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Subject: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: deloresthegreat on 01/04/20 at 2:29 am

As a freshman in high school (14 year old girl) I am excited to see changes throughout this decade! This will be the decade where I become an adult.  What kind of social and political changes do you predict will come about throughout this decade?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/04/20 at 3:24 am

You're only 14!?  :o Dang I feel old....

I don't know what changes will take place but I'm sure this decade will be pretty crazy. Given the recent news, I think World War 3 may possibly come this decade. We may start to see the first self-driving cars on the road this decade, but I think those may not come until the '30s. We'll probably hear a new style of music on the radio.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: deloresthegreat on 01/04/20 at 3:45 am

What recent news has made you think that World War 3 is coming?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/04/20 at 3:51 am

What recent news has made you think that World War 3 is coming?

The assassination in Iran by the American military. Same thing happened with World War 1 with the assassination of the Austrian king.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: GameXcaper on 01/04/20 at 11:05 am

As a freshman in high school (14 year old girl) I am excited to see changes throughout this decade! This will be the decade where I become an adult.  What kind of social and political changes do you predict will come about throughout this decade?

On a slightly different note, since you are a core Gen Z (5 years younger than me). How is high school culture like for you guys? You'll be graduating in 2023 when the core 20s have formed their own identity, how do you think it will look like?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Sman12 on 01/04/20 at 11:36 am

We're probably still gonna have internet memes one way or the other.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: deloresthegreat on 01/04/20 at 12:18 pm

On a slightly different note, since you are a core Gen Z (5 years younger than me). How is high school culture like for you guys? You'll be graduating in 2023 when the core 20s have formed their own identity, how do you think it will look like?

Hmm, talking about what I'm seeing right now?  Well, it's a bit hard to point specific things out - something I've noticed at my school is that everyone is obsessed with their phone.  It's not that we don't communicate with each other, but we are CONSTANTLY checking our social media pages.  Some people have very serious career goals, even in our first year, but some still believe that they will be able to rely on things such as Instagram to become, say, Instagram models (though I believe that Instagram usage will wane among my generation, and others, during this decade.)  At least at my school, many of my peers only care about graduating.  My peers are more understanding, in my opinion, than past generations were.  We're certainly more open-minded.  However, I don't know if I believe what they say about Gen Z "changing the world" - some of us will, but many of us right now are... well, we're pretty damn lazy.  Not all of us, though.  Our parents watched the Great Recession happen, and many of us are being encouraged to make our own money. 

I've noticed that there's more pressure than ever on young girls to "look good" or at least have reached standards of conventional attractiveness.  Girls at my school look rather old; even some of the middle school students could easily pass for someone in their early twenties.  You're supposed to wear makeup, follow today's beauty standards, know how to dress by the time you get out of middle school, etc.  As a young girl myself, feels like quite a bit of pressure. 

As for this decade, I can't say that I have any particular predictions.  I don't think that there will be a "social media backlash" in the way people claim there will be, at least not among my generation; like I said, we LOVE our phones.  It ain't happening.  I don't think that 80s nostalgia will be quick to disappear - the kids still love that stuff! "Stranger Things" is incredibly popular, and the impact it has left on people won't just go away after season 4. I think 90s nostalgia will become bigger this decade, and maybe early 2000s?  I don't see 2000s being "retro" exactly (I personally think that that decade was a trainwreck,) but everything comes back at some point. 

We're going to start seeing AI come around this decade too, that's something I'm sure of!  Technology will continue to BOOM during the 2020s.  Weed will be legalized.  The Kardashians will wane in popularity as their faces and butts start to fall apart.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: deloresthegreat on 01/04/20 at 12:19 pm

We'll probably still gonna have internet memes one way or the other.

Oh yes, now that's a guarantee!

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: mqg96 on 01/04/20 at 12:49 pm

If WWIII does happen this decade I think it'll start around late 2022 and it'll last until 2029 and it'll kick start however the 2030's will go. That's my only prediction for 2020's culture so far.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/04/20 at 1:10 pm

If WWIII does happen this decade I think it'll start around late 2022 and it'll last until 2029 and it'll kick start however the 2030's will go. That's my only prediction for 2020's culture so far.

