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Subject: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Banks on 11/20/05 at 11:24 pm

Okay, this may have been done to death, so if it has please ignore this topic...

Anyway...I was wondering how different each peoples average day (Weekend or weekday) was during the 70's.

Here's mine:


Id usually wake up with my Mum around 5:30am so that Mum could get ready for work. We'd listen to the radio as she got ready. My bag would be packed the following night.

At around 6:30am Mum would take me to my baby sitters place (just down my street) where Id play (usually outside) until breakfast (usually a boiled egg, and Vegimite on toast). Then Id walk to school.

School was school, and I think most peoples memory of school would be the same.

After school (it finished at 3pm) Id hang out with my mate and his Mum until about 3:30pm, then Id go to my baby sitters and wait for Mum to pick me up at around 3:45pm.

Once I got home Id change into my 'play clothes' and then sit down and watch shows like 'Mysterious Island', 'Against The Wind' or 'Merrie Melodies' for about half an hour to an hour. Then Id go out and play in my back yard until about 5:30pm. At this time Id come inside and watch either 'The Brady Bunch'  or 'The Partridge Family'. At 6pm the news came on and it was time for dinner and a bath. Then, at around 6:30 - 7pm, 'Happy Days' would be on TV. After Happy Days 'Laverne and Shirly would be on.

8:30pm was my bed time. Id often lay in bed for about half an hour with my clock radio (the clock being a flip digit one) on. I remember falling asleep to Fleetwood Mac's Rhiannon, Dont Stop and Go Your Own Way. I also remember ABBA, The Jacksons, The Eagles, and a myriad of disco hits would pass through my speakers.


Id get up at about 6am and watch 'The Cisco Kid'...Then cartoons such as the many that have been discussed on these boards before. 'The Land Of The Lost' was always my favorite though.

At around 9am Id watch Donny Sutherland's Sounds Unlimited on Australian Sydney channel 7. Id watch this until about 10am or until the top 10 songs had been played (I remembering hearing Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights for the first time on this show), and then Id head out and play with my friends. Often we'd ride our bikes around the street, or in the school which was behind my house. The only rules my Mum gave me were 'no talking to strangers, no riding any where near the main roads (which was a few streets away) and always be come home when the street lights came on.'

I remember we got our first Pong consol in 1978. We werent allowed to plug it into our colour TV because, according to 'those who know' video game concols 'drained the colour from colour TV sets.' laughable now I know, but back then people really believed this stuff. Mums rule with Pong was, 'Its only to be played of a weekend night (Friday and Saturday night) between 8pm and 9pm.

These were much better times...Better TV shows, better music on the radio, friendlier kids, and it was safe to play outside of your yard until the street lights came on. I wish my daughter could live her childhood back in those times.


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: vinyl lover on 11/20/05 at 11:46 pm

you didnt specify at what age..but it sounds like little kid years(7-12 yrs.) so i would wake up ,eat cereal(anything with sugar cooked in), go to school on the home ..go outside ,play with kids next door..we would jump off my roof onto ourthick uncut grass or jump from my roof to my next door friends roof...looking back on it now i ask myself where was my supervsion(oh yeah she was yelling at me to get off the roof)then play in the street freeze tag or hide and go seek..then when it got dark, come in for dinner and watch tv...go to bed..this would vary from day to day cause i had a big imagination...puppet shows cars,selling junk ,,etc..(man i could go on forever)when my kids say im bored, i start on them with my childhood..

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: zcrito on 11/21/05 at 4:32 pm

You're making me tired. You got up awfully early on weekdays and even weekends.

(And didn't you have any homework to do ?)

