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Subject: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
1) (Always) Coca-Cola - The actual slogan then was "Coke Is it".
2) Music was very good in every genre! No complaints there at all.
3) Women wore dresses much more. They wore them casually out in the town running errands or out to dinner. The dresses reflected the sensuality of the styles of that era.
4) African-Americans wore their afros very proudly. There was nothing wrong with their hair being natural as opposed to it being chemically treated and straightened regularly out of sheer necessity because an afro would be out-of-the-question and an embarrasment. (Info. credited to a recent African-American poll.) I thought afros looked cool! I had a friend who always carried "AfroSheen" (in the black jar) with them everywhere.
5) Action Hero TV shows like The Green Hornet, Wonder Woman and Batman.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Saturday Morning Cartoons.
Waking up early Saturday morning and watching the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show, Scooby-Doo, Clue Club, etc. The cartoons were so much better then.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Without a doubt, Space Invaders. No, wait a minute... lol
Seriously though, I'm speaking from a very 80's point of view (I wasn't, of course, born in the 70's, so I can't judge from a position of knowing and comprehending being there through ). I can't judge from having been there and seen that in the 70's. Maybe that's slightly unfair. I think Space Invaders has to be one of the greatest things that happened in the 70's...
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
More than that, though, from a musical point of view, the world was going through an entire cultural and social transmogrification at that time. Its good to see and hear the music from the period, as, perhaps, it was the 70s where music altered and changed the most throughout the decade.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
My favorite 70s things were Mr. Smiley, the peace sign, and the Columbian marijuana leaf ( :-XScratch that last one. It was popular during my sixth year in grade school when it was "The Best".)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Charlie's Angels
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I was born in 1970 so It's hard to recall. ::)
Let's see...there is, my bumble bee t-shirt, all the great cartoons. I never missed Wonder Woman. Batman was beyond cheesy, but great! :P
Clue Club!! OMG! I had forgotten about it! hehe...Good Pick! ;) Fat Albert was great then too.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Agreed on the cartoons being much, much better back then. Oh and the TV shows were pretty good too. cs mentioned Charlie's Angels. Aaron Spelling had the right idea with his shows.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Charlie's Angels
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Hey, I used to play Charlie's Angels with my little sister and her friend. I always got stuck playing Sabrina. ;D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Upright Coke machines with the little door... the kind that you pulled an actual glass bottle from.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Upright Coke machines with the little door... the kind that you pulled an actual glass bottle from.
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My friend has one of those. I've always thought soda just tastes better out of a glass bottle.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Agreed on the cartoons being much, much better back then. Oh and the TV shows were pretty good too. cs mentioned Charlie's Angels. Aaron Spelling had the right idea with his shows.
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What about:
Welcome, my dear guests!
I am your host Mr. Roarke. Welcome to Fantasy Island!
De Plane! De Plane!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know each of you reading this post are saying De Plane (out loud) the same way Tattoo used to.
Did anyone used to watch ZOOM? (Boston, Mass 0-2-1-3-4 Send it to ZOOM!) I'll bet Chucky caught that show. I never could get that Ubby Dubby language down pat other than "Hubbi frubbends!"
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Agreed on the cartoons being much, much better back then. Oh and the TV shows were pretty good too. cs mentioned Charlie's Angels. Aaron Spelling had the right idea with his shows.
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That really is a matter of perspective. People who were children in the '90s would probably say their cartoons were better then the cartoons of the '70s.
Ofcourse, since I was born in the mid-'70s, I was raised primarily on '80s cartoons. With a few reruns of '70s cartoons like Superfriends and Fat Albert mixed in there. Those were really cool.
BUT everyone knows that '80s cartoons were FAR SUPERIOR to every other decade. ;)
For anyone who was a kid back then, these lines will be with us till the day we die---
By the Power of GraySkull, I have the power!
Autobots transform and roll out!
"You have failed me Galvatron. Ultra Magnus lives, on the planet of Junk. Stalk him, tear him apart.....and DESTROY the matrix!!"
