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Subject: Spankings, Anyone?
What was your school's favorite form of corporal punishment? Sitting in corners? Standing outside the classroom? Stay after school? Write "I will nots" in the blackboard? Or the old reliable rod or paddle across the derriere? The schools I went to (about 8 or 9 because I was an Army brat), used all of them, included the 100 word composition of how we will not misbehave anymore, and the dreaded "Blue Book" with the names of all the problem children. It was more an embarrassment than punishment. :-X
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In my primary school, we were lucky. Our head (principle, or whatever you wish to call it) was one of those with the radical thinking that "What doesn't kill can only make you stronger". We were in one of the first schools that realise that, therefore we were never shouted at, spanked with anything, or made to stand in the corner... as you can imagine, it didn't do a lot of us any good...
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Corporal punishment actually refers to the "physical" type of punishment which is now illegal.
I was an angel myself. ;)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
As the assumed definition of Corporal Punishment:
"Physical abuse with an object irresemblant of a hand"
Where the other extreme is technically physical abuse - that is now illegal in The United Kingdom, and has been as such for at least three years.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I *usually* got the hand to the butt thing, but this one teacher liked to crack us on the legs with her pointer--I usually wore a skirt... this all happened in FLorida... hmmm, sounds like I was a really really bad kid, don't it??? I swear, I dont' think I was, I just think these freaking FL teachers were on a power trip and very angry!..
these kinds of things never happened to me in New Jersey (honest!)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Spankings? I hardly think that's an appropriate topic for public discussion. I mean... what? Not that kind of spanking? Ahem. Oh.. yeah, I knew that. Ummm... in that case, it was usually a paddle to the backside, although I had one teacher in third or fourth grade who was fond of whacking the palms of your hands with a ruler. Not that I ever had to be punished or anything.... ::)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I went to private school during my primary years, and the teachers would smack us with a ruler to the hand or backside in front of the class. Luckily, I was not one of the ones who got it. "Licks" existed into my junior high years. After that (and I don't know when it ceased), spankings were illegl unless requested by a parent.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Spankings? I hardly think that's an appropriate topic for public discussion. I mean... what? Not that kind of spanking? Ahem. Oh.. yeah, I knew that. Ummm... in that case, it was usually a paddle to the backside, although I had one teacher in third or fourth grade who was fond of whacking the palms of your hands with a ruler. Not that I ever had to be punished or anything.... ::)
End Quote
Spankings. heh heh. I LOVE some of the converations that crop up on this board.
I was never in a school that allowed corporal punishment. Worst I ever got was detention, repeatedly. I never learned...
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I can remember getting clipped around the head for talking in class.Mostly it was having to copy a passage out of a book that was 4 sides long it took forever :(
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that it is not practiced. As long as a teacher or principal (or whomever) has palms (the part of the hand, not the tree), the shadow of "physical abuse" exists. As far as I know, it is illegal in some states but not in others.
As the assumed definition of Corporal Punishment:
"Physical abuse with an object irresemblant of a hand"
Where the other extreme is technically physical abuse - that is now illegal in The United Kingdom, and has been as such for at least three years.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Believe me, when I got sent out of the classroom to stand for a few hours, it hurt both physically and mentally. And I never learned from physical or mental punishment.
Corporal punishment actually refers to the "physical" type of punishment which is now illegal.
I was an angel myself. ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I don't remember anyone ever getting spanked when I went to school, but being a rather talkative child, I had my mouth taped closed with masking tape a few times...
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In my school we got spankings...and there was this one teacher who had holes drilled into his paddle so when he hit you your butt would suck up in them holes...This was in the 6th grade and I can remember the boys in the hall crying their eyes out and of course we all laughed at them..that is until we got a spanking(or here in Tx a Spankin) ;D
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I don't remember anyone ever getting spanked when I went to school, but being a rather talkative child, I had my mouth taped closed with masking tape a few times...