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: GREEN67 on 11/22/05 at 9:38 am

you didnt specify at what age..but it sounds like little kid years(7-12 yrs.) so i would wake up ,eat cereal(anything with sugar cooked in), go to school on the home ..go outside ,play with kids next door..we would jump off my roof onto ourthick uncut grass or jump from my roof to my next door friends roof...looking back on it now i ask myself where was my supervsion(oh yeah she was yelling at me to get off the roof)then play in the street freeze tag or hide and go seek..then when it got dark, come in for dinner and watch tv...go to bed..this would vary from day to day cause i had a big imagination...puppet shows cars,selling junk ,,etc..(man i could go on forever)when my kids say im bored, i start on them with my childhood..
8)  This is GREAT!!...I did the roof jumping thing!! parents had thier own business in the 70s..Sporting goods ..I was unsupervised..ALOT...I used to tan on the roof too... baby oil with red food coloring in remember that?..)...and Freeze Tag...Loved that game...and I know what you mean about the kids today....They FREAK if the TV goes out ....I NEVER wanted to be inside....I left at daybreak and returned at...well...sometimes very late...depending on when parents were going to be home!...I was the key on a necklace kid...

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: bruce on 12/19/05 at 9:04 pm

ah to be a kid in the 70s!  Iknow in the summer time we would be outside from the time we got up till it was dark WEwould ride bikes for miles (you had to have the aftermarket speedometer/odometer on your bike)  we would also play ball not little leuge but just all the kids in town (small town)chose up teams and play for hours share your glove with kids on the other team if they didnt have one youd play till you heard your mom calling you for dinner.Another fun thing we did was go to the gully this was a stream that flowed to anearby lake we would climb the rocks or swim in the water or walk it from top to bottom .Imsurprized that nobody ever got hurt except for poisin ivy that never seemed to go away.  but when you got to be 14 or 15 then we would work in the vineyards the work was year round every weekend  Its sad to see that the vineyard owners today hire migrant workers instead of kids but kids today dont seem to want to do the work.  Aday in the life in the winter would involve sledding till you were froze dam near to death

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: GREEN67 on 12/19/05 at 9:33 pm

8) Yea..we lived near a train track...we used to put pennies on the track and pick them up after...We played in the woods too..vietnam stuff...shooting and killing..and running from "Charlie"..I was always the BOY of the group...the other girls wouldnt play war stuff..I did play with Barbies..later

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/20/05 at 11:47 am

In 1972, I was really "into" the Olympics-especially the gymnatistics. I could do a cartwheel since I was about 6 or so, and thought because I could do a cartwheel, I could do gymnatistics. The picnic table bench was my balance beam. I would try to do a cartwheel on it-which I could but I was so afraid of missing and scraping my leg so I would always do it-going off the bench. Each time I kept telling myself, I was going to actually do it and always end up landing on the ground (on my feet of course). I knew if I couldn't do it on the bench (which was much wider than the balance beam), I was NEVER going to be in the Olympics. Well, I was right. To this day, I was never in the Olympics.  :D :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/21/05 at 12:44 am

It's hard to pick just one day out of 3,650. Lots of good times, bad times but I do remember being high from 1969 to 1978.  I think I'll pick a good time, a day from 1974. It's summer & I call a friend to see what he wants to do today. We decide to go swimming. I start up my "avocado green" 1955 Chevy and head out about 9am to pick up a pal. I'd listen to my music on 8-track car stereo, pretty high tech stuff. We have all our necessary "supplies" and cruise downtown to round up some more friends and go get beverages for the day. We head out to Knights Ferry or Orange Blossom, 2 well known swimming holes, they're actually beautiful clear rivers on the way up to Yosemite and Orange Blossom had an amazing rope swing that we could get some good air on b4 we dropped into the water. It was awesome. probably a good 95degrees out, the water was cool and lots of friends show up. We head home and hang out at the local taco bell where everyone would park and convene to make nighttime plans or we would cruise up and down Main street lookin for luv and trying to appear cool. It was a small town, about 12 to 13,000 so everyone knew everyone. This was a typical good time. lots of hangin out back then. I guess since we didn't have malls or cinema-plexs, thats all we had to do. the real simple life and I loved it. And I actually still have some brain cells left.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 1:18 am

I'd get up in the morning, get ready for school... my friends would all meet at my house and we'd walk to the bus stop.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: jackas on 12/21/05 at 1:32 am

Two words.

