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Subject: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/11/06 at 4:17 pm

Odd i haven't done this before.

oh yeah . Tony was on that dumb table hooked up to machinery the whole time!

on the commentary track for RfWM, in that part where tony's all on the table with no shirt on ike eisenmann and kim richards are on the commentary track and he's all, okay, a lot of people don't have this experience, to get to go back in their forties and look back at themselves when they're fifteen, and i have to say i find it very, very uncomfortable. lol!

i think he hated that movie. kim richards was all over it and he had to just act brainwashed the whole time.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/11/06 at 4:36 pm

im foreseeing i'm gonna have to do the lion's share of sustaining this thread so here's an article about the witch mountain movies.

i wrote it so don't be too mean.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/11/06 at 4:50 pm

btw, I'm uploading now, while watching "Escape to Witch Mountian"- the scene with the bear in the car..ah, memories.

if you think about it, the only reason they didn't shoot that bear is because it was a kid's movie. it would have been totally in character and as i recall, they did have guns at that point.

ray milland is amazing in that movie. i think that was one of his last roles and it's a good capstone. dig his "the very young can deceive the very wise" soliloquy. brilliant! i get the sense he really relished playing a villain.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/11/06 at 7:55 pm

I havea  a the top of the second movie, they are with the uncle at the stadium going to meet the cab.
tony says "the gate is locked" and begins to fly up over the fence.  the uncle says that he should stop and learn to live like normal earth kids. then he signals for Tia to use her powers to undo the lock.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 1:06 pm

I havea  a the top of the second movie, they are with the uncle at the stadium going to meet the cab.
tony says "the gate is locked" and begins to fly up over the fence.  the uncle says that he should stop and learn to live like normal earth kids. then he signals for Tia to use her powers to undo the lock.
he says, you shouldn't energize unless you really need to. i guess with tia's lock thing it uses less energy, because you're just fiddling with little tumblers instead of tony's actually lifting his fat a$$ in the air. but yeah, that always struck me as weird.

why the eff are they going to a seedy part of LA for their holiday anyhow? i guess they're visiting relatives, they say, but still. and what's with that dumb-A cab driver running out of gas? what are the odds of that? i always wondered if we were supposed to think the kids did that for some reason.

did you notice the taxi driver stunt where he almost runs over the kids right when he meets em at the rose bowl? they end up having to step out of the way at the last minute. dag, way to engage in child endangerment, yo!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 2:21 pm

he says, you shouldn't energize unless you really need to. i guess with tia's lock thing it uses less energy, because you're just fiddling with little tumblers instead of tony's actually lifting his fat a$$ in the air. but yeah, that always struck me as weird.

why the eff are they going to a seedy part of LA for their holiday anyhow? i guess they're visiting relatives, they say, but still. and what's with that dumb-A cab driver running out of gas? what are the odds of that? i always wondered if we were supposed to think the kids did that for some reason.

did you notice the taxi driver stunt where he almost runs over the kids right when he meets em at the rose bowl? they end up having to step out of the way at the last minute. dag, way to engage in child endangerment, yo!

and the cab driver thought the tank was full.
and left them and yelled about getting a tip. jerk.

they go over the fence, she opens it...either way it's energizing.

I wanna see it again; I havent seen if it's on again this week. :(

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 2:24 pm

and the cab driver thought the tank was full.
and left them and yelled about getting a tip. jerk.

they go over the fence, she opens it...either way it's energizing.

I wanna see it again; I havent seen if it's on again this week. :(

the commentary track on the dvd is great, kim and ike just yucking it up. and on the main menu, there's this little bit of a bangin' techno song for some reason.

did you notice how the soundtrack is really cool?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 4:29 pm

and the cab driver thought the tank was full.
and left them and yelled about getting a tip. jerk.

they go over the fence, she opens it...either way it's energizing.

I wanna see it again; I havent seen if it's on again this week. :(

i looked, it's not on the hallmark channel again in february.

that's okay, just call me up and i'll recite it into the phone for you from memory.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 4:51 pm

i looked, it's not on the hallmark channel again in february.

that's okay, just call me up and i'll recite it into the phone for you from memory.

will do.

I'd have to get all set up; soda and chips, dip or salsa...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 5:01 pm

you should see 'legend of hell house' and 'dirty mary crazy larry' -- they're by the same director of both WM movies and are both the mack! i love em. 73-75 was john hough's golden period, before he stooped to his all-time low of directing "howling IV."

they're also very grown-up, surprisingly. i believe the first spoken line in dirty mary is "hey alohsse!" he did Hammer horror movies in the late 60s, early 70s. but they're hard to find these days, i believe.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 5:02 pm

you should see 'legend of hell house' and 'dirty mary crazy larry' -- they're by the same director of both WM movies and are both the mack! i love em. 73-75 was john hough's golden period, before he stooped to his all-time low of directing "howling IV."

they're also very grown-up, surprisingly. i believe the first spoken line in dirty mary is "hey alohsse!" he did Hammer horror movies in the late 60s, early 70s. but they're hard to find these days, i believe.

oh man.
it's kizmet.
I own Legend of Hell House. I'ts legendary in my family!  We have two family films that we all know and love- that and The Legend of Boggy Creek.  I should drag that out tonight since there is no good tv.I remember dirty mary.  not vividly, but I remember!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 5:09 pm

oh man.
it's kizmet.
I own Legend of Hell House. I'ts legendary in my family!  We have two family films that we all know and love- that and The Legend of Boggy Creek.  I should drag that out tonight since there is no good tv.I remember dirty mary.  not vividly, but I remember!


dirty mary


it's one of those where at the end i'm just, YES! THAT'S how you make a damn MOVIE! and vic morrow is just full-on scary in it. legend of hell house is also great. they used to show it late night all the time on like channel 45 or 56 when i was a kid. so gloomy! so well-paced!

mystery science theater 3000 did a sendup of boggy creek 2: the legend continues.

is it a coincidence that both your family movies start with "the legend of"?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 5:12 pm


you know kizmet. when people are meant to know each other.

and no coincidence. they are certainly legendary.
"Daniel Belasco!!!!!!!You were only 4 feet talllll!!!!!!"

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 5:17 pm

you know kizmet. when people are meant to know each other.

and no coincidence. they are certainly legendary.
"Daniel Belasco!!!!!!!You were only 4 feet talllll!!!!!!"

oo! you gave me a chill up the spine! that part's so spooky.

check it out! he did a chick flick recently that looks like it mght not be bad.

"something to believe in." ever hear of it?

maria schneider is in it, i loved her in "the passenger," this fabulous jack nicholson movie that i'm the only person in the world to have ever seen.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 5:43 pm

oo! you gave me a chill up the spine! that part's so spooky.

check it out! he did a chick flick recently that looks like it mght not be bad.

"something to believe in." ever hear of it?

maria schneider is in it, i loved her in "the passenger," this fabulous jack nicholson movie that i'm the only person in the world to have ever seen.

never heard of it. I love Tom Conti.
I vaguely remember hearing of "the passenger" but I don't know it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 5:48 pm

never heard of it. I love Tom Conti.
I vaguely remember hearing of "the passenger" but I don't know it.
it looks really obscure. but the few people who saw it seemed to really like it.

it's got roddy mcdowall in it! he was in both legend of HH and dirty mary, and of course delivered the four-foot-tall line. i wonder what he looks like now. he's gotta be gettin' on in years.

he woula been good in donald pleasence's role in "escape to witch mountain." not that donald himself wasn't good.

after i saw return from witch mountain when i was nine i used to run around all the time putting my fingers on my temples trying to move things with my mind. it only worked a couple of times, though.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 6:16 pm

this is my FAVORITE thread.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/12/06 at 7:52 pm

it looks really obscure. but the few people who saw it seemed to really like it.

it's got roddy mcdowall in it! he was in both legend of HH and dirty mary, and of course delivered the four-foot-tall line. i wonder what he looks like now. he's gotta be gettin' on in years.

