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Subject: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: gord on 04/16/05 at 7:56 pm
Just thought I'd say how much I like this album :) any thoughts on it
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/16/05 at 8:20 pm
I haven't heard the whole album yet, the song itself is really good.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: gord on 04/16/05 at 8:36 pm
I haven't heard the whole album yet, the song itself is really good.
The title track is great, you've probably heard the closing song 'Train In Vain' and everything in between is great. I probably don't go 2 weeks without listening to it front to back. Check it out sometime Jamie ;)
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/17/05 at 6:14 pm
I have never heard the album but the song I love. I remember getting into this argument with this guy because I said that I love the song and he was telling me that I couldn't because I didn't know what it meant. But, he didn't really know me and he couldn't have possible known if I knew or not. It just made me so made because I loved the song when I first heard it and he was just being an s.o.b.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: jaytee on 04/19/05 at 2:04 am
Hey Gord - tell me something I don't know ;) :D
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: Trimac20 on 04/19/05 at 2:30 am
London Calling is perhaps the best 'punk' album, although by this period the Clash could hardly be typecast as 'punk.' I like it because theres a freshness about it was made in some garage (not that that's a bad thing), although at times it can get a bit amatuerish. The title track is a great anthem but not the best on the album.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: gord on 04/19/05 at 5:37 am
Hey Gord - tell me something I don't know ;) :D
;D ok, I never fully appreciated it until years after its release, my brother got it at the time and we always had this friendly rivalry with music, at the time I thought it had a couple good songs and a alot of filler, now I know better ;) :)
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: jaytee on 04/19/05 at 8:19 am
;D ok, I never fully appreciated it until years after its release, my brother got it at the time and we always had this friendly rivalry with music, at the time I thought it had a couple good songs and a alot of filler, now I know better ;) :)
It's funny how that happens. You can put on album on that you haven't heard for ages and all of a sudden you're hearing it with different ears! :D Some songs I hated when I was younger I now quite like and vice versa.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: Paul on 04/21/05 at 5:44 pm
Extremely fine album - possibly their best...
They did go slightly toward the direction of 'pretentious' after it...
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: gord on 04/24/05 at 9:18 am
I like it because theres a freshness about it was made in some garage (not that that's a bad thing)
I agree, that garage band sound is refreshing at times, beauty in simplicity :)
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/02/05 at 6:59 am
Great song and possibly the best album of the punk rock genre released.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: bj26 on 05/05/05 at 2:37 pm
I'm listening to the album for the first time and never realized how versatile the Clash was! Rock, funk, punk it's all here!
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: gord on 05/05/05 at 4:41 pm
I'm listening to the album for the first time and never realized how versatile the Clash was! Rock, funk, punk it's all here!
Excellent, glad you like :)
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: birdman on 05/11/05 at 3:27 pm
I don't really consider London Calling a 70's album considering that it was released DEC.1979. It is a great album, but I consider it more of an 80's album. The Clash is in that group that was called New Wave. It was a cleaned up form of punk, that is to say fit for air play. In fact I'd go as far as to say that the album was ahead of its time. It was a very fresh change of pace from everything else that had come out in recent years.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: Sleeve on 09/12/07 at 3:56 pm
Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Clash, and I LOVE this album, but it's pretty unfair to say that they were the greatest punk band. Especially since that goes against what it's about. Anyone should be able to play whatever they want, and sing whatever they want. Skill often clouds over songwriting abililty. Especially in the 70's when the entire side of an album could be one song, and every realease of a song was a competition to prove who is the best. Do NOT let this album and all it stood for be shoved right back into that very rat race they laughed at.
Subject: Re: London Calling is Brilliant
Written By: xSiouXBoIx on 09/21/07 at 7:45 am
i really like this album, but there are some songs on it that i consider to just be "okay".
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