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Subject: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
I remember when the Government (as if they had nothing more important to do) banned the 70s staple lawn darts or "Jarts". They said it was dangerous to little children and pets. I disagree. Why haven't they banned Croquet. Those balls or the mallet could cause a serious concussion to children when hit hard. Even a baseball (or any ball for that matter) is dangerous when thrown hard. I could understand somebody causing serious harm by using the lawn dart as a weapon, but why punish the consumers who love this game. And there even trying to pass a law banning the P.E. staple Dodgeball from school gyms. As anyone been killed by a Dodgeball? ::)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Every summer, I go camping with a rather large group (usually about 15 families) to a resort town in central Washington. During our time there, we always organize the annual Lawn Darts Championship. Most of the people I play with (and you'll understand this if you camp) are pretty drunk on beer by the time the games start in the early afternoon. Yet even with a bunch of drunken rowdies, we've never had a problem with these projectiles injuring anyone.
Lawn darts are no more dangerous that a lot of other sports/games equipment, and I think it's sad that they were singled out to be banned. It's getting harder and harder to find enough stuff at garage sales to keep our group's equipment functional from year to year.
We even tried ordering lawn darts off the internet, and after finally finding them (it wasn't easy), we were informed they couldn't be shipped into Canada or the US. Bummer.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Lawn darts sorta have a blunt end...right?? I don't see how much damage they could do. Unless, your some sorta freak who files the ends to a sharp point.? ;D Besides, kids should not be playing near the game.
As for dodgeball, many a times i have had welts on my legs from being hit. :P I loved that game. ;)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
You obviously never met your Moe ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Wow, just found this old thread. This is almost as good as cones and axes.
My parents' house to this day has a hole in the aluminum siding caused by a "jart" that my ex sister-in-law mis-aimed back in about 1967.... ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
In the state of Australia where I live we had fireworks night banned back in the 70's by our State Premier (U.S. equivalent I guess ia a Governor).
Same argument applied then and does now. Just because a minority of dills chose to hold the fireworks and blow their fingers off, the rest of us get to miss out forever.
(This smiley must have held firework in mouth...
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
If lawn darts are outlawed, then only outlaws would have lawn darts? ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
In my family there are inlaws, and there are outlaws. Those of you who have ever heard me talk about my family know exactly where I fit in.
Outlaws have more fun anyway! *tosses lawn dart* DUCK!!!
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
This must be the only thread where no threads were erased by 4/11 (the new name for the siege on the messageboard, although I don't know the exact date).
Once again, MW, I concur. ;)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
...how will I catch my dinner?
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Don't feel left out, FussBudget. Hoosiers (of Indiana) have done without illegal fireworks for ages. (Of course that doesn't stop the people in my neighborhood from lighting them) I guess if you don't live in Tennessee or Alabama, you're SOL as the Yanks say up here. :-[
In the state of Australia where I live we had fireworks night banned back in the 70's by our State Premier (U.S. equivalent I guess ia a Governor).
Same argument applied then and does now. Just because a minority of dills chose to hold the fireworks and blow their fingers off, the rest of us get to miss out forever.
(This smiley must have held firework in mouth...
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Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
In the state of Australia where I live we had fireworks night banned back in the 70's by our State Premier (U.S. equivalent I guess ia a Governor).
Same argument applied then and does now. Just because a minority of dills chose to hold the fireworks and blow their fingers off, the rest of us get to miss out forever.
(This smiley must have held firework in mouth...
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My folks buy enough fireworks in the summer that we have enough to shoot off all year..the GREAT BIG cherry bombs, and we shoot them over their lake when my nephews are home...I cannot believe that anyone would ban them....we love our fireworks..I DARE anyone to take them away!!!!!!!!! >:(
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Just another example of the law enforcing rules to protect us from ourselves, I reckon, YC.
My folks buy enough fireworks in the summer that we have enough to shoot off all year..the GREAT BIG cherry bombs, and we shoot them over their lake when my nephews are home...I cannot believe that anyone would ban them....we love our fireworks..I DARE anyone to take them away!!!!!!!!! >:(
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Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
If lawn darts are outlawed, I would still have all my toes. ;)
Okay, outlaw everything....
Baseball? Dangerous...I got hit by the ball and was also hit by the bat. It did have its affect...just read my posts.
