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Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/19/20 at 7:22 pm
Here in Picksburgh we have to wear masks at work or when going to a grocery store. I had to wear a mask when I (finally) got my hair cut the other day.
What about your areas... are you masked, or are you mask-free? ???
Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Dude111 on 06/19/20 at 9:50 pm
Stores have signs up to comply with GOVT but most do not enforce it.........
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 06/20/20 at 1:44 am
We have to wear masks on public transport and when visiting any kind of healthcare facility. The advice is to wear them when social distancing of 2metres can’t be guaranteed. Some people wear them in the supermarkets, but not the majority.
Where companies have reopened they have to provide masks or visors if it has not been possible to rearrange the work areas to keep sufficient distance between people.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/20/20 at 7:42 am
Everywhere I go whether it be entering a store or going on public transportation, you must comply to wear a mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Sman12 on 06/20/20 at 9:41 am
Yep, even with the "Green Phase" that's about to happen in my county on Friday. Every business is open to 50%-75% capacity, but we all are required to wear masks.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/20/20 at 11:47 am
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/20/20 at 11:53 am
No, some businesses might require it though. It's required at my grocery store.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/20/20 at 12:40 pm
No, some businesses might require it though. It's required at my grocery store.
That grocery store will probably be out of business real soon then lol
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: violet_shy on 06/20/20 at 12:43 pm
Everywhere I go whether it be entering a store or going on public transportation, you must comply to wear a mask.
Same here in Providence. And if we don't wear them, we get fined or get prison time.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/20/20 at 2:14 pm
Yep, even with the "Green Phase" that's about to happen in my county on Friday. Every business is open to 50%-75% capacity, but we all are required to wear masks.
I'm going to have to wear a mask when I get my haircut next week.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/20/20 at 3:29 pm
That grocery store will probably be out of business real soon then lol
It's Costco lol
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/20/20 at 4:01 pm
It's Costco lol
Hm interesting I didn't hear they are doing that. Is it just certain locations or store-wide?
Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Dude111 on 06/20/20 at 4:13 pm
That grocery store will probably be out of business real soon then lol
Ya i know many people who wont go into a place that demands it!!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/20/20 at 4:34 pm
Ya i know many people who wont go into a place that demands it!!
I know I wouldn't. People should have their freedoms.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/20/20 at 5:19 pm
I know I wouldn't. People should have their freedoms.
I'm not thrilled with this "wearing a mask takes away my personal freedom" crowd. Frankly, it doesn't.
1) It's selfish. It shows that one is only thinking of oneself and one's fallacious "freedoms" and not of one's fellow human beings.
2) I subscribe to the rule that "your personal freedom ends where mine begins". Hence, if the lack of wearing a mask causes the spray from your mouth to potentially reach me, it is not a "personal freedom" to not wear one. It's just a lack of consideration. In the same way that smoking is not a "personal freedom". Smoking affects too many people around the smoker.
This is what things have come to. Thinking wearing or not wearing masks is somehow a political statement about these so-called "freedoms" instead of a means to help the human race. Even if it turns out wearing masks did absolutely nothing, at least we were team players as far as potentially helping our fellow man and woman, by wearing them. Everybody is so into their own little fiefdoms and tribes now that nobody thinks of the family of humanity. I guess my hippie roots are showing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/20/20 at 5:54 pm
Hm interesting I didn't hear they are doing that. Is it just certain locations or store-wide?
I'm not sure. Might just be mine. Maybe it's advisory but I live in a very Asian town (everyone wears a mask regardless) so I don't notice the difference lol.
I know for a fact they're mandatory at Longo's though. There was a story of a middle aged woman making a scene asking how she's going to feed her children if she has to pay for the $3 mask to get in. Sis, if you're shopping at Longo's you are NOT having trouble feeding your kids, get outta here. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/20 at 7:42 am
Ya i know many people who wont go into a place that demands it!!
It's an option but it's actually a requirement to wear one when entering a store.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/21/20 at 7:44 am
We have to wear masks on public transport and when visiting any kind of healthcare facility. The advice is to wear them when social distancing of 2metres can’t be guaranteed. Some people wear them in the supermarkets, but not the majority.
Where companies have reopened they have to provide masks or visors if it has not been possible to rearrange the work areas to keep sufficient distance between people.
I heard as wear a mask when in enclosed places.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/21/20 at 8:52 am
In Vt it is not mandatory but most people wear them, as they should
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/21/20 at 8:58 am
In Vt it is not mandatory but most people wear them, as they should
Masks are for sick people, not healthy people. Only place I would wear it now is on an airplane but it's easy to catch anything on an airplane if you're not careful.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/21/20 at 9:26 am
IMHO Masks are for sick people, not healthy people. Only place I would wear it now is on an airplane but it's easy to catch anything on an airplane if you're not careful.
I really hate it when people express opinions as facts
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/21/20 at 9:34 am
Masks are for sick people, not healthy people. Only place I would wear it now is on an airplane but it's easy to catch anything on an airplane if you're not careful.
Masks are there to protect people, medical staff, etc, from catching any form of virus.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 06/21/20 at 10:06 am
Masks are for sick people, not healthy people. Only place I would wear it now is on an airplane but it's easy to catch anything on an airplane if you're not careful.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: shadowcookie on 06/21/20 at 10:19 am
Only on public transport. I have a reusable mask that I wear on the bus or in the supermarket. Most people don’t wear one though and even on public transport it isn’t strictly enforced. As a healthy 25 year old I don’t really care if I get it but I wouldn’t want to inadvertently give it to someone else.
I got a pack of 3 from ASOS and gave the other two to my friends.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/21/20 at 11:49 am
It doesn't matter. Making anything like that mandatory is not acceptable.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 06/21/20 at 12:59 pm
Here in Germany masks have to be worn inside shops, banks, schools and public transportation.
It doesn't matter. Making anything like that mandatory is not acceptable.
I don't get it. We're talking about killing people with a virus that has already taken more than 120,000 American lives here and all it takes is wearing those masks to significantly reduce spreading it. Why is that too much to ask? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/21/20 at 1:16 pm
Here in Germany masks have to be worn inside shops, banks, schools and public transportation.
I don't get it. We're talking about killing people with a virus that has already taken more than 120,000 American lives here and all it takes is wearing those masks to significantly reduce spreading it. Why is that too much to ask? ???
Because it takes away rights and freedoms. Making something mandatory "for the common good" is socialist and dangerous.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/21/20 at 1:25 pm
Because it takes away rights and freedoms. Making something mandatory "for the common good" is socialist and dangerous.
Show me where in the constitution it gives you the right to infect other people. In fact, people have been arrested for projecting bodily fluids onto others. Seems to me that would also apply to micro fluids. Your "freedom" ends where my personal space begins. And there are many things for the common good that are mandatory, so that concept is neither "socialist" (you need to learn what that word means) nor "dangerous". you're talking like an anarchist
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Slim95 on 06/21/20 at 1:28 pm
Show me where in the constitution it gives you the right to infect other people. In fact, people have been arrested for projecting bodily fluids onto others. Seems to me that would also apply to micro fluids. Your "freedom" ends where my personal space begins. And there are many things for the common good that are mandatory, so that concept is neither "socialist" (you need to learn what that word means) nor "dangerous". you're talking like an anarchist
Wow ok keep letting the government take away your freedom then if you think that's alright.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/21/20 at 1:59 pm
Wow ok keep letting the government take away your freedom then if you think that's alright.
Do you wear a seatbelt in a car? How about a helmet on a bike? How about going into a store without shoes?
You think that masks are only for sick people but there are many people who are asymptomatic-meaning they have the virus but don't have any symptoms and are contagious. Someone who isn't wearing a mask because they THINK they are not sick, can give the virus to someone else who also isn't wearing a mask because they are not sick. That person, in turn will give it to their family and who knows how many of them will die from it. Unlike not wearing a seatbelt that only will harm you, not wearing a mask can harm others-and some WILL DIE! Someone who doesn't wear a mask shows the world that they are selfish and could care less about their fellow human beings.