he woula been good in donald pleasence's role in "escape to witch mountain." not that donald himself wasn't good.

after i saw return from witch mountain when i was nine i used to run around all the time putting my fingers on my temples trying to move things with my mind. it only worked a couple of times, though.

since youth i loved Roddy McDowall.  and Donald Pleasance rocks.
I recall talking to my friends avbout trying to move things with my mind..that was a long time ago...what year was that?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/12/06 at 8:22 pm

since youth i loved Roddy McDowall.  and Donald Pleasance rocks.
I recall talking to my friends avbout trying to move things with my mind..that was a long time ago...what year was that?
escape was 75. return was 78. back. in. the. day! dag.

suddenly the board went all sssllllloooooowwww. did you notice? maybe just as well, i've literally written like two paragraphs of this thing i'm suposed to be working on since 1 pm.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/13/06 at 8:39 am

escape was 75. return was 78. back. in. the. day! dag.

suddenly the board went all sssllllloooooowwww. did you notice? maybe just as well, i've literally written like two paragraphs of this thing i'm suposed to be working on since 1 pm. escape I was 10...then 13.
the boards went slow and I actually fell asleep with the laptop on my ...well, lap.
I was in bed really early..all the shoveling and dogs and snack food... I need a break fromthe weekend!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/13/06 at 12:10 pm escape I was 10...then 13.
the boards went slow and I actually fell asleep with the laptop on my ...well, lap.
I was in bed really early..all the shoveling and dogs and snack food... I need a break fromthe weekend!
there's an in-depth kim richards and elizabeth montgomery exploration on that one thread where everyone's admitting to being in love with what's her name. oh, you know, you posted on it.

there were people on the board until 4:30 am this morning when i finally finished that article and went to sleep. my editor spanked me for not letting her know i was going to be sending it. dag!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/13/06 at 12:12 pm

there were people on the board until 4:30 am this morning when i finally finished that article and went to sleep. my editor spanked me for not letting her know i was going to be sending it. dag!

That's why you're getting that look from Tia today. She was up late.

(I saw that discussion RE Kim and Liz..pretty funny- everyone seemed very serious about it)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/13/06 at 12:20 pm

That's why you're getting that look from Tia today. She was up late.

(I saw that discussion RE Kim and Liz..pretty funny- everyone seemed very serious about it)
it's a gravely serious subject!

kim has an entry on some are-these-celebrities-dead-or-alive web site. hope she didn't see that, that's gotta be disconcerting.

pretty sure they at least know she's alive.

her goofy face thing is absolutely unique on this planet. she should have gotten the katherine hepburn part in a remake of "bringing up baby." that would have been the best thing ever.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/13/06 at 12:51 pm

it's a gravely serious subject!

kim has an entry on some are-these-celebrities-dead-or-alive web site. hope she didn't see that, that's gotta be disconcerting.

I like her animal print sofa.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/13/06 at 1:00 pm

I like her animal print sofa.
this is from the ET interview, yes? i believe that is, in fact, her house.

i think the whole interview is on that site. you can hear about all the drinkin' and druggin' that went on on the set of "nanny and the professor." which it's funny she'd have been dealt in on all that, because she was six when that show was shot.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/13/06 at 1:31 pm

this is from the ET interview, yes? i believe that is, in fact, her house.

i think the whole interview is on that site. you can hear about all the drinkin' and druggin' that went on on the set of "nanny and the professor." which it's funny she'd have been dealt in on all that, because she was six when that show was shot.

yeah, a bit of the old Drew Barrymore syndrome..

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/21/06 at 3:47 pm

omg. you know how many memorable witch mountain quotes there are on

um, none.


don't worry, though. i'm on it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 02/21/06 at 3:49 pm

omg. you know how many memorable witch mountain quotes there are on

um, none.


don't worry, though. i'm on it.

Go For It! :)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 02/21/06 at 3:52 pm

Go For It! :)
yeah man! i just did EtWM, am poppin' in RfWM now.

do i have better things to do? well, yes, as it turns out.

do i hate my interests? well, yes, i do.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/17/06 at 1:27 pm

A quite funny review of "return from witch mountain." warning! It drops the F-bomb!

okay, yes, RfWM has its flaws but it's still WAY better than cat from outer space. dag.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/19/06 at 1:58 pm

"  Star Rating MPAA  Genre  Availability Remove Move to Top

  Devil Dog: Bonus Material
NR Horror  Short Wait "

SHORT WAIT? SHORT WAIT!?!??!?!?!????!!!!!?????


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 8:35 am

"   Star Rating MPAA  Genre  Availability Remove Move to Top

  Devil Dog: Bonus Material
NR Horror  Short Wait "

SHORT WAIT? SHORT WAIT!?!??!?!?!????!!!!!?????


You know what you could do while you're waiting?
Read a map. :)

Noooooo. That's bad news!  I really really need to get back on the Netflix.  I think after you go thorugh the Devil Dog and the movies you need to write about, you should do like I suggested and just shuffle your list and not look at it...get a few surprises. 

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 9:21 am

You know what you could do while you're waiting?
Read a map. :)

Noooooo. That's bad news!  I really really need to get back on the Netflix.  I think after you go thorugh the Devil Dog and the movies you need to write about, you should do like I suggested and just shuffle your list and not look at it...get a few surprises. 

i actually just ordered it on amazon last night.

EVERYBODY needs to buy the new devil dog 2-dvd set! if it sells like hotcakes there will be lots more dvds with kim richards interviews on them!

anyone who sends me their address, i'll buy a copy of devil dog and mail it to you.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 9:25 am

i actually just ordered it on amazon last night.

EVERYBODY needs to buy the new devil dog 2-dvd set! if it sells like hotcakes there will be lots more dvds with kim richards interviews on them!

anyone who sends me their address, i'll buy a copy of devil dog and mail it to you.

Will you also get me a few other things?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: La Roche on 03/20/06 at 9:36 am

i actually just ordered it on amazon last night.

EVERYBODY needs to buy the new devil dog 2-dvd set! if it sells like hotcakes there will be lots more dvds with kim richards interviews on them!

anyone who sends me their address, i'll buy a copy of devil dog and mail it to you.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Gimmie a copy of 'Cher: Sweats to disco' as well.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 9:37 am

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Gimmie a copy of 'Cher: Sweats to disco' as well.

She stole my idea. Rats.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 10:18 am

"La Roche
AToutLeMonde AToutLesAmie JeVousAime JeDoisPartir
Nestor le Pingouin

Karma: 32

Posts: 999"

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 10:22 am

"La Roche

Posts: 999"

Yet it seems like he's constantly talking...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 10:24 am

Yet it seems like he's constantly talking...

the WM thread is definitely the place for all matters related to weird numerology.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 10:29 am


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 10:31 am

"Hey, Tia, you have 1234 messages, 0 are new.
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Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 10:45 am


Evil genius...very good.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 10:46 am

"Hey, Tia, you have 1234 messages, 0 are new.
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This is eerie...
although I have nothing I can relate 1075 to.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 11:01 am

This is eerie...
although I have nothing I can relate 1075 to.
Weird coincidence! That's my max on the clean and jerk.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 12:57 pm

Weird coincidence! That's my max on the clean and jerk.

1.  of course it is...
2.  now it's up to 1080 so get liftin'
3.  oh.. I bet that's a nasty euphemism.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/20/06 at 1:10 pm

1.  of course it is...
2.  now it's up to 1080 so get liftin'
3.  oh.. I bet that's a nasty euphemism.
I believe there's also a "snatch and jerk." 

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/20/06 at 1:35 pm

I believe there's also a "snatch and jerk." 

You're the expert.