Sesame Street

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/21/05 at 2:00 am

I'd get up in the morning, get ready for school... my friends would all meet at my house and we'd walk to the bus stop.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 2:03 am

Fireflies??? where did you grow up? I remember those when I lived in Texas and they sure don't have them here in California.

I grew up in Staten Island NY... and I've never seen fireflies here either.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/21/05 at 2:08 am

I grew up in Staten Island NY... and I've never seen fireflies here either.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 2:10 am

aren't the cicadas the real loud noisy bugs. yuck!

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/21/05 at 2:19 am

Yeah, I miss my old neighborhood but I was a kid when I lived there (born in 1972 and moved to CA in 1984) so of course I think of NY as so fun and simple... also I've heard from old friends that our neighborhood has gone downhill and most of our old neighbors have moved to Long Island or New Jersey... so I'd rather just keep the good memories than go back only to get a rude awakening. :)
Good point, because nothing has stayed as it was. I grew up in Manteca Ca. and moved to bay area in 78' and it hadn't really changed much then, Now when I go back 27 years later and try to find those memories of the 70's, I am saddened because it has changed so much from a town of 13thousand to almost 70,000 and it's grown and changed drastically,nothing looks the same. But I still go back and find little pieces of history that remind me of that time.I was a sophomore in HS when you were born and that was some of the best of the 70's, for me 71-77 was like a long 70's movie that I lived. I would love to make a good 70's movie.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 2:26 am

The last time I went back was in 1990 for my dad's funeral... so I got to see lots of old friends, but I didn't have time to go to Staten Island... I stayed in Brooklyn the whole time, because that's where my dad lived.  But when I got off the airplane and stepped outside the airport, I smelled the combination of exhaust fumes and bakery/pastries.  I was like 'YAY, I'M HOME!"  You'd never think that combination could smell good!  But to me it was home!! ;D

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/21/05 at 2:36 am

The last time I went back was in 1990 for my dad's funeral... so I got to see lots of old friends, but I didn't have time to go to Staten Island... I stayed in Brooklyn the whole time, because that's where my dad lived.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: jackas on 12/21/05 at 8:35 am

I grew up in Staten Island NY... and I've never seen fireflies here either.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: barefootrobin on 12/21/05 at 9:25 am

During the summer, I would wake up, have a bowl of cereal, and go to the park.  Everyone met at the park.  We spent all our time playing: building forts, riding our bikes, stunting on our skateboards, all without Adult Supervision.  During the winter we would play barbies or TV tennis or build forts in the basement. 

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/05 at 11:39 am

Fireflies??? where did you grow up? I remember those when I lived in Texas and they sure don't have them here in California.

We used to call them Lightning bugs.


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 12:49 pm

We used to call them Lightning bugs.


So did we... but I thought that was just a NY thing so I used the more common word "Fireflies"... in NY we also used to call dragonflies "dining needles". :D

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/05 at 12:52 pm

So did we... but I thought that was just a NY thing so I used the more common word "Fireflies"... in NY we also used to call dragonflies "dining needles". :D

Could be because I am originally from NY (state, not city).  We used to call dragonflies "needle bugs" and they used to scare the h3ll out of me because I thought they could pierce me.


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: gemini on 12/21/05 at 5:02 pm

ah to be a kid in the 70s!

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: vinyl lover on 12/22/05 at 6:33 pm

aren't the cicadas the real loud noisy bugs. yuck!  So you found the way to san jose. Do you miss the old homestead or are you happy here in the bay area
speaking of ugly bugs...have you ever seen a potato bug?Those things are nasty!!!They look like a baby morphed into a bug...the head is scary!!!!

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: SweetAlice on 01/13/06 at 8:50 am

For me, the best were snow days or fake sick days when I would get to stay home from school. I would pour a big bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Corn Flakes with heaps of sugar and sit in front of the tv and watch PBS. Why were the best shows on during school hours?

With all the stomach aches I faked during the week, its a wonder my mom never took me to get it checked out.

