game enough to post a pic I found the other night...taken before a "Gender Bender" school social where I had to dress as a GIRL back in 87.
Im wearing full makeup, a hair-piece (tied with the obligatory white lace ribbon), a plunging 3/4 sleeved top, a 'pearl' choker with diamante feature, black 'calottes' (sp), a wide shiney leather belt with 2 large diamante snap buttons, white fishnets and velvet 'grandma shoes'. My white lace gloved hands are also clutching a white leatherette 'ruffled' purse...also with diamante clasp!
This pic I swore would be kept deep in the bowels of my closet, but I MAY drag it out if theres demand enough! ;) My wife thinks its great but is jealous as I look better in fishnets than she does!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL! Uncanny!
I LOVE the era of people wearing coloured stockings with white "Minnie Mouse" heels! :) What a scream!
Im not sure if I'm game enough to post a pic I found the other night...taken before a "Gender Bender" school social where I had to dress as a GIRL back in 87.
Im wearing full makeup, a hair-piece (tied with the obligatory white lace ribbon), a plunging 3/4 sleeved top, a 'pearl' choker with diamante feature, black 'calottes' (sp), a wide shiney leather belt with 2 large diamante snap buttons, white fishnets and velvet 'grandma shoes'. My white lace gloved hands are also clutching a white leatherette 'ruffled' purse...also with diamante clasp!
This pic I swore would be kept deep in the bowels of my closet, but I MAY drag it out if theres demand enough! ;) My wife thinks its great but is jealous as I look better in fishnets than she does!
End Quote
Don't tease us, man, you gotta let us see. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Not bad, not bad at all. ;)
End Quote
:) :) :) Thanks, sweetie!!! :) :) :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL Todd!!!
I was wondering how long it would take for you to pick up on that one! ;)
Well, i wouldn't say "I crossdressed" by any stretch...it was a school disco and the roles were swapped...most of the girls came in cheap tuxes or "miami vice" shoulder-padded jackets ovr jeans with 'designer stubble" painted on. (Which in actual fact, if i remember was achieved by smearing their jaw with honey and emptying the contents of a teabag on to it)! LOL!
The other guys came in over-the-top mini skirts and bubble skirts with hugely inflated breasts (and Dolly Parton wigs etc). As I was leaving with my then-girlfriend, my headmistress said goodnight to her, and shook my hand saying it's "always a pleasure to meet out-of-town friends of the students". (!) I bellowed with laughter and said "Oi! Mrs Adams...its ME!
The old duck nearly keeled over and commented that I had been so convincing, the didn't award us 'best dressed" because they thought we were 2 girls (one somewhat taller than the other admittedly)!
OK, I'll put the pic up this weekend! ;)
Im probably gonna regret this! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:-[ :-[ :-[
Man I am still embarrassed I put that pic up - and dammit Aphasia - you gotta do yours now - drag or no drag !!!!!
hehehe 80sTrivia - where are you ? ole Brian would die if he knew he made an international sale of Party !!!! (which was of course my theme song for way too long - I even have an old betamax tape with the clip playing over and over again for like an hour - use to play it when getting ready to go out!).
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
BMGirl, I'm here in the States. I had a truckload of Aussie penpals back in the 80s as I wrote a letter to Aussie Smash Hits magazine searching for penpals and they published it. Over the course of a year, I received well over 5,000 letters from peeps all across Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia. I even had a couple of Aussie girls ring me up (in the middle of the night US time) to talk to me. God only knows how they got my phone number!!! The postman used to LOATHE coming to my house, as he couldn't put all of the voluminous amounts of letters in the post box, so he would have to drive down our rather long country lane to my house and deliver the letters, which were usually wrapped in very large and thick rubber bands as there were so many! ::) As a result, I fell deeply in love with Australia, its people and its rocking 80s music!!! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Wow, 1012 page views for this topic!!! That's got to be some kind of record!!! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
80sTrivia - thats amazing. My god - my friends thought I was wierd for having maybe 60 penpals at any time in the 80's - I woulda died of shock to get 5000 letters !!!!!!!!!
I still have sooooooooo many of my Smash Hits mags - couldnt get by with out them back then - and Bwian (as we called him - cos he lisped) was always on the cover - so of course I would buy like 4 copies !!! Actually I was digging thru my poster collection from SH this week - for my 80's Cocktail NYE party !!!.
Did you ever get over here for a visit ?
I have to say - Aussie music in the 70's and 80's was the best - it went seriously downhill in the 90's. Aussie Pub Rock was a genre all of its own.
So did your penpals send you any other Aussie music ?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
On December 21st, 2001, 10:23am, BrianMannixGirl wrote:
I have to say - Aussie music in the 70's and 80's was the best - it went seriously downhill in the 90's. Aussie Pub Rock was a genre all of its own.
If the soundtrack to Young Einstein is any indication, I think Aussie 80s music is amazing.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:) BM Girl; no, I haven't made it Down Under, yet. I'm still planning a trip to Australia, but after 9/11, foreign travel is kinda iffy at the moment (I had to cancel a trip to England and Ireland in October).
I have quite a few 45 singles that my penpals sent to me of Aussie musicians such as:
Perfect Stand by Kids in the Kitchen
Great Southern Land by Icehouse
Out of Mind, Out of Sight by the Models
Live it Up by Mental As Anything
the aformentioned "The Party" by Uncanny X-Men
I have a song by Austen Tayshus, although the title escapes me right now...
among others... :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I owe jonman big time!End Quote
Nah....you don't owe me...I'm happy to do it :)
Quoting:...Personally I liked the other picture I sent to himEnd Quote
Okay here it is...and a question for everyone else....guess which one of these two guys she married?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You guys are embarrassing meEnd Quote
I thought you wanted me to post it?
I do agree with Darla though......Shwing! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't mind the post; it's the comments that are making me blush! I'm flattered though! Ya'll have made my day!! :) ;) :D ;D
Thanks for being so nice!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:) :) :) Thanks, sweetie!!! :) :) :)
End Quote
You're welcome! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Very nice pic, CS. I agree with Dagwood; I think your hubby is on your left. He's wearing a name tag just as you are! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Very nice pic, CS. I agree with Dagwood; I think your hubby is on your left. He's wearing a name tag just as you are! ;D
End Quote
Well, cs, are we right? :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, cs, are we right? :)
End Quote
You're right! Mr. cs is the guy on the left of the picture! That picture is before we were married. I was dating the guy on the right at the time, the picture was taken in 1990.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Are we good, or are we good? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Are we good, or are we good? ;)
End Quote
You're all good!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
GOOD GRIEF Im gona regret this! Pic of me in drag on the internet!
this is the pic taken early 87 for our "Gender bender" school dance...(my girlfriend at the time is the short one in the tux)!
Just to put things into a bit of perspective for you, this one below was taken not so long ago of my wife, Mira and I. (Just so you know Im not in the habit of dressing up in ladies outfits...NOT that theres anything wrong with that, right Todd!). ;D
HAVE A COOL YULE and very Merry Chrissy everyone! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Those are great pix aphasia2000!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks for putting the girly pic up Aphasia - it made my day - when I got up off the floor !!!!!!!! ;D
80sTrivia - you kinda have an ultimate collection there.
Great Southern Land is possibly the best "australian" song ever - as in its actually describing the country itself in it. Iva Davies was one of my favourite studmuffins for many years, I have most of Icehouse's albums and Iva's solo stuff.