I guess my favorite stuff from the '70s are The Six Million Dollar Man, Welcome Back Kotter and Starsky and Hutch.
Oh and '70s pornos. They did them right back then! :D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Suzi Quatro!!!!!!!! Devil Gate Drive is one of my all-time favourite songs.
Moviewise, it woulda been Grease (of course) but also the horror flicks. Horror flicks were at their best in the 70s. They weren't just slasher flicks, they had some quality to them eg. Carrie, The Omen, The Exorcist etc.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Saturday Morning Cartoons.
Waking up early Saturday morning and watching the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show, Scooby-Doo, Clue Club, etc. The cartoons were so much better then.
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I agree, cartoons were a heck of a lot better then. My dad and I used to get up and watch Bugs Bunny every Saturday. Thank goodness for the Cartoon Network and Boomerang. ;D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
You watch the Exorcist too, Sharona? Pretty damn good, if you ask me.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Suzi Quatro!!!!!!!! Devil Gate Drive is one of my all-time favourite songs.
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I always liked Leather Tuscadero, too.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Yeah, I don't know that one very well, but I'm told its pretty damn good. I'm a big fan of Devil Gate Drive.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
The Green Machine ( Big Wheel)
Starsky & Hutch
The Banana Splits
Space Giants
Kiss dolls (I had Ace)
Star Wars (& the toys)
Pittsburgh Steelers' Steel Curtain
Cincinati Reds' Big Red Machine
and the candy: Fun Dip, Marathon Bars, Candy cigarettes, wax bottles, Pixie Stix, Smarties (I know most of these are still around)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I think that I've seen all of that candy around in various places. Might be a bit old and moldy now. Just like Mr. Burns' teddy bear, Bobo. How tenuous...
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
You can still find these in some SAS shoe stores here in Texas. They sell the 8oz bottles for 10 cents.
Upright Coke machines with the little door... the kind that you pulled an actual glass bottle from.
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Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Star Wars!!!!!! (duh :P) and the toys of course.
I also was a big fan of Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, and the 6 Million Dollar Man (funny how much of these are boarderline 70s/80s)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
1) (Always) Coca-Cola - The actual slogan then was "Coke Is it".
2) Music was very good in every genre! No complaints there at all.
3) Women wore dresses much more. They wore them casually out in the town running errands or out to dinner. The dresses reflected the sensuality of the styles of that era.
4) African-Americans wore their afros very proudly. There was nothing wrong with their hair being natural as opposed to it being chemically treated and straightened regularly out of sheer necessity because an afro would be out-of-the-question and an embarrasment. (Info. credited to a recent African-American poll.) I thought afros looked cool! I had a friend who always carried "AfroSheen" (in the black jar) with them everywhere.
5) Action Hero TV shows like The Green Hornet, Wonder Woman and Batman.
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Very well stated, Hairspray! I miss a lot of the things you mentioned. That was a good era for me, too. ;)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Very well stated, Hairspray! I miss a lot of the things you mentioned. That was a good era for me, too. ;)
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Why, Thank You Karen_M! I also realized just now how sad I felt about the closing of Studio 54. It was such a 70's Icon! One didn't necessarily have to be there to know the fun and exuberance of it all.
So, I'll add Studio 54 to the list.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Farrah Fawcett,Lynda Carter,and Joey Heatherton. :D :)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
The Muppets!!! Also Sesame Street and the Electric Company. I did indeed watch ZOOM, and had the activity book also. Mr. Rogers was strictly for wimps, but I liked when his magic picture frame showed films of factories or nature films, and when they did operas.
I have fond memories of Care-Free sugarless gum, do they make that any more?
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Studio 54!! Never been there, i wasn´t born at the time, but im absolutely fascinated for it!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I'd say that Saturday morning cartoons (complete with Schoolhouse Rock) have to be high up on my list.
Someone mentioned the original Zoom.....what a cool show! I had a couple of the companion books, too (they're probably still in my parents' attic!) that gave instructions on ubbi-dubbi, and rules on some of the other games they played.
