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Subject: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment?
My gosh,there so many! Since I started this post,I will give you as many as I can think of...The sketch where Ernie sings "Rubber Ducky". Anytime one of the muppets, and one of the humans sang "Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?".The muppets singing "Ba-na-ma-na". I also vaguely remember one involving kids chewing bubble-gum,and blowing bubbles, while they sang a song that went something like "B is for bubble! Bubble! Bubble! Bubble!" There were a few that creeped me out too. I remember one describing several words that start with the letter "V". At the end of the segment,you heard the female narrator say in a sinister voice: "V also stands for Vampire" while the animation showed a Count Dracula type figure wearing a cape who changes into a bat. Even though I eventually loved monster movies as a teenager,that segment scared the hell out of me when I was 5 years old. :o I also remember a nice segment that always gave me a "warm fuzzy" feeling. It showed birds flying slowly through the air while peaceful,dreamy music played in the backround. They practically showed that one at least twice a month,maybe more. What were your favorite "Sesame Street" segments? Which ones scared you? Thanks for the memories! :D Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
C is for Cookie was a fav, though looking back, someone needed to cut the sugar from Cookie Mosters diet, must of had ADHD the way he freaked out over cookies, maybe some ritalin would of helped? ;)
"One of these thing dosen't belong here, one of these isn't the same" was always fun to sing along with.
The Count counting things was always good, but the thunder and lightning frightened me as a kid.
I loved Ernie, but always felf bad for Bert and the crap he had to put up with from Ernie...y'know nowadays Bert would of snapped and barracaded himself in his apartment with a assult rifle after taking so much guff from Ernie...
I liked Snuffleupagus (sp?) too, drove me crazy as a kid that nobody could see him except us and Big Bird...why did ole Snufffy, with that voice of his and his slow sluggish motions, act like he had been smoking some wacky weed, what was that about?
Mr. Hoopers passing was sad :(, but it was handled very well and in a way that kids understood what happened.
I still love Sesame Street and waiting to have my first child so I'll have an excuse to watch it without being embarassed. ;)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Actually I was 5 when it started in 1969...favorite song was the "Rolling O" song, favorite segment was the "1-2-3..." segment with a baker at the end falling down with X-number of deserts ("8 Chocolate cakes...whoops,whoops, oops..." as the deserts went flying).
Having a son I take delight in listening to to Sesame Street Platinum (with "Ma-na-ma-na") ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Actually I was 5 when it started in 1969...favorite song was the "Rolling O" song, favorite segment was the "1-2-3..." segment with a baker at the end falling down with X-number of deserts ("8 Chocolate cakes...whoops,whoops, oops..." as the deserts went flying).
Having a son I take delight in listening to to Sesame Street Platinum (with "Ma-na-ma-na") ;D
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Wow! I almost forgot about the baker and his pies, falling down the stairs. I think I read somewhere that the actor who played the baker was Jim Henson himself. I almost forgot about the "One of These Things" song,too. :-[ Is "Sesame Street Platinum" a cd containing classic Sesame songs? ??? If so,I will have to buy it someday,especially if "Ba-Na-Ma-Na" is on it. Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Sesame Street Platinum I and II are available on CD. II is the one with manamana/banamana. Yes I also heard that it was Jim Henson as the baker.
Wow! I almost forgot about the baker and his pies, falling down the stairs. I think I read somewhere that the actor who played the baker was Jim Henson himself. I almost forgot about the "One of These Things" song,too. :-[ Is "Sesame Street Platinum" a cd containing classic Sesame songs? ??? If so,I will have to buy it someday,especially if "Ba-Na-Ma-Na" is on it. Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
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Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
"C is for Cookie" is the best. For some reason the "Lower-case 'N'" song always comes to mind at strange moments too.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
If I had to choose just one it would deffinately be Ernie singing "Rubber Ducky". But, I also like the song about numbers "5,5,5, Let's sing a song about 5. How many is 5?" And yes, it would always end up with the baker falling.
I also like "Who are the people in your neighbor hood" and...
"One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the other before I finish this song."
I saw it one time where they sang "Octopus' Garden" by the Beatles. I thought that was cool.
After reading this thread, I now that have that tune "Manumanum" (or whatever it is called) in my head. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
My favorite segment was when they did the game in which one of the featured items didn't belong in the set. I don't even remember the tune anymore, but it's still my favorite. "Bob" did most of those segments, didn't he?
I modified to add: Cat mentioned this same segment above. ;D Thanks for the memories!