The Models - god what a bunch of sleazes they were ! They were staying at the same dive of a motel as I was in Geraldton one time - real icky country town. The loo's were down the hall - not in your actual room. I went down to them in the middle of the night and found the blonde singer/guitarist (hitting a blank with his name suddenly - will have to find an LP !!) - relieving himself all over the mirrors in the ladies loo's. I asked what the heck did he think he was doing and he basically fell on me so we were both laying on the tiles and he say "I'm a girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl". On the way back to my room I saw James's door open and he was on the floor with three naked women - happily married man that he was ! I never had quite the same opinion of the band after that.
AustenTayshus - I am thinking from that era it must be "Australiana" where he turns aussie animals and town names etc into sentences ie "can wom bat ?" etc etc. Very clever man - I saw him do comedy in the mid 80's. He is still around.
The Mentals were legends and really only kinda broke up this year - the two brothers left to concentrate of art. So Greedy and Martin found another couple of guys and are still touring. Reg Mombassa (who has left to concentrate on his Mambo art) designed 90% of the Olympics closing ceremony, including the althetes uniforms.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG! I didn't think couples like that existed in "real life", aphasia2000.
I'm glad I'd already posted my pic; because if I hadn't, and the last two pics (cs and aphasia) had been posted first, I'd have been too intimidated to put mine up!
What makes it even better is that you're all every bit as beautiful in your personalities. I think pretty much everyone around here has that going for them!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
"OMG! I didn't think couples like that existed in "real life", aphasia2000."
*blush*, er thanks hairspray..but um...I'd call it a great photographer (or something)! you've made a new best friend out of mira though! ;D
Glad you got a kick out of the 'drag' pic...the attire was definitely a sign of the times!
Smarty pants Uuncanny, - if you're not carefull I'll put you right back on the floor where you just got up off of! ;) just kidding darling!
Youre all great here - Mystery Woman, you have NOTHING to complain about!! Even jonman was smashing in his tights! LOL!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic Aphasia! And thanks for the mention that theres nothing wrong with a little "dressing up" now and then! I am not married, but happily engaged and the future "Mrs Todd" also once attended a "turnabout" party in college in the 80s..
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Those are great pix aphasia2000!
End Quote
I agree, aphasia!!! You kind of resemble Debbie Gibson in the pic!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
BMGirl... Aussie music from the 80s was pure fantastic!!! My fave Aussie band is definitely Icehouse; how fantastic are they!!!
I also agree that everybody here looks magnificent, which matches our personalities! :) :) :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
GOOD GRIEF Im gona regret this! Pic of me in drag on the internet!
this is the pic taken early 87 for our "Gender bender" school dance...(my girlfriend at the time is the short one in the tux)!
Just to put things into a bit of perspective for you, this one below was taken not so long ago of my wife, Mira and I. (Just so you know Im not in the habit of dressing up in ladies outfits...NOT that theres anything wrong with that, right Todd!). ;D
HAVE A COOL YULE and very Merry Chrissy everyone! ;)
End Quote
You made a very pretty woman ;), but both are great pics. You and your wife are a great looking couple.
Merry Christmas to you and yours also ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
We're still missing a few folks here!
Hairspray, TB, and crazydon just to name a few.
Don't be shy! Post 'em!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
We're still missing a few folks here!
Hairspray, TB, and crazydon just to name a few.
Don't be shy! Post 'em!
End Quote
Naaah. I quite enjoy being shrouded in mystery. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Naaah. I quite enjoy being shrouded in mystery. ;)
End Quote
If it wasn't so early in the morning I would LMAO@ that comment.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Maybe we could do a calendar of just you and me. I know of a few fellas who *might* buy one... ;)
What other sites have you seen?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, then, maybe we could do a calendar of just you and me. I know of a few fellas who *might* buy one... ;)
What other sites have you seen?
End Quote
We could try it! Maybe we could get Mira to pose, too. :o That would be a big draw! (What does she say, aphasia2000?)
Does Frederick's of Hollywood have a year end sale? I've heard they have some really cute seasonal outfits... ;)
I'm not too sure of any fellas who'd be laying out good money to buy one, though. Maybe you know something I don't!
You and I will have to get together to figure this all out... ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
We could try it! Maybe we could get Mira to pose, too. :o That would be a big draw! (What does she say, aphasia2000?)
Does Frederick's of Hollywood have a year end sale? I've heard they have some really cute seasonal outfits... ;)
I'm not too sure of any fellas who'd be laying out good money to buy one, though. Maybe you know something I don't!
You and I will have to get together to figure this all out... ::)
End Quote
Hmmm. I thought the guys who frequent this site would be interested. But now that they've already seen us they might not be so eager to purchase! Ha ha ha! You know like that saying why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. We've already given them pix for free!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hmmm. I thought the guys who frequent this site would be interested. But now that they've already seen us they might not be so eager to purchase! Ha ha ha! You know like that saying why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. We've already given them pix for free!
End Quote
Nah, you'd still sell a bundle! The pics that have been posted are just enough to lure us in. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nah, you'd still sell a bundle! The pics that have been posted are just enough to lure us in. ;)
End Quote
I always knew I liked you for a reason! :-*
(P.S. Your pic was still the best, hun!) ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I always knew I liked you for a reason! :-*
(P.S. Your pic was still the best, hun!) ;)
End Quote
Did I miss Lester's pic? Where????
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Did I miss Lester's pic? Where????
End Quote
I was wondering the same. LOL
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Did I miss Lester's pic? Where????
End Quote
Okay, here it is... you all do remember me saying that I have a beard, right? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Honestly, there aren't many pictures of me from my teen years. I've always been the sort who goes the other way when there's a camera around. :(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
ok...LESTER...real cute...not at all funny..wasted my time for THIS????????????????? >:(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Right. That's the picture I was referring to. Yep. ;)
(Funny, I remembered you having a lot less hair and clothing...) ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't even HAVE a pic, and as such, I'm missing out on this whole topic. It seems to have been going on for so long though, that I've got to make some sort of input somehow.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
ok...LESTER...real cute...not at all funny..wasted my time for THIS????????????????? >:(
End Quote
One again the public turns! It's a good thing I'm not the sort who gets discouraged easily... ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I guess the most weird thing about this topic is, I now know the kind of people I'm having these messages e-mailed to... a guitar playing Jon Bon fan that wears a purple shirt (that's not an attack, after all, I do, too...), and Chucky, avec une Furby, (by the way, that's one of the few Furbies that I don't have... if you could tell me where on earth you get Furbies like that, I'd be grateful...) and, last, but my no means least, a very very scary werewolf... (wearing Keds, no doubt, werewolves always do...) I'd get you a picture of me with my band, that I had taken a couple of years ago, but then, I can't, since one of our members is photophobic, and it brings back scary memories.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
one of our members is photophobic, and it brings back scary memories.
End Quote
Did the flash make him disintegrate into a pile of dust too? That's my excuse at any rate, and I'm stickin' to it.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Dust? No... what are you implying?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OK, here goes:
This is my Senior pic. I only have it in my yearbook, and my scanner sucks. I don't really think I have any other pics from my teen years in the 80's. This was taken in Summer of '87.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Very nice, ThunderVamp9! :o What a great idea, posting a Senior pic.
Surely everyone has one of those already scanned somewhere. Would it really kill the rest of you to share?? :P
P.S. cs, add it to the calendar! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
The hair...the shirt!! TOTALLY 80's! I love the pic, ThunderVamp9! :P
I don't have any senior pics. :( My dad thought it was unnecessary! I do have some pics from the 80's but not sure how to post them here?? I would have to have a web page, right??
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
The hair...the shirt!! TOTALLY 80's! I love the pic, ThunderVamp9! :P
I don't have any senior pics. :( My dad thought it was unnecessary! I do have some pics from the 80's but not sure how to post them here?? I would have to have a web page, right??