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: vinyl lover on 01/27/06 at 11:48 pm

my mom was afraid of the rain and thunder(she would hide under the blankets during thunder) so when it even hinted rain,gray sky,misting,etc...she would tell me to stay home from school.And being a good son i would ;D

Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: Banks on 01/28/06 at 12:13 am

I remember faking days off from school. I only lived over the back of the school I went to and could get there by going through the hole in my back fence. Sometimes, though, my Mum would get wise to me, so Id be sent to school anyway. I remember, on days like that, Id act sick at school, and back then they HAD to take your word for it. Id usually get told to go home. This was pretty cool for me because my Mum worked and Id come home (throuugh the back fence) and have the house to myself (I had a key) until it was time for school to end and Id have to go to the baby sitters down the street. Usually noone knew Id been sent home from school that day because the school never did 'follow ups'.

Although. a few times my baby sitters grandaughter, who also went to my school would dob me in...Other times she would hold it over me to make me do what she wanted. After a while it didnt work because too much time had passed and she couldnt remember the exact day. Other times Id dob myself in just so id not have to be her 'slave'.

Later, after my Mum got re-married, if I acted sick or was sent home from school (even if I was really sick) my Step-Father would make me drink a glass of Caster-Oil. So thick and that horrid taste...I didnt have many days off from school after the first few times of having Caster-Oil.


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/28/06 at 12:40 pm

I remember faking days off from school. I only lived over the back of the school I went to and could get there by going through the hole in my back fence. Sometimes, though, my Mum would get wise to me, so Id be sent to school anyway. I remember, on days like that, Id act sick at school, and back then they HAD to take your word for it. Id usually get told to go home. This was pretty cool for me because my Mum worked and Id come home (throuugh the back fence) and have the house to myself (I had a key) until it was time for school to end and Id have to go to the baby sitters down the street. Usually noone knew Id been sent home from school that day because the school never did 'follow ups'.

Although. a few times my baby sitters grandaughter, who also went to my school would dob me in...Other times she would hold it over me to make me do what she wanted. After a while it didnt work because too much time had passed and she couldnt remember the exact day. Other times Id dob myself in just so id not have to be her 'slave'.

Later, after my Mum got re-married, if I acted sick or was sent home from school (even if I was really sick) my Step-Father would make me drink a glass of Caster-Oil. So thick and that horrid taste...I didnt have many days off from school after the first few times of having Caster-Oil.


One of my older sisters hated school and didn't want to go. She would come up to me in the morning and say to me, "You don't feel well, do you?" I would say, "No, not really (cough, cough)." Her theory was that if I was sick, she would have to stay home to take care of me, since our mother worked (our parents were seperated). So the two of us stayed home quite a bit together.  ;D ;D


Subject: Re: A Day In Your Life In The 70's

Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/28/06 at 2:24 pm

Hmmm, the 70s was basically Jr. High, High School and a little bit of college for me...

It was all a blur!    ;D

We lived in a farmhouse in a rural area.  During Jr. High it was get up real early, catch the school bus (I had to endure that joke), sleepwalk thru school, and hurry to catch the bus home.  When I first got home, if it was a "loose" day I'd play with my brothers, maybe catch, football or basketball.  Or yak on the phone with a friend.  (Of course these were rotary phones and no cordless, and no call waiting so we'd "tie up the line".)  Or play with the animals (even though they were annoying sometimes).  Sometimes I'd even catch bugs or toads  ::)  (go figure - I'm a girl, too).  That's a country kid for you.  :D

After dinner, I sometimes got drafted into garden picking, cooking/baking, or other assorted chores.  Otherwise it was usually hobbies, listening to music or watching TV.  I LOVED playing records, although we didn't have many.  I listened to the radio a lot for music, but in the sticks we had to "fight hard" to get reception.  Thankfully WLS was a strong station!  ;) 

After dark sometimes we'd stay up to look at the stars (they were pretty nice there).  I liked reading my teen idol magazines, or other girlie stuff.  And went to bed fairly early.    :P

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