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Subject: TeeVee theme songs
Hallo Platform shoe,bell bottem wearing disco ballers!!I be Hairy Hippie Busker,but you will know me better as Guamanian.I am placing my vote for t.v theme songs in the 70's on "Welcome Back"from the t.v. show "Welcome back Kotter.I am sure there are a schmoo of others in the top 40 galaxy,so feel free to spew your yak.Gabba Gabba Hey,have a nice day,or I'll make you pay. :)
Pancit-gobbling Island Boy!!!!!
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I agree that "Welcome Back" is an excellent choice. I also liked the theme from Happy Days by Pratt & McClain.
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
That's a toughy. I'll name a couple from prime-time:
Charlie's Angels
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Well, I don't think these made the top 40, but I will name some anyway!
Theme from Starskey and Hutch
Theme from Lavern and Shirley
The Brady Bunch
Comeon get happy from The Partridge Family
And who can forget Edith and Archie singing THOSE WERE THE DAYS! LOL 8) :P
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Land of the Lost
Gilligan's Island
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Theme from Baretta
Theme from SWAT
First season theme from Starsky and Hutch
Fist season theme from Alice
The Jeffersons
Good Times
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Theme from Thunderbirds
Theme from Rat Patrol
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I used to love listening to:
-howard- :)
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Hi Hairy, are you the same Hairy Hippie Busker from Catstevens.com? How are you?
Okay, when I was 15 I loved the theme from "The Rockford Files", I even copied it off of the radio. And I also thought the theme from "Hawaii 5-O" was cool. Oh Hairy, we performed "Welcome Back" in chior in highschool.
Oh, did anyone notice that there were two versions of "The Partridge Family" themesong? This is often overlooked on the syndicated releases of the show. They use the 'come on get happy' lyrics rather than the original, 'when we're singing' lyrics.
God, am I stuck in a nostalgic mode or am I crazy.... don't answer that...I know the answer. :P
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
YEP That Hairy is ONE AND THE SAME! Hey, I've been trying for MONTHS to get him to post at CS.COM again!
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Tell Hairy that if he feels uncomfortable at Cat.com he can always come to Peacetrainn.com or Majicat.com.
Oh yes, Vivian, I got the links fixed so the site is easy to access now.
Hey, Hairy, Majicat is awesome if you haven't joined Christine's new message forum. And she runs a tight ship.
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
The Bionic Woman theme song was beautiful......
I also like the various versions of the Wonder Woman theme song.
the Cosmos theme was good too...
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I liked the theme from Angie. sounds like a disco song. ;D
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
My favorite '70s TeeVee theme is Charlie's Angels, the ultimate disco-drama instrumental! It bears some resemblance to Van McCoy's, The Hustle.
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
My favorite theme songs are:
Welcome Back, Kotter
Green Acres
Hawaii 5-O
Love Boat
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I liked the theme from Angie. sounds like a disco song. ;D
End Quote
I agree with you on this song. That used to be an old boyfriend and my song. I can't help think of him when I hear the song now.
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Could it include the children's television program Electric Company? You all know how funky that is especially at the ending theme? ;D
Three's Company.You just have to love that wah-wah guitar bass ;D
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I thought the Sanford and Son theme was funky!
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Could it include the children's television program Electric Company? You all know how funky that is especially at the ending theme? ;D
Three's Company.You just have to love that wah-wah guitar bass ;D
End Quote
Yeah, Three's Company- for some reason the line "come and dance on our floor" struck me as goofy! But it was a goofy show all around!
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I thought the Sanford and Son theme was funky!
End Quote
Oh yeah, one of my fave themes to one of my fave shows! It's actually called "The Streetbeater," by Quincy Jones.
Let Norman Lear and Jeanne Stapleton be forever unforgiven for Edith Bunker singing Those Were the Days. It's supposed to sound strident, and it does! Yeeeesh!
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
I thought the Sanford and Son theme was funky!
End Quote
Now that theme was mega-funky! ;D
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Or how about Wonder Woman's theme? ???
Subject: Re: TeeVee theme songs
Welcome Back
All in The Family
Good Times
Movin On Up