End Quote
If you can get them scanned, there are a few people with web pages who could post them for you. If not, send me something via snail mail, and I'll scan it for you.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
If you can get them scanned, there are a few people with web pages who could post them for you. If not, send me something via snail mail, and I'll scan it for you.
End Quote
I have pictures saved in my computer, but I will save you all the agony! :P LOL
...or not! LOL Go here!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL Rapture! You epitomised the 80s! I love the pic of you in 1980 - you look like you've got a 'shiner' though! that whole look reminds me of all those goofy 80s summer camp movies that i adored as a kid! ;)
Youre a trooper for sharing!
Great pic thundervamp... nice part down the middle of yer hair! I had one just like it! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pix! Thanks for sharing!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thought nothing - you were the bomb, girl! :o
All that AND a bag of chips! ;D
The pic with the boots is my fave. I so miss tight jeans! With today's "fashions", how are we supposed to show off our... ahh, nevermind.
Thanx for sharing. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
All of my jeans are tight - not by choice mind you... :'(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I've been dressing like the 80's all through the 90's. COuldn't get into the drab browns and yellows, and everything baggy. Tight jeans, same shirts. Of course, I don't have the collar up anymore.... And the sizes are a little different now.... :-/
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
LOL! How right you are thundervamp... :-/
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Dang, Thundervamp, now I need to know how to clean up drool from the keyboard. ;)
Great pics, Rapture! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Stop it, I'm blushing. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Stop it, I'm blushing. ;D
End Quote
Wakaa-wakaa-wakaa! :o
Jonman who? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great PacMan impression. Here's mine. Wakaa-wakaa-wakaa-wakaa.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Sheesh ThunderV - who did you hang out with in school ? The casts of The Outsiders and Riskey Business ??????????
Hubba Hubba !!!! :P
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
ThunderVamp9, I like the "after" pic, too... ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: ÊSelf Pic 1980's
First of all, I've had only a couple of posts, but I have to say that this is a great site. I love reminiscing about the 80's. Anyway, this topic forced me to delve into the abyss of 80's fashion. Try this one on....I wore almost white acid washed jeans (pinned with safety pins, of course), a "tail" shirt, and matching two-toned Converse (you know, the ones you could flip-down in pink/turquoise). Pair that with feathery earrings and a denim purse with buttons all over it. Oh, that was soooo cool.
(if you are into the country look, I remeber wearing Justin Ropers with the little beady things attached)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Sheesh ThunderV - who did you hang out with in school ? The casts of The Outsiders and Riskey Business ??????????
Hubba Hubba !!!! :P
End Quote
Actually, I was a school nerd. If you had seen my pics prior to Junior year, when I changed my whole look, you'd be surprised it was the same person.
Plus, I was the only guy to get an earring, wore tight, torn up jeans, tank tops, frosted my hair, had some curl added a couple times for the hell of it, and grew my hair out to almost halfway down my back. I was going for the Joe Elliot look. When I wasn't wearing jeans, etc, I went for the Chess King (anyone remember that store?) look. Plus any other add-ons.
Looking like this, in my school in rural Maine, I was considered gay.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Looking like this, in my school in rural Maine, I was considered gay.
End Quote
Wow. Where I come from you had to do something TOTALLY different to be considered gay. I think it involved show tunes.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
As if my "Mulder" thing isnt bad enough...my wife Mira was constantly told she was Xena (Lucy Lawless)...this was when she had her black 'cleopatra fringe' long hair (I guess the amazonian height and big boobs somewhat add to the affect). LOL!
I distinctly remember one day in Athens (we lived there some years ago), we were chased down the street by 2 7yr old greek girls yelling "Xena! Xena!" What a hoot!
BrianmannixGirl - this will appeal to you...my Mum has been approached twice by channel 7 representatives to star as a Pauline Hanson lookalike! We walked into Cue one day and just for a giggle I called her 'Pauline'...the shop assistand didnt know what to do with herself (you know shes been banned from "CUE" stores nationally)! I laughed so hard until i cried...Mum, needlesstosay...was NOT amused!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG! Sorry! i thought Id posted that in the thread titled: Do you look like someone famous"...my apologies again!!! :-/
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What you drinkin boy ?? !!!!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Wow. Where I come from you had to do something TOTALLY different to be considered gay. I think it involved show tunes.
End Quote
Our school consisted of rural monkeys whose ambitions were either auto mechanic or farmer. Dressing and looking like I did were NOT the norm. The norm was a simple T-Shirt and jeans, with workboots. Very obviously, I didn't fit that. Plus, because I didn't get along with the guys in my school, almost all of my friends were female. When you're the only guy hanging with a group of girls, people in that area tend to think funny things about you. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
More pic.........More pics... !!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, ThunderVamp! You looked as if you could have been cast in any number of 80s teen movies! I can imagine you playing Molly Ringwald's boyfriend! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What an amazing coincidence! I always imagined myself as Molly Ringwald's boyfriend, too!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
...Plus, because I didn't get along with the guys in my school, almost all of my friends were female. When you're the only guy hanging with a group of girls, people in that area tend to think funny things about you. ;)
End Quote
The term "lucky guy" comes to mind...
When I was in school, I totally changed for my grade 11 year too, TV9. And I was the only girl who hung out with a group of guys. Strange how when guys do that they think you're gay, and when girls do they think you're a slut.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What an amazing coincidence! I always imagined myself as Molly Ringwald's boyfriend, too!
End Quote
I used to imagine that I was Samantha Baker's (Molly's character in Sixteen Candles) boyfriend as well! To me, Molly was the perfect example of the 80s teenaged girl!!! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
The term "lucky guy" comes to mind...
When I was in school, I totally changed for my grade 11 year too, TV9. And I was the only girl who hung out with a group of guys. Strange how when guys do that they think you're gay, and when girls do they think you're a slut.
End Quote
That is odd, isn't it? So, are you saying that while people thought I was gay, they thought you were.....? hehehe ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I used to imagine that I was Samantha Baker's (Molly's character in Sixteen Candles) boyfriend as well! To me, Molly was the perfect example of the 80s teenaged girl!!! :)
End Quote
Well, to me she wasn't the perfect example, but she was close enough for me. ;D I watched her movies pretty regularly, and I still don't know if I ever caught the dialogue...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic thundervamp... nice part down the middle of yer hair! I had one just like it! :D
End Quote
Sorry for the late response, I just saw this one. I still part my hair in the middle. And if it weren't for work, I'd still have it long, too... I'd also still wear my earring...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I am pretty new to this board, but I wanted to join in and share a photo from the 80's---1988 to be exact. This one is of me and a good friend of mine, who happens to be a long time member of this board. I am the one in the acid wash jeans and jacket. Please, be kind with the "big hair" remarks. I was very fond of hairspray and a tease comb. ;D
Can anyone guess which of the board members my friend is? She was very reluctant to have her photo posted but she finally gave in. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Very nice picture, Shannon. I'm been racking my brain, trying to figure out who the other person could be... I'm not sure. Can you give us some hints? ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm been racking my brain, trying to figure out who the other person could be... I'm not sure. Can you give us some hints? ;D
End Quote
She is a Rockhopper Penguin, such as yourself. Does that help?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
She is a Rockhopper Penguin, such as yourself. Does that help?
End Quote
Hmmm... maybe. Now I'll have to go through all the posts and write down who is a Rockhopper Penguin to figure it out! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
She is a Rockhopper Penguin, such as yourself. Does that help?