Aah, youth!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Some of my favorite things from the 70's were the great horror movies. The Exorcist, Omen, Carrie, Trilogy of Terror, Little Girl Down the Lane, Audrey Rose, Rosemary's Baby.........
They just don't make 'em like they used to. Back then it was all about scaring the cr@p out of you......now, they more less just like to test people's fears of society. Bring back Karen Black! I can't even look at that woman without getting scared! :o
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I think I spent most of the 70s in front of the tube. I watched just about everything. I have a CD of the Schoolhouse Rocks songs. When I show it to people who come over, they think I am nuts for having it. They also think I am nuts because I can still remember all those things they used to say on Zoom ("Say, you wake up in the middle of the night, you got an idea that is out of sight....") The shows that I watched religiously were The Partridge Family, The Carol Burnette Show, Saturday Night Live (later in the decade). But I was madly and passionately in love with Bill Bixby so anything he was in, I had to watch. The Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Incredible Hulk, and a fairly unknown one and my favorite The Magician. He also did a series on PBS about Alice Through the Looking Glass that I used to watch-only because he was hosting it.
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
But I was madly and passionately in love with Bill Bixby so anything he was in, I had to watch.
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I was too Cat! But I was more in love with David Soul from Starsky & Hutch & John Schneider from Dukes of Hazzard! :D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
8) 8)I would go with Nadia Comaneci,Mac Davis,Tab,and Fizzies.Also the 50s stuff 8) 8) 8)Cheers!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Even though I didn't live the 70's but
(*Do The Hustle*) :D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
1) As Hairspray initially touched upon: apparel. It seems that people put a little more effort into their appearance.
2) Album Oriented Rock radio stations
3) Full-service gas stations
4) Less emphasis on celebritydom
5) Manners/ etiquette
6) Drive-In rootbeer stands
7) portable 'record players'
eight) durable, realistic toys
9) Live television
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
These are a few of my favorite things... (from the greatest era .. the 70's... )
1. Sid and Marty Kroft Supershow on Saturday mornings (Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost, Dr. Shrinker, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Shazam, Isis)
3. Bonne Bell Lipsmacker on the string (bubblegum flavor was the best.. )
4. Shaun Cassidy
5. Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
6. All the great and I might add Diverse musical talents... (Stones, Zeppelin, Floyd, Bee Gees, Michael J, Andy Gibb, Can anyone say BAY CITY ROLLERS heh heh ... )
7. Love's Baby Soft Cologne
8. All the great toys of the 70's (before the computer era of course)
9. Rollerskating with the big fluffy pompoms on my skates...
10. My purple bike with the flowered banana seat and the white basket with the plastic flowers
11. Skateboards
12. The "Farrah" and "Dorothy Hamill" haircuts
13. Coppertone Suntan Lotion
14. Gauchos and Cowl Necks and Earth Shoes
15. 8 Tracks
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Some of my favorite things from the 70's were the great horror movies. The Exorcist, Omen, Carrie, Trilogy of Terror, Little Girl Down the Lane, Audrey Rose, Rosemary's Baby.........
They just don't make 'em like they used to. Back then it was all about scaring the cr@p out of you......now, they more less just like to test people's fears of society. Bring back Karen Black! I can't even look at that woman without getting scared! :o
End Quote
Ooohhh.. Trilogy of Terror.. The little african monster doll.. he gave me nightmares.. that .. and Karen Black's cockeyed stare.. She definitely gave me the willies... They really did do them right .. didn't they??
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
These are a few of my favorite things... (from the greatest era .. the 70's... )
1. Sid and Marty Kroft Supershow on Saturday mornings (Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost, Dr. Shrinker, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Shazam, Isis)
3. Bonne Bell Lipsmacker on the string (bubblegum flavor was the best.. )
4. Shaun Cassidy
5. Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
6. All the great and I might add Diverse musical talents... (Stones, Zeppelin, Floyd, Bee Gees, Michael J, Andy Gibb, Can anyone say BAY CITY ROLLERS heh heh ... )