(lucky...*kicks rock*)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: La Roche on 03/20/06 at 1:44 pm



fuuck.. i ruined it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/21/06 at 10:20 am

So I didn't tell you this, but I took a picture out my window of your vanity plate.
I don'tkonw if it will come out becuase I was not really using the viewfinder ---I WAS driving.
and the dog was licking the camera.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/06 at 10:22 am

So I didn't tell you this, but I took a picture out my window of your vanity plate.
I don'tkonw if it will come out becuase I was not really using the viewfinder ---I WAS driving.
and the dog was licking the camera.
you have to send it to me! i'll make it my avatar.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/21/06 at 10:26 am

you have to send it to me! i'll make it my avatar.

ooooh good idea.  I can't believe we didn't think to take a picture together...the freak with the dog or the kid with the bike could have done it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/06 at 12:22 pm

More weird space-alien numerology!


Hey, Tia, you have 1313 messages, 1 is new .
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Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/21/06 at 12:58 pm

More weird space-alien numerology!


Hey, Tia, you have 1313 messages, 1 is new .
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None for me....I think it's cuz I"m having a strong EBE- DNA emergence today.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/15/06 at 7:46 am

i just put in a bid on the long-lost THIRD witch mountain movie! featuring eddie albert and a writing credit from alexander key! i'm so excited. i hope i win.

i won't even put up a link cuz i know how much you inthe00s twinkies want the third witch mountain movie, and i'm not looking for any bidding wars.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 05/31/06 at 7:03 am

all right!

escape to witch mountain will air on the Hallmark Channel on 06/03/06, Saturday, from 0800 to 1000 hrs, CST, (Confederate Standard Time). (i believe that's 9 to 11 on the east coast?) It will be immediately followed by return from witch mountain from 1000 to 1200 hrs, CST. (11 to 1 eastern time.)

witch mountain fever: catch it!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 05/31/06 at 10:20 am

witch mountain fever: catch it!

Contracted it and slowly dying from it!
Excellent news my friend.  Since I will be on a very very long charity walk with my dog that whole day, we will certainly need some good tv that evening.
We can watch together...virtually.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 05/31/06 at 10:30 am

Military time; I believe it will actually be on in the morning. Ah, well. set your vcr. And keep watching the skies.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 05/31/06 at 10:49 am

by the way, i think you'll find that contracting Apple Dumpling Gang fever will result in a much quicker death.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 05/31/06 at 10:52 am

by the way, i think you'll find that contracting Apple Dumpling Gang fever will result in a much quicker death.

actually, you don't die, but your face stays that way.^

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 06/18/07 at 7:21 am

  Hey, last night I saw both Escape From Witch Mountain and Return To Witch Mountain, and it was the first time I'd seen either of these movies since I was a kid. The first one was definitely better than the second IMO, but I was surprised at how well (most of) the special effects held up and I really enjoyed both movies.
  I thought it was funny how in both movies, Tony and Tia just happened to run across some greedy bastards whose first thought was, "Gee, how can we use these kids to make a quick buck?" Why couldn't they have used them instead to, say, cure herpes or something?
because they were BAD, BAD men! i love the villains in both the movies, cuz they're sorta these one-time big actors -- christopher lee is obviously a legend, but lost weekend guy is SO evil too, right? grok his line about "cruder methods of persuasion," like, he's saying he's gonna torture a couple of nine-year-olds so he can harness their powers. it's so not okay!

yeah, the first one is great. you have to watch the second one in the right spirit, it's this ridiculous movie with all sorts of marginal and unintentional humor in it. like, what's with the red pantsuit? how come when tia levitates the black security guard to the ceiling in the nuclear power plant, the first thing he thinks to say is, "why?!?!?!?", in this sorta blaxpolitation-y affected voice? and did you watch the commentary track? it's no good without the commentary track, it turns out that bit where the van slides down the san francisco hill upside down? that was actually this uber-elaborate stunt where they designed a tiny car with an inverted  rotating faux-van built around it and when they did the stunt all these stuntpeople came out to check it out, and the stunt driver who did it actually wound up being injured. like, wtf? i mean, i hate to say it but that scene was so not memorable, so how come it was this big to-do?

i dunno, i should probably just do a doctoral thesis on return from witch mountain.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/18/07 at 2:35 pm

because they were BAD, BAD men! i love the villains in both the movies, cuz they're sorta these one-time big actors -- christopher lee is obviously a legend, but lost weekend guy is SO evil too, right? grok his line about "cruder methods of persuasion," like, he's saying he's gonna torture a couple of nine-year-olds so he can harness their powers. it's so not okay!

yeah, the first one is great. you have to watch the second one in the right spirit, it's this ridiculous movie with all sorts of marginal and unintentional humor in it. like, what's with the red pantsuit? how come when tia levitates the black security guard to the ceiling in the nuclear power plant, the first thing he thinks to say is, "why?!?!?!?", in this sorta blaxpolitation-y affected voice? and did you watch the commentary track? it's no good without the commentary track, it turns out that bit where the van slides down the san francisco hill upside down? that was actually this uber-elaborate stunt where they designed a tiny car with an inverted  rotating faux-van built around it and when they did the stunt all these stuntpeople came out to check it out, and the stunt driver who did it actually wound up being injured. like, wtf? i mean, i hate to say it but that scene was so not memorable, so how come it was this big to-do?

i dunno, i should probably just do a doctoral thesis on return from witch mountain.
I'm one of those guys who will sit there and make smartass remarks while watching movies, and it seemed that Return To Witch Mountain gave me no shortage of opportunities to do so. (It would've made a great episode of MST3K.)
    I loved the "Earthquakes." A bunch of puny, nerdy kids wearing tattered clothes trying to pass themselves off as an LA street gang (I especially got a kick out of the kid with the Roy Orbison glassses). "Ah, gee," says one of the kids," but we want to be a BAD gang." And I'm like, "Dude! Why don't you start selling crack! Get yourself some gats! Go pick up some 40's!" You just gotta love the wholesome, sanitized world of Walt Disney.
    At least I did, until they showed they showed Tia climbing up the stairs of the Earthquakes HQ and the camera zoomed right in on her ass even though she was only like 13 years old.
    Was the director a pervo? I mean it seemed so intentional. Or am I a pervo for noticing?  ??? ??? ???

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 06/18/07 at 2:49 pm

ah, yes. the “Goatcam.” i never noticed the zooming in on tia’s ass but i’ll tell ya -- that red pantsuit is probably about the most sexless garment ever devised. a nun’s habit is like a thong and pasties compared to the red pantsuit. :D the next year she kinda starts filling out and then turns up in “hello larry” wearing tight late 70s jeans all the time and kinda at that point makes the official kid-to-jailbait transition. but in return from witch mountain she’s just... totally sexless.

i tell ya the part that makes me squirm, is when tony’s all shirtless and unconscious and strapped on that table and dr. gannon is all noodling with putting electrodes on his nipples and whatnot. ike eisenmann is on the commentary track and he’s all, omg, i totally forgot about this scene. this scene is so not okay.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/18/07 at 3:31 pm

Oh well, at least Yo-Yo got to keep his job.

Since you've heard the commentary, tell me: how did they film the scene where Tony and Tia telepathically restore Yo-Yo's van to perfect condition? Did they have a couple of goons walk around the van and beat the living sh*t out of it with baseball bats and sledgehammers, and then just play the film in reverse?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 06/18/07 at 3:46 pm

Oh well, at least Yo-Yo got to keep his job.

Since you've heard the commentary, tell me: how did they film the scene where Tony and Tia telepathically restore Yo-Yo's van to perfect condition? Did they have a couple of goons walk around the van and beat the living sh*t out of it with baseball bats and sledgehammers, and then just play the film in reverse?
yeah, exactly, they smashed it in time lapse. they’d take a frame and then whack it a little bit and then take another picture. so they got to smash up the van but in a way where they didn’t get to have any fun. :( and then they edited it in reverse.

when he shot dirty mary crazy larry they had all these different yellow chargers and they had to keep track of how the car was supposed to have been smashed up and they’d have to go smash up another car to match the first one. weird car tricks you have to go through to make a movie.

there was a bunch of stuff about the scene when sickle falls off the building and tony levitates him so he doesn’t die. they have that scene where he’s hanging in the air and then he floats down onto his feet, and apparently that’s really really hard, to be hanging and then have them let you down gently onto your feet, it’s almost impossible not to stumble a little bit. that struck me as weird but they were talking about they had to do a bunch of takes of that.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/18/07 at 3:51 pm

yeah, exactly, they smashed it in time lapse. they’d take a frame and then whack it a little bit and then take another picture. so they got to smash up the van but in a way where they didn’t get to have any fun. :( and then they edited it in reverse.
Oh, I don't know about that. I've always thought it'd be kind of fun to beat the sh*t out of a car (or in this case, van) with a baseball bat.