End Quote
Is it Langdon?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Is it Langdon?
End Quote
If it's not Langdon, my 2nd guess would be Karen.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
If it's not Langdon, my 2nd guess would be Karen.
End Quote
Your 2nd guess is the correct answer CS---it is Karen M in that picture. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
If this works it's a recent pic of me.
WHOO HOO!! It worked! :P -LOL
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hmmm... I recognize your picture from somewhere, Topcat.. I mean, Rapture!!!! :) Very nice shot of you!!! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, Rapture. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
This was my '86-'87 Senior pic:
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You're very handsome in your picture, TX! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice tux TX!! :P (he is a hottie isn't he?! :-*)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice tux TX!! :P (he is a hottie isn't he?! :-*)
End Quote
Yeah! He sure is!!! :D :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
That's a great pic, Shannon and Karen M! You two were stylin' in the 80's. :D
Rapture, you know you're a beauty in any decade! :o
And as for TX... I'm so glad you finally posted that sexy pic here, so when I want to look at it, I don't have to go all the way up to my room to stare at the ones I put up on my walls (and ceiling - did I mention that one?)... ;) (Yeah, like I haven't had the link on my desktop for months now!) ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice tux TX!! :P (he is a hottie isn't he?! :-*)
End Quote
D A N G, all these hot men around here and I never want to leave.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
That's a great pic, Shannon and Karen M! You two were stylin' in the 80's. :D
End Quote
Thanks, Mystery Woman! It's hard to believe it's been 14 years since that photo was taken!!! :o
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Dang Karen M, you were seriously hot in that pic! The outfit, the hair, and my greatest wekness, the legs! You could command me at whim looking like that!
Very nice pic!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Damn Karen M, you were seriously hot in that pic! The outfit, the hair, and my greatest wekness, the legs! You could command me at whim looking like that!
Very nice pic!
End Quote
Aww, ThunderVamp, I don't know what to say! You're making me blush!!! :-[
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Totally serious there. I go ga-ga for that look in the worst way. It's my idea of the perfect female look, and I can not resist a woman looking like that. Sadly, I never see it these days...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hi everyone! I just stumbled accross this site about a week ago, and it's one of the best 80's sites I've seen.
Well, here's a pic of me and my high school sweetheart (and the future ex-Mrs. Davester!) at the CalExpo in the summer of '86. Nothing noteworthy about the way I dressed back then...501's, t-shirts and, of course, Wallabys. Note that in real life I don't have a grey stripe running down the middle of my face. : )
Take Care, Dave
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I hope you like the site. Did the photo turn out with the grey stripe down it, or was that due to the scanning?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
The stripe actually appeared during editing. The pic was too big to fit in the scenner, so I scanned half-at-a-time then put them togther again in PhotoShop.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
lol, I'm glad the scanner that I don't have causes me no problems. And before you ask, I'm being awkward.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice picture Davester....I like the way the photo was cut in the shape of a heart. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, Davester.
Ladies, we have another hottie conspiring to keep us on the board constantly....any complaints? ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ladies, we have another hottie conspiring to keep us on the board constantly....any complaints? ;D
End Quote
I noticed! When IS that calandar coming out? ;D
Nice pic Davester. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:D oh, my! this is my favorite......this is what i looked like......
i had cripped long hair up in a pony tail on the right side of my head; big dangly earrings; a neon pink t-shirt; a wide belt that wrapped around my waist twice; tight blue jeans with rips in the knees; black leather ankle boots; bangles on both wrists; and a black leather fringed jacket. This was my favorite! Last year(2001) i wore this for halloween....felt good to be a teen again. I am 35 years old and the teenagers in my town idolized me!!!! that was way cool!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
*wonders when calendar is coming out* :P :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
*wonders when calendar is coming out* :P :D
End Quote
Surprisingly enough, I have enough pics (okay, almost enough pics if you only count those that I could show in public!) ;) to actually make a calendar!
Now all we have to do is talk the guys into letting me SHOW the pics! You guys KNOW who you are... :-*
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well that pic you have of me is from 1996, so I'm not sure it would really fit in an 80's calender. Course it's probably better than anything I have from the 80s, since most of the pictures of me back then are from the early 80s when I was kid. I don't care if you show it though, just so long as everyone knows ahead of time that I'm hideous, and I take no responsibly for when their monitors crack.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
My monitor didn't crack when I looked at your pic, and my printer didn't malfunction when I printed it out, and my *#&jf(&Oj* didn't *@G^(*9WE* when I *)&R68A* with it... ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I suppose you can use mine. Just NOT the underwear one! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I suppose you can use mine. Just NOT the underwear one! :D
End Quote
Aww Thundervamp! You take the fun out of everything! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Aww Thundervamp! You take the fun out of everything! ;)
End Quote
And here I thought I added fun to everything! Dang, OK, use the underwear one... But I want a disclaimer that I was drunk at the time! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
And here I thought I added fun to everything! Damn, OK, use the underwear one... But I want a disclaimer that I was drunk at the time! ;)
End Quote
Ok, I'll be in charge of the disclaimer!! You know that you can trust me, right?? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok, I'll be in charge of the disclaimer!! You know that you can trust me, right?? ;)
End Quote
Hey, if I can't trust a blonde to get it right, who CAN I trust, right? ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey, if I can't trust a blonde to get it right, who CAN I trust, right? ;D
End Quote
You can always trust me!! ;) Despite what others might say!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
;D Well, I don't have any pics handy, but I was kind of a metal head and dressed the part and I also like the Don Johnson look and dressed like that sometimes. ;D The girls I was dating liked the Don Johnson look better. I quess we do what it takes to get some. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I finally have a then photograph to post of myself. This photo was taken on New Year's Eve, 1988, at my ex-girlfriend, Rhonda's, house. Rhonda was my first and we were together throughout elementary school, junior high and into our college years. We're no longer together, but we are still good friends. The pic is here: 80sTrivia and ex in 1988...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I finally have a then photograph to post of myself. This photo was taken on New Year's Eve, 1988, at my ex-girlfriend, Rhonda's, house. Rhonda was my first and we were together throughout elementary school, junior high and into our college years. We're no longer together, but we are still good friends. The pic is here...
End Quote
Good one!!! :) 80's all the way!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Now this is going way back... I found this picture of me at my Mother's house this past weekend... 80sTrivia... as a baby!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Now this is going way back... I found this picture of me at my Mother's house this past weekend... 80sTrivia... as a baby!!! ;D
End Quote
LOL! That's great! Your scanner caused some new-wave dye-do there. You're definitely are an 80's pioneer. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Surprisingly enough, I have enough pics (okay, almost enough pics if you only count those that I could show in public!) ;) to actually make a calendar!
Now all we have to do is talk the guys into letting me SHOW the pics! You guys KNOW who you are... :-*
End Quote
Darla I am still waiting for the pix...you know we made a deal about getting them printed...if can get everyone to hurry up we will have one hell of a 2003 calendar!!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Darla I am still waiting for the pix...you know we made a deal about getting them printed...if can get everyone to hurry up we will have one hell of a 2003 calendar!!!!
End Quote
We most certainly would have! We're extremely lucky to have so many attractive men around here. Especially since every one of them has a personality that's just as attractive.
I think maybe you should work on a few people about getting permission to show their pics, though. I'm afraid my asking just no longer has the same effect it once might have.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
We most certainly would have! We're extremely lucky to have so many attractive men around here. Especially since every one of them has a personality that's just as attractive.
I think maybe you should work on a few people about getting permission to show their pics, though. I'm afraid my asking just no longer has the same effect it once might have.
