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Subject: First movie...
...I saw on cable. HBO, to be exact. Car Wash.
It was some time before I saw another, but that 2nd one was...
Do you remember your first?
Subject: Re: First movie...
Kingdom of the Spiders...the really cheesy one with William Shatner. I still hate spiders.
Subject: Re: First movie...
First movie at a drive-in I saw was "The Jungle Book" (I was about five years old)
Subject: Re: First movie...
First one I remember seeing at a theater was "Journey To The Center Of The Earth". I was 6 or 7 and the Morlocks (no not worlocks, Morlocks) who were the monster bad guys that lived inside the earth's crust, scared me TO DEATH! :D
Subject: Re: First movie...
I think it was "The Blob" starring Steve McQueen
Didn't do much for a 7 year old's sleeping habits..... :'(
Subject: Re: First movie...
I meant on cable. A pay channel. That's a 70's thing. The first CABLE/HBO movie I saw was car wash... 1977... I was about 14.
There's no way in the world I could tell you the first movie I ever saw. I think it was a "talkie" though.... I can't be sure. ;)
Subject: Re: First movie...
I remember the first day they had HBO on my cable and they gave us 10 days free, and one of the movies was "The Man from Hong Kong." It is best remembered as the movie that gave us the song "Sky High" by Jigsaw.
Subject: Re: First movie...
First drive-in movie: Black Christmas
First Beta movie: Candleshoe
First Super TV movie: Doctor Detroit
First Cable movie: Caddyshack
Subject: Re: First movie...
First drive-in movie: Black Christmas
First Beta movie: Candleshoe
First Super TV movie: Doctor Detroit
First Cable movie: Caddyshack
End Quote
How can you remember that? Man I miss drive in movies... :(
Subject: Re: First movie...
1st Television movie-The Birds
Cable-Animal House
Drive In-Porky's
Subject: Re: First movie...
I can only remember the first theatre movie I saw -- my parents took me to see "That Darned Cat" and "Cinderella" when I was about 5. And that wasn't the 70s... :'(
Subject: Re: First movie...
;D I think the first movie I saw was Pippy Longstocking on a class trip.
Subject: Re: First movie...
The earliest movie I remember seeing was a classic:
Subject: Re: First movie...
My first movie in a theater had to be something Disney and if my memory serves me correctly, it was Bambi. The 1st non animated that I remember was "Benji" in 1974.
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first movie I remember seeing in the theater was Jaws.
Scared the crap out of me!
Could't even tell you the first movie I saw on HBO.
Max Power
Subject: Re: First movie...
First movie in theaters..... Herbie the Love Bug
First on cable..... Lion Of The Desert
Subject: Re: First movie...
I think Car Wash was one of the first movies I remember seeing on cable. I was about 3 and I remember asking my mother if a certain word I heard was a swear and when she told me it was, I started crying :)
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first movie I remember seeing was at a drive-in and that was "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs." We had a stationwagon and I sat in the "wayback" and when the witch came on, I ducked behind the top part of the back seat because she scared me. (I must have about 5 or so). The first movie I saw on HBO was "The Sting." I think I was about 15. I remember seeing that at my uncles because we didn't have HBO (didn't get it until I was about 19.)
Subject: Re: First movie...
Probably a Disney Movie: Jungle Book, Robin Hood, Bambi, Mary Poppins-not sure, Ill have to ask my mom
But now I do remember my first R-rated movie circa 76-77. It was called Black Sunday. As I recall, the plot was about a group of terrorists that planned to blow up the Super Bowl using the Goodyear blimp. Can anyone fill me in on this now that Im thinking about it?
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first movie I remember my mom taking my brothers and I to was Mary Poppins at the Draper Theatre. The admission fee was 35 cents and a large popcorn was fifteen cents.
Those were the days man!!
The Draper Theatre is still in business. The admission fee has gone up some. They have live plays there now. The last one I went to see was The Wizard Of Oz a few months ago.
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first drive in movieI saw was "Star Wars". I can't remember the first theater movie, but I think it was "Young Frankenstein" or "The Cannonball Run". Cannonball is the first movie I remember to show outtakes in the credits.
Subject: Re: First movie...
;D The first movie I remember going to see is Snow White. It was followed by a non-animated movie I don't recall the name of. It was a double feature. I was 5 at the time, and it was the summer of '76.
Subject: Re: First movie...
In a drive-in, I think it was a double feature and my parents took me: A Star is Born with Barbara Streisand and Pinnochio. In a theatre it was either The Shaggy DA or Pete's Dragon. I LOVED PETE'S DRAGON! I own it today! :)
Subject: Re: First movie...
My parents took me to Disney movies when I was a kid. They were strict about movie ratings. The first PG-rated movie I ever saw was "Star Wars" (which I ended up seeing 4 times). I remember wanting to see "Alien" so bad, but I couldn't because it was rated R. (Parents...)
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first movie I was taken to for my viewing (there were plenty of sleeps on the backseat while my parents watched movies at the drive-in) was Walt Disney's "Bambi", back in 1977, so it must have been a re-release. :)
Subject: Re: First movie...
I saw at a theater: The Poseiden Adventure
I saw at a drive-in: Herbie The Love Bug
That made me cry: The Little Prince
That scared the pee outta me: The Exorcist
Subject: Re: First movie...
The first movie I saw on Cable was either "Night Shift" or "American Graffiti".
First movie in a theater was "Grease"
First movie on Beta would probably be "Carrie"
First movie on VHS was probably "Valey Girl"
Remember those disk movies? They were like these HUGE square things looked kinda like album covers adn they only lasted about....gosh 3 years maybe?
Subject: Re: First movie...
"Star Wars" was my first PG film (Baptist parents!) I remember being astounded at the sounds. I am still in love with Han Solo (although I refuse to admit that he's Harrison Ford!-what happened!?)