Lawn darts? dangerous...Yep, they could hurt something but look at regular darts....Go into a crowded pub and see how dangerous it can be when drunken players get going.
Croquet? Dangerous...Those mallets hurt when you club you opponent over the head to score the points.
Badmitton? dangerous...Have you ever hit the shuttlecock and had it shoot down your opponent's throat...not a pretty site.
Swimming?...dangerous...repeat after me...
d-r- o -w- n- i- n- g
Fireworks...dangerous....my brother is a eunich now.
Computer games...dangerous...carpal tunnel syndrome...radiation emitting from the monitor frying your brain and sucking up your eyesight.
Television...dangerous...you lose IQ points and learn interesting new ideas on how to evade murder raps....Watch "Medical Detectives" and you can learn this.
Jump Rope? dangerous...You trip on the rope, fall, hit your head on a rock and die of an severe concussion...not very pretty.
Jacks...dangerous....you leave a jack on the floor, go to vacuum, the machine sucks the jack out and it lodges in your brain making you a vegetable.
Kickball...dangerous...you get over zealous to make the run and hit a tree.
Sex....dangerous...you can get over zealous and have a heart attack during the act of copulation...your partner is trapped underneath and suffocates and both of you are found months later and are featured on "Medical Detectives" insect time calculation program.
Okay, this is just a few of the things that are dangerous so they should be outlawed. Maybe you can add to the list.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
A female classmate in 6th grade once tried to slide home playing kickball-on the school's parking lot, which was asphalt. :o Needless to say she was knocked unconscious. Her friends had to carry her to sick bay.
Kickball...dangerous...you get over zealous to make the run and hit a tree.
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Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
If lawn darts are outlawed, I would still have all my toes. ;)
Okay, outlaw everything....
Baseball? Dangerous...I got hit by the ball and was also hit by the bat. It did have its affect...just read my posts.
Lawn darts? dangerous...Yep, they could hurt something but look at regular darts....Go into a crowded pub and see how dangerous it can be when drunken players get going.
Croquet? Dangerous...Those mallets hurt when you club you opponent over the head to score the points.
Badmitton? dangerous...Have you ever hit the shuttlecock and had it shoot down your opponent's throat...not a pretty site.
Swimming?...dangerous...repeat after me...
d-r- o -w- n- i- n- g
Fireworks...dangerous....my brother is a eunich now.
Computer games...dangerous...carpal tunnel syndrome...radiation emitting from the monitor frying your brain and sucking up your eyesight.
Television...dangerous...you lose IQ points and learn interesting new ideas on how to evade murder raps....Watch "Medical Detectives" and you can learn this.
Jump Rope? dangerous...You trip on the rope, fall, hit your head on a rock and die of an severe concussion...not very pretty.
Jacks...dangerous....you leave a jack on the floor, go to vacuum, the machine sucks the jack out and it lodges in your brain making you a vegetable.
Kickball...dangerous...you get over zealous to make the run and hit a tree.
Sex....dangerous...you can get over zealous and have a heart attack during the act of copulation...your partner is trapped underneath and suffocates and both of you are found months later and are featured on "Medical Detectives" insect time calculation program.
Okay, this is just a few of the things that are dangerous so they should be outlawed. Maybe you can add to the list.
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Hilarious! I especially loved the last one! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
The Indiana General Assembly. ;D
Okay, this is just a few of the things that are dangerous so they should be outlawed. Maybe you can add to the list.
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Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
The Indiana General Assembly. ;D
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All assemblies where politicians gather in groups....totally dangerous.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
All assemblies where politicians gather in groups....totally dangerous.
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Hey, are you and langdon related? You both crack my @ss up!
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Has anybody seen my jart lately? I seem to have misplaced it.... :-/
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Looks like my employers stole my lawn darts. ::) :-/
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
How could something as harmless looking as this be dangerous?
Some people are just too effin' over protective... :D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
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That's it! That's it! Hand over my jart at once! Or prepare to duel.... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Throw in some high powered fireworks and you have a REAL party!
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Okay, I know it's now an old thread, and as an Englishman I have no say in the US, but these things are kids stuff compared to something we used to make as kids - Dutch Arrows. Same length as an archery-type item, but thrown with a sort of slingshot, could be very accurate, long-ranging and certainly dangerous in the wrong hands. Did you us guys ever see these, or maybe they were only a european phenomenon. BTW, a cool board if ever I saw one!