No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/20 at 2:08 pm
I heard as wear a mask when in enclosed places.
Especially in supermarkets.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/20 at 2:09 pm
Masks are for sick people, not healthy people. Only place I would wear it now is on an airplane but it's easy to catch anything on an airplane if you're not careful.
Also in supermarkets too.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/20 at 2:11 pm
Masks are there to protect people, medical staff, etc, from catching any form of virus.
You must wear one that can protect you from the virus.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/20 at 2:12 pm
Only on public transport. I have a reusable mask that I wear on the bus or in the supermarket. Most people don’t wear one though and even on public transport it isn’t strictly enforced. As a healthy 25 year old I don’t really care if I get it but I wouldn’t want to inadvertently give it to someone else.
I got a pack of 3 from ASOS and gave the other two to my friends.
I wear one on my buses coming and going to/from work.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/21/20 at 5:40 pm
All stores have signs saying masks are required by law but it’s never enforced and maybe half the people comply. I always put one on. If not for myself then out of respect for the workers.
But I’ve seen several workers that don’t bother either. At a local gas station, none of them were wearing masks, and one even took down the plastic shield that all businesses are supposed to be using. Then at the gas station next to my work, not only was the worker not wearing a mask, but to open the bag he took a deep breath and blew inside it.
Michigan’s numbers are actually the lowest in the country as of last week. Big festivals are still cancelled and public transit is practically nonexistent which helps things up north. The tourists have been here, but the numbers will probably change in July as they are just starting to open up bars and clubs where people are in close proximity. There are a lot of things that can be done safely but being in a crowded bar isn’t one of them. All a total lockdown does is keep honest people honest.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 06/21/20 at 9:08 pm
Because it takes away rights and freedoms. Making something mandatory "for the common good" is socialist and dangerous.
Wow. Just wow. :o
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/21/20 at 9:49 pm
Only on public transport. I have a reusable mask that I wear on the bus or in the supermarket. Most people don’t wear one though and even on public transport it isn’t strictly enforced. As a healthy 25 year old I don’t really care if I get it but I wouldn’t want to inadvertently give it to someone else.
I got a pack of 3 from ASOS and gave the other two to my friends.
I have a lot of surgical masks at home, those are the ones I use. But I've thought about getting...
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/21/20 at 10:51 pm
Wow ok keep letting the government take away your freedom then if you think that's alright.
Everybody keeps talking about these "freedoms" that are being taken away, but they never say what they are. I might add that people think it's the right-wing "Trump supporters" that are the main proponents of this, but I have a friend who would swear up and down he's a liberal and can't stand Trump and he keeps saying his "personal freedoms" are being taken away too. Wearing a mask during a pandemic is just common sense. The government shouldn't even have to say it. In fact it's probably common sense to wear one when there's NOT a pandemic, but we'll leave that for another time. Anybody who doesn't wear one is just selfish, there are no "freedoms" involved. And it's worse than selfish, it's SMUG.
In this day and age it's not "personal freedoms" we have lost, it's PRIVACY, and that, my friend, is not the fault of the government. It's the fault of the people who have willingly sacrificed their privacy on the altar of social media. Mark Zuckerberg once boldly proclaimed "the age of privacy is over" and people fell in lockstep behind him with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok and the rest.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/21/20 at 10:58 pm
You must wear one that can protect you from the virus.
Technically speaking, a mask doesn't really prevent you from getting it, it prevents you from spreading it. So you better hope other people are wearing them too.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: shadowcookie on 06/21/20 at 10:59 pm
I have a lot of surgical masks at home, those are the ones I use. But I've thought about getting...
Is there a psyduck version by any chance? ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/22/20 at 4:05 am
Technically speaking, a mask doesn't really prevent you from getting it, it prevents you from spreading it. So you better hope other people are wearing them too.
I always make sure they do.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/22/20 at 8:56 am
Wow ok keep letting the government take away your freedom then if you think that's alright.
VERY clever response
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: XYkid on 06/22/20 at 10:42 am
In Oregon it’s not required, some people do but many don’t. We also suck at social distancing, people always get close to me in grocery stores and it makes me mad!
People are pretty lax on the rules unless they absolutely have to be strict. I even had to run an errand and when I got to my deatination there was a sign that said face mask required and the guy working there said “don’t worry you don’t need it if you’re just coming and going”.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/22/20 at 11:06 am
I wear a mask when shopping, so that I don't come home coughing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: violet_shy on 06/22/20 at 11:35 am
It is mandatory for us to wear one when riding on public transportation or the city bus. If we don't wear a mask while riding on the bus then we can't ride on it AND we get a fine or prison time. That's here in Rhode Island.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/22/20 at 6:10 pm
AND we get a fine or prison time.
Would hate to end up with a roommate named Bubba just because I forgot to wear a mask. :o
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: violet_shy on 06/22/20 at 7:12 pm
Would hate to end up with a roommate named Bubba just because I forgot to wear a mask. :o
Lol exactly! I always wear my mask I don't care how hot it mask stays on. I ain't paying no 1000 dollars or ruin my background with prison time. It's not hard to wear a mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/23/20 at 9:26 am
In Oregon it’s not required, some people do but many don’t. We also suck at social distancing, people always get close to me in grocery stores and it makes me mad!
People are pretty lax on the rules unless they absolutely have to be strict. I even had to run an errand and when I got to my deatination there was a sign that said face mask required and the guy working there said “don’t worry you don’t need it if you’re just coming and going”.
That happens to me too.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/23/20 at 9:27 am
I wear a mask when shopping, so that I don't come home coughing.
I wear a mask while bringing up carts.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/23/20 at 9:27 am
It is mandatory for us to wear one when riding on public transportation or the city bus. If we don't wear a mask while riding on the bus then we can't ride on it AND we get a fine or prison time. That's here in Rhode Island.
It's something we all have to live with.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/23/20 at 12:36 pm
The much awaited Culver’s opened yesterday here. Drive thru only. But they were so busy they had 2 lanes, 1 normal with speaker and pickup window, and 1 with order takers standing outside and people bringing the food. The order takers were right up against your car and reaching in your car with the credit card machine and were not wearing masks.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/23/20 at 2:29 pm
I had to wear a mask while getting my haircut.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/23/20 at 5:23 pm
I had to wear a mask while getting my haircut.
Same here.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: DisneysRetro on 06/24/20 at 6:22 am
It’s a law here. People are getting sick/respiratory issues from wearing them so often here.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: XYkid on 06/24/20 at 6:35 am
Apparently staring today we have to always wear them in public.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/24/20 at 8:00 am
I had to wear a mask while getting my haircut.
Same here.
Would you rather not? I don't like the person cutting my hair being so close to me even when there isn't a pandemic.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/24/20 at 11:37 am
It’s a law here. People are getting sick/respiratory issues from wearing them so often here.
I know if I have mine on too long my eyes start to burn from the air that leaks above it.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/24/20 at 11:52 am
What I'm more worried about tha masks are the long term effects of what we might be doing to ourselves with all this use of hand sanitizer and wipes and disinfectants with all their harsh chemicals. Before the pandemic I NEVER used hand sanitizer. EVER. There was no real need for it. Overuse of anti-bacterials create a strain of bacteria (the "superbug") that is immune to them. In normal times some exposure to bacteria is helpful to keep us immune to them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: DisneysRetro on 06/24/20 at 1:28 pm
I know if I have mine on too long my eyes start to burn from the air that leaks above it.
Yeah that happens to me too, it’s definitely not healthy. I can never fully breathe in them either.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/25/20 at 2:03 am
What I'm more worried about tha masks are the long term effects of what we might be doing to ourselves with all this use of hand sanitizer and wipes and disinfectants with all their harsh chemicals. Before the pandemic I NEVER used hand sanitizer. EVER. There was no real need for it. Overuse of anti-bacterials create a strain of bacteria (the "superbug") that is immune to them. In normal times some exposure to bacteria is helpful to keep us immune to them.