End Quote
I personally would hate that... my motor mouth and my super nifty piano playing fingers just would not handle that for more than six seconds at a time.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I used to go to a Jesuit school. VERY rigid and strict. The Director had a paddle for minor offenses like chewing gum, bad grooming, or wearing the wrong colours on the uniform (yeah, it was one with holes). Then, there was the cane - for the bigger offenses like talking back or using bad language, fighting, bullying, etc. The paddle was used on the hands mainly (and I got plenty of that), but it was the hissing of the cane that made be a good monkey.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In elementary (or primary) school we used to get slapped on the palm of our hands with a yard-stick...but when I got to highschool we had to just write out pages of the dictionary whenever we got into trouble....I'd have rather had the yard-stick on the palm....at least that was over quickly....writing out pages of the dictionary took hours! Not that I ever had to do it...oh no...not me! ;)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I was always perhaps the only person that understood the words that everyone else copied out from the dictionary...
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Spankings? I hardly think that's an appropriate topic for public discussion. I mean... what? Not that kind of spanking? End Quote
Hey, I thought it was also! ;) I couldn't get in here fast enough. ;D
We had the math teacher who would use a wooden paddle on the guys. Than the principal called your patents. I almost got it once for cheating but being a girl, i got a lecture instead. :P Besides, my parents took care of the paddling at home! :o --ouch!
I was mostly a good kid in school. :)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Fortunately, as a product of public school all my life, I never got whipped of silly offenses like that, but the teachers made it clear they wouldn't tolerate too much more. >:( was the face they made.
I used to go to a Jesuit school. VERY rigid and strict. The Director had a paddle for minor offenses like chewing gum, bad grooming, or wearing the wrong colours on the uniform (yeah, it was one with holes). Then, there was the cane - for the bigger offenses like talking back or using bad language, fighting, bullying, etc. The paddle was used on the hands mainly (and I got plenty of that), but it was the hissing of the cane that made be a good monkey.
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school didn't spank or anything. The worse thing we would be threatened with was detention, suspension or expulsion. I was a good girl though and never got in trouble ;). Well at least I never got caught. ;D
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In grade school, the teachers spanked in front of the students. Then, during 6th grade they only threatened that the principal would paddle them. It wasn't until junior high level that they both threatened and used the paddle. Our class area wasn't the most well-behaved in the school.
My school didn't spank or anything. The worse thing we would be threatened with was detention, suspension or expulsion. I was a good girl though and never got in trouble ;). Well at least I never got caught. ;D
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Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school didn't spank or anything. The worse thing we would be threatened with was detention, suspension or expulsion. I was a good girl though and never got in trouble ;). Well at least I never got caught. ;D
End Quote
The worst thing you were ever threatened with was expulsion? Yours must have been a tough school... unless the best is a lot better...
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school was a joke, all of them. I did many disrespectful and illegal things (like giving the principal the finger and getting caught with weed). Any respectable school would have expelled me. The most I ever received was suspensions and detentions. Suspensions were always "in school" -- sit in a classroom all day and do nothing. I would have rather just received a spanking. I am not proud of my scholastic past. If only I could start over again knowing what I know now. :'( whaaaa, boo hoo... sniff
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school was a joke, all of them. I did many disrespectful and illegal things (like giving the principal the finger and getting caught with weed). Any respectable school would have expelled me. The most I ever received was suspensions and detentions. Suspensions were always "in school" -- sit in a classroom all day and do nothing. I would have rather just received a spanking. I am not proud of my scholastic past. If only I could start over again knowing what I know now. :'( whaaaa, boo hoo... sniff
End Quote
WoW!!!!! It sounds like you turned out to be a fine adult in spite of your rebelious scholastic past. Damn, if I were your mom, I'd be proud. :)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school was a joke, all of them. I did many disrespectful and illegal things (like giving the principal the finger and getting caught with weed). Any respectable school would have expelled me. The most I ever received was suspensions and detentions. Suspensions were always "in school" -- sit in a classroom all day and do nothing. I would have rather just received a spanking. I am not proud of my scholastic past. If only I could start over again knowing what I know now. :'( whaaaa, boo hoo... sniff
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My school was the exact same. I spent many a day in ISS. I got called to the principal's office more times than I care to imagine. I got left in his office once, got bored and crawled out the window just to go free....
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I got left in his office once, got bored and crawled out the window just to go free....
End Quote
Funny! :P We used to throw 'help' notes attached to erasers out the windows. ::)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Spankings? I hardly think that's an appropriate topic for public discussion. I mean... what? Not that kind of spanking? Ahem. Oh.. yeah, I knew that.
End Quote
LOL! I thought the same thing. I had to read it twice to be sure I saw things right, then came in to make sure.
I went to a Catholic school, and the Archdiocese (sp??) canceled corporal punishment literally days before I started school for the first time. Those nuns were really creative, though. They figured out quickly that while they couldn't physically punish us, we didn't necessarily know that, and they terrorized us. One nun in particular always had a long pointer or yardstick in her hand all the time. She could whip that thing throught the air, with a horrific whistle and slam it onto the desk literally a hairsbreadth from your nose. :o
Somehow we alway knew that she missed hitting us on purpose and nobody wanted to push too far to see what would make her actually hit us. ;)
The other teachers resorted to humiliation and verbal and emotional abuse so stringent that I find myself surprised when I hear of a Joe Ordinary going to jail for doing the same things to his own family. Why did he go to jail and these nuns/teachers get away scott-free? :-/
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
My school was the exact same. I spent many a day in ISS. I got called to the principal's office more times than I care to imagine. I got left in his office once, got bored and crawled out the window just to go free....
End Quote
Lol!!! I confess - I had to pick the lock to escape from the principal's office. They locked me in, man!!! I waited like an idiot for about 15 minutes and said, "The Hell With This!". Oh, and while I was there waiting, I stole all kinds of office and school supplies in retaliation. I would be lying if I said I regreted it. ;D
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Have you also noticed that the younger female teachers din't spank too hard, but the older teachers did? I never got spanked by and male other than my dad, thankfully.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Spankings? I hardly think that's an appropriate topic for public discussion. I mean... what? Not that kind of spanking? Ahem. Oh.. yeah, I knew that. End Quote
lol - i thought the same. Guess quite a few of us have dirty minds really! :)
Well, physical/corprol punishment never actually happened in my schools. In primary school people used to get sent out the class, and at senior school we would just get detention really. If we talked to much, we just got moved to a less desirable table. One time at secondary school (was about 13), I was talking too much to my friend, so i got moved onto a table with 4 lads. Didn't really care about it though, cause i had to sit opposite a guy which i really liked! ;) Always think that teacher disliked me - but something good came out of me talking 4 once! ;D
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
lol - i thought the same. Guess quite a few of us have dirty minds really! :)
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I've taken a poll. The dirty outnumber the clean 320 to 14. I would name the 14, but I don't want to embarrass anyone. ;)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I've taken a poll. The dirty outnumber the clean 320 to 14. I would name the 14, but I don't want to embarrass anyone. ;)
End Quote
*raises hand and yells out* CLEAN!
Ohhh, so THAT'S what it sounds like when everyone on the board says, "yeah, right!" at the same time...
Anyways, my schools didn't allow teachers to touch the students at all. The worst we ever had was a principal who threatened to stomp on your nose with his golf shoes if you were bad. In elementary school, if you misbehaved, you had to go sit on the wooden bench in front of the office and wait for the principal. And sometimes they made you pick up garbage. That's if the teacher didn't just give you detention. In Junior High people had to write lines or serve detention. By High School, I think they'd pretty much given up on the idea, and would just ask you to leave if you acted up in class. I honestly never had a detention, though; because I was a total teacher's pet good student. It almost makes me sick now, thinking about how good I was in school. I guess that's why I'm making up for it now... ::)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I remember when I moved from California to Idaho in 1975.
Now California was a progressive, enlightened area of the nation, and of course they did nothing as crass as spanking students in the schools, or even threaten to do so.
When I moved to Idaho, I was just starting 5th grade. The schools were pretty similar, but the teachers let you know that bad behavior was not tolerated. If you did not learn that lesson in elementary school, you were in for a shock in Junior High.
Starting in 7th grade, things changed a lot. You had a "Boy's Vice Principal" and a "Girls Vice Principal". I think their main job was corporal punishment of the students (I am SURE now that they did more then that, but that is how it seemed).
If you got in trouble enough to be sent to the "Vice", you knew you were in trouble. He kept his paddle behind his desk, and it was awesome! After being referred to him, you got a leacture, a spanking with the paddle (there was a system as to how many times you got smacked), another leacture, then your parents were called.
Some teachers had their own paddles. Those that did, would often give a student a choice of either THEIR doing it, or being sent to the Vice. But I remember other then 1 time, they were always taken to the cloakroom to get their licks.
This stopped when you entered High School. If you still misbehaved, suspension.expulsion was the normal punishment if you did something beyond the punishment of Study Hall (Detention).
Looking back, I think this was actually a very good way to handle things. Most HS students in Idaho were rather mature and well behaved even standards in the late 1970's and early 1980's. When I moved back to Los Angeles in the middle of my Junior year, I was surprised at how much more rowdy the students were there.
In a way, I wish it was still done, I think a lot of the kids today could benefit from a few good licks. I am not talking of abuse, but "attitude adjustment".
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In my 7th grade Gym class we got caught smoking outside and the teacher grabbed my ears and lifted me up...OUCH that hurt!
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Coach Littleton in health class threw chalk at trouble makers. Once I got in a fight and Mr. Harkins, the science teacher, made the other kid and me write the Constitution, whoever wrote less after a time would receive the ultimate punishment. Neither of us ever got it but the thought was scary, so we wrote like fiends.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In year 4 we had a teacher named Mr. Maddern. Every Friday we had a spelling test. We would be hit across the palm of our hand with a wooden ruler for every incorrect spelling! In the winter months it hurt like h*ll. Maybe that's why I'm such a great speller ;D
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In 1st and 2nd grade, I went to a private school. There were rumors about the principal having a "spanking machine" but no one I knew ever saw it. ;) In fact, I don't think anyone in the school suffered corporal punishment-it was just a scare tactic. In any of the other schools I went to (and I went to A LOT) I remember having to write "I will behave" or "I will not..." mega times. There was one teacher (I didn't have her) I heard if you got caught chewing gum, you had to put it on your nose. Then after a while, she would rip it off. Once I hit high school, it was detention or suspension. I never served either one-that is not to say that I didn't get caught but somehow wasn't issued it. I am so glad that my horns were there to hold up my halo. ;)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
When I was in the second grade a teacher spanked a girl across her legs with a yardstick and drew blood.(this, of course today would have a teacher fired, sued, and probable jail time.) My parents motto was, "if you get a spanking at school, you're going to get one when you get home too". I seen teachers swat kids with wooden paddles til they were rolling around on the floor. I also saw a kid get a yard stick broken over his back.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
At Primary school most teachers used a slipper or plimsoll on the backside. Ocassionally people were sent to see the headteacher. From memory it was the same few boys who got the punishment.
I remember the whole class getting lines when we played up to a supply teacher. I think we had to write out 'I must listen to the teachers instructions' or something similar.
By the time I started Middle and Upper school the laws had changed and so it was detention class and then suspension or expulsion as the final threat. (Although most kids getting into trouble hated school anyway so how does threatening them with two weeks off work?). I think I had one detention in Upper school and seem to remember that it was most of the class again. Since it was a maths class we had a load of maths problems to work through. I guess the rest of the time I just didn't get caught.
Is this the place to write out the poem 'The Lesson - which puts the case for the introduction of capital punishment in classrooms'?
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I remember seeing one teacher get so mad that he a yard stick on the desk and it left a line of saw dust. That didn't stop the kids from doing whatever it was they were doing that he hit the desk again. This time, the yard stick shattered. I don't know if anyone was sitting at the desk but it was right next to mine. I think I may have been hit with some bits of the stick that went flying. But, he never hit any of the kids directly (even though I am sure that he wanted to.)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
I went to Catholic school for 12 years and to this day, I'm frightened of nuns. I definitely got my share of spankings, the worst of which probably came when I was in fourth grade. I was always a good student, but I also couldn't keep my mouth shut. That's what got me in trouble. We got the paddle on the butt and the rod on the palms of our hands or the knuckles.
As it turns out, my favorite teacher was also the one who spanked me the most. Years later, she became the principal of my grade school and I went to visit her right before I graduated college to tell her how much of an impact she had on me.
One of my former classmates was a high school football coach and he was fired for using the paddle on his players for slacking academically. When I first heard why he was fired, I thought that the spankings that we got in grade school must have stuck with him.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
For some strange reason, I can't help but think of Van Halen's Hot for Teacher. LOL
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Yea I got a hack in 4th grade :o..... But what was way cooler.... One kid ( Larry S.) was dozing off... Teacher picked up chalk, and flicked/flung it with his thumb & index fingers. Nailed him about 30 ft away right in the forehead... Kid was crying..... Was pretty funny actually.... But I bowed down..... ha
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
hahahahaha ahhhhhhhhhhhh (this is funny, it woke me up on this horrid Monday morning) yardstick broke over his head - ouch! :o
When I was in the second grade a teacher spanked a girl across her legs with a yardstick and drew blood.(this, of course today would have a teacher fired, sued, and probable jail time.) My parents motto was, "if you get a spanking at school, you're going to get one when you get home too". I seen teachers swat kids with wooden paddles til they were rolling around on the floor. I also saw a kid get a yard stick broken over his back.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
The teachers were allowed to spank at my school, but it wasn't the teachers I was afraid of. I knew if I got in trouble at school, that I would get in trouble at home. My parents spanked, too. They didn't abuse me, they corrected me.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Our teachers were creative - if you were caught chewing gum in class, you had to put the blob of gum on your nose and go from classroom to classroom, confessing to everyone "I am a gum chewer"! (No, this was NOT high school...) ;)
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Anyone who hits a child, even once, in any way, for any reason should be publicly tortured to death.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
In a way, I wish it was still done, I think a lot of the kids today could benefit from a few good licks. I am not talking of abuse, but "attitude adjustment".
End Quote
I agree! My husband is a high school teacher. His main complaint is discipline. Since "paddling" was taken out of the schools, the kids have just gotten worse and worse. Use to, if the kids would get in trouble at school, they would get in trouble at home. It seems that most parents don't even do that anymore. In fact, the teachers here now have to teach character eduction, i.e., manners. I think the parents should teach it, not the teachers.
When I was in early elementary school, EVERYONE was afraid of the principal. We were afraid he would spank us with the "electric paddle". No one ever saw this electric paddle or knew how it worked, but we just knew he had one. Ha!
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
When I was in early elementary school, EVERYONE was afraid of the principal. We were afraid he would spank us with the "electric paddle". No one ever saw this electric paddle or knew how it worked, but we just knew he had one. Ha!
End Quote
Hahahaha, we had a shop teacher like that when I was in school.
No matter how "barbaric" corporal punishment may sound, you have to admit one thing: IT WORKS!
I would say that 25% of the kids never act bad, if nosthing else form feal of a spanking. 55% of the others may do things on occasion, but know for the most part how to keep themselves in check. They may get one on occasion, but nothing serious.
It is the other 20% that are the future criminals and troublemakers. These types, NOTHING will keep them acting "good". My interest is not in those 20%, but the 55% that will learn self-restraint, by fear of pain if nessicary.
I know in boot camp, they no longer hit recruits. But they do something just as good. "Thrashing" or "the pit" is the modern form. You take a problem recruit, and exercise him to exhaustion. It works wonders on Marines.