7. Love's Baby Soft Cologne
8. All the great toys of the 70's (before the computer era of course)
9. Rollerskating with the big fluffy pompoms on my skates...
10. My purple bike with the flowered banana seat and the white basket with the plastic flowers
11. Skateboards
12. The "Farrah" and "Dorothy Hamill" haircuts
13. Coppertone Suntan Lotion
14. Gauchos and Cowl Necks and Earth Shoes
15. 8 Tracks
End Quote
::) ::)From what I've seen,Dorothy hammil haircuts were usually worn by people it was unflattering on.Are there any statictics on how many gym teachers wore it?I think every school had at least 1 gym teacher who wore this styleCheerers!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Faves of the '70's... :)
Classic Rock:Aerosmith, Led Zepplin,Forienger,Boston,David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust),Pink Floyd,Queen,etc.
Punk/New wave: S_x Pistols, The Clash,Blondie,The Police,Elvis Costello,The Ramones,The Cars,etc...(up to the '80's,but that's another subject)
TV: "SNL" (the original...reruns shown on E!),"Three's Company", "The Jeffersons", "The Brady Bunch" (used to watch reruns during the early 1990's),and a few others.
(minus detective shows & cartoons...except "The Jackson 5")
Pop music: Jackson 5, "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack, The Carpenters, Elton John,'70's funk,etc.
(minus James Taylor,Barry Manilow,Village People, & Donna Summer)
Movies: well...I'm not much of a movie fanatic...I actually liked "Rock & Roll High School" featuring The Ramones and "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" :D Campy,but fun to watch
Fashion: well, I'm glad that I wasn't born yet during the 1970's (no offense) The '70's roller disco look creeps me out!
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
::) ::)From what I've seen,Dorothy hammil haircuts were usually worn by people it was unflattering on.Are there any statictics on how many gym teachers wore it?I think every school had at least 1 gym teacher who wore this styleCheerers!
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Both the Farrah and Dorothy cuts were "not quite as it looks in the magazine" ... I remember my cousin got the Farrah Haircut (she was a brunette... not that I think this mattered..) and she never got it to look like Farrah's even one single time. Me, I had the Marcia Brady look ... Or so I would like to think... My other cousin was stuck with the Dorothy Cut and she , sadly , looked like her cereal bowl was used as a cap. I think all of those hairstyles you had to be sure and back them up with lots of products... Aqua net, Final Net, and that tool of all tools... the Clairol Crazy Curl Curling Iron.. I remember I ended up losing the little tip of the curling iron that filled with water "to mist and set your curls" , so I'd always end up burning my finger when out of habit I would go to push the end and it wouldn't be there. Yeah, those were the days... But you are right, the Dorothy Do was a hideous don't... ;)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
Prog Rock!!
Concept albums, long songs with lengthy solos by great bands like:
Jeathro Tull
King Crimson
Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Pink Floyd
People go on about the pretentiousness and how boring it was, but if you want great musicianship and great compositions, combined plenty of theatricality, then look no further than the giants of Progressive Rock. ;D
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I live in the UK so some people wont remember these things that were my fave and you cant get anymore. Walls icecream
Heart lolly, lord toffingham, amazin razin bars, Tonic skirts and boy those platform shoes cant believe i used to run in them. Donny Osmond, Capri cars, discos oh the list is endless.
Can it be I am getting to the stage in life where I am becoming nostagic ::)
Subject: Re: New Subject: Favorite Things Of the 70's!!!
I think I spent most of the 70s in front of the tube. I watched just about everything. The shows that I watched religiously were The Partridge Family, The Carol Burnette Show, Saturday Night Live (later in the decade).End Quote
I just saw some reruns of the Carol Burnette Show and I was splitting a gut almost the whole time. :D Too bad they don't make shows like that anymore. Nobody wants to laugh out of fun anymore, they just want to laugh at other peoples misfortunes or people dumber than themselves (take any "reality" tv show and you caught my drift :P ).
Carol Burnett, Vicky Lawrence, Harvey Korman and Tim Conway make a great combo.
From their 2002 anniversary show:
"- Do you use Viagra?"
"- The idea of my using Viagra would be like putting a brand new flagpole on a condemned building!"