If there is a World War 3, there won't be a 2030s bro.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 01/04/20 at 4:13 pm

If there is a World War 3, there won't be a 2030s bro.

Who's going to start this World War 3?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/04/20 at 4:26 pm

Who's going to start this World War 3?

Perhaps Trump already did?  :-\\

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: shrinkingviolet on 01/04/20 at 6:27 pm

Perhaps Trump already did?  :-\\
Hopefully this blows over.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: wixness on 01/04/20 at 7:07 pm

If more nations or organizations not necessarily taking nations into account work together to defend or fight common interests (at least this was how the previous world wars started), I'm more likely to foresee world war 3 as an eventuality. I'm somewhat skeptical of it at the moment, but I'm not dismissing its possibility even if it won't take place this decade.

Plus, isn't this a little too similar to the 2020s prediction thread?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/20 at 7:55 am

If there is a World War 3, there won't be a 2030s bro.

The world wasn't supposed to get past WWII with the Hitler mess that was spreading around like a deadly virus. If there was a WWIII, we'd find a way to battle it out and survive, would we have to face a lot of consequences for it, absolutely, and I think WWIII would have a mix of a lot of cyber attacks and weaponry attacks going on, and I think post-WWIII and the aftermath would see the next huge technological advancement/transition in society. Assuming there is another World War or any major war America is in for that matter, I doubt it'll be called "WWIII", I think it would have its own name to it.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: 2001 on 01/05/20 at 8:30 am

The world wasn't supposed to get past WWII with the Hitler mess that was spreading around like a deadly virus. If there was a WWIII, we'd find a way to battle it out and survive, would we have to face a lot of consequences for it, absolutely, and I think WWIII would have a mix of a lot of cyber attacks and weaponry attacks going on, and I think post-WWIII and the aftermath would see the next huge technological advancement/transition in society. Assuming there is another World War or any major war America is in for that matter, I doubt it'll be called "WWIII", I think it would have its own name to it.

WW2 is really quaint. No country had nukes back then until after Germany already surrendered.

Before WW1, wars were still fought on horseback and using muskets and guns like that. WW1 was entirely the first modern war, featuring grenades, battleships and poisonous gas which is why it was the deadliest war in the history of humanity at the time.

Then just 20 years later, WW2 started. This was the first war to feature airplanes, and cities were bombed from the sky and many ancient capitals were reduced to rubble. Also a first humanity, and a new record for deadliest war in human history.

WW3? There have been countless new technologies introduced since WW2 to make it a lot more deadly. Nukes, drones, the fact we're monitored 24/7 etc. There's really no telling what high tech warfare will be like. Believe it or not, back in WW2, most regular people had no idea planes would be used to drop bombs.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/10/20 at 10:51 am

WW2 is really quaint. No country had nukes back then until after Germany already surrendered.

Before WW1, wars were still fought on horseback and using muskets and guns like that. WW1 was entirely the first modern war, featuring grenades, battleships and poisonous gas which is why it was the deadliest war in the history of humanity at the time.

Then just 20 years later, WW2 started. This was the first war to feature airplanes, and cities were bombed from the sky and many ancient capitals were reduced to rubble. Also a first humanity, and a new record for deadliest war in human history.