The tune and segment "Ladybug Picnic" stands out in my memory, as does "Guy Smiley". :'(
Today's Sesame Street lacks many of the original characters, segments and people. Today, the show is mostly comprised of two long segments: "Journey to Ernie" and "Elmo's World". Quite sad really. The show has lost all of the charm of its heyday.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I loved the quiz shows featuring the orange man called Guy Smiley with the flip-top head. Forgotten his name but they usually got out of hand towards the end. Funny.
I also loved the 'animations' between sketches that would talk about the number or letter in issue. They were great. One animation featured a psychedelic pinball machine - span me out it did.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
One animation featured a psychedelic pinball machine - span me out it did.
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That's my favourite!
"OneTwoThreeFOur Five Six SevenEightNIne Ten Eleven Twe-e-e-e-e-e-e-elve!" ;D
But I also loved the segment where some kids (off-camera) would try to explain how to draw an object to an adult guy (also off-camera) and the intermediate results would be drawn on the screen. He always deliberately "misunderstood" the instructions and there would be lots of amused cries of "Nooo!!" from the kids and several partial erasures before the final drawing was completed. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
That's it MrGazpacho.
I loved those animations were it featured a roughly animated girl doing things like going to the zoo and stuff - taps into my childhood Ah!
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
There are so many...
Roosevelt Franklin , baaaaa (low voice singing), Elementary School.
"Hi-ho Kermit the Frog here" Kermit dressed up as a reporter and would go to the "scene", usually some sort of Fairy Tale. I remember Rapunzel let her hair down and her wig fell off, Humpy Dumpty and one about The Princess and the Pea.
Grover as the waiter.
The Aliens who mimic the phone. "Briiiiing"
The Baker falling down the steps.
I don't know if this was for a letter or a number but there was segment where two girls are playing with a doll house, they have tiny forks asnd spoons and they're taking their time setting things up when all of a sudden a cat goes running thru knocking everything over.
The Tweedle Bugs who lived on Ernie's window box and their house was a milk carton.
You can catch a lot of these old segments on the channel Noggin, I think it's called Sesame Too.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Who here loved Mr.Don Music? Boy,was he corny.He couldn't even remember the last verses of his songs. He always ended up banging his head on his piano keys to remember.He would've wound up with amnesia. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
My favorite segment was when they did the game in which one of the featured items didn't belong in the set. I don't even remember the tune anymore, but it's still my favorite. "Bob" did most of those segments, didn't he?
I modified to add: Cat mentioned this same segment above. ;D Thanks for the memories!
The tune and segment "Ladybug Picnic" stands out in my memory, as does "Guy Smiley". :'(
Today's Sesame Street lacks many of the original characters, segments and people. Today, the show is mostly comprised of two long segments: "Journey to Ernie" and "Elmo's World". Quite sad really. The show has lost all of the charm of its heyday.
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I just don't know what happened to the old Sesame Street from 20 years ago. :-/
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
"Roosevelt Franklin what cha gonna do".... The muppet that would tell a story and use sound effects for some of the words.... Hated Big Bird and Oscar the grouch.... I remember James Earl Jones and Bill Cosby doing the alphabet.... Bert and Ernie were my favorite muppets.... The theme music just made me feel good when I would hear it, along with the harmonica.... Monomanaa, uh tee pee teepee, monomanaa...
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
How about the segment where Ernie counts sheep while sleepwalking and Count slept over that night.You shoulda saw Ernie's eyes,they were liked bugged out or something. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Two ones come to mind:
1. The alligator king that loses his teeth..I can't remember what number was being highlighted...8?
2. I pride myself in remembering these lyrics: See if you can (now I'll be really embarrassed if you experts correct me :) ):
There was a little girl going to the store and she kept repeating to herself the list of 3 things she had to get. (All together now) "A loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter."
Anyone remember that??
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
1. The alligator king that loses his teeth..I can't remember what number was being highlighted...8?
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"Said the alligator king to his seven sons
My boys, I'm feeling down
Whoever of you can cheer me up
<something> <something> will earn my crown." ;D
His materialistic sons give him stuff like berries which cause him to break out in spots, etc. Then he trips over wearing diamond rings (or something) on his toes and the littlest one helps him up (by stepping on his tail and levering him like a rake :) ) and therefore proves his worth.
2. I pride myself in remembering these lyrics: See if you can (now I'll be really embarrassed if you experts correct me :) ):
There was a little girl going to the store and she kept repeating to herself the list of 3 things she had to get. (All together now) "A loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter."