I'm guessing that on that day of filming, they had a couple cases of Schlitz or Falstaff on the set and they let the crew take turns smashing it.  ;D

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: gemini on 06/18/07 at 6:33 pm

Ok, I'll just come out and say it, I've never seen any of the Witch Mountain movies.  :-[  That was during my rebellious teen years. I must've been out doing something stupid.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:39 am

check it out dude! a new witch mountain movie!!!!!!

i fully expect it to suck but it'll give me a chance to do an hour-long licketyflix witch mountain special.

i notice this time the kids are trying to protect earth from the aliens, rather than the other way around. that seems like progress.


Director:Andy Fickman

Writers:Alexander Key (novel)
Matt Lopez (screenplay)

Release Date:13 March 2009 (USA) more
Genre:Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Plot Outline:A brother and sister, each of whom possess paranormal powers, look to avoid being captured by a group of men who want to exploit them.
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Production Notes/Status:
Comments:Set to begin production in March 2008.
Status Updated:6 March 2008
Note:Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.


Ciaran Hinds (HBO's ROME and Michael Mann's MIAMI VICE movie) and Alexander Ludwig (THE SEEKER) have joined the cast of Disney's RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN. So says THIS ARTICLE in Hollywood Reporter.

Our dude AnonyMouse says the film is no considered a "remake" by Disney. Rather, it's seen as an extension of the the existing films (ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN & RETURN FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN) well as a "re-imagining".

This iteration is about a Las Vegas cab driver who ends up helping two human-looking-but-alien kids get to their spaceship so they can convince their people not to clobber Earth.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:43 am

i dunno who this catty little "AnnaSophia Robb" i-insist-on-being-referred-to-by-my-full-name homeschooled slut is they got playing tia but she better know the shoes she has to fill. she better step up with some respeck. >:(

"hi! my name is annasophia! i must insist that you call me 'annasophia' rather than 'anna' or 'sophia' or 'sophie' or 'soaf' or anything like that because i'm an uptight homeschooled snot and i'm not worthy to scrub tia malone's shoes because im skinny and i suck!"

actually, i have no idea if she sucks or not, i know nothing whatsoever about her. this is just a warning shot across the bow.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: whistledog on 03/10/08 at 8:52 am

Will Kim Richards be in the new film?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:58 am

Will Kim Richards be in the new film?
that is an excellent question. the cast only lists four people and she's not among them. both she and ike should totally get a cameo to appease us old-schoolers.

"the rock" will be in it, however, reprising a role originally played by eddie albert. quite a leap in casting, there.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/10/08 at 7:47 pm

i dunno who this catty little "AnnaSophia Robb" i-insist-on-being-referred-to-by-my-full-name homeschooled slut is they got playing tia but she better know the shoes she has to fill. she better step up with some respeck. >:(

"hi! my name is annasophia! i must insist that you call me 'annasophia' rather than 'anna' or 'sophia' or 'sophie' or 'soaf' or anything like that because i'm an uptight homeschooled snot and i'm not worthy to scrub tia malone's shoes because im skinny and i suck!"

actually, i have no idea if she sucks or not, i know nothing whatsoever about her. this is just a warning shot across the bow.
she doesn't suck, at least she didn't suck in her role as Violet Beauregarde in the Johnny Depp "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"  not a bad little actress and played the snotty "I'm better than you" part really well. 

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 7:58 pm

she doesn't suck, at least she didn't suck in her role as Violet Beauregarde in the Johnny Depp "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"  not a bad little actress and played the snotty "I'm better than you" part really well. 

well good. she better not slack off though, this is the most important role of her entire life. i'll be there opening night with my notebook ready to note every single slightest flaw!  >:(

i see she's a devout christian from her bio, and as far as stories go it doesn't get much more pagan than witch mountain. hope that doesn't cross her mind.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/10/08 at 8:02 pm

well good. she better not slack off though, this is the most important role of her entire life. i'll be there opening night with my notebook ready to note every single slightest flaw!  >:(

i see she's a devout christian from her bio, and as far as stories go it doesn't get much more pagan than witch mountain. hope that doesn't cross her mind.
I never knew how demonic the witch mountain movies are until just now  :o maybe she's planning to evangelize the cast and crew  :)    she's a good little actress, watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it's very good, you'll like it. 

This role will be the summit of her career, won't it?  8)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:11 pm

I never knew how demonic the witch mountain movies are until just now  :o maybe she's planning to evangelize the cast and crew  :)    she's a good little actress, watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it's very good, you'll like it. 

This role will be the summit of her career, won't it?  8)
i didn't see the willy wonka remake just because im sorta fanatical about gene wilder in a way not unlike my kim richards thang and although i also like johnny depp he's very, very VERY different from gene wilder. plus willy wonka was one of those movies i used to love as a kid so i hate to see it get goofed up. but i did hear good things about the remake from multiple sources so i will def. check it out.

come to think of it it's probably good ANNASOPHIA cut her teeth remaking a treasured and sacrosanct 70s kids' movie classic. she'll come at the project with some significant, relevant and specifically similar experience under her belt. but i kinda joke, if the new movie sucks i really wont be that pressed, a bad witch mountain movie is better than none at all.  :D but if it kicks ass that would be a fantastic and unexpected bonus!

odd they haven't written me with an offer to come on as a consultant and subject matter expert. maybe they dont have my current contact information.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: whistledog on 03/10/08 at 9:08 pm

that is an excellent question. the cast only lists four people and she's not among them. both she and ike should totally get a cameo to appease us old-schoolers.

"the rock" will be in it, however, reprising a role originally played by eddie albert. quite a leap in casting, there.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?  That's bad casting, but you never know.  It could work

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 9:16 pm

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?  That's bad casting, but you never know.  It could work
i'm thinking of it in conjunction with how they've switched the plotline to go, the kids are now trying to protect the world from witch mountain whereas in the 70s flicks the WM folks are very peaceable and the kids are trying to protect them from the world. yanno? i think the way they might pitch it for the new movie is to make the WM folks all master race terminator kickass and the kids are the last thing keeping them from unleashing on us hapless earthling mortals. if so that's very far afield from the original but... i'd like to see some witch mountain where they show up with uzis ready to take names. i could get with that.  8)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: La Roche on 03/10/08 at 11:31 pm

i'm thinking of it in conjunction with how they've switched the plotline to go, the kids are now trying to protect the world from witch mountain whereas in the 70s flicks the WM folks are very peaceable and the kids are trying to protect them from the world. yanno? i think the way they might pitch it for the new movie is to make the WM folks all master race terminator kickass and the kids are the last thing keeping them from unleashing on us hapless earthling mortals. if so that's very far afield from the original but... i'd like to see some witch mountain where they show up with uzis ready to take names. i could get with that.  8)

I'm somewhat surprised to see you hear as I assumed you'd already be staking your place in line, so as to be the first to view this cinematic feast.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/11/08 at 8:16 am

I'm somewhat surprised to see you hear as I assumed you'd already be staking your place in line, so as to be the first to view this cinematic feast.
somehow i get the feeling the crowds will be manageable. oo! you know what i could do, though? find out where the shooting is taking place and just go stand around and be creepy.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: La Roche on 03/11/08 at 11:42 am

somehow i get the feeling the crowds will be manageable. oo! you know what i could do, though? find out where the shooting is taking place and just go stand around and be creepy.