I think a combination of sanitizing and hand washing will prevent super bugs from forming. If you're only using sanitizer and not washing your hand, then I could see the superbugs evolving. But soap and water will wash away everything, superbug or not.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/25/20 at 2:06 am
I think a combination of sanitizing and hand washing will prevent super bugs from forming. If you're only using sanitizer and not washing your hand, then I could see the superbugs evolving. But soap and water will wash away everything, superbug or not.
...with hot or cold water, as long as it is flowing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/25/20 at 5:29 am
...with hot or cold water, as long as it is flowing.
Where I work we had those automatic water faucets in the bathrooms where you just wave your hand in front and the water flowed.
Our dumbass boss said that this was “unsanitary” because the water was cold, and replaced them with hand-operated faucets so you could crank up the hot water.
Now I have to first grab a paper towel to turn the faucet on, because basically it has been touched by dozens of people who just got finished handling their junk. Then I wash my hands. Grab another towel to turn off the water. Then grab another Towel to dry my hands.
Frickin’ lunacy.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 8:03 am
Apparently staring today we have to always wear them in public.
And you can't argue that you don't want to wear a mask, it's a law or else you'll get fined.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 8:04 am
I know if I have mine on too long my eyes start to burn from the air that leaks above it.
I start to sweat.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 8:05 am
What I'm more worried about tha masks are the long term effects of what we might be doing to ourselves with all this use of hand sanitizer and wipes and disinfectants with all their harsh chemicals. Before the pandemic I NEVER used hand sanitizer. EVER. There was no real need for it. Overuse of anti-bacterials create a strain of bacteria (the "superbug") that is immune to them. In normal times some exposure to bacteria is helpful to keep us immune to them.
I still use hand sanitizers but not so much like people are doing lately.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 8:06 am
Where I work we had those automatic water faucets in the bathrooms where you just wave your hand in front and the water flowed.
Our dumbass boss said that this was “unsanitary” because the water was cold, and replaced them with hand-operated faucets so you could crank up the hot water.
Now I have to first grab a paper towel to turn the faucet on, because basically it has been touched by dozens of people who just got finished handling their junk. Then I wash my hands. Grab another towel to turn off the water. Then grab another Towel to dry my hands.
Frickin’ lunacy.
How do you flush the toilet, LB?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/25/20 at 11:32 am
Where I work we had those automatic water faucets in the bathrooms where you just wave your hand in front and the water flowed.
Our dumbass boss said that this was “unsanitary” because the water was cold, and replaced them with hand-operated faucets so you could crank up the hot water.
Now I have to first grab a paper towel to turn the faucet on, because basically it has been touched by dozens of people who just got finished handling their junk. Then I wash my hands. Grab another towel to turn off the water. Then grab another Towel to dry my hands.
Frickin’ lunacy.
Do you wait to see if anyone else opens the door and comes in?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: KatanaChick on 06/25/20 at 1:13 pm
Only in businesses that require it. Some of the mall shops do. I wear one anyway, safe than sorry I guess.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 2:07 pm
Do you wait to see if anyone else opens the door and comes in?
I don't, I just walk out the bathroom right away.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/20 at 2:08 pm
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/25/20 at 2:09 pm
I don't, I just walk out the bathroom right away.
If the door can be nudged open by the elbow I do just that.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/25/20 at 3:14 pm
How do you flush the toilet, LB?
With my foot, of course.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/25/20 at 4:37 pm
With my foot, of course.
They have the motion-detecting flushers at my workplace. It's not very accurate, though. Even when you're sitting on it still, it flushes. Huge waste of water, and also the act of flushing throws germs from the bowl into the air, or into your bunghole in this case. :-\\
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/25/20 at 6:24 pm
They have the motion-detecting flushers at my workplace. It's not very accurate, though. Even when you're sitting on it still, it flushes. Huge waste of water, and also the act of flushing throws germs from the bowl into the air, or into your bunghole in this case. :-\\
I DETEST those auto-flush commodes. 8-P
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/26/20 at 7:38 am
With my foot, of course.
The toilet in Stop N Shop flushes itself.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/26/20 at 7:40 am
They have the motion-detecting flushers at my workplace. It's not very accurate, though. Even when you're sitting on it still, it flushes. Huge waste of water, and also the act of flushing throws germs from the bowl into the air, or into your bunghole in this case. :-\\
Ours does the very same thing when you walk away from finishing your number 1 and number 2, it flushes itself.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/26/20 at 7:53 am
Where I work we had those automatic water faucets in the bathrooms where you just wave your hand in front and the water flowed.
Our dumbass boss said that this was “unsanitary” because the water was cold, and replaced them with hand-operated faucets so you could crank up the hot water.
Now I have to first grab a paper towel to turn the faucet on, because basically it has been touched by dozens of people who just got finished handling their junk. Then I wash my hands. Grab another towel to turn off the water. Then grab another Towel to dry my hands.
Frickin’ lunacy.
Sounds like the condition Howard Hughes had?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: annimal on 06/26/20 at 10:26 am
I think we are all suppose to but it is not being enforced.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 06/26/20 at 1:14 pm
My province hasn't enforced wearing a mask, but my city just might. They are mulling it today.
90-95% of the people in my city wear masks anyway from what I've seen, but I could see that coming down as the virus retreats, so I would like to see it become mandatory. Those 10% that don't wear one will complain to high hell but those are exactly the people I don't want to get near anyway.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/26/20 at 1:41 pm
So what will happen a year from now when and or if they get a cure for this do we still have to wear a mask? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/26/20 at 3:14 pm
So what will happen a year from now when and or if they get a cure for this do we still have to wear a mask? ???
If they come up with a vaccine that is shown to work, people will no longer have to wear masks, but my prediction is a percentage of people will continue wearing masks, as is customary anyway in some Asian countries. Honestly it's not such a bad idea.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: annimal on 06/26/20 at 6:59 pm
I have an implant I have to wear around my ear so I cant just wear a mask. I think it would be an excellent idea to keep some distance from each other
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/26/20 at 7:12 pm
I have an implant I have to wear around my ear so I cant just wear a mask. I think it would be an excellent idea to keep some distance from each other
Maybe a mask that ties around the head rather than loops around the ears might work? Even if you have to make one or have someone make it.
Maybe something here helps:
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/27/20 at 2:16 pm
If they come up with a vaccine that is shown to work, people will no longer have to wear masks, but my prediction is a percentage of people will continue wearing masks, as is customary anyway in some Asian countries. Honestly it's not such a bad idea.
I don't mind wearing one but after a while it does get a bit stuffy.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/27/20 at 4:30 pm
Maybe a mask that ties around the head rather than loops around the ears might work? Even if you have to make one or have someone make it.
Maybe something here helps:
Something that ties behind would be good for me because my ears don’t retain mask straps very well.
If over the winter people take proper measures to help prevent covid, we might have the lightest flu season in ages. That would be a good thing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: whistledog on 06/28/20 at 9:38 am
At a local nail salon in my city, the owner and several workers tested positive for Covid-19 and since re-opening, they've had hundreds of clients come in. last I heard, the Covid case count was at 18 from that, and starting yesterday, it is now a requirement here to wear a mask when going into any public indoor place
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/28/20 at 2:25 pm
Something that ties behind would be good for me because my ears don’t retain mask straps very well.
If over the winter people take proper measures to help prevent covid, we might have the lightest flu season in ages. That would be a good thing.
Would I have to wear it in the heart of the cold winter? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/28/20 at 9:53 pm
Would I have to wear it in the heart of the cold winter? ???
Id just wear the ski mask I use when I’m out snowblowing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/28/20 at 10:16 pm
Id just wear the ski mask I use when I’m out snowblowing.
Does the ski mask cover your nose and mouth? Those are the two areas that it is vital to cover.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/28/20 at 10:26 pm
Does the ski mask cover your nose and mouth? Those are the two areas that it is vital to cover.
