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Subject: The 2020s will be about our relationship with the Internet

Written By: xris on 08/07/18 at 9:45 am

I think the 2020s will be all about privacy online with more scandals like the Fb one getting traction. Anyone agree? NoSurf has become a movement by now with those like me that can't have enough of the Web. ;) I've gone late nights posting on forums which cost me my job as I was doing subpar work due to not sleeping enough. In addition I have to stay away from the net as online presence as I've been stalked before so I no longer use my real name (not even on FB and LinkedIn).

Have you been doxxed? I had someone post things about me so I never use my real name online anymore.
Do you think sending a CV or having LinkedIn with a nickname is bad? I know for sure I'm the only person in the world with my name+family name combination (imagine sth like Jokko Ellenstein). When they google my true name, they get my LinkedIN right away, but that creeps me as a potential stalker or enemy might do sth bad to me. And it has happened, I had sex-related posts written by her (I think it was a girl I ignored) with my name and photo, things that would make me look bad. >:( It was terrible trying to convince web masters to delete forum posts and the sex-related things the fake "me" wrote with my names.

I don't feel good having my real name on LinkedIn so I use my more common nickname plus my middle name as a faily name (e.g. Joe Richard). I do the same in CVs, do you think it's bad? I mean you never know whether you can trust some businesses with their personal information.

I think a person with a common name would never understand. Especially females have had stalkers online. With an uncommon name it's much harder to burry the bad/doxxing info on Google, basically you have to do the same and make fake accounts with your names to make it appear your name is not so rare. ;D I think web addiction might be recognized as a disorder in the 2020s.

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