Finally, you can put your practice in the park to good use!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/11/08 at 7:58 pm

odd they haven't written me with an offer to come on as a consultant and subject matter expert. maybe they dont have my current contact information.
I am sure they have all your contact info readily available, in fact they probably have a complete dossier on you  :)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/11/08 at 8:00 pm

I am sure they have all your contact info readily available, in fact they probably have a complete dossier on you  :)
oh oh, i better fake my own death again. :o

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/11/08 at 8:18 pm

oh oh, i better fake my own death again. :o
how many times have you done that  ???    I think you just need to remind them of your obsession   sincere love of these movies and Kim Richards and hopefully your credentials speak for themselves and your vast knowledge and creativity could be of some value to all that is Witch Mountain.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/14/08 at 12:31 pm

this just in!;_ylt=AvDOVXZdLZTfsnT56BojFQME1vAI

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - Carla Gugino will play the female lead opposite Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in "Race to Witch Mountain," Disney's reimagining of its 1975 tween thriller "Escape to Witch Mountain."


Actor-director Garry Marshall also will star.

In Andy Fickman's feature, Gugino will play a discredited astrophysicist and UFO expert who meets up with a Las Vegas cab driver (Johnson). He asks for her extraterrestrial expertise to help a pair of psychic siblings escape the clutches of evil men and save the human race from impending doom.

Marshall plays a government and UFO conspiracy theorist/fringe scientist who helps them in their quest. Alexander Ludwig and AnnaSophia Robb play the siblings.

Shooting begins this month in Los Angeles.

Gugino recently nabbed the romantic lead opposite Robert De Niro in the thriller "Righteous Kill" and will play Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre in the superhero flick "Watchmen."

"Pretty Woman" director Marshall has showcased his menschy appeal as the voice of Buck Cluck in "Chicken Little" and in numerous supporting roles for decades.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/16/08 at 2:10 pm

i dunno who this catty little "AnnaSophia Robb" i-insist-on-being-referred-to-by-my-full-name homeschooled slut is they got playing tia but she better know the shoes she has to fill. she better step up with some respeck. >:(

"hi! my name is annasophia! i must insist that you call me 'annasophia' rather than 'anna' or 'sophia' or 'sophie' or 'soaf' or anything like that because i'm an uptight homeschooled snot and i'm not worthy to scrub tia malone's shoes because im skinny and i suck!"

actually, i have no idea if she sucks or not, i know nothing whatsoever about her. this is just a warning shot across the bow.

This post really cracked me up, enough to at least put a good dent in the antisocial funk that I've been in for the last 18 hours.

(Definitely +1 karma for tia)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/16/08 at 3:19 pm

This post really cracked me up, enough to at least put a good dent in the antisocial funk that I've been in for the last 18 hours.

(Definitely +1 karma for tia)
thanks man! i tell ya, for accentuating inner calm there's nothing like occasionally unleashing random and irrational hostility against defenseless youths who have done absolutely nothing whatsoever to deserve it. quite cathartic.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/16/08 at 3:50 pm

thanks man! i tell ya, for accentuating inner calm there's nothing like occasionally unleashing random and irrational hostility against defenseless youths who have done absolutely nothing whatsoever to deserve it. quite cathartic.

What if little AnnaSophia steps up and delivers an Oscar-worthy performance? What if her portrayal of Tia Malone is so outstanding that it equals or even surpasses that of Ms. Richards?

Would that even be possible?

If, in the unlikely event that Ms. Robb did indeed pull this off, would you interpret it as a sign of the coming Apocalypse?  :o :o :o

(It's fun to play devil's advocate once in a while.)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/23/08 at 11:53 am

i didn't see the willy wonka remake just because im sorta fanatical about gene wilder in a way not unlike my kim richards thang and although i also like johnny depp he's very, very VERY different from gene wilder. plus willy wonka was one of those movies i used to love as a kid so i hate to see it get goofed up. but i did hear good things about the remake from multiple sources so i will def. check it out.

come to think of it it's probably good ANNASOPHIA cut her teeth remaking a treasured and sacrosanct 70s kids' movie classic. she'll come at the project with some significant, relevant and specifically similar experience under her belt. but i kinda joke, if the new movie sucks i really wont be that pressed, a bad witch mountain movie is better than none at all.  :D but if it kicks ass that would be a fantastic and unexpected bonus!

odd they haven't written me with an offer to come on as a consultant and subject matter expert. maybe they dont have my current contact information.

Fyi  this source hated the Chocolate Factory remake... it was closer to the book but I have had a life long love affair with Willy Wonka & tCF so I was really annoyed by Charlie & tCF.

I found only one quotable line in the whole film.... "Everything in this room is edible. Even I am edible; but that's called cannibalism and its frowned upon in most societies."  ;D

Still its no "Violet! You're turning violet Violet."  or "We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams."  8)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/24/08 at 7:11 am

that Carla Gugino sure has lots of topless pics if you google her name...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/24/08 at 8:25 am

that Carla Gugino sure has lots of topless pics if you google her name...
that's why if this movie takes off the sequel's gonna be caled, "escape to the witch mountains."



Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/24/08 at 8:27 am

that's why if this movie takes off the sequel's gonna be caled, "escape to the witch mountains."



you didn't have your coffee yet, did you.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/24/08 at 8:34 am

you didn't have your coffee yet, did you.
ah, you're just jealous of my scimitar wit. :P

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: KKay on 03/24/08 at 1:42 pm

ah, you're just jealous of my scimitar wit. :P

it's as sharp as a page of oscar wilde witticisms that has been rolled to a point, dipped in lemon juice and stabbed into someone's eye.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: wsmith4 on 03/25/08 at 2:29 pm

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/25/08 at 3:19 pm

aw! it's kim and ike in their matching witch mountain regalia!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/25/08 at 3:28 pm

aw! it's kim and ike in their matching witch mountain regalia!

you know you totally snagged it as your desktop background!


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/25/08 at 3:29 pm

you know you totally snagged it as your desktop background!

doesn't kim's expression look like she's saying, "well, ain't dat some s**t?" :D

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/25/08 at 3:32 pm

doesn't kim's expression look like she's saying, "well, ain't dat some s**t?" :D

now that you mention it....It totally does.


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: wsmith4 on 03/25/08 at 3:39 pm

doesn't kim's expression look like she's saying, "well, ain't dat some s**t?" :D

OH MY GOD LOL it totally does!!!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/25/08 at 3:50 pm

OH MY GOD LOL it totally does!!!
she's got a gift for that, the random and yet meaningful facial expressions.

honey? tia's home.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/25/08 at 5:43 pm

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/18/08 at 3:10 pm

how cool is this? the director of the third witch mountain movie joined a witch mountain fan email list i belong to. i just had a chance to actually personally ask him to put kim and ike in the movie.  :P i also shamelessly asked him for an interview.  :P :P

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/18/08 at 3:24 pm

he agreed to do it! so cool.  8)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 3:26 pm

how cool is this? the director of the third witch mountain movie joined a witch mountain fan email list i belong to. i just had a chance to actually personally ask him to put kim and ike in the movie.  :P i also shamelessly asked him for an interview.  :P :P
Splendid, for how much?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/18/08 at 3:32 pm

Splendid, for how much?
they do it for free, it's publicity.

er, at least i hope so. ;D they always have in the past.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 3:36 pm

they do it for free, it's publicity.

er, at least i hope so. ;D they always have in the past.
Free publicity is better than receiving a fee, you may get more out of it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 3:54 pm

how cool is this? the director of the third witch mountain movie joined a witch mountain fan email list i belong to. i just had a chance to actually personally ask him to put kim and ike in the movie.  :P i also shamelessly asked him for an interview.  :P :P
Can you explain more about the roles in the film or you sworn to secrecy as with the new Indiana Jones film?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/18/08 at 3:59 pm

Can you explain more about the roles in the film or you sworn to secrecy as with the new Indiana Jones film?
er, i think there's gonna be a taxi driver guy (the rock) who adopts the alien kids and helped them get back to the mountain. sorta like the original, i guess, although in the sequel the taxi driver wasn't a big character, he was just comic relief for the most part. anna sophiarobb will be tia (although i imagine they'll change the names since it's supposed to be all new and whatnot) and carla gugino will also be in it.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/18/08 at 4:00 pm

fickman also did an episode of a series called "aliens in america" (although this time the aliens are just furners, rather than actual aliens).

