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Subject: The Carter Administration
Jimmy Carter's 4 year tenure as President was probably the most forgettable in history. The only thing I remember was the gas "shortage" and the coal strike that crippled Indiana during the winter of '78-'79. Is there anything that sticks in your mind between 1976 and 1981.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
The biggest, by far, would be the Iran hostages.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Jimmy Carter's 4 year tenure as President was probably the most forgettable in history. The only thing I remember was the gas "shortage" and the coal strike that crippled Indiana during the winter of '78-'79. Is there anything that sticks in your mind between 1976 and 1981.
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you're forgetting the peanut shortage too
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
I certainly know nothing whatsoever about it.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Yeah, I almost forgot. And the botched plan to rescue the hostages. If I remember correctly, the blindfolded man that symbolized that event was the one that was found to act in a manner unbecoming an officer after Reagan freed the hostages.
The biggest, by far, would be the Iran hostages.
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Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
We joked about that time as the Potato Farmer Years. ;D
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
There was also Billy Beer.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
There was also Billy Beer.
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Also a horrible TV show called "Carter Country".
How about double digit inflation and double digit unemployment?
Gas going over $1 a gallon for the first time
Gas stations changing their pumps from "price per gallon" to "price per half-gallon", because none of the pumps in use at the time would go over .99 9/10 per gallon.
Pardoning all of the draft dodgers (including his own son). This was both good and bad. I feel it was needed to heal the country, but I seem to remember some that were pardoned also did crimes, and those were also pardoned.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
The gas shortage was in 1973-during the Nixon Adminstatation. I remember the "odd and even days" at the pump. What I remember about the Carter Adminstration besides the Iran hostage situation and the botched rescue attempt was 3 Mile Island. I can't help seeing the SNL take on 3 Mile Island called "The Pepsi Syndome." I also remember Carter being attacked by a rabbit. ("It was a monster with big, long teeth." ;))
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
:-X The Iran hostage crisis sticks in my mind. Also the high inflation and high unemployment. Jimmy Carter was the worst president we ever had in my lifetime with Bill Clinton right behind him.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
The gas shortage was in 1973-during the Nixon Adminstatation. I remember the "odd and even days" at the pump.
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There was actually a second one during Carter's administration. It was not as severe as the '73 embargo, but I remember high prices ($1+ per gallon), and in Idaho we had a "voluntary" odd-even system.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
:-X � � The Iran hostage crisis sticks in my mind. Also the high inflation and high unemployment. Jimmy Carter was the worst president we ever had in my lifetime with Bill Clinton right behind him.
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I would not say President Carter was the worst president by any means.
While I felt that his "wishy-washy" style was not what we needed, I can never fault him for his ethics, nor for his attempt to do what he thought was the "right thing".
While he was to soft of a president for the time (cold war, hostages taken overseas, recession, etc), he did work hard for peace, and try to achieve things without bringing in the military. While I may not agree with his actions, he did them with good intentions, and I can not fault him for that.
He continues to do good things since he left office. While I get irritated when he dips into partasin politics, his work with Habitat For Humanity and for world peace I still applaud. He was a weak president, but a good Elder Statesman.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
I would not say President Carter was the worst president by any means.
While I felt that his "wishy-washy" style was not what we needed, I can never fault him for his ethics, nor for his attempt to do what he thought was the "right thing".
While he was to soft of a president for the time (cold war, hostages taken overseas, recession, etc), he did work hard for peace, and try to achieve things without bringing in the military. �While I may not agree with his actions, he did them with good intentions, and I can not fault him for that.
He continues to do good things since he left office. �While I get irritated when he dips into partasin politics, his work with Habitat For Humanity and for world peace I still applaud. �He was a weak president, but a good Elder Statesman.
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I agree with you. I am very glad that he won the Nobel Peace Prize. I think he deserves it.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Carter is the best worst ex-president ever. ;D
To his defense (just a bit) the hight interest rates came from Paul Volcker Chaiman of the Fed to bring inflation down. Basically to stop inflation you have to reduce the flow of money, best way is to keep people and business from borrowing and spending it. I'm glad there is no "Billy's" runnig around our current pres and putting his name on crappy beer.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Oh yeah, turned control of the Panama Canal over to the Panamanians, that caused a lot of controversy.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
I still have my WIN button (oh that was Ford!)
I was a kid so I remember Amy Carter. I thought it was cool that she went to a public school just like anyone else.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
I still have my WIN button (oh that was Ford!)
I was a kid so I remember Amy Carter. I thought it was cool that she went to a public school just like anyone else.
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I remember SNL's skit about Amy going to public school and the secret service men (played by Dan Ankroid and John Belushi) helping her cheat on a test.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Carter could have been a great president but had some bad luck. Also kind of bumkinish and unawhere of how ruthless some in the world can be, (kind of like what happened to Pippin).
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Don't forget.....without Jimmy we would have never had "Billy Beer".
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Remember, Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer, not a potato farmer. Well, his family owned a peanut plantation. He was a nuke sub commander and also governor of Gerogia.
Bumper stickers: "Carter gives me gas pains," "Carter Kiss My Gas."
There were dirty tricks by the Republicans surrounding the election, and the release of the hostages. I can't recall the details at the moment. Republicans, dirty tricks, elections, all too familiar.
It seems strange today to have a president whose big priority was "human rights" rather than "help the super rich get obscenely rich."