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
BTW, a cool board if ever I saw one!End Quote
Why, Thank you! :)
On topic -
I've never seen Dutch Arrows.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
I remember when the Government (as if they had nothing more important to do) banned the 70s staple lawn darts or "Jarts". They said it was dangerous to little children and pets. I disagree. Why haven't they banned Croquet. Those balls or the mallet could cause a serious concussion to children when hit hard. Even a baseball (or any ball for that matter) is dangerous when thrown hard. I could understand somebody causing serious harm by using the lawn dart as a weapon, but why punish the consumers who love this game. And there even trying to pass a law banning the P.E. staple Dodgeball from school gyms. As anyone been killed by a Dodgeball? ::)
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Well I just about had my nose broken by a dodgeball in high school PE. I got totally blindsided by some a-hole. That was probably the most Ive ever bled in my life and nearly passed out a few minutes later.
My high school PE actually should have been renamed dodgeball 101. What an eternal waste of time. Personally after my experience, I wouldnt mind if they did ban dodgeball. There are many other constructive physical activities that can be done besides a stupid game like this.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
OK, time to bring back another old post! :P
Lawn Darts! We all loved them, we all played with them, we all thought about stabbing our siblings/cousins/friends with them. And yes, they are illegal in the US.
Seems in 1988, some lawyers were able to get a lawsuit passed, which the CPSC took notice of, and declaired these fun things illegal. Seems that they were able to confirm that 3 (yes, THREE) children had been killed with them, so declaired them illegal.
Gee, if 3 deaths was all it takes, how about bicycles, tricycles, wagons, roller skates, and ice picks? I would think that those items kill many more people then lawn darts did.
And the US is not alone, Canada joined in a show of brotherly love, and banned them too. (I wonder if Quebec banned them too?)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
What exactly are lawn darts? Pretty sure we don't have them in Aus. The only darts I know of are the ones you throw at the round board divided into 20 wedges with a bullseye in the centre. Have these been banned in the US as well? Seems a bit over the top to me.
cheers :)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
What exactly are lawn darts? Pretty sure we don't have them in Aus. The only darts I know of are the ones you throw at the round board divided into 20 wedges with a bullseye in the centre. Have these been banned in the US as well? Seems a bit over the top to me.
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Lawn Darts was a big fad in the 1970's. Basically you took these darts on steroids, and tossed them into a hoop set on the ground about 10-30 yards away. It is scored kinda like horseshoes. The darts had a blunted metal tip, but because they weighed like 1-3 pounds each, could do some damage if used stupidly.
Personally, I think they should be brought back. Think of this as Darwinism as it's finest. The stupid ones that run in front of flying darts are killed off, leaving more resources for the rest of us. :P
And no, darts here are not illegal. But because of how stupid most Americans are, the darts have this blunt plastic tip. And because nobody here understands the game, we have computers to work out the scores for us. ;D
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
One of my favorite topics revived! Be still my heart...
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Actually, I don't think the game ITSELF was banned, just the darts. I remember 8 years ago playing lawn darts as a kid and it wasn't illegal. I live in Canada also.
However, the lawn dart was totally redesigned so it would be impossible even to bruise someone. The "dart" was made of plastic and had a really wide and rounded head. In the head was a weight so it would stand vertically once it hit the ground. It could still be thrown like a dart, or for something different, thrown underarmed.
Sorta ironic that this newer type of lawn darts was put on the market as a "kids game" when the reason it was banned in the 80's was because it was dangerous to kids.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Sorta ironic that this newer type of lawn darts was put on the market as a "kids game" when the reason it was banned in the 80's was because it was dangerous to kids.
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Kinda like the "Verti-Bird" (I remember it as "Whirly Bird" as a kid in the 70's.. maybe it was a Canadian thing?)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Kinda like the "Verti-Bird" (I remember it as "Whirly Bird" as a kid in the 70's.. maybe it was a Canadian thing?)
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Oh wow, I had one of those as a kid! I loved it!!!!