Yes everything but my eyes. Don’t need frozen lips and nose. When the wind changes and the snow stream gets blown back at you it’s wicked and feels way colder than it actually is outside.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/29/20 at 3:27 am
I feel more healthier wearing a masking when I go out.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/29/20 at 8:19 am
READ THIS. A piece by commentator Bob Lefsetz on why musicians, the most influential people on Earth, need to wear masks.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/29/20 at 1:24 pm
Id just wear the ski mask I use when I’m out snowblowing.
Does it seem funny when you have to wear them in the bank?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/29/20 at 1:26 pm
I feel more healthier wearing a masking when I go out.
When I wear mine, it feels very stuffy when it's very hot outside.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/29/20 at 3:16 pm
Does it seem funny when you have to wear them in the bank?
Lately it seems no different than putting on safety glasses when going into the shop. Which is cumbersome, uncomfortable, and restricts vision. Just becoming second nature.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/29/20 at 3:25 pm
When I wear mine, it feels very stuffy when it's very hot outside.
With London having the R-Rate around 1 and the shutdown announced for Leicester for the next two weeks, I will be wearing my mask when I do go out, and simply putting it, I will go out less often now.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/29/20 at 4:05 pm
You can't make this s*** up.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/29/20 at 4:08 pm
You can't make this s*** up.
...and currently in Florida...
The Florida Department of Health reported 5,266 new coronavirus cases on Monday, bringing the state's total to 146,341 infections. It comes amid a massive upsurge in new cases in Florida and only two days after the state set its newest record for single-day cases at 9,585. Another 28 coronavirus-related deaths were also reported on Monday, bringing the state's total to 3,447. The median age for new cases reported on Monday was 37 years old, significantly lower than in the earlier days of the pandemic. Meanwhile, beaches throughout southern Florida have been closed for the 4 July Independence Day weekend in an effort to keep transmission rates down.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 06/29/20 at 5:05 pm
I work with an anti masker. In the cube next to me. He was going on today about how masks do nothing. True the covid particle size is smaller than a mask passage. But it works like a labyrinth seal, and being a fellow engineer he should know this. Also say a grain of sand might pass through a window screen, but if you toss a handful of sand against the same screen I bet a lot of it will bounce off. Nothing is 100% effective aside from staying holed up and having every delivery quarantined for 3 days with all deliveries over 3 days apart. Yes some particles travel more than 6 feet but it’s a balance of reducing a lot of spread vs maintaining society function. Sure it would be safer to stay at least a football field away from others but that’s not possible in most cases. You could also cut auto accident deaths down to near zero if you drop the speed limit to 5 mph but it’s not practical. It’s a balance. Masks and distancing help society maintain a lot of function while reducing a lot of virus spread.
Sure you can go without a mask. As long as you stay away from other people. Just like smoking. Or requiring shoes and shirt to enter a store.
I believe a lot can be done while staying safe. Total lockdowns only keep honest people honest and take away their livelihood and kill businesses. I can do a lot around here without being close to anybody. I’ll take masks and distancing any day vs having the majority of businesses shut down. The businesses agree too. They’re doing what they can to stay open and help protect their customers and employees.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: annimal on 06/29/20 at 5:18 pm
masks do something, they make my nose run and soon there would be snot everywhere
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/30/20 at 7:19 am
Lately it seems no different than putting on safety glasses when going into the shop. Which is cumbersome, uncomfortable, and restricts vision. Just becoming second nature.
I was referring to when robbers wear a mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/30/20 at 7:19 am
With London having the R-Rate around 1 and the shutdown announced for Leicester for the next two weeks, I will be wearing my mask when I do go out, and simply putting it, I will go out less often now.
That's a good idea.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/30/20 at 10:58 am
That's a good idea.
Now that a report states that three boroughs of London has the R-Rate of 0.9 with an error of + or - 0.2 or so. So for me I feel it best to stay at home as much as I can.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 06/30/20 at 1:55 pm
Now that a report states that three boroughs of London has the R-Rate of 0.9 with an error of + or - 0.2 or so. So for me I feel it best to stay at home as much as I can.
And don't go out as much.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/30/20 at 2:03 pm
And don't go out as much.
Exactly, in my case for shopping at an early hour, before the shop gets busy.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: XYkid on 07/01/20 at 10:39 pm
Our governor just declared that everyone should be wearing masks in public.
This changed nothing, I see just about as many people wearing them as I did before!
I love my state but people here don’t seem to believe the pandemic is real. No one at my work ever wears a mask!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/02/20 at 7:46 am
Our governor just declared that everyone should be wearing masks in public.
This changed nothing, I see just about as many people wearing them as I did before!
I love my state but people here don’t seem to believe the pandemic is real. No one at my work ever wears a mask!
Maybe they should.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/02/20 at 7:51 am
Which town will wear his mask in?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/02/20 at 2:02 pm
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/20 at 4:32 am
...and wash your hands when you arrive home.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/03/20 at 4:46 am
Always remember to bring protection wherever you go. You never know when you may need it.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/20 at 5:20 am
Always remember to bring protection wherever you go. You never know when you may need it.
Wearing disposable gloves does help. like the masks, must be disposable off properly after use.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/20 at 7:17 am
It is a large ask to wear a mask!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/03/20 at 7:44 am
...and wash your hands when you arrive home.
I always carry hand sanitizers with me.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/03/20 at 7:45 am
Wearing disposable gloves does help. like the masks, must be disposable off properly after use.
And they don't belong on the ground! 🤢
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/20 at 7:50 am
And they don't belong on the ground! 🤢
Being on the ground can still spread the virus.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/03/20 at 7:58 am
Wearing disposable gloves does help. like the masks, must be disposable off properly after use.
Yeah, it is disgusting when people just throw their used protection out on the ground or anywhere other than a trash can. 8-P
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: XYkid on 07/03/20 at 8:02 am
Yeah, it is disgusting when people just throw their used protection out on the ground or anywhere other than a trash can. 8-P
I see this a lot too!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/03/20 at 8:21 am
Being on the ground can still spread the virus.
Yes it can.
Subject: Tom Hanks 'has no respect' for people not wearing masks
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/07/20 at 6:38 am
Tom Hanks, who recovered from Covid-19 earlier this year, has said he "has no respect" for people who decline to wear a mask in public during the pandemic.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/07/20 at 7:30 am
Even city bus drivers have to wear one too.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/13/20 at 2:49 am
Finally been seen!!!!!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 07/13/20 at 5:48 am
Even city bus drivers have to wear one too.
Do they always wear them? I live on a main bus route and see buses going past when I am out doing my daily walk. More often than not the driver doesn’t appear to be wearing a mask. On Saturday I saw one driver wearing it round his neck.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/13/20 at 5:52 am
Do they always wear them? I live on a main bus route and see buses going past when I am out doing my daily walk. More often than not the driver doesn’t appear to be wearing a mask. On Saturday I saw one driver wearing it round his neck.
Same here in London, it seems not many of the drivers wearing masks, were the passengers should be wearing them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/13/20 at 2:41 pm
Finally been seen!!!!!
O0 Good for him!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/13/20 at 2:42 pm
Do they always wear them? I live on a main bus route and see buses going past when I am out doing my daily walk. More often than not the driver doesn’t appear to be wearing a mask. On Saturday I saw one driver wearing it round his neck.
Sometimes they do but not all the time.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/13/20 at 2:42 pm
O0 Good for him!
...and it is the right time to now.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 07/13/20 at 2:43 pm
Same here in London, it seems not many of the drivers wearing masks, were the passengers should be wearing them.
A lot of passengers on my way and coming home from work wear them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/10/20 at 8:06 am
I am trying to work out does a chronic asthma sufferer have to wear a face mask, for recently reported on the BBC a sufferer was thrown off an airplane for not wearing a mask for it would restrict his breathing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 09/10/20 at 8:36 am
I am trying to work out does a chronic asthma sufferer have to wear a face mask, for recently reported on the BBC a sufferer was thrown off an airplane for not wearing a mask for it would restrict his breathing.
