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Subject: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
I remember growing up in the Detroit area in the late 70's,and early 80's,and these were probably my two favorite tv shows, as far as reruns were concerned. For a brief period of time,I actally preferred "Lost in Space" because the plots were more easy to understand, and the show had more humor. When I entered high school,it was more fashionable to be a "Trekkie" since the "Star Trek" movies were becoming popular at the box office, and I started to pick up on the social commentary present in the classic epsiodes. The original "Star Trek" proved to be better written, and better acted, than "Lost in Space". "Trek" made "LOS" look like an inferior kiddie show variation. As a much older adult,I think both shows were well made. "Star Trek" broke a lot of barriers for tv,and for science fiction in general. Would the "Star Wars" movies enjoyed so much success had "Star Trek" never been made? I don't think so. Yet,I still enjoy thinking back to my memories of watching Lost in Space". It had a campy,comic book atmosphere similar to the old "Batman" tv show of the 1960's. And who can forget the catchphrases,"Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!" " or Dr. Smith saying "The pain...the pain!" Which show did you prefer as a kid,and how do you feel about the programs in the present? :) Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
As a kid, Lost in Space was my favorite show. I hated Star Trek when my dad and brother would watch it. Now, it seems quite the oposite. As I look back on Lost in Space, I think to myself, "I liked this?" It was pretty bad. I started "getting into" Star Trek when it started coming out in syndication in the 70s and thinking, "not bad." Of course now, I really have a hard time watching William Shatner. ::) But, I do LOVE TNG. ;D It is kind of funny that my feelings about these two shows has really switched over the years.
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
Star Trek is/was vastly superior.
Each episode was a "morality play", and the space exploration angle was simply a premise. The plots were timeless and could have been written for a show that took place past, present, or future.
And the concept of a crew with a black woman and asians in responsible positions was way, WAY ahead of its time. :)
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
Classic "Star Trek" always was/is my fave of the two. :)
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
It's a shame the original "Trek" did get cancelled. I read somewhere that enough scripts were written for two more seasons.After all Captain Kirk does say at the beginning of the show,"Our 5 year mission". Unfortunately,we only saw the first 3 years of the Enterprise's voyages. Many Trekkies regard the two years within the animated Saturday morning "Star Trek" episodes as the final 2 years of "the mission". By the way does anybody know that they were going to have Doctor McCoy's daughter be a semi-regular character during the two seasons that were never made? They were also going to have a few controversial episodes involving a planet where white humanoids were slaves,and black humanoids were their masters. And another plot involving a female crew-member who was impregnated by an extraterrestial monster (a pre-cursor to "Alien"?). What a shame these interesting story-lines never saw the light of day! :( Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
"Lost in Space" is a campy old show, funny in an MST3K way, but "Star Trek" is a keystone in the modern Sci Fi canon. I've never been a Trekkie, but I can appreciate the trekkies' passion for the classic and "The Next Generation." I only enjoy the origininal because in "TNG," everybody's Mr. Spock.
Did anyone else get a particular Enterprise crew member confused with an old pediatician?
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
There were tons of things in Star Trek that inspired many inventions or at least popularized them. Let's see:
The automatic door
The flippy cell phones
You might read about these in the news sometimes, lots of experiments dealing with matter-energy transport
MRIs and PET/CAT scans
Probably lots more. Star Trek was indeed inspirational :)
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
Did anyone else get a particular Enterprise crew member confused with an old pediatician?
End Quote
Darn it, Max, I'm a doctor, not a PalmPilot :P ;D
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
I like Lost in Space when I was younger, but as I got older, something about the show began to creep me out. I'm not sure of the way it was O.K. for a young man to "explore the surrounding area" with a young girl w/o supervision (Major Don West & Judy) or Mr. Smith being around Will, really it bothers me to this day. Something is just not right with it... :P
Star Trek will be one of favs forever. Yes, it is cheesy by todays sci-fi standards but was definitely a groundbreaker at the time and broke taboos.
Quoting:Did anyone else get a particular Enterprise crew member confused with an old pediatician?End Quote
Hmm, to that I'll just say...
Analysis, Mr. Spock!
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, Captain.
Medical update, Doctor McCoy!
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim. Dead, Jim.
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim, Dead.
Starship Captain, James T. Kirk!
Ha-ha! We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill, shoot to kill.
We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill, men.
(from Star Trekking Across the Universe) ;D
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
"Star Trek" is a keystone in the modern Sci Fi canon. End Quote
Whoa. That ought to be engraved somewhere. ;D
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
Hmm, to that I'll just say...
Analysis, Mr. Spock!
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, Captain.
Medical update, Doctor McCoy!
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim. Dead, Jim.
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim, Dead.
Starship Captain, James T. Kirk!
Ha-ha! We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill, shoot to kill.
We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill, men.
(from Star Trekking Across the Universe) ;D
End Quote
lol But remember, "You can not change the laws of physics, laws of physics, laws of physics." ;)
The pilot "The Cage" had a woman (Majel Barrett aka Nurse Chapel, Lwaxana Troi, the voice of the computer and Mrs. Gene Roddenberry) as "Number One." The network did not like having a woman in that position so they changed to Spock.
You ALWAYS knew the guy in the red shirt was going to get killed before the first commercial.
Subject: Re: "Star Trek" vs. "Lost in Space".
I was never a true Trekkie but did/do enjoy the shows, however, I loved Lost in Space. It was always great for a laugh with Dr. Smith, the robot, and Will, (Smith was such a wuss)!