Just looking at that page made me remember a lot of things from my childhood. Like the "Tracer Gun", which shot out these little plastic disks. To bad those are illegal also now.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Kinda like the "Verti-Bird" (I remember it as "Whirly Bird" as a kid in the 70's.. maybe it was a Canadian thing?)
End Quote
I remember a friends older brother having one of these.
Wasn't Whirly Birds a TV programme in the 70's? Sort of like CHiPs but with helicopters I think
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Just looking at that page made me remember a lot of things from my childhood. Like the "Tracer Gun", which shot out these little plastic disks. To bad those are illegal also now.
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Yeah, I remember chasing my little brother around the toy section at K-Mart (now gone) with a plastic replica of an M16 rifle. Hardly see those anymore.. I guess it's not p.c. :(
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Thanks Mr 80s for filling me in about lawn darts. Sounds like they'd be a lot of fun. I saw in a catalogue today a darts set that comes with magnetised darts that you throw at a fabric "dart board":P "All The Fun Without The Danger" is how it's being promoted. World's gone stupid!! ::)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
It's a matter of perspective. Lawn Darts was hazardous play compared to Monopoly, but quite safe compared to my childhood pastime: setting stuff on fire!!! :o
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Did you ever work at a gas station?? Seems like most pyro's I knew worked there. :) If you did, you probably know about the Coffee Mate thing. ;)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Weeeellll, no, I never did work in a gas station, but my Dad always said I'd end up workin' in one, so there's hope yet.
Anyway, I grew out of the pyro interest before I was old enough to pump gas. Then I discovered girls. Sure wish I'd stuck with fire. It's a lot more predictable, and you're a lot less likely to get burned, if you catch my drift.
BTW, what is the Coffee Mate trick?
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
............i have a set and they look like they've never been used. with the original box................anyone interested?
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
BTW, what is the Coffee Mate trick?
End Quote
Sorry about the delay in replying. Better late than never, eh?
Take a container of Coffee Mate and hold it at arms length (you will want to do that!) at about head level and pour it in a continuous stream towards the ground. Hold a lighter as low as you can into the falling stream of Coffee Mate. You should have a nice fireball. :D
We used to have competitions to see who could maintain fireballs the longest without having to relight. And thru.. uh, various experiments we found that you get one guy to ignite the fireball and as soon as it ignited, have another quickly throw a cup full of Coffee Mate into it. We learned that the person starting it had to jump back rather quickly. ;D
Needless to say, I don't drink the stuff. Didja know that Old Dutch Rip-L chips burn like crazy?
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Quoting:We used to have competitions to see who could maintain fireballs the longest without having to relight. And thru.. uh, various experiments we found that you get one guy to ignite the fireball and as soon as it ignited, have another quickly throw a cup full of Coffee Mate into it. We learned that the person starting it had to jump back rather quickly. ;D
Needless to say, I don't drink the stuff. Didja know that Old Dutch Rip-L chips burn like crazy?
End Quote
Who made the Dutch Rip-L chips? I would guess Pringles would be a fast, bright burn, whereas Ruffles would be a slow, smokey smolder.
I would never have guessed Coffee-Mate was so flammable. We all learned to do the aerosol fireball, and none of us ever needed reconstructive surgery. We also burned styrofoam cups and plastic army men for the distinct whizzing sound the toxic dripping polymers made. I'm sure those streams of black smoke did wonders for my brain!
The BEST was having a buddy smuggle back from Florida an arsenal of bottlerockets, firecrackers, M-80s, flaming fountains, and other things that incinerate and go bang! 8)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
BB guns should be banned, they are too dangerous.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
BB guns should be banned, they are too dangerous.
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BB guns don't shoot little brothers in the eye, big brothers shoot little brothers in the eye! ::)
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Who made the Dutch Rip-L chips? I would guess Pringles would be a fast, bright burn, whereas Ruffles would be a slow, smokey smolder.End Quote
Ruffles burn like crazy the last time I tried it. I've never tried Doritos, though.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Oh, I've seen this chips before. I'm not sure where.
Subject: Re: If Lawn Darts Are Outlawed...
Perhaps they should have only banned the highly controversial game of Lawn Jart catching. That would make more sense. Old Dutch Potato chips, a Minnesota company, also sold in Canada. They have the best onion and garlic flavoured chips ever! They also came out with the dill pickle flavoured ones circa 1987.