This specifically says “people who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability” are not required to wear a mask. I think chronic asthma could be covered by this.
Also, from the same publication, “ where putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress”. Again this might apply to an asthma sufferer.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/10/20 at 9:03 am
This specifically says “people who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability” are not required to wear a mask. I think chronic asthma could be covered by this.
Also, from the same publication, “ where putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress”. Again this might apply to an asthma sufferer.
Probably the air crew not realising the true circumstances?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/11/20 at 8:05 am
It is now required to wear masks on public transportation or risk a $50 fine.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/23/20 at 1:13 pm
Now in the UK, face masks are compulsory for bar staff and non-seated customers, shop workers, waiters , taxi drivers and on public transport. Fines for not wearing masks or following rules increased to £200 for first offence
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/20 at 7:28 am
Now in the UK, face masks are compulsory for bar staff and non-seated customers, shop workers, waiters , taxi drivers and on public transport. Fines for not wearing masks or following rules increased to £200 for first offence
And mask wearing won't go away anytime soon.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/20 at 7:30 am
And mask wearing won't go away anytime soon.
I has become the norm, and is the way of life now.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/20 at 10:03 am
I has become the norm, and is the way of life now.
"Don't leave home without it".
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/20 at 10:12 am
"Don't leave home without it".
At one time it was "don't leave home"!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/24/20 at 10:18 am
At one time it was "don't leave home"!
This is what Howie was referring to though he may not even remember as such. (Or maybe he does). These old advertising slogans become part of the lexicon, divorced from their original meaning.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/20 at 2:19 pm
At one time it was "don't leave home"!
Now the new slogan is "Wear A Mask".
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/20 at 2:20 pm
This is what Howie was referring to though he may not even remember as such. (Or maybe he does). These old advertising slogans become part of the lexicon, divorced from their original meaning.
Yes Voice, I do remember that slogan.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 09/24/20 at 2:26 pm
Yes Voice, I do remember that slogan.
I remember that too.
Masks aren’t gold like they were earlier this year. I keep a box in the car so not a big deal if I forget mine at home.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/20 at 2:34 pm
I remember that too.
Masks aren’t gold like they were earlier this year. I keep a box in the car so not a big deal if I forget mine at home.
I keep a bunch of them in a bag.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/24/20 at 5:43 pm
Yes Voice, I do remember that slogan.
You are a font of incidental knowledge. I am too! ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/05/20 at 2:31 am
Here in Picksburgh we have to wear masks at work or when going to a grocery store. I had to wear a mask when I (finally) got my hair cut the other day.
What about your areas... are you masked, or are you mask-free? ???
Yes, and please do!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/05/20 at 7:41 am
Yes, we're still wearing masks in our town.
Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Dude111 on 11/05/20 at 7:46 am
Its stupid.... Masks dont really do anything but make people look stupid...
The more ppl who fight this and dont wear them,the better!!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/05/20 at 8:40 am
Its stupid.... Masks dont really do anything but make people look stupid...
The more ppl who fight this and dont wear them,the better!!
I know, I feel like I stepped into a Science Fiction film.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/05/20 at 8:49 am
Its stupid.... Masks dont really do anything but make people look stupid...
The more ppl who fight this and dont wear them,the better!!
Not according to the experts. Masks and social distancing STOP THE SPREAD, so wear THE DAMN MASK
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/05/20 at 9:11 am
Its stupid.... Masks dont really do anything but make people look stupid...
The more ppl who fight this and dont wear them,the better!!
That statement can be construed as lacking in maturity. Of course, it could be coming from a political viewpoint, the mysterious and unexpected "wearing masks takes away our freedom" theory which has sprung up during this pandemic, and which nobody can get to the bottom of. Show me these "freedoms" being taken away.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/05/20 at 9:14 am
That statement can be construed as lacking in maturity. Of course, it could be coming from a political viewpoint, the mysterious and unexpected "wearing masks takes away our freedom" theory which has sprung up during this pandemic, and which nobody can get to the bottom of. Show me these "freedoms" being taken away.
The freedom to be stupid
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 11/05/20 at 9:30 am
Its stupid.... Masks dont really do anything but make people look stupid...
The more ppl who fight this and dont wear them,the better!!
Fairly sure I also linked to an article from Cambridge University researchers explaining it in much more detail
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/05/20 at 2:00 pm
Do you think this looks stupid? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 11/05/20 at 4:47 pm
We are up to around 6000 cases a day now. This spring when they shut everything down we had around 1000 a day. The health department decided to mandate masks in workplaces. They posted signs at my work but everyone except me thinks it’s a big joke. People still packing into offices just like it was last year and saying the virus is nothing but Democrats talking. One person in particular keeps posting stories and sending emails like “take that pissy diaper off your face”. Someone came in to make sure we were masking and she left otherwise she said she would have hurt somebody. This is the kind of thing I have a problem with. We are all free to do what we believe is best. I just come to work to do my job, not to start trouble.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/06/20 at 4:34 am
Do you think this looks stupid? ???
Looks very healthy, but with the cloth mask particles of the virus can still seep in while breathing.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/06/20 at 7:52 am
Looks very healthy, but with the cloth mask particles of the virus can still seep in while breathing.
But it keeps you from sneezing all over the place.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/06/20 at 8:40 am
But it keeps you from sneezing all over the place.
Best effective when worn in enclosed spaces.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/06/20 at 2:14 pm
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/07/20 at 4:48 pm
The mask is a fake fake covid prevention... I've posted so much around here already.....on this issue
The fools who pushed this agenda, are just that fools, and didn't do thinking thru it all...they all panicked and Locked down most of the world.....that they could.
Yes, masks are necessary in CA in a LOT of places and not so in many.
I have NEVER had a mask on and hope I can escape it all....if not, I'll wear a bandana or something light to get thru a doc's appt.
And when is the last time anyone sneezed in anyone's face or space????geeeezzzzz
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/08/20 at 4:51 am
The mask is a fake fake covid prevention... I've posted so much around here already.....on this issue
The fools who pushed this agenda, are just that fools, and didn't do thinking thru it all...they all panicked and Locked down most of the world.....that they could.
Yes, masks are necessary in CA in a LOT of places and not so in many.
I have NEVER had a mask on and hope I can escape it all....if not, I'll wear a bandana or something light to get thru a doc's appt.
And when is the last time anyone sneezed in anyone's face or space????geeeezzzzz
I can't recall the last time that ever happened.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/08/20 at 9:55 am
The mask is a fake fake covid prevention... I've posted so much around here already.....on this issue
The fools who pushed this agenda, are just that fools, and didn't do thinking thru it all...they all panicked and Locked down most of the world.....that they could.
Yes, masks are necessary in CA in a LOT of places and not so in many.
I have NEVER had a mask on and hope I can escape it all....if not, I'll wear a bandana or something light to get thru a doc's appt.
And when is the last time anyone sneezed in anyone's face or space????geeeezzzzz
Yes, you have. But all the science - you remember science right? - all the science suggests you are wrong. there are a number of videos out there demonstrating how micro-drops stay in the air for hours, how a sneeze spreads etc. So hold on to your factless opinions if you like. I hope they don't come back to bite you on the ass derriere
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 11/08/20 at 3:57 pm
Yes, you have. But all the science - you remember science right? - all the science suggests you are wrong. there are a number of videos out there demonstrating how micro-drops stay in the air for hours, how a sneeze spreads etc. So hold on to your factless opinions if you like. I hope they don't come back to bite you on the ass derriere
What I hate about these people is how they ignore all logic and evidence but then have the guts to call everyone not buying into their stuff gullible.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/08/20 at 5:35 pm
Yes, you have. But all the science - you remember science right? - all the science suggests you are wrong. there are a number of videos out there demonstrating how micro-drops stay in the air for hours, how a sneeze spreads etc. So hold on to your factless opinions if you like. I hope they don't come back to bite you on the ass derriere
There are a lot of videos stating the contrary as well. Do a google...
