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Subject: Let's do the time warp again!!
Nothing on T.V last night so we stuck in the Rocky Horror Show,god I love that film! Anyone else a fan??
Oh and strictly for the English posters out there does anyone else think Tim Curry is scarilly(sp?) like Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen in places ?? ;D
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I've never seen it. *hangs head in shame*
I'll add it to the list: The Breakfast Club, Urban Cowboy, Grease...
Don't anyone bother to promise to watch it with me, though. I've heard that line before! (You know who you are... >:( )
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I have to admit that, like Mystery Woman, (who I see has gained a promotion, congratulations), have never seen it - or rather have seen little bits but can never last the distance.
I'm the same with Little Shop of Horrors, and Grease (the Mystery Woman again).
They drive me crazy. Lots of people going along normally and for no apparent reason breaking into song - "hence the term - MUSICAL".
Any ALF fans out there may recognise that last paragraph.
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
Nothing on T.V last night so we stuck in the Rocky Horror Show,god I love that film! Anyone else a fan??
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Yep. I quite frequently play the Time Warp (& Sweet Transvestite) as it always seems to go down well (rather like Frank N Furter fnaar fnaar)
Oh and strictly for the English posters out there does anyone else think Tim Curry is scarilly(sp?) like Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen in places ?? ;D
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Which places? Not his head, surely ;-)
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I've never seen it. *hangs head in shame*
I'll add it to the list: The Breakfast Club, Urban Cowboy, Grease...
Don't anyone bother to promise to watch it with me, though. I've heard that line before! (You know who you are... >:( )
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I've seen it numerous times, and though I like it, I'm not a huge fanatic like some people I know. Oh, and I won't promise to watch it with you MW, but I will mail you videos (I had to mail The Breakfast Club to one of my friends who hadn't seen it, so it wouldn't be the first time...)
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
Nothing on T.V last night so we stuck in the Rocky Horror Show,god I love that film! Anyone else a fan??
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I love that movie! I've always wanted to go to a midnight showing of it, but the closest one is in San Jose, which is about 50 miles from where I live. :(
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I love The Rocky Horror Picture Show!! We've done a very bad send up of it in dinner theatre and I've seen the movie dozens of times!
It's just a jump to the left........
I'll add it to the list: The Breakfast Club, Urban Cowboy, Grease...End Quote
OMG you've never seen Urban Cowboy? You definitely need some nights in front of the TV/VCR!!
Don't anyone bother to promise to watch it with me, though. I've heard that line before! (You know who you are... )
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*hangs head in shame*
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I like Rocky Horror. It is great to watch! Always so cheesy! :p
Urban Cowboy was another great movie! :)
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I was one of those looney people who used to go see it every Friday night at midnite, loaded up with newspaper, spray bottles, rolls of toilet paper, decks of card etc. etc. And in May of 1981 I actually started dying my hair blond so that it would be blond enough by that Halloween so I could dressed up as Riff Raff, who was my favorite character. ;D
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
OMG you've never seen Urban Cowboy? You definitely need some nights in front of the TV/VCR!!
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VCR?? I think I still have one of those... ;D
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
Loved it!!!! I thought Tim Curry was excellent in it, although he reminded me eerily of Freddie Mercury....
I have gone to numerous Midnight showings...they still have it running her in NW Indiana...but I haven't gone in years.
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
OH MY GOSH! i used to go every fri&sat at midnight,and yes i would also bring my deck of cards,rice,toilet paper.newspaper,squirt bottle, and we would get up in front of the theatre and do the "time warp" and of course shouting out along with everyone else our little additions to the script of the movie. tried watching it at home,and it just wasn't the same.
I was one of those looney people who used to go see it every Friday night at midnite, loaded up with newspaper, spray bottles, rolls of toilet paper, decks of card etc. etc. And in May of 1981 I actually started dying my hair blond so that it would be blond enough by that Halloween so I could dressed up as Riff Raff, who was my favorite character. ;D
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Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I just love the RHPS. My advice to anyone who has not seen it yet to see it at the theatre rather than on a VCR. It really loses something when you watch it at home than when you see it in the theatre. A couple of years ago, the local college put it on. It was great.
"I see you shiver with an-tis-a-pa........" ;)
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
My friends and I spent many a Friday night watching the midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. I have the video, but I can honestly say I don't think I've even ever watched it. It's just good to know that I have it. And HELLO, you have got to see Urban Cowboy. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that on tv. Any time it's on I always find myself sitting and watching it. I just love a happy ending.
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
I love the Time Warp - the original soundtrack version that is, not the pale imitation that was a UK hit back in the 80s - was that Timmy Mallett?
I was on holiday in France last week and one night in the campsite there was a "disco night" The DJ put on "Time Warp" and the whole place was up and dancing - fantastic.
The film is great until about half way through where I always feel it just runs out of steam and I lose interest. The Time Warp and Sweet Transvesite are the best songs by far but once they're both done with I just switch off.
Subject: Re: Let's do the time warp again!!
anyone else think Tim Curry is scarilly(sp?) like Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen in places ?? ;D
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You're right Gis! ha ha! :D