Anyone remember that??
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Yeah and as whe walked along the street and passed by various sights, her list kept changing to whatever she saw. But when she got to the shop, she remembered OK 8)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
"Said the alligator king to his seven sons
My boys, I'm feeling down
Whoever of you can cheer me up
<something> <something> will earn my crown." ;D
His materialistic sons give him stuff like berries which cause him to break out in spots, etc. Then he trips over wearing diamond rings (or something) on his toes and the littlest one helps him up (by stepping on his tail and levering him like a rake :) ) and therefore proves his worth.
Yeah and as whe walked along the street and passed by various sights, her list kept changing to whatever she saw. But when she got to the shop, she remembered OK 8)
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One two three four five six seven!
Said the Alligator King to his seven sons,
"I'm feelin' mighty down.
Whichever of you can cheer me up
Will get to wear my crown."
His first son brought seven oyster pearls
From the bottom of the China Sea.
The second gave him seven statues of girls
With clocks where their stomachs should be.
The third son gave him seven rubies
From the sheikdom Down There Beneath.
The King thought the rubies were cherries,
And he broke off seven of his teeth.
The fourth son tried to cheer him up
With seven lemon drops.
The King said, "I'm sorry son,
Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops."
The fifth son brought the King perfume
In seven fancy silver jars;
The King took a whiff, and he broke out in spots
'Cause it smelled like cheap cigars.
The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings
To wear upon his toes.
The King snagged his foot on the royal red rug
And crumpled up his nose.
The seventh son of the Alligator King
Was a thoughtful little whelp.
He said, "Daddy, appears to me
That you could use a little help."
Said the Alligator King to his seventh son,
"My son, you win the crown.
You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but
You helped me up when I was down.
Take the crown; it's yours, my son.
I hope you don't mind the dents.
I got it on sale at a discount store-
Cost me all of seven cents!"
Does anyone remember, I think it was the for the number 6...a "girl" with six bows in her hair, six toes (only one leg, though), six eyes??
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
One two three four five six seven!
Said the Alligator King to his seven sons,
"I'm feelin' mighty down.
Whichever of you can cheer me up
Will get to wear my crown."
Wow,you sure know your Sesame Street.Do you remember the segment involving Grover Waiter and the mustachioed customer who always got pissed off because Grover constinently messed up his order?
His first son brought seven oyster pearls
From the bottom of the China Sea.
The second gave him seven statues of girls
With clocks where their stomachs should be.
The third son gave him seven rubies
From the sheikdom Down There Beneath.
The King thought the rubies were cherries,
And he broke off seven of his teeth.
The fourth son tried to cheer him up
With seven lemon drops.
The King said, "I'm sorry son,
Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops."
The fifth son brought the King perfume
In seven fancy silver jars;
The King took a whiff, and he broke out in spots
'Cause it smelled like cheap cigars.
The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings
To wear upon his toes.
The King snagged his foot on the royal red rug
And crumpled up his nose.
The seventh son of the Alligator King
Was a thoughtful little whelp.
He said, "Daddy, appears to me
That you could use a little help."
Said the Alligator King to his seventh son,
"My son, you win the crown.
You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but
You helped me up when I was down.
Take the crown; it's yours, my son.
I hope you don't mind the dents.
I got it on sale at a discount store-
Cost me all of seven cents!"
Does anyone remember, I think it was the for the number 6...a "girl" with six bows in her hair, six toes (only one leg, though), six eyes??
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Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
That's my favourite!
"OneTwoThreeFOur Five Six SevenEightNIne Ten Eleven Twe-e-e-e-e-e-e-elve!" ;D
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Yeah that was definitely a mezmerizing segment. I found out not long ago that the Pointer Sisters actually sang that song.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
OK, I'm new to all this nostalgia talk--this could get very addicting!
I thought of another one:
Do you remember the two monsters that wanted to eat some fruit from a tree but they each had a problem that prevented them. One of them had long arms that were straight and permanently pointing upward \0/ . His problem was that he could REACH the fruit but couldn't bend his arms to get it to his mouth. The second one was short with bendable arms but wasn't tall enough to reach the fruit. They ended up figuring out how to cooperate.
Also, someone mentioned earlier how in the 1970 Sesame Streets no one could see Snuffy except for Big Bird. Well I grew up a little and checked back in the 80s to watch with my little sister and saw that everyone knew about Snuffy. I guess he was made known to everyone.