End Quote
Ok guys...you have seen the posts...are we ready to do this calendar or what?.....we need you to say the word!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Now this is going way back... I found this picture of me at my Mother's house this past weekend... 80sTrivia... as a baby!!! ;D
End Quote
AWWWWWWW, what a cutie you are!!!!! I love your green eyes!!!!! Ya done your mama proud!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Quoting:I think maybe you should work on a few people about getting permission to show their pics, though. I'm afraid my asking just no longer has the same effect it once might have.
End Quote
Well, you know I'M still at your beck and call... :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
And I'mat your call and beck.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, you know I'M still at your beck and call... :D
End Quote
And I'mat your call and beck.
End Quote
Aww... *wipes away tear* :)
I luv you guys! :-*
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I wanted to bring this thread back up for some of the newer people on the board--it even pre-dated my arrival. I had a lot of fun going thru this and looking at everyone's pics, but sadly some of the links no longer work, even tho' they are of people who still post regularly. Any chance of getting the links updated?
And to encourage the newbies to post their photos, I will take the plunge: here I am ca. 1989 with two of my cats, Grendle and Tasha. (My scanner doesn't work too well, but...)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice pic, Zella!!!
Oh, and your kitties are beautiful! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great picture, Zella!!! :) I'm glad someone resurrected this old thread!!! So, newbies, post your pics!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice pic, Zella. You shore are puurdy! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Zella, is that chair for sale?? ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice pic, Zella. You shore are puurdy! :)
End Quote
Thanks Davester, but keep in mind the pic is 13 years out of date! Wish I still looked that young! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Zella, is that chair for sale?? ;D
End Quote
I'm afraid that chair is long gone. Someone too heavy for it sat in it and broke the back. :( The blanket is long gone too, although I cannot recall what happened to it. As for the cats (for Karen) Grendle passed away 7 years ago, but Tasha-kitty is still alive, age about 15.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG, THIS thread! I'd forgottem all about it. hey, MW, weren't you going to take the pics from here and make a calendar out of them? ;D And I've got a new scanner now, so I can re-do the one I posted if I ever get around to it. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG, THIS thread! I'd forgottem all about it. hey, MW, weren't you going to take the pics from here and make a calendar out of them? ;D And I've got a new scanner now, so I can re-do the one I posted if I ever get around to it. ;D
End Quote
Your photo is one of the ones that is still visible. You were a pretty foxy high school senior! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
This is a great thread. It's always nice to put a face w/ the name. There are some very beautiful/handsome peeps on this board.
As a sidenote, 80sTrivia is a cutie.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What you're saying is, you'd rather I didn't show my pics? Thinking about it, I couldn't get them up here, unless I was at school... and there's not much chance of that...
This is a great thread. It's always nice to put a face w/ the name. There are some very beautiful/handsome peeps on this board.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice pics guys ;D I can't get mine because i don't have a scanner......... :(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What you're saying is, you'd rather I didn't show my pics? Thinking about it, I couldn't get them up here, unless I was at school... and there's not much chance of that...
End Quote
We want to see your picture Bobo! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG!!! I figured it out. I know I am not a newbie, and this isn't a pic from the 80's, but it is the only one I have right now. It was taken in Park City during the Olympics. I still look pretty much the same as I did in high school. (I am the tall one ;))
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Darn, Dagwood, I can't see the pic!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Darn, Dagwood, I can't see the pic!!! ;)
End Quote
That's weird...I can. Can anyone else? ??? I am posting it from my email, could that be the prob? I am not very internet literate ;).
edited to add: try clicking on the link if you can't see the pic. If that doesn't work, I guess I will bag it.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
That's weird...I can. Can anyone else? ???
End Quote
All I see is a box with a red X in it.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
All I see is a box with a red X in it.
End Quote
Does the link work, or am I just destined to be the only person who knows what I look like?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok...did that work....huh huh huh? Please don't let me be totally hopeless.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I see it now. Good pic!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I see it now. Good pic!!!
End Quote
Thanks....I feel so much better..that was a pain in the butt. ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I see the pic now, too, Dagwood!!! Is that your daughter in the picture with you? :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What you're saying is, you'd rather I didn't show my pics? Thinking about it, I couldn't get them up here, unless I was at school... and there's not much chance of that...
End Quote
I would love to see your pics, Bobo. Go to school and put up some pics. Come on, be nice!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Really nice pic, Dagwood! And your daughter is a real sweetie!
C'mon guy and gals--there are a lot of you left that never put up a photo! I want to see what everyone looked like in the 80s! (maybe we ought to do one of these for each decade--what say?) :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Really nice pic, Dagwood! And your daughter is a real sweetie!
C'mon guy and gals--there are a lot of you left that never put up a photo! I want to see what everyone looked like in the 80s! (maybe we ought to do one of these for each decade--what say?) :)
End Quote
I say, "Let's DO IT!" (Sorry, I had to end that sentence w/ a preposition.)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
But TV9--we were expecting a full-body photo, in motion, with a fig leaf! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Oh, no I can't allow photos. Best you get is the infamous "underwear" pic.... ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Oh, no I can't allow photos. Best you get is the infamous "underwear" pic.... ;D
End Quote
Hmmmm... Unfortunately, I missed that one! Is it somewhere in this thread? ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I see the pic now, too, Dagwood!!! Is that your daughter in the picture with you? :)
End Quote
Yeah, that's the munchkin. She thought it was cool to hold the olympic torch. :)
Great pics, Zella & TV9. This thread is kinda fun...you know, putting faces to the names (or cones ;))
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice photo, dagwood! I hadn't realized that you're a brunette. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't have a scanner - hey, wait...I don't even own a computer! :P Even if I did, I have, like, two pictures: my driver's license and the other I lost somewhere in one of my moving trips :-/ Just look up the name Herve Villaichez on the Internet. I'm sure that's a good picture of me ;)
Thee Plane Boy
PS- TV9...where's your Def Lep shirt young man!? I think I still have a brand new one in my closet...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
This one is from 1988 and my Junior year in High School. All I can say is: Eighties hair.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
WOW!! Great pictures of both TV9 and Dagwood!! :)
Thank God the link to my pic has expired! :o
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I've been given permission to post a "mystery photo" of one of our boardies in the 80s so everyone can have fun guessing....
So here is the handsome lad:
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nice photo, dagwood! I hadn't realized that you're a brunette. :)
End Quote
Thanks. I am naturally brunette, but last night I went crazy and am now "Intense Deep Burgundy". It is pretty cool, in the right light it is almost purple. ;D
Great pic, Misinformation. And Zella? Have no clue...but dang, he's cute. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Babies are the cutest , aren't they! :D
I don't know anyone enough here to take a guess. :P
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Is it 'Rock & Roll Fan' with his son?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Dave, thats what I thought, too! I don't know, thats what I always thought he looked like..
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Zella....could that possibly be FussBudgetVanPelt? ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey guys.. I was only commisssioned to put the photo up, not indentify it! It wouldn't be a mystery then, would it? ;D The photoee will have to own up to his own face when he is of a mind to....
But on a personal note; I'm having a good time reading the guesses, so don't stop.... ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
That's a great pic that you posted, Misinformation! Sort of reminiscent of a young Dano Plato!!!
I don't have a guess at to who our Mystery Guest is... :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I know who it is and I'm not telling anyone either!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok, Zella...no fair we need to be told >:( ;).
My first guess would be Lester, the second Rock and Roll fan. If I am wrong...I have no other guesses.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
My first guess would be Lester...End Quote
Nope, not me.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nope, not me.