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 4:04 pm

er, i think there's gonna be a taxi driver guy (the rock) who adopts the alien kids and helped them get back to the mountain. sorta like the original, i guess, although in the sequel the taxi driver wasn't a big character, he was just comic relief for the most part. anna sophiarobb will be tia (although i imagine they'll change the names since it's supposed to be all new and whatnot) and carla gugino will also be in it.
Good luck!

Break a leg!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: ninny on 04/18/08 at 4:55 pm

I loved Witch Mountain..I use to have a crush on Ike :)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 5:28 pm

er, i think there's gonna be a taxi driver guy (the rock) who adopts the alien kids and helped them get back to the mountain. sorta like the original, i guess, although in the sequel the taxi driver wasn't a big character, he was just comic relief for the most part. anna sophiarobb will be tia (although i imagine they'll change the names since it's supposed to be all new and whatnot) and carla gugino will also be in it.
When will the shooting start?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 04/18/08 at 11:58 pm

he agreed to do it! so cool.  8)

that's awesome!!!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 04/19/08 at 12:01 am

you know if they do put Kim and Ike in it it'll be at the end when the "family" comes back for the kids.... Tia & Tony will beckon the kids and all will smile and wave to the Rock until the space ship takes off  ;D

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 04/19/08 at 12:48 am

you know if they do put Kim and Ike in it it'll be at the end when the "family" comes back for the kids.... Tia & Tony will beckon the kids and all will smile and wave to the Rock until the space ship takes off  ;D

i'd be okay with that. i always thought kim would make a good "disney mom," they always have that character in the disney movie who is, with the best of intentions, keeping her superhero kid from saving the world because she's trying to make him eat his vegetables. i always thought disney made a big mistake letting both those actors go, i dont think they ever realized how legendary they would become over time.

to, um, me.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/19/08 at 1:53 am

fickman also did an episode of a series called "aliens in america" (although this time the aliens are just furners, rather than actual aliens).
Invites to the premier?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 08/23/08 at 5:02 pm

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Capt Quirk on 08/24/08 at 7:03 am

"hi! my name is annasophia! i must insist that you call me 'annasophia' rather than 'anna' or 'sophia' or 'sophie' or 'soaf' or anything like that because i'm an uptight homeschooled snot and i'm not worthy to scrub tia malone's shoes because im skinny and i suck!"
I feel the same way about Hillary Rodham-Clinton...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/13/09 at 7:51 am

it's out! it's out!

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/09 at 9:35 am

it's out! it's out!
When is it's release date in the UK?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/13/09 at 9:39 am

April 10. i'll tell you how it was, i imagine i'll have seen it by then.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/09 at 9:40 am

April 10. i'll tell you how it was, i imagine i'll have seen it by then.
An Easter release.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/13/09 at 9:40 am

An Easter release.
hmm. friday the 13th here, easter there. i need a conspiracy theorist to work this one over.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/09 at 9:41 am

hmm. friday the 13th here, easter there. i need a conspiracy theorist to work this one over.
Here is to catch the children on holiday from school.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/13/09 at 9:46 am

Here is to catch the children on holiday from school.
here i think it's actually marketed to us oldsters who loved the original. i just don't see nine-year-olds giving an eff about this movie, for some reason.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/09 at 9:47 am

here i think it's actually marketed to us oldsters who loved the original. i just don't see nine-year-olds giving an eff about this movie, for some reason.
Can it be the parent pushing the child into the cinema ploy?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/13/09 at 9:57 am

Can it be the parent pushing the child into the cinema ploy?
lol, i remember when i saw "benji: off the leash" a couple years ago there was a woman with a little girl in the theater behind me and just as the lights in the theater went down the little girl says, "mommy, what are we watching again?" and the mom sez "it's benji, honey." you just know mom was all about seeing it and the girl was like wtf is this? hannah montana is NOT in this! >:(

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/13/09 at 6:04 pm

lol, i remember when i saw "benji: off the leash" a couple years ago there was a woman with a little girl in the theater behind me and just as the lights in the theater went down the little girl says, "mommy, what are we watching again?" and the mom sez "it's benji, honey." you just know mom was all about seeing it and the girl was like wtf is this? hannah montana is NOT in this! >:(


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Michael C. on 03/15/09 at 9:28 am

Probably right. I have the 2 Witch Mountain 70's Films on DVD.My Daughter was bored with them...Like She gives a rats------- who Bette Davis and Christopher Lee are.....

here i think it's actually marketed to us oldsters who loved the original. i just don't see nine-year-olds giving an eff about this movie, for some reason.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: anabel on 03/16/09 at 3:34 pm

My son wants to see it-we'll go to the drive in to see it when it comes.  He just knows The Rock, I mean Dwayne Johnson  ::) is in it and he was in The Game Plan, which we liked.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 12:44 pm

i just saw it! i just saw it! it... it... wasn't very good.  :( although kim and iake both look great, iake can really rock a sheriff outfit. and i thought the broad playing sara nee tia did a pretty decent job. seth took a little more getting used to, he seemed kinda unsure doing the stiff fish outta water schtick in the beginning, but later on he was fine. it's not like there was much room for acting, it was pretty much one long continuous car chase. ::)

this is on kim richards' imdb site.

Up 336% in popularity this week.

gee, i wonder why! she might even be the main "kim richards" that comes up when you search imdb now.  ;D for a long time there was like a stuntwoman or someone named kim richards who came up before her.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/21/09 at 1:03 pm

she might even be the main "kim richards" that comes up when you search imdb now.  ;D for a long time there was like a stuntwoman or someone named kim richards who came up before her.

that's messed up.  ;D

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 1:43 pm

i can say there were a few things i liked but i was mostly face-palming through the whole thing. character development! it's not optional! the villains were nowhere near loathsome enough. the original movies were really big on having flashy, classy, really evil villains. i cannot emphasize this enough.

they also totally changed the backstory. i guess that's okay but i think it would have been a better movie if it had stuck with the alien-clan-as-survivalist-cult-in-the-woods thing. on second thought, i'm actually not sure it's bad they changed the backstory just because the writing was so bad they couldn't have stepped up to the real backstory. they also obviously wanted to make it a popcorn action movie, which is fine -- as far as ridiculous fluffy sequels go you really can't beat return from witch mountain for unadulterated suck, and yet the 78 movie is a barrel of monkeys, it's totally fun. it sorta fails spectacularly and that's why you can't help but love it. this one does all these action scenes but they're so over the top they're not at all believable, plus it just jumps right in to the action stuff. i'm tellin' ya, even if you're doing an action movie it's to your benefit to take ten, fifteen minutes in the beginning at least and establish your characters. if you just start with video-game-looking action scenes right off the audience doesn't care about the characters so they don't care about the action. i mean, this is obvious stuff.

i like where they made the patriot act into a kinda bad guy in the movie, and i didn't mind the setup SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERwhere it turns out they're trying to prevent their own planet from invading earth because their home planet is dying, you know, that whole setupENDSPOILERENDSPOILER i mean it's not endlessly fascinating but it's passable as a premise, and it kinda has a nice peacenik aspect to it -- the kids are really big on not hurting people -- but the way the movie handled it it was more like as an excuse or an afterthought.

they also, props where props are due, were really careful with making sure the two kids have different powers and being really consistent on which kid could do what. the originals put a premium on that so i like how they retained that. when they boost the ATM at the beginning i heard somewhere that being attributed to "telekinesis" and of course i immediately called 911 and informed them that we had a WITCH MOUNTAIN EMERGENCY! in that this was probably more attributable to tia's, er, sara's lock-picking abilities than to telekinesis, which would have been far too clumsy a tool for such a thing. but i think that was a reviewer that made that goof, not the movie, so i'll allow it.

i felt like dwayne rock and sofierobb were trying pretty hard; they wanted to be in a better movie than they ended up being in. i kinda felt bad for them.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 1:53 pm

that's messed up.  ;D
i dont feel too bad about it, i imdb'd "rock" and ended up with some cat named allen robinson who's something called a "utility stuntman."  :D um, this dwayne something-or-other guy doesn't ring a bell with imdb, apparently?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 1:59 pm

the funny thing is, okay, i go to the theater to see witch mountain, in the lobby there's a poster for the remake of pelham 1 2 3 and the remake of last house on the left was also showing, and there was a preview for land of the lost before the movie starts. so, as a big fan of the 70s, i must wonder why all this 70s stuff is coming back? it can't all be a marketing decision, because it's mostly under-25s who see movies... also, and more to the point, why am i not more excited?

