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Subject: Grease
I can remember going to see this when it first came out and the queue was round the block.We had to go back twice because the cinema was full.I still love this film and have the 20th anniversary tape with the added interviews,my best friend and I went to see it again on the big screen then also.
Subject: Re: Grease
a former girlfriend of mine, dragged me to a showing of the 20th anniversary.. I had never seen it, but loved some of the songs off the Olivia Newton John Greatest Hits Vol. 2 album.. I had seen most of Grease 2, but not the original, so it wasn't an easy sell... Grease was definitely campy fun though
Greased Lightning.. man, I bet even John Travolta groans when he thinks about that scene now.. though the only really bad part has to be "Beauty School Dropout" ..
Subject: Re: Grease
I cannot watch Grease without singing along (in my 'best' Travolta) to "Sandy".
"....I sit and wonder why-yi-yi-oh-why..."
Subject: Re: Grease
a former girlfriend of mine, dragged me to a showing of the Greased Lightning.. man, I bet even John Travolta groans when he thinks about that scene now.. though the only really bad part has to be "Beauty School Dropout" ..
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I completely agree! Every time I watch Grease on VHS, I have to fast forward through the Beauty School Dropout scene, I can't stand it. ::)
Subject: Re: Grease
One of my FAVE movies of all-time! I sat through it twice in one night at the cinema when it first came out...and I even went to watch it once alone!!
I own the 20th Anniversary dvd...too sweet! And I taped the Behind The Music special as well :) I don't think John is too embarassed over the Greased Lightning scene...he "added" the part where he rubs the Saran Wrap over his crotch against the director's wishes....he did it quickly enough that the director left it in...
Beauty School Dropout? Such a classic send-up of the whole 50s dream-guy movie that it's one of my fave scenes!
And yes, I always sing along to Sandy....
A little Jonman trivia: The very first nick I used online was Zuko ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
Grease is an addictive movie! Every time it's on TV and you catch it, you watch it again and again! My son loves that movie, John Travolta was his fave actor for the longest time.
I like 'Beauty School Dropout'. ;) It's all a matter of tastes, though. We can't all love the same parts! :)
Subject: Re: Grease
I completely agree! Every time I watch Grease on VHS, I have to fast forward through the Beauty School Dropout scene, I can't stand it. ::)
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I do the same thing!! LOL I also FF the song Fette69 mentioned. The best song, IMO, is 'Summer Nights' :)
Since my 5 year old nephew loves this move, I am forced(lying)to watch it at least once a month. ;D What girl didn't want to be Sandy?? ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
I too love this movie. I saw it about 7 times when it 1st came out. The only part I don't like is the end when the car flies. ::)
Subject: Re: Grease
The Franky Avalon scene was done like that intentionally kinda mocking his ex-"teen heart-throb" status. ;)
It was also a big hit with the ladies in its time because at that point Franky Avalon was still considered a heart-throb for all intents and purposes. Just a middle-aged one.
Subject: Re: Grease
The song I always sing along to is "Look at me I'm Sandra Dee." I completely love that song, IMO it is the best from Grease. I also liked "There are Worse Things I Could Do." Riz is totally my favourite character from Grease. I'm with the people who liked Beauty School Dropout. And I agree with TX, the part where the car flies is totally pointless. All in all, Grease is one of the most fun movies. And how many musicals can say that just about everyone knows most of the words to at least 3 songs of theirs? ;D
Subject: Re: Grease
Riz is totally my favourite character from Grease. End Quote
Why am I not surprised. ::)
Subject: Re: Grease
I dont know. Maybe that's just me that doesnt though. hehe, maybe not.
Subject: Re: Grease
I used to be so obsessed with that movie. I had this crush on Kenicki and I thought Rizzo was so cool. Of course, I like all of the charaters but those were my favorites. I bought the soundtrack too. Except it's been in my computer since last May because I could never get it out. It got trapped in there. Yes that movie is totally awesome though! :)
Subject: Re: Grease
I loved Grease! My favorite song from that movie is Hopelessly Devoted To You.
The flying car was bizzare.
Grease 2 was HORRIBLE!
Subject: Re: Grease
I saw the first 30 minutes of Grease 2 and it didn't seem that bad, but maybe it gets worse later on. One thing that annoys me about Grease 2 is that it takes things from the original and does little things reminescent of it.
Subject: Re: Grease
Riz is my favourite character because she has so much more depth than the other characters. Hairspray, now your just being a b-i-t-c-h for the sake of it. Grow up
Subject: Re: Grease
Riz is my favourite character because she has so much more depth than the other characters. Hairspray, now your just being a b-i-t-c-h for the sake of it. Grow up
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Ouch? ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
It took me ages to figure out that the 'angels'in Beauty schooldrop out were really the pink ladies!! I agree the flying car spoils the end .as for Grease two it was okish except for the dreadful song 'girl for all seasons'or whatever it was called that goes on for about half the film.
Subject: Re: Grease
I own the 20th Anniversary dvd...too sweet! And I taped the Behind The Music special as well :) I don't think John is too embarassed over the Greased Lightning scene...he "added" the part where he rubs the Saran Wrap over his crotch against the director's wishes....he did it quickly enough that the director left it in...
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umm.. you mean VHS right? Its not available on DVD according to dvdfile.com
yeah, I imagine there are plenty of worse things in John's movie career to be embarrased over.. Look Who's Talking part 7, the Furniture! (yah, I'm just kidding, they never got that far.. the pets were bad enough)...
actually.. that's an interesting thread in it's own... what is considered John Travolta's career low point? Urban Cowboy, Two of Hearts, Look Who's Talking?, Swordfish?
Subject: Re: Grease
umm.. you mean VHS right? Its not available on DVD according to dvdfile.com
yeah, I imagine there are plenty of worse things in John's movie career to be embarrased over.. Look Who's Talking part 7, the Furniture! (yah, I'm just kidding, they never got that far.. the pets were bad enough)...
actually.. that's an interesting thread in it's own... what is considered John Travolta's career low point? Urban Cowboy, Two of Hearts, Look Who's Talking?, Swordfish?
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Geez, that's a tough one. I'll stick with the present and say "Swordfish". I mean, recovering from the bomb that "Battlefield Earth" was WILL take some time. :-/
Subject: Re: Grease
umm.. you mean VHS right? Its not available on DVD according to dvdfile.com
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Yes I meant VHS...d'oh! ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
I know I've never seen it available on DVD, and only available on VHS. I'm useless at these things though, in general
Subject: Re: Grease
that's an interesting thread in it's own... what is considered John Travolta's career low point? Urban Cowboy, Two of Hearts, Look Who's Talking?, Swordfish?
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Urban Cowboy??? I loved that movie! :P Now the other two...AGONY!! ::)
Subject: Re: Grease
Geez, that's a tough one. I'll stick with the present and say "Swordfish". I mean, recovering from the bomb that "Battlefield Earth" was WILL take some time. :-/
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good one.. I forgot about Battlefield Earth.. I gotta watch that at some point, just to see.. I read the book in Junior High School, and liked it enough to do a book report on it.. you would think the Sciencetologists would be forced to go see it to boost the ratings (which they supposedly did with the Mission Earth series L. Ron Hubbard wrote).. I always liked his sci-fi, but the "religion" he founded was a little too out there..
Subject: Re: Grease
Urban Cowboy??? I loved that movie! :P End Quote
I am glad to see I am not alone. ;D I really do like the movie......it was filmed in my home town. ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
I find myself watching Urban Cowboy just so I can see the town that I use to live in. I get all excited whenever I see a familiar place.Yes my life is that exciting.lol ;D I really do love the though.
Subject: Re: Grease
I am glad to see I am not alone. ;D I really do like the movie......it was filmed in my home town. ;)
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Really?! Thats so cool! ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
I'm one of like five people in the world who have never seen Grease. I guess I should. I do love the soundtrack.