End Quote
I'm still not saying a word!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm still not saying a word!! ;D
End Quote
That's the spirit, Goldie! :D
Now, wouldn't it be funny if was someone that no one was expecting it to be... ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Yes, it would be!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey Goldie! Do you think he's purposefully delaying in order to get more compliments? Okay, ladies, page 17, post #8, keep the comments coming.... ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey Goldie! Do you think he's purposefully delaying in order to get more compliments? Okay, ladies, page 17, post #8, keep the comments coming.... ::)
End Quote
I wouldn't be a bit surprised! Maybe I need to ask him to reveal himself!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I wouldn't be a bit surprised! Maybe I need to ask him to reveal himself!!
End Quote
That sounds very naughty.... ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OH MY!!! That 'mystery poster' is a hottie! I could do many naughty things to him. http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/spezial/kain/Spass-1.gif
Now reveal yourself before us ladies lose interest. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
MMMMMMMM... swarthy. But I must say, he's no Lester.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
MMMMMMMM... swarthy. But I must say, he's no Lester.
End Quote
You are right Langdon, he's certainly no Lester!! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Did I miss Lester's picture in this thread?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Did I miss Lester's picture in this thread?
End Quote
No, it's not there. You will just have to take my word for it! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
No, it's not there. You will just have to take my word for it! ;)
End Quote
Yeah, Lester, what's up with that? Give up the pic ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Maybe someone should just post a pic of RnR, Lester, and FBVP, and let everyone decide for sure if it's one of them!
(I'm not posting, I'm not posting! No need to retaliate... ;) )
You know, if everyone just posted their pic, we wouldn't have these problems... ::)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm going to post mine from my 1985 school formal. But not right now.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I've got the pic but need the permission of a certain person(you know who you are!!) in order to post it! So how about it?? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I wanted to bring this thread back up for some of the newer people on the board--it even pre-dated my arrival. I had a lot of fun going thru this and looking at everyone's pics, but sadly some of the links no longer work, even tho' they are of people who still post regularly. Any chance of getting the links updated?
End Quote
thus proving, that old threads never die, they're just awaiting the day they get re-bumped into the light of day..
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
BTW, Chucky--your picture was really cool! You are a cutie! :)
On another note, I think Mystery Man will be revealed tonight. I am awaiting orders.... Stay tuned. :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, we thought the mystery pic thing would be a lot of fun, so hope everyone enjoyed guessing! And now for the revelation:
As several of you have already guessed, the photo is RocknRollFan. Except the baby in the picture is his niece, not his son as Davester guessed.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I've got the pic but need the permission of a certain person(you know who you are!!) in order to post it! So how about it?? ;)
End Quote
Goldie, I bet you a million dollars you don't get permission! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Goldie, I bet you a million dollars you don't get permission! ;D
End Quote
Only a million? I almost positive that he will never give me permission!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Is everybody ready for the next mystery picture?
Well here is another adorable young stud.... (Geez, I'm beginning to feel like a pimp... ::) )
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I haven't a clue. I asked my daughter and she said his name is Mark. Don't know where she pulled that from. I would have to guess Philbo. ???
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I just wanted to thank Zella for all of her help :) Thanks for taking the "Heat" this past week....as always I appreciate it ;) As for the new pic....I haven't a clue!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I haven't a clue. I asked my daughter and she said his name is Mark. Don't know where she pulled that from. I would have to guess Philbo. ???
End Quote
Well MY name is Mark....but I was the other picture.... :-/
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I've just reread most of this too.I don't have a scanner so I can't put up a picture :(.I did think though if I did put one up when would it be from in the 80's?? When I was about 13 and a rara skirted fashion fan, or when I was in my late teens and a glam/metal queen?? (Thankfully there are no photo's of me when I went out looking like C C Deville from poison!?!)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok, my guess is that it's FussBudget!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
There are some awesome pics of me in the '80s.
Now, if I had been sober at the time I would remember who took the pictures.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well MY name is Mark....but I was the other picture.... :-/
End Quote
I know that, that's why I laughed when she said that. She made up a story about him, too, but I hadn't had my coffee yet so I wasn't awake enough to remember.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok, my guess is that it's FussBudget!!
End Quote
You win, Goldie! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You win, Goldie! :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm not going to waste time posting my 80s pic, because I think we've all seen babies!!
If I posted my current pic on here, I would be the only member left on this board!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Heres a pic of me circa 1989:
(sorry no external linking :-[)End Quote
LMAO!!! Were we separated at birth? Now I know why you go by SCREWBALL!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks for sharing your pic, FussBudget! You are a cutie!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
WOW, http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/erstaunt/erstWow.gif The first 'mystery man' was RocknRollFan....and the second is FussBudget?! I love this place! Very nice pictures guys. http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/Gluecklich/glueckmhihi.gif
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:o FBVP... I just have to say, "YUM!!!"
I've heard there are mighty fine men down under, and you my dear are living proof! :-*
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Heres a pic of me circa 1989:
(sorry no external linking :-[)End Quote
I don't see anything! Link doesn't work for me. :'(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't see anything! Link doesn't work for me. :'(
End Quote
Me either :(
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't see anything! Link doesn't work for me. :'(
End Quote
Me neither !
But dig it, I'm not looking for the same reason all the others others are looking.
I swear, I just like clicking on a link when I see it. It's a dud !
It's not a 'Screwball' link at all. It's a 'screwed up' link.
Come on Sb54, what are you hiding ?
(Is that more in the spirit of things.... ???)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
:o FBVP... I just have to say, "YUM!!!"
I've heard there are mighty fine men down under, and you my dear are living proof! :-*
End Quote
Thank you, MW and those who preceeded, you're all too kind.
I think of that photo as :
"Rebel without a clue"
FB :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Is everybody ready for the next mystery picture?
Well here is another adorable young stud.... (Geez, I'm beginning to feel like a pimp... ::) )
End Quote
(Sing songy) This is now my wallpaper! This is now my wallpaper!
I need more, folks! FBVP joins a select few on my fabled "Wall Of Confusion" along with a few select others...who will remain nameless for now...unless the blackmain note is paid! :D
Who does he remind me of? It's on the tip of my tongue...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What do you mean...preceding messages? I saw your picture and had to go to bed! Take that as compliment...not many men have that kind of mojo over me!
So let's recap...you are this cute and you've got that fabulous accent? (I am SO American!) I will take you over Mel anyday!!! (AND you do not resemble a cartoon character at all!!) I'll see you down under anytime, any day!!! :-*
End Quote
Whoah ! There's a new player on the scene. You're a quiet one Banasy, our paths haven't crossed much on this board !
Accent ? ??? What accent ? I thought all you guys had the accents ;D
Now I will have to go to bed (it is late here). Somehow doubt I will get to sleep in a hurry..... ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
(Sing songy) This is now my wallpaper! This is now my wallpaper!
I need more, folks! FBVP joins a select few on my fabled "Wall Of Confusion" along with a few select others...who will remain nameless for now...unless the blackmain note is paid! :D
Who does he remind me of? It's on the tip of my tongue...
End Quote
I've wanted to be many things in my life, but must admit to not having considered wallpaper ! Another first !
Oh-oh Chongo !
This last comment has the potential to go in a BAD direction.....! :-/
FB ;)
And that folks is # 500...I to go and it's gonna be tomorrow !
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Me either :(
End Quote
No pic, I'm afraid.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Here's a pic of me circa 1989, If you can't see it I appologize.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Yeah, that's great and all (Cool make-up btw), but we want to see you unmasked. :D ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
....Oh-oh Chongo !
