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Subject: Albert Hammond

Written By: whistledog on 02/21/06 at 2:44 am

Did you know his son Albert Hammond Jr. is the lead guitarist for the band The Strokes?

I like "Southern California" the best followed by "The Free Electric Band" :)

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: ADH13 on 02/21/06 at 2:46 am

I picked "It Never Rains In Southern California" because I think that's the only one I know of his... and until a couple years ago, I always thought that song was sung by Julio Iglesias... don't ask me why ;D

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: whistledog on 02/21/06 at 2:48 am

I picked "It Never Rains In Southern California" because I think that's the only one I know of his... and until a couple years ago, I always thought that song was sung by Julio Iglesias... don't ask me why ;D


If Julio sang it, it would be called "Nunca Llueve en California Meridional" ;D

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/21/06 at 2:48 am

It Never Rains In Southern California

If you actually read the lyrics, it's a very sad song.  That last verse especially gets me, and I don't know why.

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: ADH13 on 02/21/06 at 2:49 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: whistledog on 02/21/06 at 2:51 am

He sings in English too!  Ever hear "To All The Girls I've Loved Before"? :P ;D

LOL Yes, and don't forget "All of You" (w/ Diana Ross) and "My Love" (w/ Stevie Wonder).  Other than those three, I don't even know any of his other English language hits  :-[  ;D

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: ADH13 on 02/21/06 at 2:52 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: FaultyDog on 02/21/06 at 3:03 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: FaultyDog on 02/21/06 at 3:14 am

Though I like "The Free Electric Band" and "It Never Rains In Southern California", I chose other.

Albert Hammond did a duet with Dutch singer Albert West in 1986 called "Give A Little Love", and it may be cheesy but I like it best. It made it to #6 in Dutch Top 40.

btw: for reasons unknown to me, both "Half A Million Miles From Home" and "Down By The River" weren't charted until 1975 over here. And there also was a 1975 song called "New York City Here I Come" (#13 in Dutch Top 40) that seems to be missing... ???

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 02/21/06 at 9:36 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: karen on 02/21/06 at 10:03 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: TheRemf on 02/21/06 at 11:02 am

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Sammy Reed on 02/21/06 at 5:47 pm

"I'm a Train"

This was the infamous "I'm a train, I'm a chick-a-train" song played on "Captain Kangaroo"!

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Rex on 02/21/06 at 8:05 pm

Lots of good ones, I like the Hammond/Hazelwood ones best.

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Paul on 02/22/06 at 6:50 am

My pick...'Southern California'...

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: jaytee on 02/22/06 at 7:46 am

It Never Rains In Southern California - I thought it was the only song of his that I knew - but I know four of the others listed  :)

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: ktelqueen on 08/22/06 at 12:50 am

It Never Rains In Southern California..i was just thinking about this song last week  :)

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/22/06 at 12:51 am

It Never Rains In Southern California..i was just thinking about this song last week  :)
I like It Never Rains In Southern California too.

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: whistledog on 08/22/06 at 1:09 am

We Built This City ~ Starship


Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/22/06 at 1:17 am

I thought he wrote it, but I was wrong.

Originally post deleted.

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: Cool Hand Logan on 09/03/06 at 10:33 am

It Never Rains In Southern California

The Free Electric Band is a great song too!

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: zcrito on 09/06/06 at 11:02 pm

I'm out of work, I'm out of my head
Out of self respect, I'm out of bread
I'm underloved, I'm underfed
I wanna go home!

It never rains in California
But girl, don't they warn ya
It pours, man, it pours...

It Never Rains In Southern California -- that's the only one I know by him. Good song.

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/08/06 at 7:49 am

Excellent polll subject, W-Dog :)

1973 - The Free Electric Band

but I also love "Half A Million Miles From Home" and "Air Disaster" - a song which Zella introduced me to, it was never released in Australia (as far as I am aware)

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: mandamoo on 09/08/06 at 8:26 am

It Never Rains in Southern California

Subject: Re: Albert Hammond

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/08/06 at 1:51 pm

'It Never Rains In Southern California'

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