Fun to remember.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
Do you remember the segment involving Grover Waiter and the mustachioed customer who always got pissed off because Grover constinently messed up his order?
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Yeah I rememebr once the guy wanted bacon and eggs for breakfast, but ordered "oink oink" and "cluck cluck". Grover had a devil of a time trying to figure that order out (not that he was that bright at the best of times! :D )
I think at one time he even ordered alphabet soup and complained when there was one letter missing! ::)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
Yeah I rememebr once the guy wanted bacon and eggs for breakfast, but ordered "oink oink" and "cluck cluck". Grover had a devil of a time trying to figure that order out (not that he was that bright at the best of times! :D )
I think at one time he even ordered alphabet soup and complained when there was one letter missing! ::)
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That part I remember when he was singing the alphabet as well as trying to see if he has all the letters in his soup. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
SuperGrover was a funny character.After he landed,he fell on the ground and he hurt himself.What a funny muppet.
"Hello,I'm SuperGrover" ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
OK, I'm new to all this nostalgia talk--this could get very addicting!
I thought of another one:
Do you remember the two monsters that wanted to eat some fruit from a tree but they each had a problem that prevented them. One of them had long arms that were straight and permanently pointing upward \0/ . His problem was that he could REACH the fruit but couldn't bend his arms to get it to his mouth. The second one was short with bendable arms but wasn't tall enough to reach the fruit. They ended up figuring out how to cooperate.
Also, someone mentioned earlier how in the 1970 Sesame Streets no one could see Snuffy except for Big Bird. Well I grew up a little and checked back in the 80s to watch with my little sister and saw that everyone knew about Snuffy. I guess he was made known to everyone.
Fun to remember.
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They thought of Snuffy as an imaginary sidekick to Big Bird but they did not believe him till 1983 when they found out the truth about the big brown shaggy elephant. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Who remembers the little girl muppet that sang a song that went something like "Someone come out and play! Someone come out and play today!" This was one of my favorite segments,yet it always made me feel sad. Being all alone can be sad,and scary for anyone...especially when you are a young child. :'( Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Who remembers the little girl muppet that sang a song that went something like "Someone come out and play! Someone come out and play today!" This was one of my favorite segments,yet it always made me feel sad. Being all alone can be sad,and scary for anyone...especially when you are a young child. :'( Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
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That was Prarie Dawn.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I thought Oscar the Grouch was the funniest character on the show especially since he lives in a garbage can. I also enjoy the friendship between Big Bird and Snuffy (can't figure out how to spell his full name).
The saddest moment on the show was when Mr Hooper died. :'(
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I loved the quiz shows featuring the orange man called Guy Smiley with the flip-top head. Forgotten his name but they usually got out of hand towards the end. Funny.
I also loved the 'animations' between sketches that would talk about the number or letter in issue. They were great. One animation featured a psychedelic pinball machine - span me out it did.
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I almost forgot about the psychadelic pinball machine segment. I can still remember the dreamy music they played in the backround for that sketch. My God,it seems like it was just yesterday when I would watch Sesame Street before, or after, Kindergarten. It depended on what semester I was attending (am or pm). I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday...events that happened in my recent past are starting to become dim memories...but I can remember the pinball machine, and that dreamy music! ;D Quite often I will be doing something mundane like sit at a traffic light,take a bath,mail a letter,etc. While I am doing these boring tasks,I will hear that music! Ahhhhh! Childhood memories! They make the day go by faster! LOL! Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I thought Oscar the Grouch was the funniest character on the show especially since he lives in a garbage can. I also enjoy the friendship between Big Bird and Snuffy (can't figure out how to spell his full name).
The saddest moment on the show was when Mr Hooper died. :'(
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Snuffleupagus sounds greek of all I know? ??? ;D
It was 1983 and Big Bird couldn't understand the meaning of death cause he was too young to remember and he was 6 years old.I remember that episode cause he was crying and reminiscing as well.What a touching show! :'( :)I loved it. :)
How come they never mentioned David after he died in 1990? ??? >:( Dumb idiots! >:(
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
another favorite one of mine has to be anything with Bert and Ernie involved.Ernie always tried to get him to play games but never was in the mood.always wanted to play with his pigeons and paperclips. ;D :P
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I almost forgot about the psychadelic pinball machine segment. I can still remember the dreamy music they played in the backround for that sketch. My God,it seems like it was just yesterday when I would watch Sesame Street before, or after, Kindergarten. It depended on what semester I was attending (am or pm). I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday...events that happened in my recent past are starting to become dim memories...but I can remember the pinball machine, and that dreamy music! ;D Quite often I will be doing something mundane like sit at a traffic light,take a bath,mail a letter,etc. While I am doing these boring tasks,I will hear that music! Ahhhhh! Childhood memories! They make the day go by faster! LOL! Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
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1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910,11,12222222! ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
another favorite one of mine has to be anything with Bert and Ernie involved.Ernie always tried to get him to play games but never was in the mood.always wanted to play with his pigeons and paperclips. ;D :P
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Bert: Hey Ernie, do you know you have a banana in your ear?