WW3? There have been countless new technologies introduced since WW2 to make it a lot more deadly. Nukes, drones, the fact we're monitored 24/7 etc. There's really no telling what high tech warfare will be like. Believe it or not, back in WW2, most regular people had no idea planes would be used to drop bombs.
The First World War did feature airplanes, think of Manfred von Richthofen, and zeppelins struck Great Britain by bombing towns and cities, see London’s World War I Zeppelin Terror, I have a great-uncle injured on one of these bombing.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: deloresthegreat on 01/11/20 at 3:08 am

Logically, there's not going to be a World War 3.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Elor on 01/11/20 at 6:21 am

The assassination in Iran by the American military. Same thing happened with World War 1 with the assassination of the Austrian king.
It was actually the archduke, not the king. But yes, that could have led to something big.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: imrane on 01/11/20 at 6:50 am

The Queen of Britain will most likely pass over. Thus a long era of British history will end. It might make right-wing Brits turn even more against immigrants.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/11/20 at 7:08 am

The Queen of Britain will most likely pass over. Thus a long era of British history will end.
We are waiting for the day here too, and expecting the succession will pass Prince Charles and hand the throne to Prince William.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Elor on 01/11/20 at 7:09 am

Then just 20 years later, WW2 started. This was the first war to feature airplanes, and cities were bombed from the sky and many ancient capitals were reduced to rubble. Also a first humanity, and a new record for deadliest war in human history.

I hate to be the guy who reads through this thread now and corrects everybody but there seems to be some misunderstandings about WWI here. :o
WWI had already plenty of air combat and some bombing missions of cities.

It was WWII though that took it to a new level with bigger and more planes.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: wixness on 01/11/20 at 10:59 am

I predict the world will become a more repressive place to be in. People may reelect Trump, Leaders like Putin and Erdogan may establish more authoritarian regimes and downright force their nations to theocracies again.

I predict China will not only start to lead the world in business (because of companies that care too little about human rights, and sometimes the consumers too), but as the political and cultural example for others to follow, since people are getting tired of what America has to offer regarding its divided politics, barbaric viewpoints (especially with an entirely absent response to the climate crisis) and violent foreign policy.

I predict that people can only consume media companies think they will enjoy, and that said companies will encourage the law to censor anything they deem is not profitable - I predict the only practical and legal way people can consume media is through DRM-locked streaming, which is problematic in a world where internet is still a luxury for most, but electricity has come to be something people can take a little more for granted (except with many places worldwide still experiencing power cuts).

These seem more like concerns than predictions but they're not entirely unsubstantiated.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/11/20 at 11:13 am

Maybe this will be the decade when Chinese Elvis finally makes his appearance and takes the world by storm. I really thought it was going to happen in the 2010s but it didn't.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/11/20 at 11:28 am

Maybe this will be the decade when Chinese Elvis finally makes his appearance and takes the world by storm. I really thought it was going to happen in the 2010s but it didn't.
...and Lord Lucan riding on the horse Shergar?

Lord Lucan: A British peer who disappeared in 1974 after being suspected of murder.

Shergar: British-trained Thoroughbred racehorse. After a very successful season in 1981 he was retired to the Ballymany Stud in County Kildare, Ireland. In 1983 was stolen from the Aga Khan's stud farm by an armed gang on 8 February 1983. Negotiations were conducted with the thieves, but the gang broke off all communication after four days when the syndicate did not accept as true the proof provided that the horse was still alive.

;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/11/20 at 11:56 am

...and Lord Lucan riding on the horse Shergar?

Lord Lucan: A British peer who disappeared in 1974 after being suspected of murder.

Shergar: British-trained Thoroughbred racehorse. After a very successful season in 1981 he was retired to the Ballymany Stud in County Kildare, Ireland. In 1983 was stolen from the Aga Khan's stud farm by an armed gang on 8 February 1983. Negotiations were conducted with the thieves, but the gang broke off all communication after four days when the syndicate did not accept as true the proof provided that the horse was still alive.

;D ;D ;D

They're hanging out with Jimmy Hoffa.  ;D

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/11/20 at 12:07 pm

They're hanging out with Jimmy Hoffa.  ;D a party funded by D. B. Cooper? ;D

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 01/11/20 at 3:54 pm

Logically, there's not going to be a World War 3.

or a World War 4.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/11/20 at 4:04 pm a party funded by D. B. Cooper? ;D

On the lost continent of Atlantis.  ;D

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 11/20/20 at 2:07 pm

Like the topic says from January: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: batfan2005 on 11/20/20 at 2:56 pm

This thread aged very well, lol. I think we'll be seeing more of the likes of 2020 this entire decade. It will just become more like a dystopian future.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 11/21/20 at 8:10 am

This thread aged very well, lol. I think we'll be seeing more of the likes of 2020 this entire decade. It will just become more like a dystopian future.

