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Subject: A Clockwork Orange
I just saw this movie for the first time. It is now one of my favorites. This is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I don't know why, but it just appealed to me. I thought it would be boring, but once I started watching it, I just couldn't stop. Does anyone else love this movie?
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I saw it quite a few times in my late teens and early 20s. And of course, when I was in my teens I read the book a zillion times and my best friend and I went around talking nadsat.... We thought we were really 8)
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I saw it quite a few times in my late teens and early 20s. And of course, when I was in my teens I read the book a zillion times and my best friend and I went around talking nadsat.... We thought we were really 8)
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Was the book better than the movie?
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Just my opinion, of course ;) -
I didn't like it. I thought it to be overrated. It may have had something to do with all the gratuitous violence, for all I remember. I blocked it out over the years. :)
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Was the book better than the movie?
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About the same I'd say. But you can pick up on the language theme much better with the book.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Just my opinion, of course ;) -
I didn't like it. I thought it to be overrated. It may have had something to do with all the gratuitous violence, for all I remember. I blocked it out over the years. :)
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I think that is why the movie has such an appeal with teens. I mean, I was a really "goody goody" teen, but I still liked the movie. It's the whole rebellion thing. Of course, once you get the opportunity to view it as an adult, then the violence becomes much more disturbing.... :(
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Just my opinion, of course ;) -
I didn't like it. I thought it to be overrated. It may have had something to do with all the gratuitous violence, for all I remember. I blocked it out over the years. :)
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I'm with you on this one. Quite frankly, it scared me to think there were animals like that out there...
And look at all that's going on now... :'(
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
The book is much much much better than this over-rated movie. S. Kubrick had a knack for ruining some of the best literary work of the 20th century - anyone remember Lolita? Godawful piece of trash and the same would go for Clockwork. For campyness's sake I would recommend it, but for a serious film buff, this can wait until you've seen all the available films of Truffaut, Goddard, and Fellini (now there's some REAL direction!).
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I knew I remembered seeing a thread about this somewhere...
Being one of the movies I was not allowed to see in the 70's, as I was just too young, I finally rented the video a few weeks ago......
Talk about being unprepared ! As an adult I consider myself reasonably able to cope with violence - but still I wasn't prepared for this......
One of the classic movies about the 'Evil State' and how it will use you if it gets the chance.
The most disturbing part for me was that towards the end of the film I was starting to quite like McDowell's character :-/
If I had seen this when I was a teenager I reckon it would have scared the bergeesers outta me.
FB :o
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I finally saw ths movie about a week ago. Most of my friends had seen it and told me it was really good. All I can say is what a tripped out movie! Very strange, indeed. Keep in mind I had just seen Requiem For A Dream right before that so I probably should have just gone with a comedy.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Stores still sell vinyl records in the future?!
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I think that is why the movie has such an appeal with teens. I mean, I was a really "goody goody" teen, but I still liked the movie. It's the whole rebellion thing. Of course, once you get the opportunity to view it as an adult, then the violence becomes much more disturbing.... :(
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The violence is supposed to be disturbing, that was the point of it. It's not like a horror movie or an action movie where the violence is expected and often times expected to be cheered for. A kid on the robot team just watched this movie for the first time this past weekend, and he couldn't wait to tell me about it. It wasn't so much the violence that he liked, but the rebellion from society.
I saw the movie for the first time when I was 17 and my creative writing teacher rented it for me to watch. Even then, the violence bothered me, but I didn't think it was pointless violence, pointless like a gratuitous sex scene or nude shot thrown into a movie just to up the sales. It's meant to be a disturbing movie and if people are disturbed, then it did its job.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Stores still sell vinyl records in the future?!
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Good observation. For a supposedly futuristic movie, there's sure not much futuristic technology around. In fact, there's not much present-day technology around.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Maybe some pockyclipse happened...
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I love this movie. I think Malcolm MacDowall did a fantastic job. The part of the movie that really sticks out in my mind is the part where he is singing "Singing in the Rain" while he is beating the man.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I enjoyed the book when I read it as a teenager years ago, although it was indeed shocking. I never saw the film until a couple of months ago when it was finally shown on UK TV. I don't think it was actually banned but while Stanley Kubrick was alive I think he took out some sort of legal injunction to stop TV companies showing it (?). I read that he was unhappy with the final cut and all the inappropriate cult following that the film generated.
I didn't enjoy the film much, I thought it was pretty dull compared to my shock at reading the book first time around.
The funny thing was seeing young British actors in it who are now much older and known for very different work. There's a scene where Alex is being "rehabilitated" back at the house of the guy who he originally beats up, and some friends of this bloke come in and one of them is....Fred Elliott from Coronation Street! (UK readers only will appreciate how hysterically funny I found this). Also Fred Elliott (actor John Savident) has got a very posh accent in "A Clockwork Orange", not remotely like Fred Elliott.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I thought the movie was twisted, but nevertheless I did think it was good. I actually thought it was going to be a lot worse than it was. I really would like to read the book to gain a better insight, beacuse a lot of you, and a few friends of mine said it's much better.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
I thought it was a great film and a stand out performance by Malcolm McDowell. Everyone should read the book too, it really explores the issue of violence in society.
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
... and you'll be speaking nadsat quite fluently!
Subject: Re: A Clockwork Orange
Oh yes. This is definitely one of the better flicks of all time. I actually saw it for the first time when i was 9. Didn't really harm me. Really. I think. But i use the catch phrases all the time.