Oh I have this link handy:
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 11/09/20 at 10:53 am
Let's see what Wikipedia has to say on lifesitesnews (highlight by me)
Campaign Life Coalition founded LifeSiteNews in 1997. The website was founded with the intent to promote anti-abortion views.
According to Snopes, LifeSiteNews is "a known purveyor of misleading information." The Associated Press described the website as "ultraconservative." In May 2019, Philip Pullela, in a Reuters article, wrote that the website "often is a platform for attacks on ." The LGBT magazine The Advocate has described LifeSiteNews as an anti-LGBT outlet, and criticised it for articles blaming clerical sex abuse, including that of children, on homosexuality. Research has shown no evidence that sexual orientation affects the likelihood of a person's abusing children.
A Catholic priest, Raymond Gravel, filed a lawsuit in Quebec against the website in 2011 for defamation. Subsequently, Gravel died of lung cancer on August 11, 2014. In 2013, the lawsuit was allowed to advance to trial by a Quebec court.
Yep, totally trustworthy site. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/09/20 at 1:36 pm
Yes, I see a lot of people wearing masks in my area.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 11/09/20 at 2:00 pm
Yes, I see a lot of people wearing masks in my area.
My town, having a large East Asian population, had 20-30% wearing masks in late January and by May/June had ramped up to near 100% before the mask mandate came at the end of a June.
I think it worked. My town of 200,000 had 6 deaths during the first wave, while the next town over with population 300,000 (and I'm assuming less mask compliance) had 170 or so deaths.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/10/20 at 6:06 am
I have noticed more people wearing masks when out walking, but a number are still not wearing then when in enclosed places, like in shops.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/10/20 at 9:58 am
I have noticed more people wearing masks when out walking, but a number are still not wearing then when in enclosed places, like in shops.
Just the opposite of what it takes to be safe - lunacy
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/10/20 at 10:01 am
Just the opposite of what it takes to be safe - lunacy
That is why I am staying safely at home.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/10/20 at 3:18 pm
I have noticed more people wearing masks when out walking, but a number are still not wearing then when in enclosed places, like in shops.
perhaps they need a breath of fresh air? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 11/12/20 at 5:04 pm
One thing I don't understand is the emphasis on hand washing but the deemphasis on hand sanitizing. From an epidemiological perspective, they both kill coronaviruses, but hand sanitizer is a lot more convenient to carry and use routinely and frequently. If people SANITIZED their hands regularly (and wore masks and physically distanced) maybe the pandemic can be stopped?
Hand washing is for when you use the bathroom or before you eat. But it seems pointless in stopping a pandemic, it's not as if you can always wash your hands on the spot.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 11/13/20 at 1:04 am
One thing I don't understand is the emphasis on hand washing but the deemphasis on hand sanitizing. From an epidemiological perspective, they both kill coronaviruses, but hand sanitizer is a lot more convenient to carry and use routinely and frequently. If people SANITIZED their hands regularly (and wore masks and physically distanced) maybe the pandemic can be stopped?
Hand washing is for when you use the bathroom or before you eat. But it seems pointless in stopping a pandemic, it's not as if you can always wash your hands on the spot.
Many hand sanitisers on the market in the early part of the pandemic did not contain enough alcohol to kill this type of virus. They worked on bacteria. Therefore it made sense to emphasise the thorough hand washing when possible rule.
Now most sanitisers contain 70% or more alcohol they will be effective. In the U.K. the message is Clean Hands, Cover Face, Make Space.
At home or at work I still prefer to wash my hands as the hand sanitiser is so drying. I do use it if there is no alternative.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/13/20 at 7:54 am
One thing I don't understand is the emphasis on hand washing but the deemphasis on hand sanitizing. From an epidemiological perspective, they both kill coronaviruses, but hand sanitizer is a lot more convenient to carry and use routinely and frequently. If people SANITIZED their hands regularly (and wore masks and physically distanced) maybe the pandemic can be stopped?
Hand washing is for when you use the bathroom or before you eat. But it seems pointless in stopping a pandemic, it's not as if you can always wash your hands on the spot.
Washing hands is important and it prevents germs but it doesn't stop a pandemic.
Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Dude111 on 11/13/20 at 2:05 pm
Neither do Masks.......
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/13/20 at 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/14/20 at 1:12 pm
There are two of us older women in my apt bldg and neither of us wear a mask around when we are out walking, it's really stunning...this other woman is probably in her 80's too and doesn't speak good English so we can't talk too much....I saw her yesterday and we chatted as best we could -- maskless.
And then a young very athletic gal lives upstairs and she was out running with mask ON and she was helping me a little bring in a box from the mail area, and kept holding up her mask, running clothes and all...I told her I'm not concerned and I've never had a mask on...
She even came into my apt to look at my artwork and I could kinda see a panic in her with her mask, geeeezzzz.
On the sanitizers, never used and won't.....Don't put your hands all over your face is the best...and good to wash hands with good old soap and hot/warm water...
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/15/20 at 8:05 am
There are two of us older women in my apt bldg and neither of us wear a mask around when we are out walking, it's really stunning...this other woman is probably in her 80's too and doesn't speak good English so we can't talk too much....I saw her yesterday and we chatted as best we could -- maskless.
And then a young very athletic gal lives upstairs and she was out running with mask ON and she was helping me a little bring in a box from the mail area, and kept holding up her mask, running clothes and all...I told her I'm not concerned and I've never had a mask on...
She even came into my apt to look at my artwork and I could kinda see a panic in her with her mask, geeeezzzz.
On the sanitizers, never used and won't.....Don't put your hands all over your face is the best...and good to wash hands with good old soap and hot/warm water...
So what do you do when there's no soap and water available? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/17/20 at 2:20 pm
Do you know anyone who has had "mask fatigue"?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/17/20 at 6:11 pm
So what do you do when there's no soap and water available? ???
Well, #1, I always wash my hands in my house and always have water and soap....
If I'm out I make sure NOT to touch my face.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/17/20 at 6:14 pm
Do you know anyone who has had "mask fatigue"?
Yes, probably millions, and just talking to a longtime friend who moved to Oregon from CA some yrs ago, which she regrets, the mask edict is so bad up there, she says she has to wear a shield over her mask when she steps out her door.
None of these FORCES are constitutional....fear fear fear....
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 11/17/20 at 8:23 pm
Yes, probably millions, and just talking to a longtime friend who moved to Oregon from CA some yrs ago, which she regrets, the mask edict is so bad up there, she says she has to wear a shield over her mask when she steps out her door.
None of these FORCES are constitutional....fear fear fear....
You West Coasters are soft. We have to cover our mouth with a scarf in Canadian winter, because the air hurts to breathe once cold enough. I actually like the mask more since it's warmer. :P
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 11/17/20 at 9:17 pm
You West Coasters are soft. We have to cover our mouth with a scarf in Canadian winter, because the air hurts to breathe once cold enough. I actually like the mask more since it's warmer. :P
Soft??,, we all live where we live... I spent my first 27 yrs in the East with major 4 seasons, but never a scarf .. on my head yes...
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/18/20 at 7:29 am
Well, #1, I always wash my hands in my house and always have water and soap....
If I'm out I make sure NOT to touch my face.
We always have soap and water available for washing hands, that's one essential you should have in the house.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/18/20 at 7:31 am
You West Coasters are soft. We have to cover our mouth with a scarf in Canadian winter, because the air hurts to breathe once cold enough. I actually like the mask more since it's warmer. :P
In New York when it gets quite cold here we probably have to wear scarves just as well as wearing face masks too.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: shadowcookie on 11/18/20 at 9:34 am
I’ve noticed that mask usage has gone from about 90% to about 70% here (and amongst that 70%, 20% probably wear them under their nose).