Do you actually want to live in a dystopian future?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: batfan2005 on 11/21/20 at 6:57 pm

Do you actually want to live in a dystopian future?

No, of course it's not what I want. I'm just being realistic and thinking this will set the tone for the entire decade. I hope I'm wrong, and I always expect the worst so that anything better will be the opposite of disappointment.

Subject: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Dude111 on 11/21/20 at 8:10 pm

Hopefully alot of people WILL WAKE UP this decade and see just how much the GOVT is walking all over them!!

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: batfan2005 on 11/21/20 at 8:33 pm

Hopefully alot of people WILL WAKE UP this decade and see just how much the GOVT is walking all over them!!

Mainly the Trump supporters were allowing it. They wanted Trump to be a dictator as long as he was making the liberals lives miserable.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 11/22/20 at 1:27 pm

No, of course it's not what I want. I'm just being realistic and thinking this will set the tone for the entire decade. I hope I'm wrong, and I always expect the worst so that anything better will be the opposite of disappointment.

I wouldn't want to live in one either, that would be depressing.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 12/02/20 at 3:37 pm

Governmemts will continue to try to do what they can to screw with their citizens throughout this decade.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: 2001 on 12/02/20 at 4:34 pm

No, of course it's not what I want. I'm just being realistic and thinking this will set the tone for the entire decade. I hope I'm wrong, and I always expect the worst so that anything better will be the opposite of disappointment.

I think by late 2021/early 2022 the pandemic will be history and we'll have new things to worry about.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Slim95 on 12/02/20 at 4:57 pm

I think by late 2021/early 2022 the pandemic will be history and we'll have new things to worry about.

I think if something worse than a pandemic comes I would not be surprised it would take place soon and the entire decade would be negative.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: batfan2005 on 12/02/20 at 7:06 pm

I think if something worse than a pandemic comes I would not be surprised it would take place soon and the entire decade would be negative.

Could be a war, or a climate disaster, or both and then some.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/02/20 at 9:06 pm

I think by late 2021/early 2022 the pandemic will be history and we'll have new things to worry about.

I think so too.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 8:20 am

I think by late 2021/early 2022 the pandemic will be history and we'll have new things to worry about.

All I want is to quit looking like a medical patient walking down the street wearing a silly blue mask.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 8:21 am

I think if something worse than a pandemic comes I would not be surprised it would take place soon and the entire decade would be negative.

What is worse than a pandemic?

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 8:22 am

Could be a war, or a climate disaster, or both and then some.

I hope not.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: 2001 on 12/03/20 at 9:46 am

All I want is to quit looking like a medical patient walking down the street wearing a silly blue mask.

I'll probably still wear a mask if I have a cold, or on public transport during flu season. One good thing about the pandemic is that it will be more socially acceptable.

Tbh I like wearing a mask. Don't have to shave or get ready or nothing, haha. Don't look at my hideous face.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 12/03/20 at 2:32 pm

I'll probably still wear a mask if I have a cold, or on public transport during flu season. One good thing about the pandemic is that it will be more socially acceptable.

Tbh I like wearing a mask. Don't have to shave or get ready or nothing, haha. Don't look at my hideous face.

We might need them in the next few years.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: batfan2005 on 12/03/20 at 7:52 pm

I'll probably still wear a mask if I have a cold, or on public transport during flu season. One good thing about the pandemic is that it will be more socially acceptable.

Tbh I like wearing a mask. Don't have to shave or get ready or nothing, haha. Don't look at my hideous face.

Same here, especially the cloth ones.

Subject: Re: What changes do you foresee taking place during this decade?

Written By: Howard on 12/05/20 at 1:40 pm

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