This last comment has the potential to go in a BAD direction.....! :-/
FB ;)....
End Quote
OMG!!! Just when I had finally gotten that out of my head, you have to go and dredge it up again. :P
Nice pic. I knew it had to be you, I just didn't get here fast enough. The way you are sqinting in the sun that just screams "Australia". ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I have to agree with the ladies, FussBudget...you are a cutie! ;)
You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I am curious as to how old you were when that picture was taken....
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Banasy, I would say he is a little Tom Cruiseish. I don't know why, but that is who came to my mind first.
Great pic FBVP! :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Banasy, I would say he is a little Tom Cruiseish. I don't know why, but that is who came to my mind first.
Great pic FBVP! :D
End Quote
You are right Dagwood! Now that you mention it, there is quite a resemblance to Tom Cruise!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Banasy, I would say he is a little Tom Cruiseish. I don't know why, but that is who came to my mind first.
Great pic FBVP! :D
End Quote
Well....I've never been likened to Tom Cruise before ! Nicole, come back, all is forgiven !
Thank you Dagwood :) None of this is helping me to concentrate at work - I am in a Payroll section. If anyone tells me their pay was wrong I'll just have to say :
"Oh, that was Tom Cruise that did that...." ;D
That was a nice way to get to post #501 - I am royal now (as well as feeling like a King...)
FB (by appointment) ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I have to agree with the ladies, FussBudget...you are a cutie! ;)
You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I am curious as to how old you were when that picture was taken....
End Quote
Thank you Karen M
I believe I was 24 - I'm not 24 anymore :'(
FB :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
OMG!!! Just when I had finally gotten that out of my head, you have to go and dredge it up again. :P
Nice pic. I knew it had to be you, I just didn't get here fast enough. The way you are sqinting in the sun that just screams "Australia". ;D ;D
End Quote
Thanks Kat
How did you know it 'had to be me' ? Because there were so few of us left ?
The squinting in the sun thing has been intruiging me ever since I dredged the photo up to scan. Why didn't I face another way ? Perhaps the sun and squinting accounts for the "Hurry up and gets this over with" look on my face ! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I finally found a picture that I liked enough to post! This is from my graduation in June 1985!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Allright Goldie! Nice photo! I'm so glad you finally got the link to work. :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I finally found a picture that I liked enough to post! This is from my graduation in June 1985!!
End Quote
Lovely pic Goldie - Hot !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Great pic, Goldie. :D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Very pretty picture, Goldie. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks Kat
How did you know it 'had to be me' ? Because there were so few of us left ?
End Quote
Partly that, and partly that there's something about your facial features that just says "Australia" to me. I know there are others out there from Oz, but none of them have posted pics.
Sometimes I amaze friends when I can look at someone and immediately tell where they or their ancestors are from, just by looking at their face. Obviously, it's got a lot to do with your relatives. When I can do it, I usually find out afterwards the person I picked out as "Irish" is somehow related to someone else I know who is from Ireland.
So, logically, you must be related to someone else from Australia that I have met, even if briefly.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hey Goldie.....to borrow a phrase from the late-great Freddie Prinze....Looking GOOD! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I love your graduation pic, Goldie. You have that "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that school is finally over and I can really start to live my life" smile on your face!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I love your graduation pic, Goldie. You have that "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that school is finally over and I can really start to live my life" smile on your face!!! ;D
End Quote
It was probably more like "Which party am I going to after this is over and how drunk am I gonna get??" ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thanks to all of you wonderful people for your nice coments on my picture! I appreciate all of the kind words! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Time for another mystery pic! This time it's a luuuvly lady for all you guys to feast your eyes on! ;)
Post your guesses!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'd say it's Goldie, circa 1988.
Time for another mystery pic! This time it's a luuuvly lady for all you guys to feast your eyes on! ;)
Post your guesses!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Time for another mystery pic! This time it's a luuuvly lady for all you guys to feast your eyes on! ;)
Post your guesses!
End Quote
More Goldie? Perhaps Youngcricket? Or is it, naw it couldn't be, Langdon Hughes!?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I know a lot of these photo links are outdated, but I did not see any of the Jonman/cs photos before the prints disappeared. Also would like to see Panda, Bad Angel, Banasy, and Langdon's photos, as well as Jessica/Alicia. I'd also like to see a Hairspray photo, so I can draw a funny face on his mug. (Just kidding Hairspray.)
Sorry, I don't have a scanner yet, so I can't send an 80s photo. Who you like a photo of me at the PC taken with my camera ball? :-/
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I know a lot of these photo links are outdated, but I did not see any of the Jonman/cs photos before the prints disappeared. Also would like to see Panda, Bad Angel, Banasy, and Langdon's photos, as well as Jessica/Alicia. I'd also like to see a Hairspray photo, so I can draw a funny face on his mug. (Just kidding Hairspray.)
Sorry, I don't have a scanner yet, so I can't send an 80s photo. Who you like a photo of me at the PC taken with my camera ball? :-/
End Quote
Get thee to a scanner, J.C. We would love to see a pic of you! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Time for another mystery pic! This time it's a luuuvly lady for all you guys to feast your eyes on! ;)
Post your guesses!
End Quote
It's another great photo, whoever (whomever ?) it is.
My vote goes to :
Huh ? Huh ?
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Get thee to a scanner, J.C. We would love to see a pic of you! :)
End Quote
As for my guess on the newest mystery photo... Langdon?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Time for another mystery pic! This time it's a luuuvly lady for all you guys to feast your eyes on! ;)
Post your guesses!
End Quote
My guess is Karen M
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
...I'd also like to see a Hairspray photo, so I can draw a funny face on his mug. (Just kidding Hairspray.)
End Quote
Um, 'scuse me, but is Hairspray a guy? ??? :-marvelous! (...in my best Billy Crystal voice.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Um, 'scuse me, but is Hairspray a guy? ??? :-[ End Quote
I don't think Hairspray has ever said one way or another. Most of us assume Hairspray is female, there are other who think male. Only Hairspray knows for sure. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't think Hairspray has ever said one way or another. Most of us assume Hairspray is female, there are other who think male. Only Hairspray knows for sure. :)
End Quote
Oh, that's just great! Now, I'm not going to get any sleep at all trying to figure it out! Oh well... ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
As soon as I get my scanner working, I will post pictures of me and my sister. And they will be pictures of us when I was a little kid and my sister was a baby.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I'm with FussBudget on this one, I think that pic is Banasy too!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I gotta buzz in on this. Thank you all for thinking I could look so intelligent and fun, but I don't.
I do, however, like to maintain and aura of mystery. And I don't know how to post a picture. And all the pictures available of me on the computer are nekkid...
...but I've said too much.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
At first I thought Hairspray was female, then somebody try to correct me on another post. Whatever gender it is, I'm still gonna draw a goofy face over it on my monitor. ;)
I don't think Hairspray has ever said one way or another. Most of us assume Hairspray is female, there are other who think male. Only Hairspray knows for sure. :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well that blows my guess that it was your photo. But I pictured Banasy to be, well, more heavy-set. ;D
And Langdon had said she was black before 4/11 (the troll incident). Maybe I'm just confused. :-/
I'm with FussBudget on this one, I think that pic is Banasy too!!
