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Subject: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 70s?
Just how accurate is the comedy "That 70s Show" compare to the 70s of real life? Any continuity errors? Did they really smoke pot every day? Was Kelso that popular a last name? (JK) The younger generation wants to know.
Subject: Re: How Does
Speaking as both a teen from that era and an avid "TSS" viewer, I'd have to say that it comes pretty close to capturing the "aura" of the "era". (That line sounds like it came out of the 70's, doesn't it? ::)) As a matter of fact, I sit and try to catch them in little mistakes (inserting modern day stuff into the script) and, other than some of the lingo, I have yet to "catch them with their pants down".
When the show first aired, some of my old buds and me flipped out because we used to meet and party every day after school in "Stork's" basement. "Stork" was a tall, skinny, friend of mine that kind of resembles "Eric", whose dad was always just watching us pass through the living room on our way to the basement and looking at us, rolling his eyes and saying, under his breath, "Dumb@sses". ;D
As far as your other question, Indy, I plead the fifth! 8) ;)
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
OMG!! This WAS my life in 1978!! My bedroom was even in the basement!! The clothes, the music, the parents...EVERYTHING is just too scary! The writing has gotten much better over the years, and I LOVE IT! This show parallels my life so much it's not even funny...the only sad part...they graduated in '78 and I was a '79er...oh well. I'm just hoping that they can keep the show alive as the cast moves on past high school...but I honestly don't see it happening. Part of the reason why I watched was the whole high school angle. We'll see.
Lisa The K-tel Chick
Subject: Re: How Does
Just how accurate is the comedy "That 70s Show" compare to the 70s of real life? Any continuity errors? Did they really smoke pot every day? Was Kelso that popular a last name? (JK) The younger generation wants to know.
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Well, they do capture the look of the seventies. Back in the 70s, we did not go around saying, "Oh, he's hot, she's hot"-that is more of a contemporary saying. The show , to me, got pretty dumb after the first couple of years. In the seventies, not everyone was smoking pot. There was a lot of basement-hanging out, though.LOL ! There is WAY too much focus on sex and drugs on that show for ratings sake. They just take those elements and capitalize on them.
It's accurate enough to don the title.I am floored by some of the costumes ! Brings back memories of my teen years to see Jackie's clothing. I once saw an interview of the actress who plays Jackie. She stated that she felt that the clothes were uncomfortable. Back than, we just wore what was in style-nothing seems uncomfortable back than. Not even the 5 or 6 inch platform shoes. Just remember that the characters in TSS are characatures and, just like today, you have different types of people. ~ 1977 High School Grad
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
I've watched it once, I thought it was WAY OFF base.
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
I have to agree with Dude and KtelChick...that was life in the 70's. In California, we had no basement so we would get high at someone's house who's parents both worked...not as common as it is today...my mom never worked until I was out of high school.
The only discrepency I have noticed is that they do use some new slang along with the old...but that show definitely kicks 70's a$$!!! Boy Howdy!!!!
PS KtelChick...I graduated in 1979...too hip.
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
Yep. Outside of a few premature slang terms, this show is on the mark. I wonder, though... since it is currently 1979 on the show--- what's to happen?
Subject: Re: How Does
Yep. Outside of a few premature slang terms, this show is on the mark. I wonder, though... since it is currently 1979 on the show--- what's to happen?
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Flashbacks, man :)
Just kidding ;D
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
Yep. Outside of a few premature slang terms, this show is on the mark. I wonder, though... since it is currently 1979 on the show--- what's to happen?
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I so agree with that! I so don't remember some of the slang they use. Don't get me wrong, I so get in to it!!
Subject: Re: How Does
I so agree with that! I so don't remember some of the slang they use. Don't get me wrong, I so get in to it!!
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LOL, Dude ~ you're so right. I remember one of the kids on That 70s Show saying-" I am so grounded."
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
i watched the program a few times and its not even close to what our group used to do ---not even close !!!!
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
i watch the show all the time,and alot of it is the way it was,me and my friends smoked pot everyday at my neighbors house listening to "the doors",they were a gr-8 band to get high on. the key word in california for a "hot guy" was a "stone fox". boy thats sounds soo funny now.lol
Subject: Re: How Does
I too have to say that the show is right on. Face it, there was a LOT of pot smoking going on in the seventies! I love watching that show, brings back a lot of memories-as far as clothes-any girls out there remember Chemin-de-fer (sp?) jeans? They had this seam that went up one pant leg, made a u-turn on the behind, then down the other leg? Also what about Wallaby's, anyone out there remember those ugly shoes? In California there was a store called Funky and Damn Near New where you could go buy already broken in Levi's.
I also graduated in 1979. Hard to believe it's been that long ago, but it has!
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
I also "Partied" in the 70's....mostly drinking though. I miss the simpler times but do so enjoy all the new stuff that's coming out technology wise :D
Subject: Re: How Does
yes i remember chemin-de-fer jeans,chardon jeans,dittos,walabees,vans,cords,
I too have to say that the show is right on. Face it, there was a LOT of pot smoking going on in the seventies! I love watching that show, brings back a lot of memories-as far as clothes-any girls out there remember Chemin-de-fer (sp?) jeans? They had this seam that went up one pant leg, made a u-turn on the behind, then down the other leg? Also what about Wallaby's, anyone out there remember those ugly shoes? In California there was a store called Funky and Damn Near New where you could go buy already broken in Levi's.
I also graduated in 1979. Hard to believe it's been that long ago, but it has!
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Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
As a child in the early 70s, miniskirts were still popular. In fact, a lot of the older women started to wear them and looked hotter than the younger gals. The teachers still had the bun hairdo. The burr (or the military cut, as I affectionately called it) was on almost every white boy, and the blacks wore moderately sized Afros. And of course, we still had spanking in school, but most of the teachers did it by hand and the paddle came later. As for weed, that was used from 5th grade on, but thankfully, I never experimented with the stuff. Some students were even using "the Columbian leaf" for their art projects.
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
Mmmmmmmm............mini skirts.......ARRRRGGHHHHHH*drools*
Indy, where did you go to school that all the white guys had buzz cuts? It was that way for me until about the 6th grade but after that, we were more into the "long hair" thang. I look like the "little Dutch boy" in my senior photo. :-[ :D
Subject: Re: How Does "That 70s Show" Compare To The Real 7
Well, I was in high school from 1977 to 1980 and I knew a lot of people that were just like these characters!
Our school had a guy who looked even hotter than Kelso, and more than one Hyde. We even had an exchange student from Columbia whose name was Diego ;D
I knew some friends who smoked pot, although I never did. Several of my stoner friends also introduced me to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Led Zeppelin and The Lord of the Rings.