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Subject: Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots or as we new them, Raving Bonkers Robots

Written By: rayblack on 07/18/06 at 3:18 pm

I am new member to the community, from Colchester in England. In the mid 1970's (I was around eight) my dad entered a boxing magazine competition (The Ring or Boxing Illustrated, I think). The prize was this toy. Now, I cannot remember (for the life of me) whether it was the US version Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots or the less impressively named UK version Raving Bonkers Robots. What I do remember is that some months after entering the competition, we received this huge parcel out of the blue (addressed to me) with no covering letter - it was the toy. What a fantastic surprise. We didn't have a lot of money, and I don't think many other kids had this toy. What I would love to find out is, if my toy was the US version. If it was, I bet that I was one of a very select few that owned a toy from the US in the mid 1970's. For the time, this toy was exceptional, and no batteries required either. I had completely forgotton about the toy until the two guys popped up in Toy Story 2 - the memory floodgates opened. I'd love to hear from anyone else that won that boxing competition as well. (For your interest, the UK version named the guys Biffer Bonker and Basher Bonker...why??? The US names were exceptionally better).  Apparently, the UK version was much rarer and so, perhaps I should count myself lucky to have owned one.

Subject: Re: Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots or as we new them, Raving Bonkers Robots

Written By: Ansand on 09/14/06 at 1:10 am

We had rock-em sock-ems briefly but with seven kids in the same house plastic toys like that never lasted more than a couple of days.

As far as fight toys go, I preferred Socker Boppers and blow up bats.

Subject: Re: Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots or as we new them, Raving Bonkers Robots

Written By: GREEN67 on 09/14/06 at 2:16 am

8) My cousins John and Gaylon had the Rock'em Sock'em Robots...I got to play occasionally...but they always said when they played the winner got to torture tickling me till I peed on myself but sometimes other tortures...FUN in the 70s!!!!

Subject: Re: Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots or as we new them, Raving Bonkers Robots

Written By: happygirl on 09/17/06 at 8:02 pm

I always had to be the red rocket... and front and center in my office it sits.  Great stress reliever.  By the way Rock um Sock ums are available again..cuz they rule almost as much as punching bag Bozo

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