You’re legally required to wear one inside businesses but businesses don’t actually enforce it. At most my nearest supermarket will ask if you have a mask but if you say you can’t wear one for medical reasons, they won’t ask for proof - they’ll just take your word for it.
To be fair though, I don’t expect minimum wage retail workers to put themselves in harms way by asking potentially violent people to wear a mask. It’s just not worth the risk.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/18/20 at 9:41 am
I’ve noticed that mask usage has gone from about 90% to about 70% here (and amongst that 70%, 20% probably wear them under their nose).
I don't get all these goofy people I see wearing masks under their noses. It's such a large percentage of people. What don't they get about how to wear a mask? Especially by now. I think there should be constant PSAs on TV and everywhere else instructing people how to wear a mask correctly. It's not rocket science. Although there are SO MANY people doing it wrong that they can't all possibly be that dumb. My suspicion is that for many it's a form of passive-aggressive protest for having to wear one at all. Morons!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/18/20 at 2:58 pm
I don't get all these goofy people I see wearing masks under their noses. It's such a large percentage of people. What don't they get about how to wear a mask? Especially by now. I think there should be constant PSAs on TV and everywhere else instructing people how to wear a mask correctly. It's not rocket science. Although there are SO MANY people doing it wrong that they can't all possibly be that dumb. My suspicion is that for many it's a form of passive-aggressive protest for having to wear one at all. Morons!
Cause some people are just trying to be morons, there is a right way of putting on your mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 11/18/20 at 3:46 pm
Cause some people are just trying to be morons, there is a right way of putting on your mask.
I do pinch it on my nose but sometimes I feel like the air leaks from underneath, around the neck area. Imma just hope my beard catches the virus before it gets to my mouth.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 11/18/20 at 3:51 pm
Cause some people are just trying to be morons, there is a right way of putting on your mask.
I pinch the mask before putting it on. Because there is always some spring back. If you squeeze it to your nose, it won’t fit tight. If you squeeze it first then let your nose spread it as you put it on, it will be tight.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/19/20 at 7:47 am
I pinch the mask before putting it on. Because there is always some spring back. If you squeeze it to your nose, it won’t fit tight. If you squeeze it first then let your nose spread it as you put it on, it will be tight.
I always try to put it on as carefully as possible without trying to mess it up and I always keep it loose so I can some breathing room.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 11/19/20 at 6:49 pm
My town, having a large East Asian population, had 20-30% wearing masks in late January and by May/June had ramped up to near 100% before the mask mandate came at the end of a June.
I think it worked. My town of 200,000 had 6 deaths during the first wave, while the next town over with population 300,000 (and I'm assuming less mask compliance) had 170 or so deaths.
My city is the line in green, the other lines are the other cities in my region. The purple line actually represents a couple of rural/small town areas.
My city putting in work again. Whenever I go to the supermarket I see 100% mask compliance. I'm so proud of my fellow denizens! 8)
I'm thinking back to January when everybody was making racially-tinged jokes about how my city was going to be the first to go on lockdown because it's full of Chinese people. Looks like we'll get in the last laugh, masks on of course. :-X
Subject: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Dude111 on 11/19/20 at 10:07 pm
This is all a control game!!!!!!
Our rights are being taken away one by one.... WE NEED TO STAND AND FIGHT THIS!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/20/20 at 7:49 am
This is all a control game!!!!!!
Our rights are being taken away one by one.... WE NEED TO STAND AND FIGHT THIS!!!!!!
How do you think we'll fight this? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 11/20/20 at 7:53 am
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 8:26 am
Yes we do and some people refuse to wear them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/03/20 at 12:02 pm
Continuing paranoia, and more and more info comes out that the masks do hardly anything...keep breathing in your own junk. I've NEVER had one on .... suppose if I was out there working and it meant my job, well......I live in a great area near the ocean and people walk around with a mask and don't let in that wonderful ocean breeze and negative ions...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/03/20 at 12:12 pm
Continuing paranoia, and more and more info comes out that the masks do hardly anything...keep breathing in your own junk. I've NEVER had one on .... suppose if I was out there working and it meant my job, well......I live in a great area near the ocean and people walk around with a mask and don't let in that wonderful ocean breeze and negative ions...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I have published details of a university study on the benefits of mask wearing if done correctly
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/03/20 at 1:09 pm
Oh Karen, there are so many links, youtubes on the uselessness of these masks and I'm sure I've posted some of them around here somewhere.....I don't feel like looking it all up again ... you can do a search: How protective is the mask for Covid" Or something like this...
If I come across a link I'll post it, but people here only seem to read what they want to believe...... look up Del BigTree and all his work with this Covid mess....and a mess it is, full of lies and guesses and and and....
I'm pretty SURE I posted this from these women who were employed at OSHA
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/03/20 at 1:39 pm
I'm pretty SURE I posted this from these women who were employed at OSHA
I watched some of this. I would be more interested in what was edited out of this video (you can easily see how the person speaking jumps positions between sentences when something not “on message” was probably said). Also the bit I did listen to made the exact point I made. Masks work when put on properly, worn correctly and removed effectively, with good hand and face hygiene.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/03/20 at 1:49 pm
Here is one more from Dr. Scott Atlas who was hired by Trump not long ago and who I understand resigned due to all the stupidity from so so so many.
I'm done here, wear your mask if you think it will save you...
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 12/03/20 at 2:11 pm
Here is one more from Dr. Scott Atlas who was hired by Trump not long ago and who I understand resigned due to all the stupidity from so so so many.
I'm done here, wear your mask if you think it will save you...
And the Stanford University immediately distanced themselves from him.
So let's dissect what he said. In general it's just: European nations have high infection rates even with masks.
And that's it. No additional info needed...
Or is it?
Is the infection rate higher than in the US?
Does he know how many people would have contracted the virus without the masks?
Does he know how many people contracted the virus while everyone involved was wearing a mask?
That is info that must be had to form an honest opinion.
None of it is mentioned.
And all those medical professionals must feel pretty stupid now for wearing masks while doing surgery for the last 100+ years. If only they had known that their masks are useless.... ::)
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 2:29 pm
Continuing paranoia, and more and more info comes out that the masks do hardly anything...keep breathing in your own junk. I've NEVER had one on .... suppose if I was out there working and it meant my job, well......I live in a great area near the ocean and people walk around with a mask and don't let in that wonderful ocean breeze and negative ions...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
When I'm wearing one I am constantly breathing in my own hot air which fogs up my sunglasses.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/03/20 at 2:51 pm
When I'm wearing one I am constantly breathing in my own hot air which fogs up my sunglasses.
duh ::)
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/04/20 at 7:25 am
I see Biden has said he will ask people to wear a mask in certain situations (public transport, federal buildings and maybe more) for the first 100 days after his inauguration
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/04/20 at 8:24 am
I see Biden has said he will ask people to wear a mask in certain situations (public transport, federal buildings and maybe more) for the first 100 days after his inauguration
So what happens after The 100 days?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Elor on 12/04/20 at 9:43 am
So what happens after The 100 days?
We'll have to see what the situation will be.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 12/04/20 at 10:31 am
So what happens after The 100 days?
From what I heard, he’s hoping enough people are vaccinated by then to prevent another big wave.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/04/20 at 11:21 am
So what happens after The 100 days?
He’s hoping that if enough people do it the number of cases will fall significantly
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/04/20 at 1:38 pm
Well Jerome Corsi last night reported the election results will be going to supreme court, THEY believe plenty of tampering and fixing of the election went on....I'm thinking that too...A lot will be revealed in the next 30 days... Ever wonder why trump has not conceded??? I''m no fan of his but the Dems have sure played dirty in the last many decades and more and more....and I've been a lifelong Dem.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/04/20 at 1:42 pm
From what I heard, he’s hoping enough people are vaccinated by then to prevent another big wave.
He is a dreamer, and keeps hoping....many many many will NOT be vaccinated even if enough of these rushed drugs are available to them......and how so many want to believe they are so safe????????????????