Ernie: What?
Bert: I said, you have a banana in your ear.
Ernie: What?
Ernie: I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.
Did you know that Bert and Ernie got their names from "It's a Wonderful Life?"
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Bert: Hey Ernie, do you know you have a banana in your ear?
Ernie: What?
Bert: I said, you have a banana in your ear.
Ernie: What?
Ernie: I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.
Did you know that Bert and Ernie got their names from "It's a Wonderful Life?"
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No,I never knew that.How did that one come about? ???
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
The one where Fred Rogers made his debut in 1982 when he was talking to Big Bird. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Sorry if this one has been covered:
"I am The Count. They call me The Count because I love to count, ah-ha-ha-ha-ha."
"Well, I'm Guy Smiley. They call me Guy Smiley because I changed it from Bernie Liedebaum".
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Bert: Hey Ernie, do you know you have a banana in your ear?
Ernie: What?
Bert: I said, you have a banana in your ear.
Ernie: What?
Ernie: I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.
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"I'm sorry, Bert can't come to the phone. He's talking on the banana".
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
How about The Rhyming Game where Ernie rhymes but Bert doesn't want to and then Bert gives in to Ernie so he plays along? ;D
"You're It,Bert" ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I remember Ernie standing next to a letter B and singing "Letter B, Letter B.." to the tune of the Beatles' "Let it Be."
There was a muppet based on Howard Cosell that spoke like him and looked like him, what was his name? You'd see him once in awhile if there was a race of some kind.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I remember Ernie standing next to a letter B and singing "Letter B, Letter B.." to the tune of the Beatles' "Let it Be."
There was a muppet based on Howard Cosell that spoke like him and looked like him, what was his name? You'd see him once in awhile if there was a race of some kind.
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Oh yeah, Howard Coolsell was his name.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
I have a whole tape of Sesame Street episodes from 7 years ago.Sometimes I watch it but I think I'll save it for my old age. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Does anyone remember "The Painter?" He wore a top hat and a long white coat with paint streaked all over it, and he would always paint a number on something. His arch-nemesis was this bald janitor who wore coveralls with "Mac" stenciled on the back. My favorite episode was when "Mac" was lying on an air mattress in a swimming pool, reading the newspaper, and the Painter (who was in a wet-suit instead of his usual paint-covered coat) sneaked up on him and painted a number "6" on Mac's bald head. Mac then reached up and felt his scalp and sure enough, when he looked at his hand, there was the number "6" on his palm. He then turned around, spotted the Painter, and then chased him around the pool. That was probably the funniest thing I ever saw on Sesame Street, and I'm still laughing now thinking about it. (I haven't seen the Painter in years, I wonder if they stopped showing that segment to "discourage vandalism...")
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
Does anyone remember "The Painter?" He wore a top hat and a long white coat with paint streaked all over it, and he would always paint a number on something.
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Oh ya! I totally remember that.
Some of my fav's were...
There was a creepy lookin puppet dude in an alley and he would call people over and say "psssst wanna buy a D?"
Then he would open his trenchcoat and show the letter D.
Another one, I think it was with grover as the waiter and he would bring a bowl of soup to a bald puppet guy. The soup had a fly in it and the guy would get peeved at grover.
And, there were these cute bugs with high pitched voices and they lived in a window sill? I loved that sketch.
Also, the monster lookin puppets that said "Yup, yup, YUP, yuP, yup, YUP, yUp".
and of course 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, tweeeeeeeeelve!
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
Oh ya! I totally remember that.
Some of my fav's were...
There was a creepy lookin puppet dude in an alley and he would call people over and say "psssst wanna buy a D?"
Then he would open his trenchcoat and show the letter D.
