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Subject: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/16/06 at 6:04 am

Go to and do a search for '70s ads' or '70s commercials' - you'll find a wealth of old ads from the 70s, some even in colour! I thought today's ads were cheesy, but these things were cheesier than a Double-double cheese supreme. Especially the one which rips to Ben Hur ad, and that ad for the Shoe Store (I forget the name), Williams or something. The songs were so utterly corny, just like everything else in the 70s!

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: velvetoneo on 05/16/06 at 7:38 pm

My mom claims "they weren't that cheesy and the '70s were full of award-winning ads"  ;).

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/18/06 at 9:20 pm

My mom claims "they weren't that cheesy and the '70s were full of award-winning ads"  ;).

Well, now that you've actually seen some ads, you know otherwise!  ;)

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: AmandaSparks on 05/19/06 at 12:38 am

I want me one of these slush mugs! Wonder if they were as easy to use as the commercial said?

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: whiteport on 05/19/06 at 6:04 am

I want me one of these slush mugs! Wonder if they were as easy to use as the commercial said?

Ha  ;D  I used to have one of those and the best I can remember they didn't work to good.

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/19/06 at 7:45 pm

I want me one of these slush mugs! Wonder if they were as easy to use as the commercial said?

They look like the Brady Bunch...

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/19/06 at 9:48 pm




'Nuff said.

BTW--One of the cheesiest jingles ever, Alka Seltzer's "Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh what a relief it is!" was written by one Paul Margulies, father of Julianna Margulies. The family is New York based, but they did live in NH for a time. Mrs. Margulies was my eurythmy teacher in elementary school (I went to a Waldorf school, thus eurythmy I never met Julianna, but my sister was friends with their other daughter, Alexandra.

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/20/06 at 1:51 am




'Nuff said.

BTW--One of the cheesiest jingles ever, Alka Seltzer's "Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh what a relief it is!" was written by one Paul Margulies, father of Julianna Margulies. The family is New York based, but they did live in NH for a time. Mrs. Margulies was my eurythmy teacher in elementary school (I went to a Waldorf school, thus eurythmy I never met Julianna, but my sister was friends with their other daughter, Alexandra.

Did viewers back then think those jingles were cheesy? Or did they think they were the coolest?  8) :D

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 05/21/06 at 1:20 pm

Some of the jingles were cheesy, yes...

And I agree that commercials were pretty bad back then!

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/22/06 at 9:18 am

That 'Meow Mix' ad was pretty funny tho.

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Cafe80s on 05/27/06 at 11:04 am

Not as cheesy as almost everything i've seen on TV of late. It's just 'cause you're used to the style & feel of everything at the moment, just wait 20 or 30 years & then go back to some current stuff & you'll probably find it super tacky, believe me i already do.
For example the Big Brother commercials with the exretmely tacky voice over trying to make a show about a group of people being video recorded in a house doing nothing seem interesting & super important like as if you don't watch it you're really missing out on something huge  ::)
Look at all the current shows aswell, they're all so ridgid & super serious "supposedly" going for the realism angle & it's so unbearably tacky & laughable.  The tackyness of the 70s had an appeal 'cause at least most things on TV wasn't so overly serious (think cop shows like CSI & all it's clone shows).
And what's with all these "reality" shows, there's nothing real about them. TV is so pretencious these days. 

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/27/06 at 10:23 pm

Not as cheesy as almost everything i've seen on TV of late. It's just 'cause you're used to the style & feel of everything at the moment, just wait 20 or 30 years & then go back to some current stuff & you'll probably find it super tacky, believe me i already do.
For example the Big Brother commercials with the exretmely tacky voice over trying to make a show about a group of people being video recorded in a house doing nothing seem interesting & super important like as if you don't watch it you're really missing out on something huge  ::)
Look at all the current shows aswell, they're all so ridgid & super serious "supposedly" going for the realism angle & it's so unbearably tacky & laughable.  The tackyness of the 70s had an appeal 'cause at least most things on TV wasn't so overly serious (think cop shows like CSI & all it's clone shows).
And what's with all these "reality" shows, there's nothing real about them. TV is so pretencious these days. seems like you've invented a new word!  ;) lol, just kidding

Yes, today's TV is just plain crap and self-conscious and pretentious. The 70s were cheesy, but at least they were a fun sort of a cheesy, not like today which is lame-o sort of cheesy.

Subject: Re: How Cheesy were 70s TV Ads?

Written By: Cafe80s on 05/27/06 at 10:42 pm seems like you've invented a new word!  ;) lol, just kidding

Yes, today's TV is just plain crap and self-conscious and pretentious. The 70s were cheesy, but at least they were a fun sort of a cheesy, not like today which is lame-o sort of cheesy.

Oops spelling mistakes, i guess that's why it pays to proof read everything instead of typing it really quickly & just submitting it.
But yeah can't disagree with you there.

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