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/21/09 at 3:26 pm

the funny thing is, okay, i go to the theater to see witch mountain, in the lobby there's a poster for the remake of pelham 1 2 3 and the remake of last house on the left was also showing, and there was a preview for land of the lost before the movie starts. so, as a big fan of the 70s, i must wonder why all this 70s stuff is coming back? it can't all be a marketing decision, because it's mostly under-25s who see movies... also, and more to the point, why am i not more excited?

because the industry is totally raping the genre... it'd be different if they were doing a good job at it but more often than not the stuff just sucks. 

I don't want to see a Will Ferrell version of Land of the Lost.  I just don't... and I love Denzel but Taking of Pelham 123 shouldn't be touched. Then there's Last House... I'm sure they just remade it because they can make it even more in your face and gorey now.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 4:16 pm

i'm totally trading emails with andy fickman about his movie! how fun. i will refrain from asking him why his movie sucked because i think his heart was in the right place.

Hi Michael -
I think that Kim's Tina and Iake's Sheriff Antony - knew exactly what they were doing to help. Remember the town of Stony Creek was a bit have a safe haven for previous ET's - so perhaps Tia and Tony were back keeping an eye out for future space travellers!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

From: Michael Ward
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 14:02:30 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>
Subject: Re: Race to Witch Mountain
this is great! what a privilege to be able to play ask the director ... so, the question: were kim's and iake's characters in the movie from the same planet that sara and seth were from? or were they just regular big-hearted small-town folk? particularly with kim there was this familiarity when she first sees the kids and says all this stuff about, well, aren't you two a pair and let's get you cleaned up and so forth, and then they all go off for a moment in this sorta conspiratorial fashion like maybe they were going to exchange some sorta information guerrilla-warfare style. and then of course iake's character bends over backward to buy them time with the DoD heavies, it's hard to tell if that's just because he's a good cop or if he actually knows more about what's going on because he's in sara and seth's camp, as it were. i know sometimes moviemakers keep that sort of thing ambiguous deliberately but i was curious.

props on the stony creek reference and the winnebago! any rumors about another sequel i should be spreading around? :)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/21/09 at 4:19 pm

i'm totally trading emails with andy fickman about his movie! how fun. i will refrain from asking him why his movie sucked because i think his heart was in the right place.

did you tell him what I said about "Natty Gann?"

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: anabel on 03/21/09 at 6:08 pm

Oh Man!  We're leaving in about 20 minutes to go see this at the drive in!  My son really wants to see it, so I can't get out of it good thing is, it's a double feature and if he falls asleep, I can watch Confessions of a Shopaholic afterwards.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/21/09 at 6:10 pm

Oh Man!  We're leaving in about 20 minutes to go see this at the drive in!  My son really wants to see it, so I can't get out of it good thing is, it's a double feature and if he falls asleep, I can watch Confessions of a Shopaholic afterwards.

sounds like a fair trade off to me... have fun....and get lots of popcorn!  ;D

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 6:13 pm

Oh Man!  We're leaving in about 20 minutes to go see this at the drive in!  My son really wants to see it, so I can't get out of it good thing is, it's a double feature and if he falls asleep, I can watch Confessions of a Shopaholic afterwards.
from all i've heard, confessions of a shopaholic is actually going to be even worse.  ;D the more i think on race to witch, it's sorta growing on me. it's bad, but bad in a way that fits in with the series and it is kinda fun. 8)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Davester on 03/21/09 at 6:20 pm

i can say there were a few things i liked but i was mostly face-palming through the whole thing. character development! it's not optional! the villains were nowhere near loathsome enough. the original movies were really big on having flashy, classy, really evil villains. i cannot emphasize this enough.

they also totally changed the backstory. i guess that's okay but i think it would have been a better movie if it had stuck with the alien-clan-as-survivalist-cult-in-the-woods thing. on second thought, i'm actually not sure it's bad they changed the backstory just because the writing was so bad they couldn't have stepped up to the real backstory. they also obviously wanted to make it a popcorn action movie, which is fine -- as far as ridiculous fluffy sequels go you really can't beat return from witch mountain for unadulterated suck, and yet the 78 movie is a barrel of monkeys, it's totally fun. it sorta fails spectacularly and that's why you can't help but love it. this one does all these action scenes but they're so over the top they're not at all believable, plus it just jumps right in to the action stuff. i'm tellin' ya, even if you're doing an action movie it's to your benefit to take ten, fifteen minutes in the beginning at least and establish your characters. if you just start with video-game-looking action scenes right off the audience doesn't care about the characters so they don't care about the action. i mean, this is obvious stuff.

i like where they made the patriot act into a kinda bad guy in the movie, and i didn't mind the setup SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERwhere it turns out they're trying to prevent their own planet from invading earth because their home planet is dying, you know, that whole setupENDSPOILERENDSPOILER i mean it's not endlessly fascinating but it's passable as a premise, and it kinda has a nice peacenik aspect to it -- the kids are really big on not hurting people -- but the way the movie handled it it was more like as an excuse or an afterthought.

they also, props where props are due, were really careful with making sure the two kids have different powers and being really consistent on which kid could do what. the originals put a premium on that so i like how they retained that. when they boost the ATM at the beginning i heard somewhere that being attributed to "telekinesis" and of course i immediately called 911 and informed them that we had a WITCH MOUNTAIN EMERGENCY! in that this was probably more attributable to tia's, er, sara's lock-picking abilities than to telekinesis, which would have been far too clumsy a tool for such a thing. but i think that was a reviewer that made that goof, not the movie, so i'll allow it.

i felt like dwayne rock and sofierobb were trying pretty hard; they wanted to be in a better movie than they ended up being in. i kinda felt bad for them.


  I feel ya, bro, and I was going to post something similar along the lines of believability, continuity, consistency, adherence to canon and all the rest 'cause I'm hip to it.  Basis for comparison - Superfriends of the '70s, '80s and today because the difference speaks volumes.  Or I could take-up Jamie McBain's challenge on BG...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 6:32 pm


  I feel ya, bro, and I was going to post something similar along the lines of believability, continuity, consistency, adherence to canon and all the rest 'cause I'm hip to it.  Basis for comparison - Superfriends of the '70s, '80s and today because the difference speaks volumes.  Or I could take-up Jamie McBain's challenge on BG...
ha! i have lots of sci-fi geek friends who are huge on the new battlestar galactica, which i could care less about, right? i've seen literally one episode and thought it rated a B-/C+, but i keep bringing up the original battlestar galactica, which to be fair was in many ways a horrible horrible show (not like witch mountain, which despite its many camp aspects has major redeeming values in my mind) but the point is, when i liken the new show to the old one the fans of the new show look at me like i'm speakin' greek! the new BG is so adapted that it basically has nothing to do with the old show, it's actually a ripoff of stargate, so why use the BG name?

why? i'll tell you. because the name "battlestar galactica" is an available commodity with some financial value. but that raises the question again, why remake all this superold stuff when under-25s are the ones seeing movies? i really dont have an answer to that one.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Davester on 03/21/09 at 6:52 pm

ha! i have lots of sci-fi geek friends who are huge on the new battlestar galactica, which i could care less about, right? i've seen literally one episode and thought it rated a B-/C+, but i keep bringing up the original battlestar galactica, which to be fair was in many ways a horrible horrible show (not like witch mountain, which despite its many camp aspects has major redeeming values in my mind) but the point is, when i liken the new show to the old one the fans of the new show look at me like i'm speakin' greek! the new BG is so adapted that it basically has nothing to do with the old show, it's actually a ripoff of stargate, so why use the BG name?