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I remember that. I also remember thinking, why would anyone want to have just a letter. I thought about those letters that Mary and Rhoda had in their apartments on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. ;)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Does anyone remember "The Painter?" He wore a top hat and a long white coat with paint streaked all over it, and he would always paint a number on something. His arch-nemesis was this bald janitor who wore coveralls with "Mac" stenciled on the back. My favorite episode was when "Mac" was lying on an air mattress in a swimming pool, reading the newspaper, and the Painter (who was in a wet-suit instead of his usual paint-covered coat) sneaked up on him and painted a number "6" on Mac's bald head. Mac then reached up and felt his scalp and sure enough, when he looked at his hand, there was the number "6" on his palm. He then turned around, spotted the Painter, and then chased him around the pool. That was probably the funniest thing I ever saw on Sesame Street, and I'm still laughing now thinking about it. (I haven't seen the Painter in years, I wonder if they stopped showing that segment to "discourage vandalism...")
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I remember the painter.He was so funny.I remember this episode with Stockard Channing where she was eating a sandwich and The Painter used his brush to paint a mustard 3 and a ketchup 3. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Would anybody remember Sesame Street in the early 1990's?
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
I don't know if this was for a letter or a number but there was segment where two girls are playing with a doll house, they have tiny forks asnd spoons and they're taking their time setting things up when all of a sudden a cat goes running thru knocking everything over.
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"What's that? Small pitter pat. One, two, two kitty cats. Two kitty cats, two little beds, two sleepy heads in a little doll house." This was my very favorite segment of all! Thanks for the memories! :-*
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Cookie Monster, and "The Count" :)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Would anyone remember Sesame Street Disco? ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
My favourite is Ernie singing "Put Down The Ducky" and another that comes to mind is the animation of the housewife talking on the telephone and the cat keeps bothering her for it's dinner. She finally get around to opening the can of tuna and the cat collapses head first into it's dinner. :)
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
My favourite is Ernie singing "Put Down The Ducky" and another that comes to mind is the animation of the housewife talking on the telephone and the cat keeps bothering her for it's dinner. She finally get around to opening the can of tuna and the cat collapses head first into it's dinner. :)
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I remember em both. :D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Lady Bugs Picnic really cracked me up! But my favorite is when the guy would drop all the pies. "5 cherry pies" then he would fall. Classic!
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
There was an episode where Big Bird went to camp in 1982.Anyone remember that? His friend was named Rusty. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Does anyone remember "The Painter?" He wore a top hat and a long white coat with paint streaked all over it, and he would always paint a number on something. His arch-nemesis was this bald janitor who wore coveralls with "Mac" stenciled on the back. My favorite episode was when "Mac" was lying on an air mattress in a swimming pool, reading the newspaper, and the Painter (who was in a wet-suit instead of his usual paint-covered coat) sneaked up on him and painted a number "6" on Mac's bald head. Mac then reached up and felt his scalp and sure enough, when he looked at his hand, there was the number "6" on his palm. He then turned around, spotted the Painter, and then chased him around the pool. That was probably the funniest thing I ever saw on Sesame Street, and I'm still laughing now thinking about it. (I haven't seen the Painter in years, I wonder if they stopped showing that segment to "discourage vandalism...")
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Who could forget the painter!!! Wasn't the actor who played the painter the same actor who played Mr. Bentley on "The Jeffersons"? ??? Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Sometimes Ernie and Bert would fight over stupid things then they'd realize it was wrong so they'd make up with each other after.I used to love those segments. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
Who could forget the painter!!! Wasn't the actor who played the painter the same actor who played Mr. Bentley on "The Jeffersons"? ??? Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
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It was the same actor--his name was Paul Benedict.
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
did anyone see the 35th anniversary special on pbs? could've been better but was ok - was floored by the #10 spot (10-9-8-7-6...); while reading "sesame street unpaved" i found out a) iwas correct in thinking the falling baker was jim henson, and b) one of the kids in this spot was played by his son
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Tho this was most likely filmed inthe 80's I thought it was hilarious when Smokey Robinson sang "you really got a hold on me" and this big U was following him everywhere and trying to hug him.
They say that recently Nora Jones filmed a similar one for her song I don't know why, where she sings
"I don't know why Y didn't come."
I also liked the old Oscar the Grouch ditty, Camp Mushy Muddie and anytime Kermit was actually in the swamp was fun too. Like when kermit was the roving reporter and kept getting run down by the little pigs' wolf or somebody chasing someone else?? puppet pratfalls are always good for a laugh! ; ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite
It was the same actor--his name was Paul Benedict.
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Paul Benedict played a great painter. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favorite "Sesame Street" segment
Or how about the cowboy puppets where the sheriff asks in the saloon I Wanna Know "Y"?