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Subject: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
:P what did you do?
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
Rode my bike, walked to the grocery store and buy my sister cigarettes, she would give me $.55 and they would pass them over to a 9 year old.
We would sleep outside in the summer, build poorly constructed forts in the nearby woods. We played football with whatever kids we could round up, it was tackle and of course no pads. Did my paper route and collected the monthly dues. My older sister had some parties and they would smoke pot of a big bong. ::)
Listened to music on an 8 track or 33 rpm record and saw the Doobie Brothers in '78 for $8. We had to adust the "rabbit ears" TV antenae to get better reception on the 3 networks, Saturday morning was a bunch of cartoons, later in the day you could always find a old Shirley Temple movie on.
I had a good time back then, one any child of mine won't be able to experiance.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
To keep it short and sweet...........mostly played music and partied. There were a few other minor little things like graduating high school, starting college, getting married, becoming a father, but I thought you would want to know the major things. ;)
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I remember making alot of collages. Like with photos or pitures in magazines and hanging them up in my room. I also rode my bike around my neighborhood practically everyday. And all the kids from the "hood" would gather in the street during the winter and play football. In the summer we played hide-n-go seek alot.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
Well,I stayed in my crib,cried,poopied,got hungry,was breast fed,crawled,and back in my crib.Later on,The late 70's,I went to kindergarden for my first school day! ;D
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I was born in the mid 70's, so I don't consider myself a Child of the 70's.
I am a Child of the 1980's.
The 90's....were cool and OK, I went to high school in the first part of the 90s, but I prefer the 80s.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I watched t.v. a lot. I also played outside-either riding my bike or playing with my friends.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I was born in '74, so I guess from what I remember, I went to school, played '45, watched the Electric company and tried to avoid being teased by my big brother :)
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
started school, played outside a lot, tried using my bike to jump over kids lying down near a ramp a la Evel Knievel (sp?), had a pageboy haircut and tried to give my Barbie one too, went to lots of birthday parties in a long dress.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I used to go swimming everyday in the summer, starting at 1 pm, when it opened..stopped for supper and went back until closing, at 9pm.
Rode my bike everywhere. Tortured my older brothers, and the best memory of all was spending a week or two on my grandparents farm..that was heaven for me. Fishing and my grandma's cooking!!! And got to ride the combines and wheat trucks with my grandpa and uncle.
Started school in 1970, went in the afternoon and got to watch the high school band practice their 'parade' march go up and down our street.
Had a tea stand (didn't like lemonade :o) one summer, made about $35!!!
Just fun stuff. Thanks for reminding me!! :)
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I watched a lot of TV, did my homework, listened to The Eagles and Crosby, Stills & Nash on my dad's stereo, and played Barbie's with my friends. Oh, I also got into many fights with my brothers! >:(
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
URL :D ;) :-* 8)Wrote on walls,put snails in the microwave.,threw snails agaionst the fence,played doorbell ditch,put laxatives in cookie dough and threw them over the fence to the neighbors'dogs---no just kidding!!!!For recreation i did stuff like ride my bike,draw,roller skate,listen to the radio.When i was a teenager i got into oldies radio,and I love it ever since.Cheers! ::)
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I went skinny dipping in the pool in the back yard with my little brother. I went to school. I went to dinner every night at Shakey's with my Mom and my brother. In the winter, I made a snowman and went sledding. I watched TV and played outside. I went to a lot of birthday parties and block parties.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
Played hide and seek with the neighborhood kids until dark, rode my bike or horse all over the place, spent a lot of time at my best friend Karole's house, went swimming in the backyard above ground pool, built a tree house, built a fort, took dance lessons and went to the car races every Saturday night when my dad was racing.
When we lived in Kansas, we used to stay out after dark to collect fireflies in a jar, baked cookies/cakes to leave at the neighbor houses(ring the bell and run :)), rode my skinny, plastic, yellow skateboard (no helmet or pads), went sledding and hung out at the baseball diamonds to watch the boy I had a crush on play. :) Sometimes, he would even give me his popcorn and share his coke with me after the game. Wow!
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
Perrylove, you must be the same age as me! I started school in '70, too!
