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Subject: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: HeyJealousy on 06/29/17 at 1:04 am

This is my school.... yeeaaaaahhhh....

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: bchris02 on 06/29/17 at 1:12 am

This is my school.... yeeaaaaahhhh....

Talk about cheesy.  That "I Love College" song as bad enough with the original lyrics.  It's not something to parody.  I was cringing through the entire thing.

It is interesting though how '00s the fashion looks.  It definitely looks dated compared to 2017.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: HeyJealousy on 06/29/17 at 1:26 am

Talk about cheesy.  That "I Love College" song as bad enough with the original lyrics.  It's not something to parody.  I was cringing through the entire thing.

It is interesting though how '00s the fashion looks.  It definitely looks dated compared to 2017.

I don't know. It made me blush, but I liked it. I liked it for its crappiness.... people seemed to stop trying lately, and nothing is cheesy, nothing is "cringy" anymore. Perhaps that's a good thing to you, but I like when people aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: bchris02 on 06/29/17 at 9:38 am

I don't know. It made me blush, but I liked it. I liked it for its crappiness.... people seemed to stop trying lately, and nothing is cheesy, nothing is "cringy" anymore. Perhaps that's a good thing to you, but I like when people aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves

You have a good point here.  It seems like people took themselves a lot less seriously back in the '00s.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: 2001 on 06/29/17 at 10:15 am

I don't know. It made me blush, but I liked it. I liked it for its crappiness.... people seemed to stop trying lately, and nothing is cheesy, nothing is "cringy" anymore. Perhaps that's a good thing to you, but I like when people aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves

Pretty sure Joanne The Scammer is the most popular celebrity of our times.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: #Infinity on 06/29/17 at 12:56 pm

Why is this in the 2010s subform? Regardless of whether or not you consider the 2008-2009 school year predominantly culturally 2010s, shouldn't this thread be in the 2000s section?

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: HeyJealousy on 06/29/17 at 4:21 pm

Why is this in the 2010s subform? Regardless of whether or not you consider the 2008-2009 school year predominantly culturally 2010s, shouldn't this thread be in the 2000s section?

You know what? You're right. My bad...

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: Rainbowz on 03/03/18 at 1:37 pm

Here are some random photos I found from the 2008-2009 school year:

From my observation, the fashion is definitely dated and still has that 2000's look to it.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: Wobo on 03/03/18 at 1:39 pm

I was in preschool/daycare.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 03/03/18 at 1:54 pm

I was a fourth grader.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: Milk on 03/03/18 at 2:00 pm

I was in grade 4  :o

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: graciee on 03/03/18 at 3:16 pm

I was in kindergarten! :)

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 03/03/18 at 3:23 pm

My 4th grade year. A lot of fun memories 8).

Also, if people look at these pics and say that we're still in the same era then...I really think that they're blind :-X.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: ofkx on 03/03/18 at 3:24 pm

I was in 1st grade :D.
Here's a random video I found on youtube form 2008-2009 ;). Really shows you how different people looked then vs now.

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: 2001 on 03/03/18 at 3:26 pm

Here are some random photos I found from the 2008-2009 school year:

From my observation, the fashion is definitely dated and still has that 2000's look to it.

OMG that dude on the second row, second to the left is Grade 11 me 75%.

And exactly like I remembered, no dude is wearing skinny jeans in 2008. All those people saying "every dude was wearing eyeliner and skinny jeans in 2006" can put a sock in it. Skinny jeans are a 2010s thing. Grade 11 me was all about the bootcut jeans!  8)

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: John Titor on 03/03/18 at 4:02 pm

why is this in the 2010s

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: Dundee on 03/03/18 at 4:26 pm

D'awww, the last shool year in my elementary school, before going to middle school and putting an end to my childhood and coincidentally the 2000s ;D

Here's a photo of my class of back then:

The fashion is all up to your analysis :D

Subject: Re: Some stuff from the 2008-09 school year

Written By: 80sfan on 03/03/18 at 5:44 pm

All I remember was eating a lot of pop tarts during College, that year.  ;D

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