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Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
My guess is Karen M
End Quote
Nope, it's not me. My pic was posted a few months ago. Oh, and plus I've never been blonde before.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok, so I was wrong....I guess I will go with the majority and say Banasy?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, it would appear that the majority of the votes are for Banasy. Sooooo, Banasy wins! ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Wow. She looks fabulous. Guess I'm out of the psychic business. :-[
Well, it would appear that the majority of the votes are for Banasy. Sooooo, Banasy wins! ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, it would appear that the majority of the votes are for Banasy. Sooooo, Banasy wins! ;)
End Quote
Hooray ! Is there a prize, Zella ? Don't even dare to mention virtual Madeline to me BTW - I still haven't got over my last heartbreak with her :'(
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Bansay! How pretty! :)
Is that a recent pic?
You will need a stick to beat the guys off! Unless of course you like it?! ;D hehe
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
And I don't know how to post a picture. And all the pictures available of me on the computer are nekkid...
End Quote
Hey if that's the case, then I'm Certain that people would be willing to help show you how to post a pic, me included ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I don't think Hairspray has ever said one way or another. Most of us assume Hairspray is female, there are other who think male. Only Hairspray knows for sure. :)
End Quote
Aha ! Like Davester I was (am) confused too. First I thought female, because of the name, and that was re-inforced by the avatar (I don't see Duran D when I look at it, I just see a femaley type face).
Then the gender symbol confuses the issue, as it says male.
So Hairspray, if you are a female, the reveal yourself ! :o :o
On the other hand if you are a bloke, just tell us thanks ! ::) ::)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Bansay! How pretty! :)
Is that a recent pic?
You will need a stick to beat the guys off! Unless of course you like it?! ;D hehe
End Quote
Thank you!!!
Pic is circa 1986....it being an 80's thread....but I am going to get a recent one up soon...
Oh, I love to stick it to guys!!!! And I do like it!!!! ;)
Kudos to the folks that guess it was me....man, you guys are GOOD!!!!
J.C.- pfffffftttttt!!!!
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Thank you!!!
Pic is circa 1986....it being an 80's thread....but I am going to get a recent one up soon...
Oh, I love to stick it to guys!!!! And I do like it!!!! ;)
Kudos to the folks that guess it was me....man, you guys are GOOD!!!!
J.C.- pfffffftttttt!!!!
End Quote
If I am your charter...and for now only member of your harem, then of course I must voice my opinion on your photo....Gorgeous! :-*
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Why the raspberry, Ban? Just because I mistakenly thought you were heavy-set? I did correct myself when I said you looked fabulous. I would like you even if you were a dumpling. I apologize if I have offended you before.
P.S.- Right back at ya'! pfffffftttttt! ;)
J.C.- pfffffftttttt!!!!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Why the raspberry, Ban? Just because I mistakenly thought you were heavy-set? I did correct myself when I said you looked fabulous. I would like you even if you were a dumpling. I apologize if I have offended you before.
P.S.- Right back at ya'! pfffffftttttt! ;)
End Quote
J.C., you could never offend me! I just love sticking out my tongue and making noises at you! :-*
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Then the gender symbol confuses the issue, as it says male.
End Quote
Nah, I have no symbol chosen. My gender has been a mystery from day one, long ago. Someone said once that I'm ambiguous. I kinda like that. I am what you percieve me to be. ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Just wanted to say I think all your pics are great! :D :)
Maybe I'll ask ChuckyG if we can have a page for member's pics. What do you think?
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nah, I have no symbol chosen. My gender has been a mystery from day one, long ago. Someone said once that I'm ambiguous. I kinda like that. I am what you percieve me to be. ;)
End Quote
Oops, my mistake Hairspray ! Like I said, WHAT symbol ?
What about one of those pics from the current affairs shows, then, weher you could be all blackened out, and we could only see your outline ? And we could give you a gravelly voice as well ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
What about one of those pics from the current affairs shows, then, weher you could be all blackened out, and we could only see your outline ? And we could give you a gravelly voice as well ;)
End Quote
LOL! :D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Just wanted to say I think all your pics are great! :D :)
Maybe I'll ask ChuckyG if we can have a page for member's pics. What do you think?
End Quote
I like that idea :)
Oh, and yours ? It could have a big question mark in the middle of the shadow ;D
(Sorry, couldn't resist one more time.... ::))
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I think it's a great idea too,but what about people like me who don't have scanners??
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
I think it's a great idea too,but what about people like me who don't have scanners??
End Quote
I think there are places where you can take your photos and they will scan them onto a CD for a charge. Or you could mail them to the closest "boardie" who does have a scanner.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Just wanted to say I think all your pics are great! :D :)
Maybe I'll ask ChuckyG if we can have a page for member's pics. What do you think?
End Quote
I like this idea! It would be great to see most everyone here! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
And Langdon had said she was black before 4/11 (the troll incident). Maybe I'm just confused. :-/
End Quote
Yeah, but I lie a lot. I also repeatedly use the excuse that I'm blond...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Well, here they are! The baby with spaghetti on her face is Alicia, and the other one is me and my dad. Sorry they're so big, I still haven't figured out how to use my scanner right. :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Nah, I have no symbol chosen. My gender has been a mystery from day one, long ago. Someone said once that I'm ambiguous. I kinda like that. I am what you percieve me to be. ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Gosh! Alicia is so cute! Quintescential baby with spaghetti pic and look at the hair - it's got, like, a knot at the top (big, round, blue eyes). Next thing you know is that she talked with a lisp or like Tweety Bird :) Nice pics.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Quoting:End Quote
These are cute, Ladies. How about more recent photos? ;)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
These are cute, Ladies. How about more recent photos? ;)
End Quote
My sister doesn't want a recent pic of her posted. I might post one of me though. Maybe.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
You were such a sweetie, Jessica. Cute pic. And Alicia is such a cutie in her pic, too. She must be a total heartbreaker by now.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
There's one of me here. Because it's on Geocities, you'll have to cut and paste the link to see it.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Ok! I found someone with a scanner!! now I just have to find a suitable 80's photo...........
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
There's one of me here. Because it's on Geocities, you'll have to cut and paste the link to see it.
End Quote
You Little Liar!!! I thought you said you weren't attractive.It's naughty to tell lies,smack hand to you!
Actually now I think about it was that you or someone else......... for some reason you and Krylith and Crazydon all stick in my mind as having declared yourselves as ugly( which I don't believe for a minute!) but I could be doing you an injustice there and smacking your hand for no reason.If so I appologise now I don't usually hit people without a reason! ;D
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Wowie-Kazowie Goreripper! (Is it getting hot in here?)
You even look like a headbanger in that picture (No, really, it's a lot hotter in here now.)
Is your hair still that long, or longer? Shorter? (Are you sure that air conditioner is working properly? It's really hot in here.)
Great pic, Goreripper! What a hottie! (What's that? There's smoke coming from my hard drive? Are you sure? But that means @$$ @#$%^ @$$%^&&&)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
in case you don't see the other thread.. make sure to upload your pictures into the new gallery
that way if the thread disappears, or your webhost goes away or something, people can still check your picture out.. and you don't have to use your name or anything...
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Is your hair still that long, or longer? Shorter? End Quote
It's a bit longer now.
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
It's a bit longer now.
End Quote
All Right! Long hair in 2002! I knew I liked you, Goreripper! BTW, awesome photo! :)
Subject: Re: Roll Call: Self Pic 1980's
Hi All! :)
I unlocked this old and very long thread and brought it back for you to see some of the member pics that are still functional.
It's locked again because of its length and because if you were to post your pics, we'd like you to post them in the best area available for it; That way, if the thread disappears, or your webhost goes away or something, people can still check your picture out.. and you don't have to use your name or anything... ;)
Keep in mind that some of the members are no longer around.
Enjoy your look back!!! :D 8)
For Posting Your Pics And Looking At What Is Now Available In the Pictures of People in the Eighties 80's Picture Gallery: