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Subject: Horse sh!t cigarettes

Written By: Butterball on 07/01/05 at 9:46 pm

I remember as a kid, going to Nogales, Mexico and seeing these cigarettes. I wonder if these were actually the real thing or just a novelty.

Subject: Re: Horse sh!t cigarettes

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/08/05 at 8:24 am


But every time I see (or smell) someone smoking CAMEL, they smell like Horse sh!t (or is that Camel sh!t?)  :o  :( :( :(

Subject: Re: Horse sh!t cigarettes

Written By: Marian on 07/08/05 at 1:00 pm

I remember as a kid, going to Nogales, Mexico and seeing these cigarettes. I wonder if these were actually the real thing or just a novelty.
it';s possible.horses eat alot of vegetation,so their excrement,when dried,.amy bw mostly easily flammable grass.

Subject: Re: Horse sh!t cigarettes

Written By: Southern Image on 09/26/05 at 5:48 pm

LMFAO- They still have them. They also have chicken sheesh, kangaroo sheesh, and some others.  ;D

Subject: Re: Horse sh!t cigarettes

Written By: ldn324 on 10/16/05 at 1:21 am

I remember as a kid, going to Nogales, Mexico and seeing these cigarettes. I wonder if these were actually the real thing or just a novelty.

These are very much real and somewhere in our attic, we have a pack that we got as part of a box lot estate auction.  At least I should say, the package does have cigarettes in it - and the label says horse "kaka".  We wondered if somebody made the label up, but then again, it was from at least 30 years ago and I doubt people had photoshop to make up something like that.  Wonder if the name was a loose translation from Spanish to English, hence such a odd name.

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