What sticks out most for me in the 70's was the year before the Bicentennial....waiting to watch "The Bicentennial Minute" on TV!!!!!
Like a lot of you above, I spend SOOOO much time outside playing. Riding bikes, playing kickball, SPUD, and wiffle ball, jump rope, kick-the-can and Manhunt on summer nights. Our dad built us a treehouse (just a big platform with railing, in a huge sycamore in our side yard), and we spent the entire day up there, sometimes. We rode our bikes EVERYWHERE, around the block to our friend's house. My brother and I had @ 30 kids in the neighborhood around our age....it was very cool!
I think there's just too much on TV these days. When I was a kid, there wasn't much on after Saturday morning cartoons were over, so we went outside to play a lot. In the summer, we were outside, swimming in our friend's pools, or going to the swim club. When the weather gets warmer here, I'm going to insist my daughters go outside to play more often.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
Rode my bike, walked to the grocery store and buy my sister cigarettes, she would give me $.55 and they would pass them over to a 9 year old.
We would sleep outside in the summer, build poorly constructed forts in the nearby woods. We played football with whatever kids we could round up, it was tackle and of course no pads. Did my paper route and collected the monthly dues. My older sister had some parties and they would smoke pot of a big bong. ::)
Listened to music on an 8 track or 33 rpm record and saw the Doobie Brothers in '78 for $8. We had to adust the "rabbit ears" TV antenae to get better reception on the 3 networks, Saturday morning was a bunch of cartoons, later in the day you could always find a old Shirley Temple movie on.
I had a good time back then, one any child of mine won't be able to experiance.
End Quote
I remember my mother used to send my brother and I to get cigarettes for her with a note!! Can you believe that worked? :o I also remember my older cousins growing pot outside by the side of the house, and drying it in the oven when they would babysit us, and then spray the house with Glade Air Freshener ( I wonder if my folks ever wondered why the house always smelled like Powder Fresh Glade?)
My brothers and I used to set up "bike jumps" with plywood planks and bricks and use our bikes and skateboards to play "Evel Knievel"
I remember going to see Jerry Lewis movies on Saturday at the movie theater and Disney movies like "Shaggy D.A.," "Pete's Dragon", "Freaky Friday".. Freaky Friday was my favorite..
I loved staying up late on Friday and Saturday nights to watch Midnight Special, Horror Incorporated, SCTV, and Saturday Night Live.. Being that I was 12 in 1979, most of my 70's memories were of being a little kid, doing kid things..
I also remember developing a deep fear of Serial Killers then...seems the 70's really pumped them out.. Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, John Gacy, Buono and Bianchi, Enough to give you the creeps... I remember being more afraid of the Real life Serial killers "out there" , then I was of the "boogey man".
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
I'm a child of the 1970's who was sent through a time warp to the 2000's!
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
It's interesting to see how many people said that in the '70's they set up a ramp to jump their bikes over like Evil Kneivel.
I remember going to see that movie, and of course like everyone else who was a kid at the time my friends and I set up a ramp to see how many garbage cans we could jump on our bikes.
We broke so many bikes. We had to repair them with parts from other bikes that were broken beyond repair.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
1978-fell down the stairs.broke my clavicle.I was only 4 years old.I must make people here feel really ancient here. ;D
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
It's interesting to see how many people said that in the '70's they set up a ramp to jump their bikes over like Evil Kneivel.
I remember going to see that movie, and of course like everyone else who was a kid at the time my friends and I set up a ramp to see how many garbage cans we could jump on our bikes.
We broke so many bikes. We had to repair them with parts from other bikes that were broken beyond repair.
End Quote
Hah! Same day Evil Kenevil attempted the Snake River Canyon me and some buddies were doing the plywood ramp jumpin' and I wiped out and knocked out my front tooth. It was an emergency trip to the dentist for that day. The tooth was shoved and cemented back in but later died and was pulled. ;D is not my smile since 1974.
Subject: Re: What Did You Do As A Child Of The 70s
We would play Skully. I would roller skate and ride my bike. Wait for Mr. Softee to get a vanilla cone with sprinkles. Play my transistor radio and sing along to the songs.