  Unfortunately I can't say anything about Witch Mountain because I'm unfamiliar with the story. But your post brings-up a larger point.  I only use BG and SF as an example, but I'm sure there are many remakes/sequels/prequels which could be used.  Nobody is slower to embrace nor more skeptical than yours truly when it comes to "the new and improved ______ for a whole new generation!".  I've almost all but written off television.  It just seems way too easy to muck-up something that could've been fantastic...

  Yikes...I've never watched the Stargate TV series...

why? i'll tell you. because it's an available commodity with some financial value.

  That must explain the existence of so many portrayals of the life of Christ... :P



Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: gumbypiz on 03/21/09 at 7:01 pm

Oh Man!  We're leaving in about 20 minutes to go see this at the drive in! 

At the DRIVE-IN? ???

Where in Northern America is there still a functioning drive-in that hasn't been turned into a weekend flea market or worse, a parking lot or strip mall?

I hope you realize how lucky you are to have one! 8)

First thing I'm gonna do when I win the lottery is open a drive-in and play every bad horror, cheezy, 70's cult-film in existence...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: snozberries on 03/21/09 at 7:02 pm

At the DRIVE-IN? ???

Where in Northern America is there still a functioning drive-in that hasn't been turned into a weekend flea market or worse, a parking lot or strip mall?

I hope you realize how lucky you are to have one! 8)

First thing I'm gonna do when I win the lottery is open a drive-in and play every bad horror, cheezy, 70's cult-film in existence...

that would be awesome to have a chain of retro drive-ins across the country.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: karen on 03/21/09 at 7:08 pm

There's two or three drive-ins in Connecticut apparently

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/21/09 at 8:02 pm

there's one in west virginia, not far (read, about 200 miles away) from us. i keep wanting to go out there, i've never been to a drive-in in my life. :(

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: karen on 03/21/09 at 10:20 pm

Check here for drive-in movie theatres near you

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Michael C. on 03/22/09 at 12:51 am

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry............One of My favorites.............

you should see 'legend of hell house' and 'dirty mary crazy larry' -- they're by the same director of both WM movies and are both the mack! i love em. 73-75 was john hough's golden period, before he stooped to his all-time low of directing "howling IV."

they're also very grown-up, surprisingly. i believe the first spoken line in dirty mary is "hey alohsse!" he did Hammer horror movies in the late 60s, early 70s. but they're hard to find these days, i believe.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Michael C. on 03/22/09 at 12:54 am

There's 2 near Me....................

At the DRIVE-IN? ???

Where in Northern America is there still a functioning drive-in that hasn't been turned into a weekend flea market or worse, a parking lot or strip mall?

I hope you realize how lucky you are to have one! 8)

First thing I'm gonna do when I win the lottery is open a drive-in and play every bad horror, cheezy, 70's cult-film in existence...

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/23/09 at 1:12 am

"Escape to Witch Mountain" SUCKS man!  It's a sh*tty movie!  Never should have been made!

(Hides under his bed and hopes Mike can't find him!)

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/23/09 at 10:09 pm

dag! i'm not that easy to get a rise out of, yall!  :P

everyone gets to have their own opinions, i don't get mad if someone hates movies i like. each gets they own, mayng.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/25/09 at 12:01 pm

dag! i'm not that easy to get a rise out of, yall!  :P

everyone gets to have their own opinions, i don't get mad if someone hates movies i like. each gets they own, mayng.

Actually, I have a very fond memory of seeing Witch Mountain at the local second-run theater.  It was in a double feature with some other kids' movie, but I can't remember what.  Witch Mountain was much more fun. 

Cab driver: It's supposed be people wait for taxis, not taxes wait for people!

I saw "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" at the same second-run theater with "Vanishing Point."  They've both got similar endings.
I don't think I'd take my eight-year-old son to see either (If I had one) but my dad didn't much care; it was the seventies.

Larry Rayder: I think I'm gonna screw miss Mary. Do you mind, Deke?
Mary Coombs: *I* mind!
Larry Rayder: You didn't seem to mind last night. In fact, you were begging for more.
Mary Coombs: Oh, yeah? Well that shows you how little I was getting.

Anyway, I think the Dialogue went straight over my head; I was too fascinated by the Dodge Charger skidding all over the road!


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/25/09 at 12:10 pm

Actually, I have a very fond memory of seeing Witch Mountain at the local second-run theater.  It was in a double feature with some other kids' movie, but I can't remember what.  Witch Mountain was much more fun. 

i remember, it was "Cinderella." cuz i was sitting right behind you.

actually, no. they released it with cinderella because they were afraid a live-action disney flick wouldn't get box office unless it was paired with an animation movie. that's kinda weird to me since they'd been doing live action movies for a long time but whatev.

I saw "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" at the same second-run theater with "Vanishing Point."  They've both got similar endings.
I don't think I'd take my eight-year-old son to see either (If I had one) but my dad didn't much care; it was the seventies.


yeah, both those movies were pretty late night man! although i think DMCL was PG, vanishing point is actually rated R. vanishing point is a much smarter movie but DMCL is more fun; they're both great movies imo.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: Tia on 03/25/09 at 12:12 pm

Anyway, I think the Dialogue went straight over my head; I was too fascinated by the Dodge Charger skidding all over the road!


i like when vic morrow asks for a helicopter and somebody asks what do you want it for, to chase those fugitives? or something like that, some dumb question, and he says "what the hell do you think i want it for, to sniff the seats?" there's something about the delivery and that's a very 8-year-old-friendly line.

Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/25/09 at 12:22 pm

i remember, it was "Cinderella." cuz i was sitting right behind you.

actually, no. they released it with cinderella because they were afraid a live-action disney flick wouldn't get box office unless it was paired with an animation movie. that's kinda weird to me since they'd been doing live action movies for a long time but whatev.
yeah, both those movies were pretty late night man! although i think DMCL was PG, vanishing point is actually rated R. vanishing point is a much smarter movie but DMCL is more fun; they're both great movies imo.

DMCL was out of circulation for decades.  I finally rented it from Netflix a couple of years ago.  It just didn't have same magic as it had when I was eight.  You know, you get old and grumpy and you expect movies to have stuff like intelligent dialogue and and nuanced plots....

What was that line Peter Fonda says to Susan George: "Try that one more time, I'm gonna braid your t*ts!"  That's a good one!
Or officer Hanks:
I'm gonna stick right up your ass this time, buddy!
I'm gonna eat your lunch, you long-haired f*ggot!

Yeah, "Vanishing Point" is much cooler, with Cleavon Little as the DJ Super Soul adding a little Blaxploitation to the the mix.  I also like the snake man in the desert! 

Other favorite car chases movies:  The Burt Reynolds Collection:
White Lightning
Smokey and the Bandit*
Cannonball Run*

*First ones only.


Subject: Re: The Witch Mountain Thread

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/25/09 at 12:25 pm

i like when vic morrow asks for a helicopter and somebody asks what do you want it for, to chase those fugitives? or something like that, some dumb question, and he says "what the hell do you think i want it for, to sniff the seats?" there's something about the delivery and that's a very 8-year-old-friendly line.

I think so, yeah!  Also the guy flipping his pick-up truck in the woods was much funnier when I was eight.  All I knew about car accidents was the cops were supposed to help you, instead they just ask the poor dazed guy if he's seen the blue Charger, and then they take off, and he's like, "Hey..."

Too bad they couldn't have teamed the Peter Fonda character up with Clint Eastwood for "Dirty Harry, Crazy Larry"!

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