I've never seen Urban Cowboy either, but hopefully I'm going to in February... ;) Maybe even two or three times, if I'm lucky! :o
Subject: Re: Grease
I'm one of like five people in the world who have never seen Grease. I guess I should. I do love the soundtrack.
I've never seen Urban Cowboy either, but hopefully I'm going to in February... ;) Maybe even two or three times, if I'm lucky! :o
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Two of the best movies every made M_W. You really must see them!
Subject: Re: Grease
Two of the best movies every made M_W. You really must see them!
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How very formal, calling me M_W. Apparently a week is a long time to be away!
I'd love to see Grease; I've just never gotten around to renting it. If only I knew someone in the area who had the 20th anniversary VHS...
Subject: Re: Grease
How very formal, calling me M_W. Apparently a week is a long time to be away!End Quote
What am I supposed to call you? Sugarlips? Snugglebottom? Darla? What? ;)
Quoting:I'd love to see Grease; I've just never gotten around to renting it. If only I knew someone in the area who had the 20th anniversary VHS...End Quote
Someone in the area.....I'll ask around ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
I absolutly love Grease. I have lost count how many times I've actually seen that movie! Whats every1's favs ong from there. Mine is indefinitly 'We Go Together' - i just love all of the twiddly bits
'ramalamalamalama ding-a-ding a dong, shoo wop, showadywaddy yip-ee-tiee boom ta boom, chang chang, chang a change shee-boop, dip di dip di dip do-wop etc... i know all of them but i wont go on!!! :)
Subject: Re: Grease
I was not a big fan of the original "Grease" because I distained Travolta and Miss Newton-John. But it was a masterpiece compared to "Grease 2". I couldn't believe Michelle Pfeiffer was one of the leads. And I can't stand Maxwell Caufield or Adrian Zmed, so I was hoping they would duel to the death. ::)
Subject: Re: Grease
'ramalamalamalama ding-a-ding a dong, shoo wop, showadywaddy yip-ee-tiee boom ta boom, chang chang, chang a change shee-boop, dip di dip di dip do-wop etc... i know all of them but i wont go on!!! :)
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ROTFLMAO!! I can't believe you typed this out! :P I was singing along as I read it! --LOL
Subject: Re: Grease
ROTFLMAO!! I can't believe you typed this out! :P I was singing along as I read it! --LOL
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I'm glad i amused u! I dont know why i typed it out, just kinda felt like it really - its just permenatly stuck at the back of my mind i think :)
Subject: Re: Grease
I don't know much about Grease, apart from the fact that I've seen it. ROTFLMFAO @ Criz. Sorry, but it was funny.
Subject: Re: Grease
I remember seeing Grease as a double feature at the drive in. There are only 2 soundtracks that I own on CD. One is GREASE and the other is SAT NIGHT FEVER. 8)
PS: In the 80's it was cool to tell girls that you liked the movie GREASE. They thought you were sensitive. LOLOL
Subject: Re: Grease
Grease was cleverly done. It couldn't have been done any better, IMO. I simply love that movie.
I own the classic version. I haven't purchased the updated 20th anniversary version. For those of you who do own it,
Is it any different? As Always, Thanks In Advance. ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
Ok, if I admit this will my membership be revoked??? I liked Grease 2. Ok I said it....now I will go hide before anyone reads this. ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
:::Throws a water balloon at Dagwood::::: ;D
Subject: Re: Grease
:::Throws a water balloon at Dagwood::::: ;D
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::: Ducks, still gets hit::: ;D
Guess I deserved that. ;)
Subject: Re: Grease
"Grease" was one of the first films I remember seeing, and of course, I loved it.. got the soundtrack way back when on vinyl, but my sister broke record one (my fave). got the soundtrack again, and again she broke record one (she stepped on it). got it one more time, and that one went by the wayside as well... I must say, the car flying at the end didn't bother me til a couple years ago. AND I have to admit, I love Grease 2... used to hate it, but it's just so cheesy/campy... who can help but smiling when vocally challenged Maxwell Caulfield yelps "What would they say if they knew it was Michael" in the "whose that guy" scene? i cringe in embarrassment at any of michelle pfeiffer's singing parts, and what girl wouldn't fall for adrian zmed crooning "i like what you got, I guess it's OK, if you want to show it" in the prom scene luau...