The problem now is that to kids, they would be exhausted in 5 minutes now. Or they would just stand there and do nothing. Recruits do it, because they want to be Marines. They have a goal in mind, and do what it takes to get there. And their minds are trained at the same time, to do what is said. Without this goal, this would not work with kids though. Most can't see the future past the upsomming weekend.
Nowadays, we have people thinking almost any form of punishment is "child abuse". Did I ever beat my kids, HELL NO! But did I swat them if they did something that was a danger to themselves or others, yes. That is often the quickest way to train them. It is effective, and it works. YOu can tell a 2 year old why they do not run in the street, or why they do not play with the steak knives. They will not understand you, and do it again and again and again. Swat them, and it gets their attention. I did not even have to do it hard, but they got the idea. To them, the thought that daddy was upset enough to swat them was much worse then anything else. Trust me, their diaper took all the pain away, but it made a point.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
No matter how "barbaric" corporal punishment may sound, you have to admit one thing: IT WORKS!
Nowadays, we have people thinking almost any form of punishment is "child abuse". Did I ever beat my kids, HELL NO! But did I swat them if they did something that was a danger to themselves or others, yes. That is often the quickest way to train them. It is effective, and it works. YOu can tell a 2 year old why they do not run in the street, or why they do not play with the steak knives. They will not understand you, and do it again and again and again. Swat them, and it gets their attention. I did not even have to do it hard, but they got the idea. To them, the thought that daddy was upset enough to swat them was much worse then anything else. Trust me, their diaper took all the pain away, but it made a point.
End Quote
I agree. All my mother had to do was say, "Wait until your Daddy gets home." And we knew we were in trouble. Mom would spank, too, but PLEASE don't tell dad. It wasn't that he abused us, it's just we knew he was the boss. We respected his authority. In all honesty, I probably deserved more spankings than I got. When I was younger my granny spanked me only once. I cried, but not because it hurt physically, but it hurt emotionally. She had my respect from the beginning.
One of my biggest pet peeves is to hear a mother keep threatening her child with some form or punishment and never carrying it out. This is why the kids act like they do. I knew that when my parents threatened me with, "you wait until you get home," that I knew I was going to get some type of punishment that I deserved for acting up. Now all parents give are idle threats. If grounding works, use it. If time-out works, use it. Whatever works USE IT! Don't just threaten. That's my two-cents.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Quoting:No matter how "barbaric" corporal punishment may sound, you have to admit one thing: IT WORKS!End Quote
So would flogging, amputation, or branding--which doesn't mean any of them are a good idea. Beating a child for discipline makes for mean, nasty, vicious, violent children, who often believe that might makes right. Anyone who hits a child, even once, for any reason should be publicly tortured to death.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Too often corporal punish is meted out when the parent is angry and sends the wrong message to the child.
The goal is to bring up a civil and moral individual. A good whuppin' might scare a child out of behaving badly while making a monster out of his soul.
Fear and humiliation are very destructive to children.
I often hear reactionaries ridicule Dr. Spock methods and "time-out" discipline practices. They're always on about Scripture and "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child," but these reactionaries are no role models for good citizens as far as I'm concerned. The last one I heard badmouthing Dr. Spock was talk show host Michael Savage. He was the one who was fired from MSNBC for saying to a gay caller, "Are you one of those sodomites?...You should only get AIDS and die, you pig!"
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Savage is a raving idiot with delusions of godhood. He needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is.
Anyone who hits a child, for any reason, should be publicly tortured to death.
Subject: Re: Spankings, Anyone?
Don't like Mike Savage, eh? Yeah, well, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta save us from all the Godless liberal elitist commie junkie pervert illegal immigrant terrorist sissy appeaser ACLU fear-mongering lying tradition-hating blame-America-first traitors!!!
I can't even get the G. Gordon Liddy show in my area anymore. My life is so confusing without his advise and consent. :'(