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Subject: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I think mine would be Weeble Wobbles!
"weebles wobble, but they don't fall down" :D
Modified to add: "Baby Alive" the doll that ate the baby food! :D
What were some of your favorite toys to play with?
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
My Mrs. Beasley doll, the Easy Bake Oven I finally got, my bike with the banana seat and my Betsy Wetsy doll.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Light Bright
Color Forms
Little People bus, villiage and house
Mr. Potato head and more
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Barbies, I had around 9 at one time.
My baby doll that sneezed.."Bless You Baby Tender Love" was her name. Mom still has that in storage.
And my bike.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I'd have to say my favorites were one of two new baseball gloves. There's nothing like oiling it up, putting 2 balls in the pocket, tying rawhide around it, putting it under your matteress, and knowing that nothing is going to get by you and it once you get it broke in. (You'd have to experience it to know just how much that meant to a guy). Loved to stick my nose in the pocket and take a big ol' snort of leather!
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I remember we had a lot of dolls-Barbies, Dawn dolls, Madam Alexander dolls, Dancerina, etc. etc. But I always loved my stuffed animals. My favorite was a turtle that my great-grandmother gave me. She was living in a retirement home and they had a shop where they sold the crafts they made. We went to visit her on a Sunday when the shop was closed. I saw that turtle in the window and longed for it. My great-grandmother saw how I was longing for it and had them open the shop to get that turtle for me. Most of my stuff animals are in a box in the basement but there are three that are in the bedroom-two that I can't ever remembering NOT having and "Timothy," my turtle that was made by some old lady and that my great-grandmother gave to me before she died.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Weebles were great. You can still find them, but they are now painted, they don't have the clear plastic shell over the paper picture :(
Strawberry Shortcake dolls (they smelled so good), Holly Hobbie dolls, Barbie, my Easy Bake Oven (which I drove my mom crazy trying to find the mixes) and my Creepy Crawly maker.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Weebles were great. You can still find them, but they are now painted, they don't have the clear plastic shell over the paper picture :(
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I saw those in Toys R Us! They look so fake! Although, I did find the original ones on E-Bay. They even had the Weeble's Tree House on there for sale! Memories!
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I have been looking for place to plug this website and this seems to be a good place.
I have to plug it. It is my sister's website.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
How about "Pong"? I remember being blown away at the technology! ::) If I'm not mistaken, that thing cost about 150 bucks (which was 1/2 a weeks salary for the average middle class working family, at the time). Still, I prided myself in my Pong skills!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I still have my Thingmaker Sets (Creepy Crawlers, Creeple Peeple, Fun Flowers and Zoofie Goofies), Lite Brite, my Matchbox cars, all my plastic dinosaurs, my Shoop Shoop Hula Hoop, all my board games from the 60s and 70 and my brother's Flexible Flyer sled from the 50s.... :D
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Guess who's here????The guy who posts once every 6 monthes.I used to have a "Wheel-o" and used to play with "Clackers",those strings on a ring with balls on the end that you whack together.Anybody ever have a "Hoppity-hop"??MAN,those were the good old days!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I remember clackers. I used to have a massive bruise on my wrist from those things.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I remember clackers. I used to have a massive bruise on my wrist from those things.
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Those things were a trip. They went right along with YarDarts, SuperBall, and all the other "deadly but great" toys and games from the '70's. Black eyes, punctures, busted lips, knots on the head, bruises..........the kids today don't know what they're missin'!! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Guess who's here????The guy who posts once every 6 monthes.I used to have a "Wheel-o" and used to play with "Clackers",those strings on a ring with balls on the end that you whack together.Anybody ever have a "Hoppity-hop"??MAN,those were the good old days!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :)
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Oh yes.. I remember Clackers.. gave my brother a bloody nose with them, when I used them like num-chucks, and Hoppity hop was the best.. I had the hoppity hop, my brother had the hoppity horse.. we also had matching Big wheels...
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
"Clackers" were cool and I absolutely LOVED the "Gyro" Wheels. :D
Other faves:
"Mr. Mouth", "Mr. Microphone" (which blasted your own voice through the radio) and "Twister".
Edited to add:
Real Heavy Metal Old-Western Style Guns with hundreds of rolls of caps, "Snaps" (the ones you just throw on the floor and pop), and pretty much anything else that made cool sound effects and sparked. ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I still have my Thingmaker Sets (Creepy Crawlers, Creeple Peeple, Fun Flowers and Zoofie Goofies), Lite Brite, my Matchbox cars, all my plastic dinosaurs, my Shoop Shoop Hula Hoop, all my board games from the 60s and 70 and my brother's Flexible Flyer sled from the 50s.... :D
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And Shrinky Dinks!! And I was Hula Hoop champion of my block at one time. Ahhh, the good old days. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Ok, I have thought of a few more Toys from the 70's
1. Chinese Jumprope (every girl in my 4th grade class carried one in her pocket for recess)
2. Lemon Twist (this thing was a lemon connected to a black rubber loop that went around your ankle and the lemon had beads in it.. You would twist your foot around and hop over this lemon thing... perhaps faddish.. but I remember one entire summer doing that up and down the sidewalk, thinking I was so cool... )
3. Stretch Armstrong and Stretch Monster.. my brother had Stretch Armstrong... I think I chewed his hand off and squeezed out the jelly that made him so flexible...
4. Charlie's Angels dolls and Starsky and Hutch and Swat Dolls... I would really have some fun antics with all of them together...
5. Baby Chrissy- She had this Auburn-Brown hair and big brown eyes.. and you'd pull the pony tail from the top of her head and it made her hair grow..
6. this contraption... I don't remember the name of... But it was a red wheel on a metal frame and you would flick your wrist back and forth and make the wheel go up and down on this metal frame.. I think it might have been called Wheelie?? something? I forget...
