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Subject: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/07/22 at 6:16 am

Former ex-child star Fred Savage has been ejected from the production of the Wonder Years reboot series, over allegations of “inappropriate conduct”.  One gets the impression that the conduct was something more serious than just double-dipping his chips in the canteen’s ranch dressing.

This is not the first time Fred has faced these sorts of allegations. From a Rolling Stone article:

In 1993, Savage, then 16, and his Wonder Years co-star Jason Hervey were accused of sexual harassment in a lawsuit filed by the show’s former costume designer. Monique Long alleged the young actors “verbally and physically harassed her daily,” with her complaints over their behavior ignored by the show’s staff. That lawsuit was also settled out of court. Actress [b[Alley Millsclaiming the lawsuit prompted The Wonder Years’ cancellation after six seasons. “I just thought this was a joke. You know, they bought her off, which really made me mad,” she said of network executives’ decision to settle with Long. “They wanted to avoid a scandal or something, but it made them look guilty. You know, you don’t pay someone off when there was no crime, you just fire the girl.”

Subject: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Dude111 on 05/09/22 at 11:21 am

Ya gotta be careful now,everything is so me$$ed up... Ya say the smallest thing and they go berzerk!

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/09/22 at 12:07 pm

Ya gotta be careful now,everything is so me$$ed up... Ya say the smallest thing and they go berzerk!

I generally agree, but apparently he has a long history of this.

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/09/22 at 12:09 pm

I generally agree, but apparently he has a long history of this.

Appears so. Consider him cancelled.

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Contigo on 05/10/22 at 10:40 am

(Voice of Daniel Stern ) "Holy %#¥$ I got fired from my own show!
What the F$&€ is going on? What am I gonna do for the rest of my life , I bet it was Becky Slater who framed me. That witch . "

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/10/22 at 10:59 am

(Voice of Daniel Stern ) "Holy %#¥$ I got fired from my own show!
What the F$&€ is going on? What am I gonna do for the rest of my life , I bet it was Becky Slater who framed me. That witch . "

Roseanne Barr got fired from her own show too. A show called "Roseanne". She was deplatformed and unpersoned.

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/10/22 at 4:46 pm

Roseanne Barr got fired from her own show too. A show called "Roseanne". She was deplatformed and unpersoned.

And canceled.

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: ChrisBodilyTM on 05/10/22 at 8:42 pm

Roseanne Barr got fired from her own show too. A show called "Roseanne". She was deplatformed and unpersoned.

And they retooled the show into what it should have been in the first place, The Conners. John Goodman always seemed like the star of the show anyway... and now it's a Darlene-centric ensemble.

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Howard on 05/11/22 at 3:36 am

And they retooled the show into what it should have been in the first place, The Conners. John Goodman always seemed like the star of the show anyway... and now it's a Darlene-centric ensemble.

Are The Conners still on or did they cancel that too?

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: Contigo on 05/11/22 at 6:40 am

Fred Savage and Roseanne should work together and gather all the the other cancelled celebs and create a  show titled "Cancelled"
Create an environment like "Big Brother" where all the celebs sit around and chat and at the end of every episode 1 celeb gets voted off and cancelled from next week's show for saying/doing something that someone found offensive.

"Cancelled". The number 1 hit show of 2023  ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: whistledog on 05/11/22 at 5:01 pm

Fred Savage and Roseanne should work together and gather all the the other cancelled celebs and create a  show titled "Cancelled"
Create an environment like "Big Brother" where all the celebs sit around and chat and at the end of every episode 1 celeb gets voted off and cancelled from next week's show for saying/doing something that someone found offensive.

"Cancelled". The number 1 hit show of 2023  ;D ;D

Throw in Will Smith and call it "Savage, Barr and Smith".  A show about a trio of lawyers who make risky moves by saying/doing things in court to try and win cases

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/11/22 at 5:57 pm

Throw in Will Smith and call it "Savage, Barr and Smith".  A show about a trio of lawyers who make risky moves by saying/doing things in court to try and win cases

Bill Cosby could make a cameo appearance.  ;)

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/13/22 at 8:44 pm

Fred Savage and Roseanne should work together and gather all the the other cancelled celebs and create a  show titled "Cancelled"
Create an environment like "Big Brother" where all the celebs sit around and chat and at the end of every episode 1 celeb gets voted off and cancelled from next week's show for saying/doing something that someone found offensive.

"Cancelled". The number 1 hit show of 2023  ;D ;D

Throw in Will Smith and call it "Savage, Barr and Smith".  A show about a trio of lawyers who make risky moves by saying/doing things in court to try and win cases

Bill Cosby could make a cameo appearance.  ;)

Actually, I can see the owners of Newsmax or OAN or one of those far-right news channels creating a new cable network featuring sitcoms and dramas and other programs starring "cancelled" celebrities, and naturally all the 'necks would tune in just so they could "own the libs."

Al called it first.  ;)

Subject: Re: Fred Savage Thrown off of the Wonder Years

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/14/22 at 6:32 am

Actually, I can see the owners of Newsmax or OAN or one of those far-right news channels creating a new cable network featuring sitcoms and dramas and other programs starring "cancelled" celebrities, and naturally all the 'necks would tune in just so they could "own the libs."

Al called it first.  ;)

Harvey Weinstein can be executive producer, and Hunter Biden could be trim coordinator. .

Subject: Diddy wants cancel culture cancelled

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/14/22 at 9:51 am

Diddy Says: "I Support Travis And Morgan"

Diddy has hopped on the newest train in pop culture ... the one canceling cancel culture.

Diddy said, "As a music family, none of us are saints; none of us are without things that happen to them in life," he told Billboard.

The mogul is exec producing and hosting the 2022 Billboard Music Awards, and he's squarely behind the org's decision to invite Travis Scott and Morgan Wallen to perform.

Diddy went on ... "So one of the things I'm doing directly is uncanceling the canceled. That's breaking news because people haven't been about uncanceling. But canceling is a trend that needs to stop."

Diddy was insistent on Scott taking the stage ... "I said, 'My brother Travis Scott has to perform.'"

He added ... "Travis went through a tragedy; Morgan while talking to his boy. People make mistakes. Now we're moving on with love and respect for everybody that was hurt or affected. It's time to forgive."

Wallen was canceled from several awards shows last year after the incident, including the American Music Awards, but sales of his music actually rose during that period.

As for Travis ... he was sidelined for months after the Astroworld tragedy, but he's back performing and will do so in front of 100,000 people this summer.

Billboard's shindig is on NBC this Sunday.

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