Wonder if Biden et all take their Vit C, Vit D, Zinc and god forbide grape seed extract, probably NONE of the above...just strap on a mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/04/20 at 2:08 pm
Same here in Providence. And if we don't wear them, we get fined or get prison time.
You believe prison time???? They want you to believe that, again more fear and fear and's all control J.A. and I've known of people who were handed stupid fines and tore them up in front of the giver.....too too bad MORE won't take a big stand on all of this...the control continues... ::)
But you do what feels comfortable and right for you....
And about that prison time stuff, you don't think our prisons are full enough with real criminals??? Now they want to throw non mask wearers in prison, some deep critical thinking on it all.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/04/20 at 3:28 pm
So what happens after The 100 days?
You get a new mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/04/20 at 4:34 pm
Howard: If what I hear from J. Corsi and Supreme Court now involved in election -- Biden may not be the president.....then what?
Thinking if all the mask lovers, wear them to sleep in?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 12/04/20 at 6:58 pm
Howard: If what I hear from J. Corsi and Supreme Court now involved in election -- Biden may not be the president.....then what?
Thinking if all the mask lovers, wear them to sleep in?
Why do you believe random people? Who is J. Corsi? Is she in charge of elections? ???
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/04/20 at 8:18 pm
Why do you believe random people? Who is J. Corsi? Is she in charge of elections? ???
I posted about HIM, that fly by night, in the 2020 Election thread. If you care to know more check that thread out.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/05/20 at 6:49 am
I wonder if doubling up and wearing two masks improves your protection? ???
I think I’m gonna try that today. I guess that would be a KN-190.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/05/20 at 7:11 am
From what I heard, he’s hoping enough people are vaccinated by then to prevent another big wave.
I hope and pray we don't have another wave.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/05/20 at 7:14 am
Howard: If what I hear from J. Corsi and Supreme Court now involved in election -- Biden may not be the president.....then what?
Thinking if all the mask lovers, wear them to sleep in?
I could never wear them to go to sleep having it on.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/05/20 at 10:14 am
Howard: If what I hear from J. Corsi and Supreme Court now involved in election -- Biden may not be the president.....then what?
Thinking if all the mask lovers, wear them to sleep in?
Speaking personally I wear a mask, but I don’t love it. I do it because it offers some protection.
I think making silly suggestions like this negates your argument
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/05/20 at 1:34 pm
Speaking personally I wear a mask, but I don’t love it. I do it because it offers some protection.
I think making silly suggestions like this negates your argument
I wear a mask too but don't really enjoy it sometimes.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/05/20 at 3:03 pm
I wear a mask too but don't really enjoy it sometimes.
I enjoy it thoroughly. If somebody at work is being a butt-head, I can’t stick out my tongue at them and they don’t even know it. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/06/20 at 10:03 am
It gets thicker and thicker - or should I say sicker and sicker. Scott Atlas is a doctor, but NOT in a relevant area who preached herd immunity (or as Trump termed it herd mentality). Jerome Corsi is a Ph.D. in poli-sci (Harvard even) and a conspiracy guy who was involved with Roger Stone. Both are off the wall bat crap crazy
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/06/20 at 11:01 am
I enjoy it thoroughly. If somebody at work is being a butt-head, I can’t stick out my tongue at them and they don’t even know it. ;D
I like the anonymity of it also. 8)
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: wagonman76 on 12/06/20 at 11:12 am
I’m pretty much used to it similar to a seat belt.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/06/20 at 12:27 pm
I wear a mask too but don't really enjoy it sometimes.
Do you think masks will be the hot gift item this Christmas?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: karen on 12/06/20 at 12:35 pm
Do you think masks will be the hot gift item this Christmas?
I was thinking about that when I was out shopping earlier today. I wondered if they might make an appearance in the sort of toiletry gift sets you only see at Christmas. I didn’t see any in the one shop I went to, but I expect somewhere will be selling them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/06/20 at 1:42 pm
I like the anonymity of it also. 8)
No one can see you stick out your tongue. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/06/20 at 1:44 pm
I’m pretty much used to it similar to a seat belt.
same here, I got used to it myself.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/06/20 at 1:44 pm
Do you think masks will be the hot gift item this Christmas?
along with a big bottle of hand sanitizer.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/06/20 at 2:06 pm
I few times I have been out and about, I wear my mask proudly. It says that I care about those around me-even if I don't know them.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/07/20 at 4:12 am
I few times I have been out and about, I wear my mask proudly. It says that I care about those around me-even if I don't know them.
I do the same thing when I wear my mask.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/07/20 at 1:03 pm
:) Hi all.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Wink-182 on 12/07/20 at 1:26 pm
Technically no, there's not a mask mandate my town. I wear one anyways for obvious reasons. Sadly, I can't say most people where I live do the same. Even if at grocery stores that literally say you have to wear a mask to go in on the front of the sliding doors and with employees standing outside the door checking for masks, you'll still see about maybe 25 percent of people still go in and not wearing a mask, the employees usually don't do anything because it isn't worth possibly getting physically harmed over their paycheck. I'm not going to exactly dox myself, but this is in a mid-sized city in the American Midwest.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/08/20 at 7:18 am
How long will this "mask mandate" continue to be in effect?
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Wink-182 on 12/08/20 at 2:08 pm
How long will this "mask mandate" continue to be in effect?
Probably never, and it frustrates me. There's always the argument of "Well, it's my body, it's my choice" with the local politicians and the people too and all these people holding Anti-Mask rallies outside of town hall. I guess maybe things might die down once the vaccine comes and is widely available for everyone, and even then I doubt most people will take it.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/08/20 at 2:26 pm
Probably never, and it frustrates me. There's always the argument of "Well, it's my body, it's my choice" with the local politicians and the people too and all these people holding Anti-Mask rallies outside of town hall. I guess maybe things might die down once the vaccine comes and is widely available for everyone, and even then I doubt most people will take it.
Wink, I see from your profile that my grandkids are a little older than you, in their early 20's and do NOT live in fear and wear the G.D. mask unless they want to be kept out of stores they need to go to, and neither one would ever consent to the vaccine....
Fear purely and truly breaks down the immune system!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 12/08/20 at 2:36 pm
How long will this "mask mandate" continue to be in effect?
Probably well into 2023. Herd immunity is a function of how infectious the disease is, and if people aren't wearing masks it becomes more infectious, and thus more people will need to vaccinate to reach herd immunity. Not everyone is going to be vaccinated so masks will still be a big part of the equation to help eradicate the virus.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/08/20 at 2:44 pm
Probably never, and it frustrates me. There's always the argument of "Well, it's my body, it's my choice" with the local politicians and the people too and all these people holding Anti-Mask rallies outside of town hall. I guess maybe things might die down once the vaccine comes and is widely available for everyone, and even then I doubt most people will take it.
And the question is as why can't people just cooperate? ::)
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/08/20 at 2:47 pm
How long will this "mask mandate" continue to be in effect?
Each state does their own "mandate", the gov here is out of control, similar to NY I'd say....and lawsuits are flying against him and millions of the 40million in my state will only wear one IF they can't buy their food or work to keep their lives working...
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/08/20 at 2:51 pm
And the question is as why can't people just cooperate? ::)
That's what I say -- why can't people spend maybe 50cents daily for immune system builders vs walking thru their lives masked?????? Or hunkered down indoors 24/7, get some fresh air into your nose and mouth.....
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: jaminhealth on 12/11/20 at 2:15 pm
How about this FOOD for Thoughts and Actions:
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: 2001 on 12/13/20 at 11:23 am
The next phase of this topic is "Do you have to be vaccinated in your town?" In Ontario it looks like they will place restrictions on unimmunized people, such as banning them from entering theatres or concerts. Schools and universities seems like a no-brainer too. I will believe it when I see it, though.
Subject: Re: Do You Have to Wear Masks in Your Town?
Written By: Howard on 12/13/20 at 1:39 pm
So, no one knows when people everywhere can stop wearing face masks altogether.
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