7. The Record Players that folded shut like little suitcases..I used to play all my 45's and Shaun Cassidy and Andy Gibb albums on one.
8. This is going way back, but I remember when I was about 4 or 5, I had this red telephone that you'd put little records in a slot at the base of the phone and it sounded like someone was talking to you... Santa Claus, etc... Does anyone remember this?
9. Viewmasters
10. Spirographs
11. The plastic looms that made those funny woven potholders out of loops of fabric. The box would always show things that you could make, like a purse, or even a sweater (GASP!! Like someone would actually wear one if it were possible...) I barely mastered the potholders.
12. Rub A Dub Baby... you could bathe with her.. I remember her hair turned into a matted nylon nightmare after just one bath.
Do they still make Tinkerbell cosmetics for little girls? back then the powder came in a white compact with multi colored flowers on the case and the lip "pomade" was a colorless waxy glorified chapstick in the shape of lipstick and appeared to be pink or red but never added any color ...
13. My Barbie head with the make up and styling tools.. was my favorite when I was 6..
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
"Mr. Mouth", "Mr. Microphone" (which blasted your own voice through the radio) and "Twister".
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Remember that commercial?
"Hey good lookin'........we'll be back to pick you up later!!"
That was the opitimy of CHEESE! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
6. this contraption... I don't remember the name of... But it was a red wheel on a metal frame and you would flick your wrist back and forth and make the wheel go up and down on this metal frame.. I think it might have been called Wheelie?? something? I forget... End Quote
See guamanian's post above (which you already responded to, lol). My brother had one, too... :-)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
See guamanian's post above (which you already responded to, lol). My brother had one, too... :-)
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It was called a Wheel-0?? Doh!!!
Dork Pinup Queen here... :-/
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
:D :D :D :DMy favotite toys were busy Steffie doll,Quick Curl barbie doll,Barbie Country Camper Barbie swimming pool,with real water,Dressy Bessie and Dapper Dan,siolly putty,Barbie tent,mr peanut doll,and there will be more later.Cheers! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
My Atari!!! I got one in the late 70's..I was a happy dude with that..cost me $139.99 .. That was a lot of money for me then..*sigh* .. good times :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
My Atari!!! I got one in the late 70's..I was a happy dude with that..cost me $139.99 .. That was a lot of money for me then..*sigh* .. good times :)
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Amazing the things one can remember. I paid $120.00 for mine. I very much enjoyed my "Odyssey" as well. I still have both gaming computers in good working order. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
I remember the Oydessy..I think it was just before Atari..wasn't it made by Magnovox?..that mite not be right. even with all the tech advances since then, my computer still crashes on occasion.
someone mentioned Lawn Darts..we had those ..what the heck were we thinking? hahah.Still remember when My daughter was 3 and we let her play with 'em..yikes!
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Ok, I have thought of a few more Toys from the 70's
1. Chinese Jumprope (every girl in my 4th grade class carried one in her pocket for recess)
2. Lemon Twist (this thing was a lemon connected to a black rubber loop that went around your ankle and the lemon had beads in it.. You would twist your foot around and hop over this lemon thing... perhaps faddish.. but I remember one entire summer doing that up and down the sidewalk, thinking I was so cool... )
3. Stretch Armstrong and Stretch Monster.. my brother had Stretch Armstrong... I think I chewed his hand off and squeezed out the jelly that made him so flexible...
4. Charlie's Angels dolls and Starsky and Hutch and Swat Dolls... I would really have some fun antics with all of them together...
5. Baby Chrissy- She had this Auburn-Brown hair and big brown eyes.. and you'd pull the pony tail from the top of her head and it made her hair grow..
6. this contraption... I don't remember the name of... But it was a red wheel on a metal frame and you would flick your wrist back and forth and make the wheel go up and down on this metal frame.. I think it might have been called Wheelie?? something? I forget...
7. The Record Players that folded shut like little suitcases..I used to play all my 45's and Shaun Cassidy and Andy Gibb albums on one.
8. This is going way back, but I remember when I was about 4 or 5, I had this red telephone that you'd put little records in a slot at the base of the phone and it sounded like someone was talking to you... Santa Claus, etc... Does anyone remember this?
9. Viewmasters
10. Spirographs
11. The plastic looms that made those funny woven potholders out of loops of fabric. The box would always show things that you could make, like a purse, or even a sweater (GASP!! Like someone would actually wear one if it were possible...) I barely mastered the potholders.
12. Rub A Dub Baby... you could bathe with her.. I remember her hair turned into a matted nylon nightmare after just one bath.
Do they still make Tinkerbell cosmetics for little girls? back then the powder came in a white compact with multi colored flowers on the case and the lip "pomade" was a colorless waxy glorified chapstick in the shape of lipstick and appeared to be pink or red but never added any color ...
13. My Barbie head with the make up and styling tools.. was my favorite when I was 6..
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:-* :-* :-* :-* :-*Tinkerbell cosmetics are still made,and theysell them at Long's.Cheers! ::)
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
My Atari!!! I got one in the late 70's..I was a happy dude with that..cost me $139.99 .. That was a lot of money for me then..*sigh* .. good times :)
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I remember when Coleco came out (was that late 70s or early 80s?).......anywho, I got one for Christmas and all my buds had to come over to play (we were 16 and 17 years old). It was so much more technologicly advanced than Atari. Kind of like the Play Station and Game Cube wars of today.
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Flatsy dolls,light brite,chinese "jumpropes",of course the Dawn Doll,skipper barbie,Romper Stompers (from Romper Room).
Subject: Re: Favorite Toys of the 70's
Anyone remember the "Deep Sea Diver"?