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Subject: Badfinger
Anyone remember that group?
Those guys made some memorable songs:
1. Come and Get it
2. No Matter What
3. Day After Day
4. Baby Blue
5. Apple Of My Eye
I have 1 more song to mention, but I have another thing to share, and I did not want to end on a downer note.
Anyway, I was wondering what happened to this group. They sort of just disappeared in the mid-70's.
About 5 years ago, I purchased their " Best Of " cd. Looking through the liner notes, I discovered that the 2 band members responsible for writing the bulk of their songs, Pete Ham and Tom Evans, had committed suicide (Ham in 1975, Evans in 1983). How sad.
Okay. I promised not to end on a downer note. So, guess what song these guys wrote, recorded, but never released as a hit?
Answer: Without You
That was the hit song made popular by Neilson and -- most recently, recorded and released by Mariah Carey a few years back. What a great piece of music!
Oh, BTW. Does anyone know if VH1 has ever done a "Behind The Music" on this group?
Subject: Re: Badfinger
Great group!
I know I saw a BTM-type show a year or 2 ago. I'm not sure it was an actual VH1 BTM.
Subject: Re: Badfinger
A fine group with an almost painfully sorry history attached...
Full-ish details here http://www.allmusic.com(No direct link, so type 'Badfinger' in search)...would probably make a compelling movie!
Legend has it that Harry Nilsson was listening to 'Without You' whilst either stoned or drunk, and had it in his mind that the group performing it was The Beatles...mind you, Badfinger's original is pretty lame compared to the orchestral monster that it eventually became...
Subject: Re: Badfinger
A fine group with an almost painfully sorry history attached...
Full-ish details here http://www.allmusic.com(No direct link, so type 'Badfinger' in search)...would probably make a compelling movie!
Legend has it that Harry Nilsson was listening to 'Without You' whilst either stoned or drunk, and had it in his mind that the group performing it was The Beatles...mind you, Badfinger's original is pretty lame compared to the orchestral monster that it eventually became...
End Quote
"Without You" by Nilsson, and "All by Myself" by Eric Carmen are two of the best seventies sob songs!
I can't think of a band, other than Badfinger, to have two members commit suicide. ???
Subject: Re: Badfinger
I just registered. I was "Skeeter" yesterday and I just found out that name is taken. So, for now on I am "dag".
Fett69: I'll have to keep my eyes open for that show. Seems like it would be a perfect Behind-The-Music.
Paul_UK: Thanks for the link. Sounds they have a repertoire of unreleased material. Actually, I thought it was The Beatles when I first heard 'No Matter What '. Still, sounds like The Beatles to me. You know, after you listen to the original 'Without You' a few times, it doesn't sound half-bad.
MaxwellSmart: I was a big Eric Carmen fan. The Raspberries used to be my favorite group years ago. I remember getting teased a lot in 5th grade for liking a group named The Raspberries. I grew to hate that band name! They made some good songs, though.
I can't believe I mispelled "Nilsson". Maybe age is starting to set in.
Subject: Re: Badfinger
"Without You" by Nilsson, and "All by Myself" by Eric Carmen are two of the best seventies sob songs!
I can't think of a band, other than Badfinger, to have two members commit suicide. ???
End Quote
Thankfully you won't, Maxwell...very sad story...
And welcome to the boards dag...I don't know whether it was Badfinger's intention to clone the Beatles' sound, but there are some alarmingly close calls...
It wasn't mentioned in the article, but 'Come And Get It' was first recorded by the Beatles themselves...except via bootleg, it lay unissued until it cropped up on 'Anthology 3'...
Subject: Re: Badfinger
I remember they sang "Feel Like Making Love".
Subject: Re: Badfinger
I remember they sang "Feel Like Making Love".
End Quote
Wasn't that Bad Company, or Badminton, or something?
Quoting:I can't think of a band, other than Badfinger, to have two members commit suicide. End Quote
That is, only if you can count Spinal Tap drummers!
Dag wrote
Quoting:I was a big Eric Carmen fan. The Raspberries used to be my favorite group years ago. I remember getting teased a lot in 5th grade for liking a group named The Raspberries. I grew to hate that band name! They made some good songs, though.End Quote
If they were making fun of you, you should've blown them a RASPBERRY!
You should have heard the razzing I got when the hicks at school found out I liked the Talking Heads!
I confess to liking Carmen's '80s hit "Hungry Eyes." I always end up singing it to myself after I hear it. :-/
Subject: Re: Badfinger
Wasn't that Bad Company, or Badminton, or something?
That is, only if you can count Spinal Tap drummers!
Dag wrote
If they were making fun of you, you should've blown them a RASPBERRY!
You should have heard the razzing I got when the hicks at school found out I liked the Talking Heads!
I confess to liking Carmen's '80s hit "Hungry Eyes." I always end up singing it to myself after I hear it. :-/
End Quote
Who the heck knows anymore. ;D
Subject: Re: Badfinger
"Feel Like Making Love" was by Bad Company :)
Subject: Re: Badfinger
"Feel Like Making Love" was by Bad Company :)
End Quote
Thank You. :)
Subject: Re: Badfinger
No Matter What, my favorite and also Successful Conversation, I saw Badfinger in about 1972, it was a fabulous show. The opening act was Lee Michaels, who also rocked!
Subject: Re: Badfinger
Badfinger rocked big time. 8)
Yes, they had somewhat of a Beatlesque sound, but they were one of the first artists signed to the Beatles-owned Apple Records. And on many songs, individual Beatles either wrote the song or played backup. They also played backup on Beatle solo projects, like George's "All things must pass" LP, and John's "Imagine".
Paul McCartney wrote "Come and Get It", and George Harrison played slide guitar on "Day After Day".
Their sound was so unique. They really stood out when they first came out. But as is the case often, they got screwed over by greedy managers, etc. >:(
Ultimately two band members commited suicide. The first one, Pete Ham, solved nothing. He commited suicide "supposedly" because of the money problems. But 8 years later, a bandmate also killed himself over the money problems. :-/
The only thing the suicides solved was that the greedy b*stards who took their money had two fewer people to take them to court. >:(
I hope that the guys who stole Badfinger's money have a VERY disturbing time in the Afterlife. >:(
Subject: Re: Badfinger
Legend has it that Harry Nilsson was listening to 'Without You' whilst either stoned or drunk, and had it in his mind that the group performing it was The Beatles...End Quote
...which is ironic, because The Beatles originally thought Nilsson was a group!