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Subject: Board games of the 70's
I'm looking for the popular board games of the 70's?
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I'm looking for the popular board games of the 70's?
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You mean you want us to list them or are you looking to purchase?
If you are looking to purchase, your best bet is to post this on the "Wanted" board. ;)
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
;D ;DDo you mean the cheesy tv spinoffs like "the Waltons Game","Korg 70,000 BC","Wonder Woman',"The Houndcats"and stuff like that????? ??? ??? ???Cheers!
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I used to have "Monopoly" marathons with my cousins in the late 70's, on a vintage game set that was purchased in the early 60's (my Dad still has it).
Also used to play "Sorry", "Trouble", "Life"... there were a few otherz that I can't think of right now. :P
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Stratego ! :D
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Not a board game, but they were cards and were along the same premise as Twister. It was called Funny Bones. The cards gave directions as to what body part you had to connect with (hand bone to the back bone, etc) and ya ended up in a twisted position. That's the only thing I can think of that was actually manufactured in the 70s. We played all board games that had been manufactured before the 70s.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I'm guessing this might not technically be considered a board game, but remember Hungry Hungry Hippos?
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Anybody remember a game called "Tip it"? I vaugely remember it. It was a guy balancing on some sort of a stick.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Anybody remember a game called "Tip it"? I vaugely remember it. It was a guy balancing on some sort of a stick.
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I remember that one. I also remember "Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots" that I just saw on a Simpsons episode. There was another game that I can't recall what it was called. But it had a clear plastic tube with lots of little holes on the sides. You had to stick a crap load of plastic sticks thru the holes in order to hold a bunch of marbles that you poured in from the top. The idea being that each person had to remove a stick without dropping any marbles in the slots below. The person who could get the most sticks out usually won the game.
Oh yeah, and how could I forget; Mousetrap! :D
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
How about Gash, Gash, Gash, new Milton Bradley's "Gash". That's all I remember about the commercial. I think it was a stacked tower of some sort and you had to knock out pieces without the thing falling over.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
How about "Hands Down"? A four player game. I don't remember the concept, but you were not supposed to be the last one to get your hand down.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Anybody remember a game called "Tip it"? I vaugely remember it. It was a guy balancing on some sort of a stick.
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Hi Butterball ~ :) ~ I had Tip-It - Loved that game ! But I had it in the 60s.It was great. You had to remove discs with a fork and not tilt this little guy off the top.
Also, remember Kerplunk ? Was that a 70s- made game ???
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
;D ;DThere was one called Gnip Gnop--i guess the inventor was from Poland or something,and Payday.Cheers! ;D
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I think Kerplunk (the game Secret Squirrel was talking about) came out in the 70's.
Was Buckaroo a 70's game? You had a plastic horse and a shedload of stuff to stack on him. Whoever put on the piece that made the horse 'buck' and throw everything off was the loser.
I think Operate (or was it called Operation?) came out in the seventies. I remember the really cheesy ad that was shown here in the U.K.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I think Kerplunk (the game Secret Squirrel was talking about) came out in the 70's.
Was Buckaroo a 70's game? You had a plastic horse and a shedload of stuff to stack on him. Whoever put on the piece that made the horse 'buck' and throw everything off was the loser.
I think Operate (or was it called Operation?) came out in the seventies. I remember the really cheesy ad that was shown here in the U.K.
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I played with Operation in the 1960s. It was introduced in
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
Hi Butterball ~ :) ~ I had Tip-It - Loved that game ! But I had it in the 60s.It was great. You had to remove discs with a fork and not tilt this little guy off the top.
Also, remember Kerplunk ? Was that a 70s- made game ???
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Quoting Myself (tee hee ;D ) :
Kerplunk came out in the 60s, too - 1967 :)
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I'm not sure when these games first came out, but I do remember playing with them when I was a child...
Mystery Date...you open a little door to see if your date has arrived.
The Bride Game.
Green Ghost Game...glowed in the dark.
Not board games, but still popular...
Ants in the Pants
Down the Drain
Don't Break the Ice
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I remember some of these games! How 'bout Connect Four. The one where you drop checkers down slots and try to get four in a row before your opponent does. Wasn't that the one where the boy says "pretty sneaky, sis" in the commercial?
And I remember my parents and grandparents playing one called Probe (don't remember the object of the game). And another called King Oil, which had a big plastic mountain and little things that told you if you had "struck oil" on a portion of the mountain/territory...
Btw, my grandpa died not long ago, and we have to go box up stuff at his house soon. I just KNOW I'm going to find a ton of games in dresser drawers in his back room that haven't seen the light of day since '78!! I'll let you know what I find.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
How about 'Curse of the Mummy' with that tiny double sided record that went inside the sarcophagus? I still had the plastic snake from the head dress up until a few years ago....
The Auld Grump
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
We used to have a lot of board games-but I think most of them came out earlier than the 70s.
Mystery Date (actually the "bum," I think was the cutest-he just needed a bath. ;))
Tip It
Don't Spill the Beans
Mouse Trap
Twister (still have)
Booby Trap (still have)
Battleship (still have)
Monopoly (still have)
Trouble (still have)
Headache (still have)
Statego (still have)
Risk (still have)
It's a Small World
Mary Poppins
Candy Land
Chutes and Ladders
Uncle Wiggley
There were a bunch of card games too.
Mille Bourne (still have)
Uno (still have)
That is all I can think of right now. Yes, we like games. ;D
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
;D ;DThere was one called Gnip Gnop--i guess the inventor was from Poland or something,and Payday.Cheers! ;D
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I REMEMBER G-nip G-nop! And then there was something with a long tall plastic tube and you put pixie sticks into holes and then marbles came down. When you removed a pixie stick the marbles would fall and go into someone's holder....WHAT THE HECK IS THAT GAME?
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
CatWoman wrote "Mystery Date (actually the "bum," I think was the cutest-he just needed a bath. )"
Hi Cat ~ and remember Poindexter ? He was supposed to be the Nerd, not too bad, either ! LOL ! :)
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
My brother's and I used to play a game called. "Battle Tops." You could have two-four players. You wind the tops up and they would spin in a battle ring. The tops would hit each other. The top still standing and spinning was the winner. It was a cool game. I remember, "Ker Plunk" and "Mouse Trap" and "Kooties."
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
I still have Monopoly but I hardly play it.It's lays on my shelf collecting dust. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
In the 60's, we played many of the board games that have been mentioned. Those were politically incorrect days indeed. "Mystery Date" was a girls game, whereas boys games were war/battle oriented: "Risk", "Stratego", "Broadside", "Hit the Beach", "Dogfight", etc. "Life", "Monopoly", etc. were non-gender-specific.
A magazine (don't know which one) printed a game called "Feds & Heads" in one of their issues. It was just a paper "board" and a set of cards similar to "Monopoly". In fact, the instructions encouraged players to "rip off a Monopoly set" to get currency and markers. The object was to move around the board collecting ounces of marijuana and returning home to stash them before getting busted. Whoever stashed a pound first, won.
In my late teens in the mid 70's, we played a drinking game called "Pass-Out". I think it's still available in Spencer's.
Subject: Re: Board games of the 70's
My brother's and I used to play a game called. "Battle Tops." You could have two-four players. You wind the tops up and they would spin in a battle ring. The tops would hit each other. The top still standing and spinning was the winner. It was a cool game.
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At last somone who remembers this game. One of my brothers had this for Christmas one year. We used to love playing it. I remember each top had a name like 'tricky nicky' or 'yellow peril'. I can't recall exactly what the different ones were called but you get the picture.
I wonder if its still in the cupboard at my mum's