I remember a photo of Amy Carter sometime in the '80s getting cuffed on a police cruiser at some or other demonstration.
Don't forget Larry Flynt's Christian fellowship with Carter's sister, Ruth Carter-Stapleton. That's for the annals of the truly bizarre, indeed!
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
I agree with you. I am very glad that he won the Nobel Peace Prize. I think he deserves it.
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I'm with you -Jimmy Carter is the most underated US President we've ever had.-the hostages were released when the presidency was turned over to Regan isn't that a little suspicious to anyone? It was a slap in the face to Carter who worked very hard to end that crisis. He was by far the most intelligent president we've had-he still is called on by our government to help this country in it's never ending quest for peace.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Ah, The October Surprise. Be prepared for another sort of surprise next October too!
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
the iranian hostage crisis was not a disaster, merely a demonstration of the unwillingness to deploy DELTA for the first time, and also the chance of "losing more lives"
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
i do agree with most of your Carter slams, but at least he decided to rescue the hostages, instead of wait like other presidents i know of........
and NO president can ever be worse than Nixon!!!!!
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Remember, Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer, not a potato farmer. �Well, his family owned a peanut plantation. �He was a nuke sub commander and also governor of Gerogia.
Bumper stickers: "Carter gives me gas pains," "Carter Kiss My Gas." �
There were dirty tricks by the Republicans surrounding the election, and the release of the hostages. �I can't recall the details at the moment. �Republicans, dirty tricks, elections, all too familiar.
It seems strange today to have a president whose big priority was "human rights" rather than "help the super rich get obscenely rich." �
I remember a photo of Amy Carter sometime in the '80s getting cuffed on a police cruiser at some or other demonstration.
Don't forget Larry Flynt's Christian fellowship with Carter's sister, Ruth Carter-Stapleton. �That's for the annals of the truly bizarre, indeed!
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at least he didn't come down with something like reaganomics! a liar says yes, a fool says no. words of a chinese prophet.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
and NO president can ever be worse than Nixon!!!!!
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Uhhh, where have YOU been for the past three years!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
All considered, I think Carter is the perfect example of a man too intelligent to be President...of the US. He was a nuclear engineer, right?
Certain Presidents (I won't name names) can't pronounce "nuclear"..
He was also one of the few presidents not to have been a lawyer or practicing law before entering office..I think that says a lot...he wasn't up to or aware of the dog eat dog/cut-throat world inside the beltway in D.C.
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
All considered, I think Carter is the perfect example of a man too intelligent to be President...of the US. He was a nuclear engineer, right?
Certain Presidents (I won't name names) can't pronounce "nuclear"..
He was also one of the few presidents not to have been a lawyer or practicing law before entering office..I think that says a lot...he wasn't up to or aware of the dog eat dog/cut-throat world inside the beltway in D.C.
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Carter was our last president who could not be diagnosed a sociopath. Like I say, Carter's conscience didn't go over big with big Americans. Who wants to see a President turn down the heat in the Whitehouse and wear a Mister Rogers sweater?
The man had no swagger. Reagan had swagger, Bush the elder tried to swagger, Clinton had his own kind of swagger, Bush the younger is nothing but swagger. Carter? Fuhgetit!
What do Americans want in a President? A cross between Santa Claus and John Wayne! Out here in an even more liberal region of comparitively liberal Massachusetts, it can feel like you're living in a different country!
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Carter was our last president who could not be diagnosed a sociopath. �End Quote
Maybe you're right..I remember someone (Gore Vidal?) mentioning that every important/influential leader of the past has had socialpathic tendences..Carter was the exception to that rule (maybe Woodrow Wilson is a close runner-up), I guess Carter didn't fit in with the 70's "Me" generation, maybe the complete oppisite, he had too much respect for others & a sense of responsibilty, it kinda makes sense..you don't get far in politics with those kind of qualities. ;)
So yes he didn't "the swagger", he didn't have any swagger, but that's what the American (voting?) public wanted, they wanted someone they could trust, no more "Tricky Dick"s, & no "Fumbling Ford"s, who better to trust but an good 'ole peanut farmer.
It's too bad his tenure was not what it could of been, he was one of the last Presidents to have ethics and was actually motivated by them..
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Jimmy Carter was the worst president we have had in my lifetime. In the 4 years he was in office we had high unemployment, high inflation and long gas lines. Carter really messed up the economy. I was little when he was president but I remember when he was president. ;D
Subject: Re: The Carter Administration
Jimmy Carter was the worst president we have had in my lifetime. In the 4 years he was in office we had high unemployment, high inflation and long gas lines. Carter really messed up the economy. I was little when he was president but I remember when he was president. �;D
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Inflation, yes. �But the gas crunch with the long lines was in '73 and '74. �Also, the double digit unemployment was in the Reagan recession of 1982. �I'm not much of a Carter fan, but the so-called "conservative" fiscal policies of the Reagan administration and the Bush administrations have been profoundly more destructive to this country than Carter's weak domestic program.
Whether libertarian or authoritarian, today's conservatives are united in support of a bogus "shrink government, cut taxes" program. �They've been swindled. �The real goal is to expand the military industrial complex, and give the super rich a free ride at the expense of the rest of population. �I recommend a new book by David Cay Johnston called
Perfectly Legal. �This book spells it out in plain language, no conspiracy theories, no speculation, no partisanship, just the facts ma'am. �It's an election year, and this book is too important to ignore!