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This is a topic from the The 1970's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: randbfan23 on 05/21/02 at 04:20 p.m.
I personally like "M.A.S.H", and "All In The Family", even though I am only 20.
In everyone's opinion, what is their favorite show?
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Yusufscat on 05/21/02 at 04:28 p.m.
Being a obsessed fan of Cat Stevens I have to go with ABC's "In Concert". They ran a complete one and a half hour program of Cat in concert...totally awesome.
But on the regular shows I think that the original season of 'Saturday Night Live' had to be my favorite late night.
On the sitcom category I have to go with "The Partridge Family". I can still remember Friday night at 9:30. I could never miss that show. It had to be David Cassidy's hair that kept me glued every Friday night.
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Cat_Lover on 05/21/02 at 04:39 p.m.
I am with A'isha! If you are talking about a ONCE IN A LIFETIME SPECIAL, I MUST say the ABC in concert special which THE CAT MAN hosted!
As far as regular TV shows, there were a few that I liked! Little House on the Prairre, Happy Days, Mork and Mindy, and I was quite a fan of GRIZZLY ADAMS!
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Arcfire on 05/21/02 at 04:48 p.m.
"Gentle Ben" and "Flipper" ;D
But seriously I liked Starsky & Hutch and the Rockford Files!
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Cat_Lover on 05/21/02 at 04:54 p.m.
Hey, I LOVED Gentle Ben and Flipper, as well as the old LASSIE series!
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/21/02 at 07:12 p.m.
Action Shows
Rockford Files
Starsky & Hutch
Happy Days
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Crazy Don on 05/21/02 at 07:23 p.m.
I always liked Sanford & Son and Chico & the Man myself…
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Trinity on 05/21/02 at 09:09 p.m.
It was some kind of concert show on really late Saturday nights.
I can remember the night they did a special on Jim Croce.
Even though it was way past phone call hours, I snuck to our phone and called my best friend , we both were crying when they played Time In A Bottle.
Very memorable...I think they may have even shown him with pictures of him and his son.
The best shows are the ones you remember like yesterday!!!
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Reddyrules on 05/24/02 at 05:31 p.m.
There are many but you cannot go by (well maybe some can)
Randall and Hopkirk(deceased), or even a show called "The Champions"
Also Kolchak, The Night Stalker
Anybody ever hear of these shows and why have they left my life? :( :(
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Steve_H_2002 on 08/24/02 at 05:41 p.m.
Apologies to everyone. Newcomers always resurrect old threads, and I'm no different, I guess.
The Rockford Files is the best action series in television history, period. James Garner was perfect for television, he exuded charm and likeable-ness. And, RF had a strong supporting cast-- Noah Berry, Stuart Margolin, an occasional appearance by Isaac Hayes.
MASH was fine until Hotlips became a sympathetic character and Alan Alda discovered feminism. Then it became a dreary lump of un-funny agit-prop. All In the Family was ground-breaking. Then it killed Edith (there was a rash of character killings in 70s era television), it morphed into Archie's Place and lost relevance and credibility.
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: the_OlLine_Rebel on 08/26/02 at 02:38 p.m.
Off the cuff, my very favorites included "Happy Days" and "Jeffersons". Many of the shows mentioned were also very good.
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: carrilynn on 08/27/02 at 11:40 p.m.
I can remember taking my baths early Sunday night so I could watch The Wonderful World of Disney. The Love Boat, Happy Days, Little House on the Prairre and Hardy Boys are shows I fondly remember. Land of the Lost, Sigmund the Seamonster and Puf N Stuff ROCKED my world when I was growing up in the 70's.
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: carrilynn on 08/27/02 at 11:42 p.m.
Oh dude ... how could I forget Love American Style and The Dating Game! Of course, I had to watch these without Mom knowing lol.
Subject: Re: What is the best show in the 70's.
Written By: Dreamin70s on 09/02/02 at 08:51 p.m.
Remember "Room 22"? I loved that show!