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Subject: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: Ritzatto on 06/21/05 at 9:37 am
I always remember enjoying those "short" films we used to watch in Grade 1 or 2;
There was one in particular involving a little boy who lost his dog, and the whole film was
him looking desparately to find him; it was very sad; i remember a girl in our class crying;  does anybody remember this ?
Another one i always remember was the guy who carves a little canoe with an indian, and throws it in a
river; as it flows down, many people find it, and throw it back in;
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: memory on 06/26/05 at 3:51 pm
cant say that i do
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: Skippy on 06/27/05 at 1:41 am
PBS had a series of shorts, about 15 min. each, in the early to mid 1970's similar to the films you describe. The series was called Inside/Out. I still catch one every now and then while scanning through PBS stations from various states on my satellite dish. Nebraska PBS-3 was showing them at regular times for a while. You might try to look them up at their website. I believe it's
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: Ritzatto on 06/27/05 at 4:05 pm
To Memory...No mind replies like that are not necessary....thanks for nothing anyway...(ps. you may want to change your name)
To Skippy..thanks for the info; i will check out that website;
I actually found some great info on these short films as well; apparently, they were part of the Kukla Fran & Ollie "Children's Film Festival" show;
(Canadian show, not sure about U.S.); and the short film i refer to about the lost dog is called "Clown"; see this link:  i'm sure there's some films there that may ring a bell...
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 06/27/05 at 5:19 pm
Remember that one about the little boy and his red balloon?? Thats the one I remember from 1st grade.
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: snozberries on 07/02/05 at 4:29 pm
Maybe my school was slow... we had 'em in the fourth grade.
One in paticular was on fire safety and they actually had a woman smoking while spraying hair spray. Needless to say her hair caught on fire. Scared me enough that everytime I had my hair done after that I would go into hysterics if my hairdresser started smoking while working on my head.
I remember the Red Balloon film too. It was pretty good but I don't know that I ever understood the point of it.
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 07/02/05 at 6:35 pm
I think the point of 'The Red Balloon' is to teach children about loss, whether its death, loss of a friend, etc.
Subject: Re: Those Grade 1 films
Written By: dutchfalcon on 07/30/05 at 9:53 pm
Remember that one about the little boy and his red balloon?? Thats the one I remember from 1st grade.
Yes, I do!
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