I defy you to show me one truly un-entertaining thing about this classic!
Subject: Re: Grease
"Grease" was one of the first films I remember seeing, and of course, I loved it.. got the soundtrack way back when on vinyl, but my sister broke record one (my fave). got the soundtrack again, and again she broke record one (she stepped on it). got it one more time, and that one went by the wayside as well... I must say, the car flying at the end didn't bother me til a couple years ago. AND I have to admit, I love Grease 2... used to hate it, but it's just so cheesy/campy... who can help but smiling when vocally challenged Maxwell Caulfield yelps "What would they say if they knew it was Michael" in the "whose that guy" scene? i cringe in embarrassment at any of michelle pfeiffer's singing parts, and what girl wouldn't fall for adrian zmed crooning "i like what you got, I guess it's OK, if you want to show it" in the prom scene luau...
I defy you to show me one truly un-entertaining thing about this classic!
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Thanks, I like not being the only person on this board that likes Grease 2. :)
Subject: Re: Grease
Thanks, I like not being the only person on this board that likes Grease 2. :)
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Trust me you're not...I love that movie ;D
Subject: Re: Grease
... what is considered John Travolta's career low point? Urban Cowboy, Two of Hearts, Look Who's Talking?, Swordfish?
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What about Perfect? I don't think I sat still long enough to watch it in its entirety. The only thing I remember was that Jermaine Jackson song, "(Closest Thing To) Perfect."
If you're going by box office dollars I guess The Experts would be the winner. from link http://www.boxofficemojo.com/travolta.html
Anyway, re: Grease & Grease 2: I like both. I think I have 2 vinyl copies of the Grease Soundtrack by marriage.
Subject: Re: Grease
"Greased Lightning.. man, I bet even John Travolta groans when he thinks about that scene now.. though the only really bad part has to be "Beauty School Dropout" .. "
Never mind Travolta...Jeff Conaway probably freaks out. I saw on VH1 where he's a gospel singer now!!
Subject: Re: Grease
"Ok, if I admit this will my membership be revoked??? I liked Grease 2. Ok I said it....now I will go hide before anyone reads this. ;)"
Hey, I liked some of Grease 2 also. I used to be seriously into musical theater, and compared to some self-parodies (The Boy Friend?!) Grease 2 is serious quality. Michelle Pfeiffer was stuck in a cheezy role, but it was clear that she was going places even then. And even the awful costumes couldn't make her less beautiful. It's also worth noting that, the cheeziness and bad singing aside, her character was actually dealing with something fairly major by high school standards: turning her back on a high-status social position because she wasn't prepared to continue being her boyfriend's property. Compared to Grease 1's message of "if you love someone enough, you'll make yourself over into his ideal", Grease 2 offered some decent social commentary.
Subject: Re: Grease
I hate grease, all it does is clog up the arteries. Grease was decent though, but I've only seen bits and pieces of Grease II. Guess those pieces didn't hold my interest long enough. :P
Subject: Re: Grease
Thanks, I like not being the only person on this board that likes Grease 2. :)
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You can include me too. I liked Grease 2....man, that felt good to finally admit it ;D
Subject: Re: Grease
The song I always sing along to is "Look at me I'm Sandra Dee." I completely love that song, IMO it is the best from Grease. I also liked "There are Worse Things I Could Do." Riz is totally my favourite character from Grease. I'm with the people who liked Beauty School Dropout. And I agree with TX, the part where the car flies is totally pointless. All in all, Grease is one of the most fun movies. And how many musicals can say that just about everyone knows most of the words to at least 3 songs of theirs? ;D
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